Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbeu102.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/06/07 12:30:50 juding Exp $ Rem Rem xdbeu102.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbeu102.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem juding 05/26/11 - Backport badeoti_bug-10168805 from main Rem spetride 09/15/09 - issue warning if ACLs with 0 ACEs exist in the db Rem badeoti 03/20/09 - remove public synonyms for XDB internal packages Rem rburns 11/11/07 - move object downgrade actions Rem rangrish 07/10/07 - remove new WS roles, add old ones Rem rpang 05/04/07 - remove PublishedContentServlet Rem vkapoor 04/27/07 - lrg 2941734 Rem vkapoor 04/16/07 - bug 5640175 Rem rpang 12/01/06 - remoev anonymousServletRole for PL/SQL servlets Rem pthornto 10/09/06 - remove call to zxse102 Rem rmurthy 06/22/06 - delete csx forms of xlink and xinclude schemas Rem spetride 07/21/06 - moved token table downgrade to xdbe1m102.sql Rem spetride 07/13/06 - token tables downgrade Rem rtjoa 07/10/06 - Additional check to verify all XDB XMLindexes Rem are dropped Rem rmurthy 06/12/06 - drop acl index objects Rem rmurthy 06/02/06 - fix xinclude deletion Rem pnath 04/13/06 - drop all $dl triggers during downgrade Rem petam 06/05/06 - remove the digest elements Rem smalde 03/12/06 - Add dbms_xmltranslations Rem mrafiq 05/22/06 - dropping acl-evaluation-method from Rem xdbconfig.xml Rem pbelknap 03/26/06 - report framework servlet downgrade Rem petam 04/11/06 - separate out fusion security downgrade Rem abagrawa 03/28/06 - Remove more views Rem pknaggs 03/24/06 - drop Extensible Security Class Catalog Views. Rem mrafiq 03/16/06 - Rem abagrawa 03/14/06 - Add ACL/xdbconfig downgrade Rem cchui 03/02/06 - drop extensible security packages Rem taahmed 03/06/06 - Rem smalde 12/19/05 - Contentsize upgrade/downgrade Rem taahmed 01/18/06 - downgrade for extensible security resource Rem folders Rem thbaby 01/06/06 - drop procedure setmodflg Rem mrafiq 10/10/05 - removing xdbresconfig schema if registered Rem sidicula 06/29/05 - sidicula_le Rem fge 12/15/04 - Created Rem Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB User data downgrade to 11.1.0 Rem ================================================================ @@xdbeu111.sql Rem ================================================================ Rem END XDB User data downgrade to 11.1.0 Rem ================================================================ Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB User data downgrade to 10.2.0 Rem ================================================================ -- Remove NFS job DECLARE c number; BEGIN select count(*) into c from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS where JOB_NAME = 'XMLDB_NFS_CLEANUP_JOB'; if c != 0 then dbms_scheduler.drop_job('SYS.XMLDB_NFS_CLEANUP_JOB' , true); end if; select count(*) into c from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES where JOB_CLASS_NAME = 'XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS'; if c != 0 then dbms_scheduler.drop_job_class('SYS.XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS', TRUE); end if; execute immediate 'delete from noexp$ where name = :1' using 'XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS'; end; / -- This function removes acl-evaluation-method from xmlconfig.xml -- as part of downgrade. This is done to remove PD information create or replace procedure remove_xdbconfig_data_elements as configxml sys.xmltype; doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument; dn dbms_xmldom.DOMNode; de dbms_xmldom.DOMElement; nl dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList; sysn dbms_xmldom.DOMNode; syse dbms_xmldom.DOMElement; cn dbms_xmldom.DOMNode; begin -- Select the resource and set it into the config select sys_nc_rowinfo$ into configxml from xdb.xdb$config ; doc := dbms_xmldom.newDOMDocument(configxml); dn := dbms_xmldom.makeNode(doc); dn := dbms_xmldom.getFirstChild(dn); de := dbms_xmldom.makeElement(dn); nl := dbms_xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(de, 'sysconfig'); sysn := dbms_xmldom.item(nl, 0); syse := dbms_xmldom.makeElement(sysn); nl := dbms_xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(syse, 'acl-evaluation-method'); if not(dbms_xmldom.isNull(nl)) then cn := dbms_xmldom.item(nl, 0); if not(dbms_xmldom.isNull(cn)) then cn := dbms_xmldom.removeChild(sysn, cn); end if; end if; dbms_xdb.cfg_update(configxml); commit; end; / show