Rem Rem $Header: dbmspclx.sql 17-aug-2005.17:14:45 lvbcheng Exp $ Rem Rem dbmspclx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmspclx.sql - DBMS_PCLXUTIL Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem dbms_pclxutil - intra-partition parallelism for creating Rem partition-wise local index. Rem Rem NOTES Rem DBMS_PCXLUTIL was originally located in dbmsutil.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem lvbcheng 08/17/05 - lvbcheng_split_dbms_util Rem lvbcheng 07/29/05 - moved here from dbmsutil.sql Rem pamor 12/04/02 - pclxutil: remove private interfaces from public Rem rsujitha 10/15/98 - Add dbms_pclxutil package Rem Rem ******************************************************************** Rem THESE PACKAGES MUST NOT BE MODIFIED BY THE CUSTOMER. DOING SO Rem COULD CAUSE INTERNAL ERRORS AND SECURITY VIOLATIONS IN THE Rem RDBMS. SPECIFICALLY, THE PSD* AND EXECUTE_SQL ROUTINES MUST NOT BE Rem CALLED DIRECTLY BY ANY CLIENT AND MUST REMAIN PRIVATE TO THE PACKAGE BODY. Rem ******************************************************************** create or replace package dbms_pclxutil as ------------ -- OVERVIEW -- -- a package that provides intra-partition parallelism for creating -- partition-wise local index. -- -- SECURITY -- -- The execution privilege is granted to PUBLIC. The procedure -- build_part_index in this package run under the caller security. -- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- type JobList is table of number; procedure build_part_index ( jobs_per_batch in number default 1, procs_per_job in number default 1, tab_name in varchar2 default null, idx_name in varchar2 default null, force_opt in boolean default FALSE); -- -- jobs_per_batch: #jobs to be created (1 <= job_count <= #partitions) -- -- procs_per_job: #slaves per job (1 <= degree <= max_slaves) -- -- tab_name: name of the partitioned table (an exception is -- raised if the table does not exist or not -- partitioned) -- -- idx_name: name given to the local index (an exception is -- raised if a local index is not created on the -- table tab_name) -- -- force_opt: if TRUE force rebuild of all partitioned indices; -- otherwise rebuild only the partitions marked -- 'UNUSABLE' -- end dbms_pclxutil; / create or replace public synonym dbms_pclxutil for sys.dbms_pclxutil / grant execute on dbms_pclxutil to public /