"  A$bQ   $IS s !j$$$$$$ A>BmCDEFG/HDIdiskgroup '%s' does not exist or is not mountedentry '%s' does not exist in directory '%s'command disallowed by current instance typeASM file path '%s' contains an invalid alias name%s: ambiguousentry '%s' does not refer to a valid directoryunclosed single-quoteboth source->'%s' and target->'%s' can not be from remote instance(s)no multiple source files can copy from a remote instance JDKLMN&O=PVQRSno usr name is specified in remote instance connect_string->'%s'no instance identifier is specified in remote instance connect_string->'%s'can not determine file type for filecan not determine logical block size for file->'%s'can not open file->'%s'can not create file->'%s'copy source->'%s' and target->'%s' failederror while reading data from file->'%s'error while writing data to file->'%s'failed to commit file->'%s' TJUi ) A oS pf q r scould not write into trace filepassword cannot contain the following characters TAB$%%^&*()<>'"no connection to ASM; command requires ASM to runfailed to connect to ASM; ASMCMD running in non-connected mode, ORACLE_SID='%s'ORACLE not available %sinternal error: %sinvalid spfile '%s'diskgroup '%s' does not contain an spfilegpnptool binary not found at '%s'could not edit the gpnp profilecould not sign the gpnp profile tJ u{ v x y z {. |j } ~ -f option cannot be used when cluster stack is upcould not check the status of clustercould not get the gpnp profile sequence numbercould not determine the status of ASMcrsctl binary not found at '%s'could not set the diskstringcould not determine the mode in which clusterware is runningsrvctl binary not found at '%s'could not get the asm diskstringenvironment variable '%s' not setcould not locate the gpnp profile \      $ 7!5S!6m!g!h!i!jCannot have add and drop at the same time.The operation was not performed on all the file %sNeed to specify an actionInvalid permissionUser %s does not exist in diskgroup %sCannot accept null passwordPath not valid : %sOperation not allowed for %sattribute name not definedattribute value not defineddiskgroup name must be specifiedinvalid diskgroup name '%s'volume name must be specifiedinvalid volume name '%s' !kJ!lg!m!!!#) $.$V$$volume size must be specifiedinvalid redundancy type '%s' specifieddiskgroup '%s' volume '%s' not foundCould not create the databaseTime stamp format is not recognizedInvalid directory specifiedhello, here is your argument: '%s'could not open intermediate file '%s' %scould not close intermediate file '%s' %sinvalid intermediate file '%s'the '-o' option can be specified only when '-t newdg' is set $D$$$$$$)$e$$disk group '%s' not discovered by ASM instance; skipping...disk group '%s' not mounted by ASM instance; skipping...ASM instance has no disk group mountedCREATE DISKGROUP failed %sADD or ALTER TEMPLATE failed %sADD ALIAS failed %scould not find information for diskgroup '%s' in backup filebackup file '%s' is either empty or cannot be interpreteda file with name '%s' already existsoption '-t newdg' specified without any override options$,$e$$$$.invalid diskgroup name '%s' specified in override optionsADD or ALTER ATTRIBUTE failed %sBackup version not supported %sdisk '%s' does not exist in disk group '%s'physical blocks %s-%s do not map to a valid ASM filenot all physical blocks submitted for remap$$kfed binary not found at %s Run these commmands if running Oracle 10.2 or later: cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f ins_rdbms.mk ikfed Run these commmands if running Oracle 10.1: cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib mv ssskfeded.o sskfeded.o make -f ins_rdbms.mk $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/kfed mv kfed ../../bin/ Verify that $ORACLE_HOME/bin/kfed exists and has the execute permission bit set. error occurred when executing %s %s $>$~$$$!$Y$m$}$the scanning of disk headers is supported only on UNIX platformsremap command requires ASM software version %s or later.physical blocks %s-%s map to an unmirrored filemapextent command requires ASM software version %s or later.mapau command requires ASM software version %s or later.invalid xml tag '%s'invalid xml filemissing argument '%s'cannot specify a failure group and a diskgroup at the same time$&$`$z$$cannot specify a failure group and a disk at the same timeerror parsing XML file: %sconfiguration file doesn\'t existelement %s is emptyargument '%s' is not a valid number