rem rem $Header: utlestat.sql 02-jan-2001.19:40:14 cdialeri Exp $ estat.sql rem Rem Copyright (c) 1988, 1996, 1998, 2000 by Oracle Corporation Rem NAME REM UTLESTAT.SQL Rem FUNCTION Rem This script will generate a report (in "report.txt") which will contain Rem usefull information for performance monitoring. In particular Rem information from v$sysstat, v$latch, and v$rollstat. Rem NOTES Rem Don't worry about errors during "drop table"s, they are normal. Rem MODIFIED Rem cdialeri 01/02/01 - 891059: SQL*Plus compat, 1566460: connect / Rem mchien 03/22/00 - desupport connect internal Rem kquinn 04/16/00 - 1133880: Remove Avg Write Queue Length Rem khailey 03/15/99 - 594266: Correct per logon stats, add fstat fields Rem kquinn 01/12/98 - 607968: Correct nowait latch hit ratio calc Rem jklein 08/23/96 - bug 316570 - fix typo Rem akolk 08/09/96 - #387757: fix latch hitratios Rem akolk 07/19/96 - #298462: correcting latch miss rate (Fixing) Rem akolk 07/19/96 - #298462: correcting latch miss rate Rem akolk 07/12/96 - #270507: remove db_block_write_batch Rem jloaiza 10/14/95 - add vtcsh 5.18 (BBN) 2/20/90 Patch level 0 Rem jloaiza 09/19/95 - add waitstat Rem jloaiza 09/04/95 - per second stats, split background waits Rem drady 09/09/93 - merge changes from branch 1.1.312.2 Rem drady 04/26/93 - Stat name changes for 7.1 Rem drady 03/22/93 - merge changes from branch 1.1.312.1 Rem drady 08/24/93 - bug 173918 Rem drady 03/04/93 - fix bug 152986 Rem glumpkin 11/23/92 - Creation Rem glumpkin 11/23/92 - Renamed from UTLSTATE.SQL Rem glumpkin 10/20/92 - Renamed from ESTAT.SQL Rem jloaiza 03/26/92 - add write queue query Rem jloaiza 02/24/92 - fix latch stats Rem jloaiza 01/17/92 - improve output Rem jloaiza 01/07/92 - rework for version 7 Rem Laursen 01/01/91 - V6 to V7 merge Rem Trabosh 09/27/89 - added order by and group by to stats$files Rem Loaiza 04/04/89 - fix run dates to do minutes instead of months Rem Loaiza 03/31/89 - add kqrst usage column Rem Jloaiza 03/16/89 - improve names and formats Rem Jloaiza 03/09/89 - make kqrst columns intelligible Rem Jloaiza 02/23/89 - changed table names, added dates Rem Martin 02/22/89 - Creation set echo on; connect / as sysdba; set pages 999; set lines 79; Rem ******************************************************************** Rem Gather Ending Statistics Rem ******************************************************************** insert into stats$end_latch select * from v$latch; insert into stats$end_stats select * from v$sysstat; insert into stats$end_lib select * from v$librarycache; update stats$dates set end_time = sysdate; insert into stats$end_event select * from v$system_event; insert into stats$end_bck_event select event, sum(total_waits), sum(time_waited) from v$session s, v$session_event e where type = 'BACKGROUND' and s.sid = e.sid group by event; insert into stats$end_waitstat select * from v$waitstat; insert into stats$end_roll select * from v$rollstat; insert into stats$end_file select * from stats$file_view; insert into stats$end_dc select * from v$rowcache; Rem ******************************************************************** Rem Create Summary Tables Rem ******************************************************************** drop table stats$stats; drop table stats$latches; drop table stats$roll; drop table stats$files; drop table stats$dc; drop table stats$lib; drop table stats$event; drop table stats$bck_event; drop table stats$waitstat; update stats$dates set start_users = (select value from v$statname n , stats$begin_stats b where n.statistic# = b.statistic# and'logons current'); update stats$dates set end_users = (select value from v$statname n , stats$end_stats b where n.statistic# = b.statistic# and'logons current'); create table stats$stats as select e.value-b.value change , from v$statname n , stats$begin_stats b , stats$end_stats e where n.statistic# = b.statistic# and n.statistic# = e.statistic#; create table stats$latches as select e.gets-b.gets gets, e.misses-b.misses misses, e.sleeps-b.sleeps sleeps, e.immediate_gets-b.immediate_gets immed_gets, e.immediate_misses-b.immediate_misses immed_miss, from v$latchname n , stats$begin_latch b , stats$end_latch e where n.latch# = b.latch# and n.latch# = e.latch#; create table stats$event as select e.total_waits-b.total_waits event_count, e.time_waited-b.time_waited time_waited, e.event from stats$begin_event b , stats$end_event e where b.event = e.event union all select e.total_waits event_count, e.time_waited time_waited, e.event from stats$end_event e where e.event not in (select b.event from stats$begin_event b); Rem background waits create table stats$bck_event as select