Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/depsaq.sql /main/7 2009/04/10 14:22:09 xingjin Exp $ Rem Rem depsaq.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem depsaq.sql - DEPendent objectS for AQ Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem xingjin 03/25/09 - bug 8368685: add check to ensure package owner is SYS Rem sjanardh 04/03/08 - dba_queue_subscribers to show nondurable ones Rem gagarg 09/28/07 - Add rule column in xxx_queue_subscriber views Rem jawilson 11/29/06 - add kwqa_3gl_SetRegistrationName Rem jhan 10/12/06 - Move back the declaration of dbms_aqadm_syscalls Rem sjanardh 06/07/06 - Add modification timestamp parameter in 3gl Rem procedures Rem rburns 05/19/06 - for dependent AQ functions and views Rem rburns 05/19/06 - Created Rem /* Bug 6488226: For 8.0 style queues, rule_name is NULL as they have no rule * condition. For newstyle queues, get rule_name from _S table */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aq$_get_subscribers ( queue_schema IN VARCHAR2, queue_name IN VARCHAR2, queue_table IN VARCHAR2, deq_user IN VARCHAR2, queue_id IN BINARY_INTEGER, qtab_flags IN BINARY_INTEGER) RETURN$_subscriber_t PIPELINED IS sub80 aq$_subscribers; sel_txt VARCHAR2(1000); type rt is REF CURSOR; sqlrc rt; -- ref cursor for sql statement sub_name VARCHAR2(30); sub_addr VARCHAR2(1024); sub_proto NUMBER; sub_trans VARCHAR2(61); sub_type NUMBER; sub_rule VARCHAR2(30); /*bug 648822: add rule_name for the subscriber*/ BEGIN IF bitand(qtab_flags, 8) = 0 THEN -- 8.0 style queue, return all subscribers in aq$_queues select subscribers INTO sub80 FROM$_queues where eventid = queue_id; IF sub80 IS NOT NULL and sub80.count > 0 THEN FOR i IN sub80.first .. sub80.last LOOP PIPE ROW (aq$_subscriber(sub80(i).name, sub80(i).address, sub80(i).protocol, null, 65, null)); END LOOP; END IF; ElSIF bitand(qtab_flags, 4096) = 4096 and deq_user IS NOT NULL THEN -- 8.1 style secure queue, join with agent mapping table sel_txt := 'select, qs.address, qs.protocol, qs.trans_name, ' || ' qs.subscriber_type, qs.rule_name from ' || 'dba_aq_agent_privs dp, ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"'||queue_schema||'"') || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"AQ$_' || queue_table || '_S"') || ' qs where dp.db_username = :1 and ' || 'dp.agent_name = and bitand(qs.subscriber_type, 1)=1' || ' and qs.queue_name = :2'; OPEN sqlrc FOR sel_txt using deq_user, queue_name; LOOP FETCH sqlrc INTO sub_name, sub_addr, sub_proto,sub_trans, sub_type, sub_rule; EXIT WHEN sqlrc%NOTFOUND; PIPE ROW (aq$_subscriber(sub_name, sub_addr, sub_proto, sub_trans, sub_type, sub_rule)); END LOOP; ELSE -- 8.1 style normal queue, return all subscribers sel_txt := 'select name, address, protocol, trans_name, ' || 'subscriber_type, rule_name from ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"'||queue_schema||'"') || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"AQ$_' || queue_table || '_S"') || ' where ' || 'bitand(subscriber_type, 1)=1 and queue_name = :1'; OPEN sqlrc FOR sel_txt using queue_name; LOOP FETCH sqlrc INTO sub_name, sub_addr, sub_proto, sub_trans, sub_type, sub_rule; EXIT WHEN sqlrc%NOTFOUND; PIPE ROW (aq$_subscriber(sub_name, sub_addr, sub_proto, sub_trans, sub_type, sub_rule)); END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; / -- CAUTION: the table function used in [USER_|ALL_|DBA_]QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS -- is defined in prvtaqds.plb. Therefore, the following view definition -- must appear after prvtaqds.plb, and it is not suitable to use these -- views in AQ packages. /* Bug 6488226: To add rule condition for a subscriber, outer join of * existing view is done with user_rules view. Join condition is on rule_name subscriber */ -- Create view USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS create or replace view user_queue_subscribers as select QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, CONSUMER_NAME, s.address ADDRESS, s.protocol PROTOCOL, s.trans_name TRANSFORMATION, r.rule_condition RULE, decode(bitand(s.sub_type, 192), 64, 'PERSISTENT', 128, 'BUFFERED', 192, 'PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED', 'NONE') DELIVERY_MODE, decode(bitand(s.sub_type, 32960), 32960, 'YES ','NO ') NONDURABLE, decode(bitand(s.sub_type, 512), 512, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') QUEUE_TO_QUEUE FROM$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ cu, sys.user_rules r, TABLE(aq$_get_subscribers(,,,, q.eventid, t.flags)) s where cu.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 1) = 1 and q.usage!=1 and s.rule_name = r.rule_name(+) / COMMENT ON TABLE USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS is 'queue subscribers under a user''schema' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_NAME IS 'name of the queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TABLE IS 'name of the queue table' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.CONSUMER_NAME IS 'name of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.ADDRESS IS 'address of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.PROTOCOL IS 'protocol of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.TRANSFORMATION IS 'transformation for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.RULE IS 'rule condition for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.DELIVERY_MODE IS 'message delivery mode for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TO_QUEUE IS 'whether the subscriber is a queue to queue subscriber' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_queue_subscribers FOR user_queue_subscribers / GRANT select ON USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS TO PUBLIC / -- Create view ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS -- This view displays all subscribers that the