Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xsu111.sql /main/13 2010/06/06 21:49:30 snadhika Exp $ Rem Rem xsu111.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xsu111.sql - XS Upgrade from 11.1 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script upgrades XS from 11.1 to the current release Rem Rem NOTES Rem Invoked from xsdbmig.sql and xsu102.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem snadhika 04/14/10 - Remove PREDICATE xmlindex Rem yiru 04/13/09 - Create and lock XS$NULL user Rem yiru 03/25/09 - Remove alter system flush shared_pool Rem yiru 02/20/09 - Fix bug 7331368: change timestamp literal when Rem inserting values into xs$cache_actions Rem sichandr 02/05/09 - add namespace mapping Rem yiru 12/02/08 - set ACL after upgrade and clean-up Rem jsamuel 09/11/08 - fix lrg 3599584 ignore upgrade error Rem srtata 03/03/08 - remove grants on cache_actions table Rem jsamuel 12/27/07 - xml index on xsprincipals Rem taahmed 11/27/07 - xml index for security class Rem jsamuel 11/06/07 - multiple handlers project Rem rburns 11/05/07 - add exception handling Rem mrafiq 10/31/07 - add dav security class Rem rbhatti 11/02/07 - Remove elements from xs$principals as part of the schema change (no effective dates in role, no duration in dynamic role, none in function role) Rem rburns 10/28/07 - rename xszxsu102.sql to xsu111.sql Rem spetride 10/10/07 - cleanup session state before principal.xsd reg. Rem snadhika 10/02/07 - Removed ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS, as it is defined Rem in xsrelod.sql Rem asurpur 10/10/07 - Upgrade XS$cache_actions and xs$cache_delete Rem taahmed 06/28/07 - bug 6061975 Rem jnarasin 03/29/07 - Add dbms_auth, dbms_passwd, midtier_auth dynamic Rem roles Rem jnarasin 05/03/07 - Fix Bug 6020435 Rem asurpur 03/21/07 - ade co xszxse102.sql Rem asurpur 03/20/07 - Fix bug 5885811 - uid change for xspublic Rem asurpur 03/20/07 - Fix bug 5885813 - add xsauthenticated to xspublic Rem taahmed 03/19/07 - remove space from "resolve" priv name Rem taahmed 03/12/07 - bug 5753381 Rem taahmed 03/12/07 - version 11.1 for xsseccls.xsd xsdatasec.xsd Rem jsamuel 01/24/07 - temporary upgrade file for XS project branch Rem jsamuel 01/24/07 - Created Rem Rem ====================================================================== Rem BEGIN XS upgrade from 11.1.0 Rem ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 1. packages needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These are added in xsdbmig.sql. So they are not needed here. -- @@catxdbh -- exec dbms_metadata_hack.cre_dir; -- exec dbms_metadata_hack.cre_xml_dir; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 2. principal schema upgrades ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 2.1 Update the documents per the new schema changes REM 1) Remove duration from all role documents REM 2) Remove effective dates from all dynamicRole documents REM 3) Remove both from all functionRole documents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Remove duration from role documents DECLARE CURSOR p_cursor IS select r.any_path from resource_view r, xdb.xs$principals p where existsNode(value(p), '/role') = 1 and ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); path resource_view.any_path%TYPE; BEGIN OPEN p_cursor; LOOP FETCH p_cursor INTO path; -- FOR path IN p_cursor LOOP; EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(path); UPDATE resource_view r SET r.res = deleteXML(r.RES, '/r:Resource/r:Contents/a:role/a:duration', 'xmlns:r="" xmlns:a=""') WHERE equals_path(r.RES, path) = 1; END LOOP; CLOSE p_cursor; END; / Rem Remove effective dates from all dynamicRole documents DECLARE CURSOR p_cursor IS select r.any_path from resource_view r, xdb.xs$principals p where existsNode(value(p), '/dynamicRole') = 1 and ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); path resource_view.any_path%TYPE; BEGIN OPEN p_cursor; LOOP FETCH p_cursor INTO path; -- FOR path IN p_cursor LOOP; EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(path); UPDATE resource_view r SET r.res = deleteXML(r.RES, '/r:Resource/r:Contents/a:dynamicRole/a:effectiveDates', 'xmlns:r="" xmlns:a=""') WHERE equals_path(r.RES, path) = 1; END LOOP; CLOSE p_cursor; END; / Rem Remove duration and effective dates from all functionRole documents DECLARE CURSOR p_cursor IS select r.any_path from resource_view r, xdb.xs$principals p where existsNode(value(p), '/functionRole') = 1 and ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); path resource_view.any_path%TYPE; BEGIN OPEN