Rem Rem $Header: rmcdc.sql 29-jan-2002.09:49:28 wnorcott Exp $ Rem Rem rmcdc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem rmcdc.sql - ReMove Change Data Capture Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file removes the Java triggers that are used by Rem Change Data Capture, then removes CDC Java classes Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem This is not safe to call if there are users of Change Data Capture Rem on this database instance. Only call this if you want to remove Rem Change Data Capture classes and triggers. Rem Rem If you later want to reinstall CDC, you must call initcdc.sql Rem Rem This must be called before rmjvm.sql if you want to remove Java Rem from an Oracle database. Should be run as sys schema or at least Rem a user with privileges to remove objects from sys schema Rem If java is removed without calling rmcdc.sql first, all Rem CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE commands will fail with: Rem Rem ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 Rem ORA-29540: class oracle/CDC/PublishApi does not exist Rem ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH", line 0 Rem ORA-06512: at line 4 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem wnorcott 01/29/02 - Merged wnorcott_bug-2187432 Rem wnorcott 01/21/02 - Created Rem DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_alter_ctable_before; DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_after; DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_before ; DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_drop_ctable_before; CALL sys.dbms_java.dropjava('-s rdbms/jlib/CDC.jar');