REM REM $Header: plsql/admin/utlmail.sql /main/6 2009/01/06 14:20:27 traney Exp $ REM REM utlmail.sql REM REM Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. REM All rights reserved. REM REM NAME REM utlmail.sql - PL/SQL Package for sending email messages (UTL_MAIL) REM REM DESCRIPTION REM REM REM NOTES REM PL/SQL package to send email messages. REM This package by default is not granted to anyone. Users REM who want to send email should contact their DBA REM to obtain the necessary execute privilege for this package. REM REM MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM traney 12/29/08 - add reply-to REM rpang 05/04/06 - Made invoker rights routine REM lvbcheng 02/21/05 - 2801081 REM lvbcheng 12/11/03 - Remove grant of UTL_MAIL to public REM lvbcheng 02/25/03 - define priority levels REM eehrsam 10/07/02 - eehrsam_utl_mail_new_pkg REM eehrsam 05/01/02 - Created REM CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE utl_mail AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS ------------- -- CONSTANTS -- invalid_argument EXCEPTION; invalid_priority EXCEPTION; invalid_argument_errcode CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:= -29261; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_argument, -29261); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(INVALID_PRIORITY, -44101); /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** SEND - send an email message ** ** This procedure packages and delivers an email message to the ** SMTP server specified by the following configuration parameters: ** ** ** ** ** SEND PROCEDURE ** IN ** sender - sender address ** recipients - address(es) of 1 or more recipients, comma delimited ** cc - CC (carbon copy) recipient(s)), 1 or more addresses, ** comma delimited, default=NULL ** bcc - BCC (blind carbon copy) recipient(s), 1 or more ** addresses, comma delimited, default=NULL ** subject - subject string, default=NULL ** message - message text, default=NULL ** mime_type - mime type, default='text/plain' ** priority - message priority, default=3, valid values are [1..5] ** ** SEND_ATTACH_VARCHAR2 PROCEDURE ** IN ** sender - sender address ** recipients - address(es) of 1 or more recipients, comma delimited ** cc - CC (carbon copy) recipient(s)), 1 or more addresses, ** comma delimited, default=NULL ** bcc - BCC (blind carbon copy) recipient(s), 1 or more ** addresses, comma delimited, default=NULL ** subject - subject string, default=NULL ** message - message text, default=NULL ** mime_type - mime type, default='text/plain' ** priority - message priority, default=3, valid values are [1..5] ** att_txt_inline - boolean specifying whether the attachment is viewable ** inline with the message body text, default=TRUE ** attachment - attachment text data ** att_mime_type- attachment mime_type, default='text/plain' ** att_filename - filename to be offered as a default upon saving the ** attachment to disk ** ** SEND_ATTACH_RAW PROCEDURE ** IN ** sender - sender address ** recipients - address(es) of 1 or more recipients, comma delimited ** cc - CC (carbon copy) recipient(s)), 1 or more addresses, ** comma delimited, default=NULL ** bcc - BCC (blind carbon copy) recipient(s), 1 or more ** addresses, comma delimited, default=NULL ** subject - subject string, default=NULL ** message - message text, default=NULL ** mime_type - mime type, default='text/plain' ** priority - message priority, default=3, valid values are [1..5] ** att_raw_inline - boolean specifying whether the attachment is viewable ** inline with the message body text, default=TRUE ** attachment - attachment RAW data ** att_mime_type- attachment mime_type, default='application/octet' ** att_filename - filename to be offered as a default upon saving the ** attachment to disk ** */ PROCEDURE send(sender IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, recipients IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, cc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, bcc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, subject IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, message IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, mime_type IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii', priority IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 3, replyto IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE send_attach_varchar2( sender IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, recipients IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, cc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, bcc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, subject IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, message IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, mime_type IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii', priority IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 3, attachment IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, att_inline IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, att_mime_type IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii', att_filename IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, replyto IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE send_attach_raw( sender IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, recipients IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS, cc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, bcc IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, subject IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, message IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, mime_type IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii', priority IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 3, attachment IN RAW, att_inline IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, att_mime_type IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT 'application/octet', att_filename IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL, replyto IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DEFAULT NULL); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM utl_mail FOR sys.utl_mail;