Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spup816.sql /main/7 2010/04/20 10:50:41 kchou Exp $ Rem Rem spup816.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spup816.sql - 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 upgrade script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the Statspack schema to the 8.1.7 schema format Rem Rem USAGE Rem Export the Statspack schema before running this upgrade, Rem as this is the only way to restore the existing data. Rem A downgrade script is not provided. Rem Rem Disable any scripts which use Statspack while the upgrade script Rem is running. Rem Rem If you have significant amount of data in the PERFSTAT schema, Rem consider altering the session to use a large rollback segment. Rem Rem Ensure there is plenty of free space in the tablespace Rem where the schema resides. Rem Rem This script should be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem This upgrade script should only be run once. Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kchou 04/20/10 - BUG# 9559470 Possible SQL Injection Rem kchou 04/08/10 - Security Fix: 2nd Order SQL Injections: Bug# Rem 9559470 Rem cdialeri 03/02/04 - 3513994: 3473979, 3483751 Rem cdialeri 04/21/01 - Split log files Rem cdialeri 04/06/00 - 1261813 Rem cdialeri 03/30/00 - Created Rem set verify off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt prompt Warning prompt ~~~~~~~ prompt Converting existing Statspack data to 8.1.7 format may result in prompt irregularities when reporting on pre-8.1.7 snapshot data. prompt This script is provided for convenience, and is not guaranteed to prompt work on all installations. To ensure you will not lose any existing prompt Statspack data, export the schema before upgrading. A downgrade prompt script is not provided. Please see spdoc.txt for more details. prompt prompt prompt Usage Recommendations prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Disable any programs which run Statspack (including any dbms_jobs), prompt or this upgrade will fail. prompt prompt If you have a significant amount of data in the PERFSTAT schema, prompt consider using a large rollback segment, and specifying a large prompt sort_area_size - you will be prompted for both below. prompt prompt You will also be prompted for the PERFSTAT password, and for the prompt tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables/indexes. prompt prompt You must be connected as a user with SYSDBA privilege to successfully prompt run this script. prompt accept confirmation prompt "Press return before continuing "; prompt prompt Please specify the PERFSTAT password prompt &&perfstat_password spool spup816a.lis prompt prompt Specify the tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables and indexes prompt Tablespace specified &&tablespace_name prompt prompt prompt If you would like to use a large sort_area_size, specify the size in BYTES prompt (e.g. 1048576), or press return to use the default sort_area_size. prompt sort_area_size of &&sort_area_size specified prompt prompt If you would like to use a large rollback segment, ensure this rollback prompt segment is online. Specify the segment name, or press return to use any prompt rollback segment. prompt Rollback segment &&large_rollback_segment specified prompt /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add support for tempfiles - create view create view V_$TEMPSTATXS as select tsname , filename , tm.phyrds , tm.phywrts , tm.readtim , tm.writetim , tm.phyblkrd , tm.phyblkwrt , fw.count wait_count , fw.time time from x$kcbfwait fw , v$tempstat tm , v$tablespace ts , v$tempfile tf where ts.ts# = tf.ts# and tm.file# = tf.file# and fw.indx+1 = (tf.file# + (select value from v$parameter where name='db_files')); create public synonym V$TEMPSTATXS for V_$TEMPSTATXS; grant select on V$TEMPSTATXS to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create V_$SQLXS create view V_$SQLXS as select max(sql_text) sql_text , sum(sharable_mem) sharable_mem , sum(sorts) sorts , min(module) module , sum(loaded_versions) loaded_versions , sum(executions) executions , sum(loads) loads , sum(invalidations) invalidations , sum(parse_calls) parse_calls , sum(disk_reads) disk_reads , sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets , sum(rows_processed) rows_processed , address address , hash_value hash_value , count(1) version_count from v$sql group by hash_value, address; create public synonym V$SQLXS for V_$SQLXS; grant select on V$SQLXS to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- Grant PERFSTAT select on V$ views grant select on V_$SQLTEXT to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$PARAMETER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$LATCH_PARENT to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check remainder of upgrade log file, which is continued in prompt the file spup816b.lis spool off connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password spool spup816b.lis show user alter session set sort_area_size = &&sort_area_size; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add check constraints - stats$statspack_parameter update STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER set snap_level = 0 where snap_level < 5 and snap_level != 0; update STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER set snap_level = 5 where snap_level < 10 and snap_level != 5; update STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER set snap_level = 10 where snap_level > 10; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER add constraint STATS$STATSPACK_LVL_CK check (snap_level in (0, 5, 10)); -- -- Add check constraints - stats$snapshot update STATS$SNAPSHOT set snap_level = 0 where snap_level < 5 and snap_level != 0; update STATS$SNAPSHOT set snap_level = 5 where snap_level < 10 and snap_level not in (0, 5); update STATS$SNAPSHOT set snap_level = 10 where snap_level > 10; alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_LVL_CK check (snap_level in (0, 5, 10)); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add a new idle event insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('wakeup time manager'); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create