user has dequeue privilege on /* Bug 6488226: To add rule condition for a subscriber, inline outer join of * existing view is done with dba_rules view. Join condition is on rule_name and schema of subscriber */ create or replace view ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS as select su.owner OWNER, su.queue_name QUEUE_NAME, su.queue_table QUEUE_TABLE, su.consumer_name CONSUMER_NAME, su.address ADDRESS, su.protocol PROTOCOL, su.transformation TRANSFORMATION, r.rule_condition RULE, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 192), 64, 'PERSISTENT', 128, 'BUFFERED', 192, 'PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED', 'NONE') DELIVERY_MODE, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 32960), 32960, 'YES ', 'NO') IF_NONDURABLE_SUBSCRIBER, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 512), 512, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') QUEUE_TO_QUEUE FROM ( select OWNER, QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, CONSUMER_NAME, s.address ADDRESS, s.protocol PROTOCOL, s.trans_name TRANSFORMATION, s.sub_type SUB_TYPE, s.rule_name RULE_NAME FROM$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ ro, sys.user$ cu, TABLE(aq$_get_subscribers(,,,, q.eventid, t.flags)) s where = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 1) = 1 and q.usage!=1 and ro.owner# = u.user# and ro.obj# = q.eventid and cu.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.privilege# in (21, 41) and grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -220) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) ) su, sys.dba_rules r where su.rule_name = r.rule_name(+) and su.owner = r.rule_owner(+) / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM all_queue_subscribers FOR all_queue_subscribers / GRANT select ON ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS TO PUBLIC / COMMENT ON TABLE ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS is 'All queue subscribers accessible to user' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.OWNER IS 'owner of the queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_NAME IS 'name of the queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TABLE IS 'name of the queue table' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.CONSUMER_NAME IS 'name of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.ADDRESS IS 'address of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.PROTOCOL IS 'protocol of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.TRANSFORMATION IS 'transformation for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.RULE IS 'rule condition for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.DELIVERY_MODE IS 'message delivery mode for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TO_QUEUE IS 'whether the subscriber is a queue to queue subscriber' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM all_queue_subscribers FOR all_queue_subscribers / GRANT select ON ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS TO PUBLIC / -- Create view DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS -- This view displays all subscribers that the user has dequeue privilege on /* Bug 6488226: To add rule condition for a subscriber, inline outer join of * existing view is done with dba_rules view. Join condition is on rule_name and schema of subscriber */ create or replace view DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS as select su.owner OWNER, su.queue_name QUEUE_NAME, su.queue_table QUEUE_TABLE, su.consumer_name CONSUMER_NAME, su.address ADDRESS, su.protocol PROTOCOL, su.transformation TRANSFORMATION, r.rule_condition RULE, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 192), 64, 'PERSISTENT', 128, 'BUFFERED', 192, 'PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED', 'NONE') DELIVERY_MODE, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 32960), 32960, 'YES ', 'NO') IF_NONDURABLE_SUBSCRIBER, decode(bitand(su.sub_type, 512), 512, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') QUEUE_TO_QUEUE FROM ( select t.schema OWNER, QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, CONSUMER_NAME, s.address ADDRESS, s.protocol PROTOCOL, s.trans_name TRANSFORMATION, s.rule_name RULE_NAME, s.sub_type SUB_TYPE FROM$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, TABLE(aq$_get_subscribers(t.schema,,, NULL, q.eventid, t.flags)) s where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 1) = 1 and q.usage!=1 ) su, dba_rules r where su.rule_name = r.rule_name(+) and su.owner = r.rule_owner(+) / COMMENT ON TABLE DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS is 'queue subscribers in the database' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.OWNER IS 'owner of the queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_NAME IS 'name of the queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TABLE IS 'name of the queue table' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.CONSUMER_NAME IS 'name of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.ADDRESS IS 'address of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.PROTOCOL IS 'protocol of the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.TRANSFORMATION IS 'transformation for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.RULE IS 'rule condition for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.DELIVERY_MODE IS 'message delivery mode for the subscriber' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.QUEUE_TO_QUEUE IS 'whether the subscriber is a queue to queue subscriber' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_queue_subscribers FOR dba_queue_subscribers / GRANT select ON DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS TO SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / @@prvtaqji.plb -- load dbms_aqadm_sys @@dbmsaqds.plb