e.total_waits-b.total_waits event_count, e.time_waited-b.time_waited time_waited, e.event from stats$begin_bck_event b , stats$end_bck_event e where b.event = e.event union all select e.total_waits event_count, e.time_waited time_waited, e.event from stats$end_bck_event e where e.event not in (select b.event from stats$begin_bck_event b); Rem subtrace background events out of regular events update stats$event e set (event_count, time_waited) = (select e.event_count - b.event_count, e.time_waited - b.time_waited from stats$bck_event b where e.event = b.event) where e.event in (select b.event from stats$bck_event b); create table stats$waitstat as select e.class, e.count - b.count count, e.time - b.time time from stats$begin_waitstat b, stats$end_waitstat e where e.class = b.class; create table stats$roll as select e.usn undo_segment, e.gets-b.gets trans_tbl_gets, e.waits-b.waits trans_tbl_waits, e.writes-b.writes undo_bytes_written, e.rssize segment_size_bytes, e.xacts-b.xacts xacts, e.shrinks-b.shrinks shrinks, e.wraps-b.wraps wraps from stats$begin_roll b, stats$end_roll e where e.usn = b.usn; create table stats$files as select b.ts table_space, file_name, e.pyr-b.pyr phys_reads, e.pbr-b.pbr phys_blks_rd, e.prt-b.prt phys_rd_time, e.pyw-b.pyw phys_writes, e.pbw-b.pbw phys_blks_wr, e.pwt-b.pwt phys_wrt_tim, e.megabytes_size from stats$begin_file b, stats$end_file e where; create table stats$dc as select b.parameter name, e.gets-b.gets get_reqs, e.getmisses-b.getmisses get_miss, e.scans-b.scans scan_reqs, e.scanmisses-b.scanmisses scan_miss, e.modifications-b.modifications mod_reqs, e.count count, e.usage cur_usage from stats$begin_dc b, stats$end_dc e where b.cache#=e.cache# and nvl(b.subordinate#,-1) = nvl(e.subordinate#,-1); create table stats$lib as select e.namespace, e.gets-b.gets gets, e.gethits-b.gethits gethits, e.pins-b.pins pins, e.pinhits-b.pinhits pinhits, e.reloads - b.reloads reloads, e.invalidations - b.invalidations invalidations from stats$begin_lib b, stats$end_lib e where b.namespace = e.namespace; Rem ******************************************************************* Rem Output statistics Rem ******************************************************************* spool report.txt; column library format a12 trunc; column pinhitratio heading 'PINHITRATI'; column gethitratio heading 'GETHITRATI'; column invalidations heading 'INVALIDATI'; set numwidth 10; Rem Select Library cache statistics. The pin hit rate should be high. select namespace library, gets, round(decode(gethits,0,1,gethits)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) gethitratio, pins, round(decode(pinhits,0,1,pinhits)/decode(pins,0,1,pins),3) pinhitratio, reloads, invalidations from stats$lib; column "Statistic" format a27 trunc; column "Per Transaction" heading "Per Transact"; column ((start_users+end_users)/2) heading "((START_USER" set numwidth 12; Rem The total is the total value of the statistic between the time Rem bstat was run and the time estat was run. Note that the estat Rem script logs on to the instance so the per_logon statistics will Rem always be based on at least one logon. select 'Users connected at ',to_char(start_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss'),':',start_users from stats$dates; select 'Users connected at ',to_char(end_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss'),':',end_users from stats$dates; select 'avg # of connections: ',((start_users+end_users)/2) from stats$dates; select "Statistic", n1.change "Total", round(n1.change/trans.change,2) "Per Transaction", round(n1.change/((start_users + end_users)/2),2) "Per Logon", round(n1.change/(to_number(to_char(end_time, 'J'))*60*60*24 - to_number(to_char(start_time, 'J'))*60*60*24 + to_number(to_char(end_time, 'SSSSS')) - to_number(to_char(start_time, 'SSSSS'))) , 2) "Per Second" from stats$stats n1, stats$stats trans, stats$dates where'user commits' and n1.change != 0 order by; column "Event Name" format a32 trunc; set numwidth 13; Rem System wide wait events for non-background processes (PMON, Rem SMON, etc). Times are in hundreths of seconds. Each one of Rem these is a context switch which costs CPU time. By looking at Rem the Total Time you can often determine what is the bottleneck Rem that processes are waiting for. This shows the total time spent Rem waiting for a specific event and the average time per wait on Rem that event. select n1.event "Event Name", n1.event_count "Count", n1.time_waited "Total Time", round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time" from stats$event n1 where n1.event_count > 0 order by n1.time_waited desc; Rem System wide wait events