latch parent create table STATS$LATCH_PARENT (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,latch# number not null ,level# number not null ,gets number ,misses number ,sleeps number ,immediate_gets number ,immediate_misses number ,spin_gets number ,sleep1 number ,sleep2 number ,sleep3 number ,constraint STATS$LATCH_PARENT_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, latch#) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$LATCH_PARENT_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$LATCH_PARENT for STATS$LATCH_PARENT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create the TEMPSTATXS table for Statspack - continuation of tempfile -- support create table STATS$TEMPSTATXS (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,tsname varchar2(30) not null ,filename varchar2(513) not null ,phyrds number ,phywrts number ,readtim number ,writetim number ,phyblkrd number ,phyblkwrt number ,wait_count number ,time number ,constraint STATS$TEMPSTATXS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, tsname, filename) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$TEMPSTATXS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$TEMPSTATXS for STATS$TEMPSTATXS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Increase field size alter table STATS$FILESTATXS modify (filename varchar2 (513) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add wtr_slp_count to latch_misses alter table STATS$LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY add (wtr_slp_count number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add max wait time to session_event alter table STATS$SESSION_EVENT add (max_wait number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add sharable_mem and version_count threshold to stats$snapshot alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add (sharable_mem_th number ,version_count_th number ); set transaction use rollback segment &&large_rollback_segment; update stats$snapshot set sharable_mem_th = 0 , version_count_th = 0 where sharable_mem_th is null and version_count_th is null; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add sharable_mem and version_count threshold to stats$statspack_parameter alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER add (sharable_mem_th number ,version_count_th number ); update stats$statspack_parameter set sharable_mem_th = 1048576 , version_count_th = 20 where sharable_mem_th is null and version_count_th is null; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER modify (sharable_mem_th not null ,version_count_th not null ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SGASTAT - rename, and add pool rename STATS$SGASTAT_SUMMARY to STATS$SGASTAT; drop public synonym STATS$SGASTAT_SUMMARY; create public synonym STATS$SGASTAT for STATS$SGASTAT; alter table STATS$SGASTAT drop primary key drop index; alter table STATS$SGASTAT drop constraint STATS$SGASTAT_SUMMARY_FK; alter table STATS$SGASTAT add (pool varchar2(11) ); update stats$sgastat set pool = 'all pools' where pool is null and not exists (select 1 from dba_constraints where constraint_name = 'STATS$SGASTAT_U' and owner='PERFSTAT'); alter table STATS$SGASTAT add constraint STATS$SGASTAT_U unique (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, name, pool) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0); alter table STATS$SGASTAT add constraint STATS$SGASTAT_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SQL Statistics create table STATS$SQL_STATISTICS (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,total_sql number not null ,total_sql_mem number not null ,single_use_sql number not null ,single_use_sql_mem number not null ,constraint STATS$SQL_STATISTICS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SQL_STATISTICS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SQL_STATISTICS for STATS$SQL_STATISTICS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Provide support for snapping all or just non-default parameters -- stats$statspack_parameter table alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER add (all_init varchar2(5) ,constraint STATS$STATSPACK_ALL_INIT_CK check (all_init in ('true','false','TRUE','FALSE')) ); update stats$statspack_parameter set all_init = 'FALSE' where all_init is null; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER modify (all_init not null ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add support for snapping all parameters or visible parameters -- to stats$snapshot table alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add (all_init varchar2(5) ); update stats$snapshot set all_init = 'TRUE' where all_init is null; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Normalize the SQLTEXT -- Create the SQL Text table. The PK will be created during the upgrade, -- after the table is populated create table STATS$SQLTEXT (hash_value number not null ,text_subset varchar2(31) not null ,piece number not null ,sql_text varchar2(64) ,address raw(8) ,command_type number ,last_snap_id number ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 5m next 5m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SQLTEXT for STATS$SQLTEXT; -- Add the new column to the SQL Summary table alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY add (text_subset varchar2(31)); -- Count & Convert existing data column num_dist_sql heading 'Num Distinct|SQL statements' format 999,999,999 column num_dist_hash heading 'Num Distinct|Hash Values' format 999,999,999 column tot_sql heading 'Total Num SQL statements' format 999,999,999,999 select count(distinct(hash_value)) num_dist_hash , count(distinct(hash_value||substr(sql_text,1,31))) num_dist_sql , count(1) tot_sql from stats$sql_summary; prompt prompt Normalizing SQL data - this may take a while prompt /* We use ROWId's for the first part of the convert - lock the table */ lock table stats$sql_summary in exclusive mode; set transaction use rollback segment &&large_rollback_segment; declare l_snap_id number(6); l_address raw(8); l_hash_value number; l_text_length number; l_text_subset varchar2(31); l_dbid number; l_instance_number number; l_rowid rowid; l_sql varchar2(1000); l_cursor