p_cursor; LOOP FETCH p_cursor INTO path; -- FOR path IN p_cursor LOOP; EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(path); UPDATE resource_view r SET r.res = deleteXML(r.RES, '/r:Resource/r:Contents/a:functionRole/a:effectiveDates', 'xmlns:r="" xmlns:a=""') WHERE equals_path(r.RES, path) = 1; UPDATE resource_view r SET r.res = deleteXML(r.RES, '/r:Resource/r:Contents/a:functionRole/a:duration', 'xmlns:r="" xmlns:a=""') WHERE equals_path(r.RES, path) = 1; END LOOP; CLOSE p_cursor; END; / ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 2.2 Backup table and Cleanup REM 1) Drop index REM 2) Backup table, relations between principals and ACLs REM 3) Purge recyclebin of xdb and drop the xdb.xs$principals table REM 4) Delete the old schema REM 5) Clean up session/shared state ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create backup table CREATE TABLE upgradeacl( prin_path varchar2(4000), acl_path varchar2(4000)); INSERT INTO upgradeacl SELECT t.prin_path, r.any_path acl_path FROM (SELECT r.any_path prin_path, extractValue(r.res,'/Resource/ACLOID') acloid FROM xdb.xs$principals p, resource_view r WHERE ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef') ) t, resource_view r WHERE t.acloid = sys_op_r2o(extractValue(r.res, '/Resource/XMLRef')); --select * from upgradeacl; CREATE TABLE upgradexs( any_path varchar2(4000), prnc_data XMLTYPE) XMLTYPE column prnc_data STORE AS CLOB ; -- Take backup of all data from xs$principals INSERT INTO upgradexs select r.any_path, p.SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ FROM resource_view r, xdb.xs$principals p WHERE ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); --sanity check --SELECT t.prin_path, r.any_path acl_path, t.acloid, t.uuid --FROM -- (SELECT r.any_path prin_path, extractValue(r.res,'/Resource/ACLOID') acloid, extractValue(value(p),'/*/UID') uuid -- FROM xdb.xs$principals p, resource_view r -- WHERE ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef') -- ) t, resource_view r --WHERE t.acloid = sys_op_r2o(extractValue(r.res, '/Resource/XMLRef')); -- Delete documents from resource_view DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS select r.any_path path from resource_view r, xdb.xs$principals p where ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP dbms_xdb.deleteresource(r1.path); END LOOP; END; / -- Drop index, xs$principals table and purge recyclebin of xdb --begin --execute immediate 'drop index xdb.prin_xidx'; --exception --when others then --NULL; --end; --/ begin execute immediate 'purge tablespace xdb user xdb'; exception when others then NULL; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop table XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS purge'; exception when others then NULL; end; / -- Delete old principal schema begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade_force); end; / -- Clean up session/shared state -- This is needed to clear the SGA cached schema OID for principal.xsd -- This could be removed after fix in atabar_bug-7279686 --exec xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.flushsession; --alter system flush shared_pool; --alter system flush shared_pool; --alter system flush shared_pool; --alter system flush shared_pool; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 2.3 Register the new principal schema and create xdb.xs$principals table ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register new schema Rem Register principal schema declare PRINCIPALXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xsprin.xsd.11.1'); DSDURL varchar2(100) := ''; begin dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(DSDURL, PRINCIPALXSD, owner=>'XDB', local=>FALSE, GENTYPES=>FALSE, GENTABLES=>FALSE, OPTIONS=>DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / -- Create new xs$principals table create table XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS of XMLType XMLType xmlschema "" element "principal" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 2.4 Post-upgrade REM 1) Copy back the data to xdb.xs$principals table REM 2) Update the seed principal documents REM 3) Set ACLs for all principal documents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copy data back to xs$principals table DECLARE tmp boolean := false; CURSOR c1 IS select u.any_path p, u.prnc_data r from upgradexs u; BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP tmp := dbms_xdb.createresource(r1.p, r1.r) ; END LOOP; END; / -- Drop backup table drop table upgradexs ; -- Update xspublic.xml. We update