errors; call remove_xdbconfig_data_elements(); -- Remove new servlets declare cfg_data XMLTYPE; begin cfg_data := dbms_xdb.cfg_get(); SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-mappings/' || 'servlet-mapping[servlet-name=''ReportFmwkServlet'']') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list/' || 'servlet[servlet-name=''ReportFmwkServlet'']') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; -- Remove anonymousServletRole security-role-ref for PL/SQL servlets using -- static or anonymous authentication, which have database-username set. SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list/servlet[plsql/database-username]' || '/security-role-ref[role-name=''anonymousServletRole'']') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; -- Remove PublishedContentServlet SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-mappings'|| '/servlet-mapping[servlet-name=''PublishedContentServlet'']') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list'|| '/servlet[servlet-name=''PublishedContentServlet'']') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; dbms_xdb.cfg_update(cfg_data); end; / -- Remove new digest elements -- Remove new http-host/http2-host elements possibly added at 10.2XE declare cfg_data XMLTYPE; begin cfg_data := dbms_xdb.cfg_get(); SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/authentication') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-host') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; SELECT deleteXML( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-host') INTO cfg_data FROM dual; dbms_xdb.cfg_update(cfg_data); end; / --this has been moved from xdbeu101.sql to here because during data downgrade --from 11g to 10.2 the dbms_xdb package was getting invalid due to --the change to root_info table. -- set the acl of xdbconfig.xml to the bootstrap acl -- don't care about migrate status since setacl is an idempotent opern DECLARE acl_abspath VARCHAR2(200); b_abspath VARCHAR(20) := '/xdbconfig.xml'; BEGIN acl_abspath := '/sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml'; dbms_xdb.setAcl(b_abspath, acl_abspath); END; / commit; Rem delete XInclude, xlink schemas if it exists begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); exception when others then null; end; / begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); exception when others then null; end; / begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); exception when others then null; end; / begin dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema('', dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); exception when others then null; end; / -- Unset inline trigger flag on hierarchically enabled tables for -- content size. declare cursor mycur is SELECT object_name, object_owner FROM dba_policies v WHERE (policy_name LIKE '%xdbrls%' OR policy_name LIKE '%$xd_%') AND v.function = 'CHECKPRIVRLS_SELECTPF'; begin for myrec in mycur loop xdb.dbms_xdbz0.set_delta_calc_inline_trigflag ( myrec.object_name, myrec.object_owner, FALSE, FALSE ); end loop; end; / Rem ================================================================ Rem END XDB User data downgrade to 10.2.0 Rem ================================================================ -- during downgrade to 10.2, we are changing the minOccurs for aces -- in an ACL from 0 to 1; there could be ACLs in the system that -- still have 0 aces, though the requirement to support ACLs with -- no aces was meant only for initial and setup phases of applications, -- and we should expect downgrade to be typically done after that phase; -- Issue a warning if such empty ACls exist. declare cnt number := 0; msg varchar2(30000); begin select count(*) into cnt from xdb.xdb$acl a where existsNode(value(a), '/acl/ace', 'xmlns=""')=0; if (cnt > 0) then if (cnt = 1) then msg := 'There is ' || cnt || ' ACL in XDB.XDB$ACL table with no ACEs.'; else msg := 'There are ' || cnt || ' ACLs in XDB.XDB$ACL table with no ACEs.'; end if; msg := msg || ' ACLs with no ACEs are now usuable, as ACEs are required to have minOccurs=1 in the downgrade database.'; msg := msg || ' Such ACLs are not granting privileges to any user and are now schema invalid.'; msg := msg || ' It is advisable to update such ACLs to include one ACE that denies all privileges.'; dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, msg); end if; exception when others then NULL; end; /