integer; l_text_piece_0 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_1 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_2 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_3 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_4 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_5 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_6 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_7 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_8 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_9 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_10 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_11 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_12 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_13 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_14 varchar2(64); l_text_piece_15 varchar2(64); cursor distinct_hash_values is select hash_value , substr(sql_text,1,31) , min(rowid) from stats$sql_summary ss group by hash_value, substr(sql_text,1,31); begin open distinct_hash_values; loop /* Get a hash value */ fetch distinct_hash_values into l_hash_value, l_text_subset, l_rowid; exit when distinct_hash_values%notfound; /* Lookup the SQL */ select snap_id, address, length(sql_text) , substr(sql_text, 1, 64) , substr(sql_text, 65, 64) , substr(sql_text, 129, 64) , substr(sql_text, 193, 64) , substr(sql_text, 257, 64) , substr(sql_text, 321, 64) , substr(sql_text, 385, 64) , substr(sql_text, 449, 64) , substr(sql_text, 513, 64) , substr(sql_text, 577, 64) , substr(sql_text, 641, 64) , substr(sql_text, 705, 64) , substr(sql_text, 769, 64) , substr(sql_text, 833, 64) , substr(sql_text, 897, 64) , substr(sql_text, 961, 39) into l_snap_id, l_address, l_text_length , l_text_piece_0, l_text_piece_1, l_text_piece_2, l_text_piece_3 , l_text_piece_4, l_text_piece_5, l_text_piece_6, l_text_piece_7 , l_text_piece_8, l_text_piece_9, l_text_piece_10, l_text_piece_11 , l_text_piece_12, l_text_piece_13, l_text_piece_14, l_text_piece_15 from stats$sql_summary ss where rowid = l_rowid; /* Insert the SQL text rows into stats$sqltext */ insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 0, l_text_piece_0, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); if l_text_length >= 65 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 1, l_text_piece_1, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 129 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 2, l_text_piece_2, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 193 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 3, l_text_piece_3, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 257 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 4, l_text_piece_4, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 321 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 5, l_text_piece_5, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 385 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 6, l_text_piece_6, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 449 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 7, l_text_piece_7, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 513 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 8, l_text_piece_8, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 577 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 9, l_text_piece_9, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 641 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 10, l_text_piece_10, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 705 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 11, l_text_piece_11, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 769 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 12, l_text_piece_12, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 833 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 13, l_text_piece_13, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 897 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 14, l_text_piece_14, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; if l_text_length >= 961 then insert into stats$sqltext ( hash_value, text_subset, piece, sql_text, address, command_type, last_snap_id ) values ( l_hash_value, l_text_subset, 15, l_text_piece_15, l_address, null, l_snap_id ); end if; end loop; close distinct_hash_values; /* Build the PK index on the newly populated stats$sqltext */ l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; l_sql := 'alter table stats$sqltext add constraint stats$sqltext_pk primary key (hash_value, text_subset, piece) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0)'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Reformat old SQL text in stats$sql_summary It is faster to CTAS than to just update the text_subset and nullify the sql_text; CTAS also generates less redo and rollback, and reclaims a lot of disk space */ l_sql := 'create table stats$sql_summary_conv ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number , text_subset , sharable_mem, sorts, module, loaded_versions, executions , loads, invalidations, parse_calls, disk_reads, buffer_gets , rows_processed, address, hash_value, version_count ) tablespace &&tablespace_name pctfree 5 pctused 40 storage (initial 5m next 5m pctincrease 0) as select snap_id, dbid, instance_number , substr(sql_text,1,31) , sharable_mem, sorts, module, loaded_versions, executions , loads, invalidations, parse_calls, disk_reads, buffer_gets , rows_processed, address, hash_value, version_count from stats$sql_summary'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Make the new text_subset column not null */ l_sql := 'alter table stats$sql_summary_conv modify (text_subset not null)'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Re-add the SQL Text column for tidyness */ l_sql := 'alter table stats$sql_summary_conv add (sql_text varchar2(2000))'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Drop the old SQL Summary table */ l_sql := 'drop table stats$sql_summary'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Rename the new/converted table to SQL Summary */ l_sql := 'rename stats$sql_summary_conv to stats$sql_summary'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); /* Add