this document rather than delete and -- recreate for two reasons: -- 1. xspublic.xml has been granted all the old dynamic roles. We need to keep -- them. -- 2. During Upgrade, the event handler is not fired, so the dynamic roles -- will not be added into the newly created xspublic.xml UPDATE xdb.xs$principals p SET OBJECT_VALUE= insertchildXML( OBJECT_VALUE,'/role','roleGrant',xmltype(''), 'xmlns=""') WHERE extractvalue(value(p), '/role/name') ='xspublic' AND NOT existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/role/roleGrant[@xlink:href="/sys/xs/roles/xsauthenticated.xml"]','xmlns=" xmlns:xlink=""' ) = 1; UPDATE xdb.xs$principals p SET OBJECT_VALUE= insertchildXML( OBJECT_VALUE,'/role','roleGrant',xmltype(''), 'xmlns=""') WHERE extractvalue(value(p), '/role/name') ='xspublic' AND NOT existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/role/roleGrant[@xlink:href="/sys/xs/roles/dbms_auth.xml"]','xmlns=" xmlns:xlink=""' ) = 1; UPDATE xdb.xs$principals p SET OBJECT_VALUE= insertchildXML( OBJECT_VALUE,'/role','roleGrant',xmltype(''), 'xmlns=""') WHERE extractvalue(value(p), '/role/name') ='xspublic' AND NOT existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/role/roleGrant[@xlink:href="/sys/xs/roles/dbms_passwd.xml"]','xmlns=" xmlns:xlink=""' ) = 1; UPDATE xdb.xs$principals p SET OBJECT_VALUE= insertchildXML( OBJECT_VALUE,'/role','roleGrant',xmltype(''), 'xmlns=""') WHERE extractvalue(value(p), '/role/name') ='xspublic' AND NOT existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/role/roleGrant[@xlink:href="/sys/xs/roles/midtier_auth.xml"]','xmlns=" xmlns:xlink=""' ) = 1; -- update the UID to 2147484637 (in 10.2, it is 2147483649) UPDATE xdb.xs$principals p SET OBJECT_VALUE= updateXML( OBJECT_VALUE,'/role/UID/text()', 2147484637, 'xmlns=""') WHERE extractvalue(value(p), '/role/name') ='xspublic' AND existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/role/UID' ) = 1; Rem delete the xsguest user begin dbms_xdb.deleteresource('/sys/xs/users/xsguest.xml', DBMS_XDB.DELETE_RECURSIVE_FORCE); end; / Rem Add the xsguest user declare tmp boolean := false; XSGUESTXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('xsguest.xml.11.1'); XSGUESTXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(XSGUESTXML, 0); begin tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/users/xsguest.xml',XSGUESTXSD); end; / Rem delete the xsauthenticated user begin dbms_xdb.deleteresource('/sys/xs/roles/xsauthenticated.xml', DBMS_XDB.DELETE_RECURSIVE_FORCE); end; / Rem Add the xsauthenticated role declare tmp boolean := false; XSAUTHXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('xsauthenticated.xml.11.1'); XSAUTHXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(XSAUTHXML, 0); begin tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/roles/xsauthenticated.xml',XSAUTHXSD); end; / Rem Add the dbms_auth role - uid set to KUSRMAX+996 declare tmp boolean := false; XSAUTHXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('dbms_auth.xml.11.1'); XSAUTHXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(XSAUTHXML, 0); begin if (NOT DBMS_XDB.existsResource('/sys/xs/roles/dbms_auth.xml')) then tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/roles/dbms_auth.xml',XSAUTHXSD); end if; end; / Rem Add the dbms_passwd role - uid set to KUSRMAX+995 declare tmp boolean := false; XSAUTHXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('dbms_passwd.xml.11.1'); XSAUTHXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(XSAUTHXML, 0); begin if (NOT DBMS_XDB.existsResource('/sys/xs/roles/dbms_passwd.xml')) then tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/roles/dbms_passwd.xml',XSAUTHXSD); end if; end; / Rem Add the midtier_auth role - uid set to KUSRMAX+994 declare tmp boolean := false; XSAUTHXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('midtier_auth.xml.11.1'); XSAUTHXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(XSAUTHXML, 0); begin if (NOT DBMS_XDB.existsResource('/sys/xs/roles/midtier_auth.xml')) then tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/roles/midtier_auth.xml',XSAUTHXSD); end if; end; / --set acl back DECLARE tmp boolean := false; CURSOR c1 IS select u.prin_path p, u.acl_path a from upgradeacl u; BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP DBMS_XDB.setACL(r1.p, r1.a); END LOOP; END; / -- sanity check --SELECT t.prin_path, r.any_path acl_path --FROM -- (SELECT r.any_path prin_path, extractValue(r.res,'/Resource/ACLOID') acloid -- FROM xdb.xs$principals p,resource_view r -- WHERE ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef')) t, resource_view r --WHERE t.acloid = sys_op_r2o(extractValue(r.res, '/Resource/XMLRef')); drop table upgradeacl; commit; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 3. security class schema upgrades ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 3.1 Backup table and Cleanup REM 1) Delete old system securityclass doc REM 2) Backup xdb.xs$securityclass table and drop index REM 3) Purge recyclebin of xdb and drop the xdb.xs$securityclass table REM 4) Delete the old schema ---------------------------------------------------------------------- execute dbms_xdb.deleteresource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/dav.xml'); execute dbms_xdb.deleteresource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/principalsc.xml'); create table upgradexs( any_path varchar2(4000), sec_data XMLTYPE) XMLTYPE column sec_data store as CLOB; -- Take backup of all data from XS$SECURITYCLASS insert into upgradexs select r.any_path, p.SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ from resource_view r, xdb.XS$SECURITYCLASS p where ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); -- Delete all security class documents from resource_view DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS select r.any_path p from resource_view r, xdb.XS$SECURITYCLASS p where ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP dbms_xdb.deleteresource(r1.p) ; END LOOP; END; / -- Drop index, xs$securityclass table and purge recyclebin of xdb --begin --execute immediate 'drop index xdb.sc_xidx'; --exception --when others then --NULL; --end; --/ begin execute immediate 'purge tablespace xdb user xdb'; exception when others then NULL; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop table XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS purge'; exception when others then NULL; end; / -- Delete old security class schema begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade_force); end; / ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 3.2 Register the new security class schema ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register new schema Rem Register security class schema declare SECLASSXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xsseccls.xsd.11.1'); SECLASSURL varchar2(100) := ''; BEGIN DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema( schemaurl => SECLASSURL, schemadoc => SECLASSXSD, owner =>'XDB', local => FALSE, options => DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML, GENTYPES => FALSE, GENTABLES => TRUE); END; / ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 3.3 Post-upgrade REM 1) Copy back the data to xdb.xs$securityclass table REM 2) Update the system security class documents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copy data back to XS$SECURITYCLASS table DECLARE tmp boolean := false; CURSOR c1 IS select u.any_path p, u.sec_data r from upgradexs u; BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP tmp := dbms_xdb.createresource(r1.p, r1.r) ; END LOOP; END; / -- Drop backup table drop table upgradexs ; --Recreate System Security Classes and move to separate files later. Rem DAV::dav security class declare tmp boolean := false; DAVXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('dav.xml.11.1'); DAVXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(DAVXML, 0); begin tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/dav.xml',DAVXSD); end; / declare tmp boolean := false; begin tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/principalsc.xml', ' PrincipalSecurityClass dav:dav Create a Light Weight User Session Terminate a Light Weight User Session Attach to a Light Weight User Session Modify contents of a Light Weight User Session Switch User of a Light Weight User Session Assign User to an anonymous Light Weight User Session Change Password for users in Fusion Database. Create/Delete/Change properties of Namespaces. Set a Light Weight User Session Attribute Read value of a Light Weight User Session Attribute '); end; / /* New System Security Class */ Rem Add System Security Class declare tmp boolean := false; SSCXML BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile('xssystemsc.xml.11.1'); SSCXSD XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE(SSCXML, 0); begin if (NOT DBMS_XDB.existsResource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/xssystemsc.xml')) then tmp := DBMS_XDB.CreateResource('/sys/xs/securityclasses/xssystemsc.xml',SSCXSD); end if; end; / commit; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 