for background processes (PMON, SMON, etc) select n1.event "Event Name", n1.event_count "Count", n1.time_waited "Total Time", round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time" from stats$bck_event n1 where n1.event_count > 0 order by n1.time_waited desc; column latch_name format a18 trunc; set numwidth 11; Rem Latch statistics. Latch contention will show up as a large value for Rem the 'latch free' event in the wait events above. Rem Sleeps should be low. The hit_ratio should be high. select name latch_name, gets, misses, round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) hit_ratio, sleeps, round(sleeps/decode(misses,0,1,misses),3) "SLEEPS/MISS" from stats$latches where gets != 0 order by name; set numwidth 16 Rem Statistics on no_wait gets of latches. A no_wait get does not Rem wait for the latch to become free, it immediately times out. select name latch_name, immed_gets nowait_gets, immed_miss nowait_misses, round((immed_gets/(immed_gets+immed_miss)), 3) nowait_hit_ratio from stats$latches where immed_gets + immed_miss != 0 order by name; Rem Buffer busy wait statistics. If the value for 'buffer busy wait' in Rem the wait event statistics is high, then this table will identify Rem which class of blocks is having high contention. If there are high Rem 'undo header' waits then add more rollback segments. If there are Rem high 'segment header' waits then adding freelists might help. Check Rem v$session_wait to get the addresses of the actual blocks having Rem contention. select * from stats$waitstat where count != 0 order by count desc; set lines 159; set numwidth 19; Rem Waits_for_trans_tbl high implies you should add rollback segments. select * from stats$roll; set lines 79; column name format a39 trunc; column value format a39 trunc; Rem The init.ora parameters currently in effect: select name, value from v$parameter where isdefault = 'FALSE' order by name; column name format a15 trunc; column scan_reqs heading 'SCAN_REQ'; column scan_miss heading 'SCAN_MIS'; column cur_usage heading 'CUR_USAG'; set numwidth 8; Rem get_miss and scan_miss should be very low compared to the requests. Rem cur_usage is the number of entries in the cache that are being used. select * from stats$dc where get_reqs != 0 or scan_reqs != 0 or mod_reqs != 0; set lines 157; column table_space format a80 trunc; set numwidth 10; Rem Sum IO operations over tablespaces. select table_space||' ' table_space, sum(phys_reads) reads, sum(phys_blks_rd) blks_read, sum(phys_rd_time) read_time, sum(phys_writes) writes, sum(phys_blks_wr) blks_wrt, sum(phys_wrt_tim) write_time, sum(megabytes_size) megabytes from stats$files group by table_space order by table_space; set lines 196; column table_space format a48 trunc; column file_name format a48 trunc; set numwidth 10; Rem I/O should be spread evenly accross drives. A big difference between Rem phys_reads and phys_blks_rd implies table scans are going on. select table_space, file_name, phys_reads reads, phys_blks_rd blks_read, phys_rd_time read_time, phys_writes writes, phys_blks_wr blks_wrt, phys_wrt_tim write_time, megabytes_size megabytes, round(decode(phys_blks_rd,0,0,phys_rd_time/phys_blks_rd),2) avg_rt, round(decode(phys_reads,0,0,phys_blks_rd/phys_reads),2) "blocks/rd" from stats$files order by table_space, file_name; set lines 79; column start_time format a25; column end_time format a25; Rem The times that bstat and estat were run. select to_char(start_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') start_time, to_char(end_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') end_time from stats$dates; column banner format a75 trunc; Rem Versions select * from v$version; spool off; Rem ******************************************************************** Rem Drop Temporary Tables Rem ******************************************************************** drop table stats$dates; drop table stats$begin_stats; drop table stats$end_stats; drop table stats$stats; drop table stats$begin_latch; drop table stats$end_latch; drop table stats$latches; drop table stats$begin_roll; drop table stats$end_roll; drop table stats$roll; drop table stats$begin_file; drop table stats$end_file; drop table stats$files; drop view stats$file_view; drop table stats$begin_dc; drop table stats$end_dc; drop table stats$dc; drop table stats$begin_lib; drop table stats$end_lib; drop table stats$lib; drop table stats$begin_event; drop table stats$end_event; drop table stats$event; drop table stats$begin_bck_event; drop table stats$end_bck_event; drop table stats$bck_event; drop table stats$begin_waitstat; drop table stats$end_waitstat; drop table stats$waitstat;