rem rem $Header: utlbstat.sql 02-jan-2001.19:39:51 cdialeri Exp $ bstat.sql rem Rem Copyright (c) 1988, 1996, 2000 by Oracle Corporation Rem NAME REM UTLBSTAT.SQL Rem FUNCTION Rem NOTES Rem MODIFIED Rem cdialeri 01/02/01 - 1566460: connect / Rem mchien 03/22/00 - desupport connect internal Rem khailey 03/15/99 - add current user fields to stats$date, bug 594266 Rem jloaiza 10/14/95 - add tablespace size Rem jloaiza 09/19/95 - add waitstat Rem jloaiza 09/04/95 - add per second and background waits Rem drady 09/09/93 - merge changes from branch 1.1.312.2 Rem drady 03/22/93 - merge changes from branch 1.1.312.1 Rem drady 08/24/93 - bug 173918 Rem drady 03/04/93 - fix bug 152986 Rem glumpkin 11/16/92 - Renamed from UTLSTATB.SQL Rem glumpkin 10/19/92 - Renamed from BSTAT.SQL Rem jloaiza 01/07/92 - rework for version 7 Rem mroberts 08/16/91 - fix view for v7 Rem rlim 04/29/91 - change char to varchar2 Rem Laursen 01/01/91 - V6 to V7 merge Rem Loaiza 04/04/89 - fix run dates to minutes instead of months Rem Martin 02/22/89 - Creation Rem Jloaiza 02/23/89 - changed table names, added dates, added param dump Rem set echo on; connect / as sysdba; Rem ******************************************************************** Rem First create all the tables Rem ******************************************************************** drop table stats$begin_stats; create table stats$begin_stats as select * from v$sysstat where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_stats; create table stats$end_stats as select * from stats$begin_stats; drop table stats$begin_latch; create table stats$begin_latch as select * from v$latch where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_latch; create table stats$end_latch as select * from stats$begin_latch; drop table stats$begin_roll; create table stats$begin_roll as select * from v$rollstat where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_roll; create table stats$end_roll as select * from stats$begin_roll; drop table stats$begin_lib; create table stats$begin_lib as select * from v$librarycache where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_lib; create table stats$end_lib as select * from stats$begin_lib; drop table stats$begin_dc; create table stats$begin_dc as select * from v$rowcache where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_dc; create table stats$end_dc as select * from stats$begin_dc; drop table stats$begin_event; create table stats$begin_event as select * from v$system_event where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_event; create table stats$end_event as select * from stats$begin_event; drop table stats$begin_bck_event; create table stats$begin_bck_event (event varchar2(200), total_waits number, time_waited number); drop table stats$end_bck_event; create table stats$end_bck_event as select * from stats$begin_bck_event; drop table stats$dates; create table stats$dates ( start_time date, end_time date, start_users number, end_users number ); drop view stats$file_view; create view stats$file_view as select ts, name, x.phyrds pyr, x.phywrts pyw, x.readtim prt, x.writetim pwt, x.phyblkrd pbr, x.phyblkwrt pbw, round(i.bytes/1000000) megabytes_size from v$filestat x, ts$ ts, v$datafile i,file$ f where i.file#=f.file# and ts.ts#=f.ts# and x.file#=f.file#; drop table stats$begin_file; create table stats$begin_file as select * from stats$file_view where 0 = 1; drop table stats$end_file; create table stats$end_file as select * from stats$begin_file; drop table stats$begin_waitstat; create table stats$begin_waitstat as select * from v$waitstat where 1=0; drop table stats$end_waitstat; create table stats$end_waitstat as select * from stats$begin_waitstat; Rem ******************************************************************** Rem Gather start statistics Rem ******************************************************************** insert into stats$dates(start_time) select sysdate from dual; insert into stats$begin_waitstat select * from v$waitstat; insert into stats$begin_bck_event select event, sum(total_waits), sum(time_waited) from v$session s, v$session_event e where type = 'BACKGROUND' and s.sid = e.sid group by event; insert into stats$begin_event select * from v$system_event; insert into stats$begin_roll select * from v$rollstat; insert into stats$begin_file select * from stats$file_view; insert into stats$begin_dc select * from v$rowcache; insert into stats$begin_stats select * from v$sysstat; insert into stats$begin_lib select * from v$librarycache; insert into stats$begin_latch select * from v$latch; commit;