4. data security schema upgrades ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 4.1. Backup the data security table to XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY_11_1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop backup table -- drop table XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY_11_1; -- Create backup table --create table XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY_11_1( -- any_path varchar2(4000), -- ds_data XMLTYPE) ; -- Take backup of all data from XS$DATA_SECURITY --insert into XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY_11_1 select r.any_path, p.SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ --from resource_view r, xdb.XS$DATA_SECURITY p --where ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 4.2 cleanup: delete all data security documents and delete the old schema ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data security schema has big changes. So we don't support the corresponding -- document updates from the old DB. -- We don't keep the data security documents during upgrades and all data -- security documents have to be recreated by the customers according to the -- new schema. -- Delete data from XS$DATA_SECURITY DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS select r.any_path p from resource_view r, xdb.XS$DATA_SECURITY p where ref(p) = extractvalue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'); BEGIN FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP dbms_xdb.deleteresource(r1.p) ; END LOOP; END; / -- Delete old data security schema begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade_force); end; / ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 4.3 Register the new data security schema ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Register Data Security Documents schema declare DSDXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xsdatasec.xsd.11.1'); DSDURL varchar2(100) := ''; begin dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema( schemaurl => DSDURL, schemadoc => DSDXSD, local => FALSE, GENTYPES => FALSE, GENTABLES => TRUE, owner => 'XDB', options => DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / commit; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REM 5. Index creation for XS tables and misc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Index creation for XS tables --@@xsindex delete from XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS; Rem add seed values for this table insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (1, systimestamp); insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (2, systimestamp); insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (3, systimestamp); insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (4, systimestamp); insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (5, systimestamp); insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (6, systimestamp); -- The frasec field is used as retension time. Set to 1 week insert into XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS(ROW_KEY, TIME_VAL) values (9, TIMESTAMP '2007-10-04 13:02:43.000010080'); --ignore certain errors during upgrade for revoke lrg 3599584 BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke select on XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE IN ( -04042, -1927, -00942 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / drop public synonym XS$CACHE_ACTIONS; -- we do not need the table contents; so drop and recreate drop table XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE; Rem OBJ_TYPE will reflect one of the above values Rem check kzxh.h, KZXHACLMOD, etc for ObJ_TYPE values create table XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE ( OBJ_TYPE NUMBER(2), NAME VARCHAR2(4000), DEL_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); comment on table XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE is 'Table to retain deleted ACLOIDs, SecurityClasses, roles etc' / comment on column XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE.OBJ_TYPE is 'Column to store type of the object deleted' / comment on column XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE.NAME is 'Column to store deleted QName or ID' / comment on column XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE.DEL_DATE is 'Column to store the dates of the deleted objects' / -- Create and lock the XS$NULL user. drop user XS$NULL cascade / create user XS$NULL identified by NO_PWD account lock password expire /