the primary and foreign keys to the new SQL Summary */ l_sql := 'alter table stats$sql_summary add constraint stats$sql_summary_pk primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, hash_value, address) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0)'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); l_sql := 'alter table stats$sql_summary add constraint stats$sql_summary_fk foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references stats$snapshot on delete cascade'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor); commit; exception when others then rollback; raise; end; / select count(distinct(hash_value)) num_dist_hash , count(distinct(hash_value||text_subset)) num_dist_sql , count(1) tot_sql from stats$sqltext where piece = 0; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create rows in stats$database_instance for each instance startup -- -- Drop existing constraints alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT drop constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_FK; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER drop constraint STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER_FK; alter table STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE drop constraint STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE_PK; -- -- Modify stats$database_instance to add new columns alter table STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE add (snap_id number(6) ,startup_time date ,parallel varchar2(3) ,version varchar2(17) ); -- -- Update new columns in stats$database_instance and delete pre-existing rows set transaction use rollback segment &&large_rollback_segment; update stats$database_instance set version = 'OLD RECORD' where version is null; insert into stats$database_instance ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , startup_time , parallel , version , db_name , instance_name , host_name ) select sga.snap_id , sga.dbid , sga.instance_number , sga.startup_time , sga.parallel , sga.version , di.db_name , di.instance_name , di.host_name from stats$sgaxs sga , stats$database_instance di where = 'Fixed Size' and di.instance_number = sga.instance_number and di.dbid = sga.dbid and di.version = 'OLD RECORD' and not exists (select 1 from stats$database_instance di2 where di2.dbid = sga.dbid and di2.instance_number = sga.instance_number and nvl(di2.startup_time, to_date('01-Jan-1960', 'DD-Mon-YYYY')) = sga.startup_time); -- Delete old rows from stats$database_instance if they have been -- converted successfully delete from stats$database_instance di1 where di1.version = 'OLD RECORD' and not exists (select dbid, instance_number, startup_time from stats$sgaxs sga where sga.dbid = di1.dbid and sga.instance_number = di1.instance_number and = 'Fixed Size' minus select dbid, instance_number, startup_time from stats$database_instance di2 where di2.dbid = di1.dbid and di2.instance_number = di1.instance_number and di2.version <> 'OLD RECORD' ); commit; -- -- Make the new columns not null alter table STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE modify (snap_id not null ,startup_time not null ,parallel not null ,version not null ); -- -- Create the new primary key, and a related foreign key alter table STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE add constraint STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE_PK primary key (dbid, instance_number, startup_time); alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_FK foreign key (dbid, instance_number, startup_time) references STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE on delete cascade; -- Foreign key for STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER is no longer required /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Insert new rows in stats$sga - one set of rows per snapshot -- -- Rename STATS$SGAXS to STATS$SGA, and change column characteristics rename STATS$SGAXS to STATS$SGA; alter table STATS$SGA drop primary key drop index; alter table STATS$SGA drop constraint STATS$SGAXS_FK; drop public synonym STATS$SGAXS; create public synonym STATS$SGA for STATS$SGA; alter table STATS$SGA modify (startup_time null ,parallel null ); set transaction use rollback segment &&large_rollback_segment; insert into stats$sga ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , value ) select s.snap_id , s.dbid , s.instance_number , name , value from stats$sga sga , stats$snapshot s where sga.dbid = s.dbid and sga.instance_number = s.instance_number and sga.startup_time = s.startup_time and sga.snap_id != s.snap_id and not exists (select 1 from stats$sga sga where s.dbid = sga.dbid and s.instance_number = sga.instance_number and s.snap_id = sga.snap_id ); commit; alter table STATS$SGA add constraint STATS$SGA_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, name); alter table STATS$SGA add constraint STATS$SGA_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade; alter table STATS$SGA modify (value not null ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Buffer pool table no longer needed truncate table STATS$BUFFER_POOL; drop table STATS$BUFFER_POOL; drop public synonym STATS$BUFFER_POOL; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Revoke select privileges on statspack objects granted to PUBLIC declare sqlstr varchar2(128); begin for tbnam in (select atp.table_name from all_tab_privs atp , all_tables at where atp.privilege = 'SELECT' and atp.table_schema = 'PERFSTAT' and atp.grantee = 'PUBLIC' and at.table_name = atp.table_name and at.owner = atp.table_schema and at.dropped = 'NO') loop -- XXX kchou 4/20/2010 BUG# 9559470 POSSIBLE SQL INJECTION -- sqlstr := 'revoke select on perfstat.'||tbnam.table_name||' from public'; sqlstr := 'revoke select on perfstat.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(tbnam.table_name, FALSE) || ' FROM PUBLIC'; execute immediate sqlstr; end loop; end; / /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check the log file of the package recreation, which is prompt in the file spcpkg.lis spool off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Upgrade the package @@spcpkg -- End of Upgrade script