Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cddm.sql /main/9 2010/02/19 18:00:12 mmcracke Exp $ Rem Rem cddm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cddm.sql - Catalog DDM.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Data Mining Model objects. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in ddm.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mmcracke 07/18/09 - Add ADP binning table type Rem bmilenov 06/15/09 - Bug-8661316: Add H inversion table to NMF Rem mmcracke 12/24/08 - Add ADP table to DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES Rem dmukhin 03/05/08 - bug 6620177: ADP coefficients reversal Rem mmcracke 07/06/06 - Add new table type ocSplitPredicate Rem pstengar 05/02/06 - update system privilege numbers Rem bmilenov 05/26/06 - Add GLM Rem dmukhin 05/17/06 - prj 18876: scoring cost matrix Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem remark remark FAMILY "DATA MINING MODELS" remark List of models remark create or replace view USER_MINING_MODELS (MODEL_NAME, MINING_FUNCTION, ALGORITHM, CREATION_DATE, BUILD_DURATION, MODEL_SIZE, COMMENTS) as select, cast(decode(func, /* Mining Function */ 1, 'CLASSIFICATION', 2, 'REGRESSION', 3, 'CLUSTERING', 4, 'FEATURE_EXTRACTION', 5, 'ASSOCIATION_RULES', 6, 'ATTRIBUTE_IMPORTANCE', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), cast(decode(alg, /* Mining Algorithm */ 1, 'NAIVE_BAYES', 2, 'ADAPTIVE_BAYES_NETWORK', 3, 'DECISION_TREE', 4, 'SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINES', 5, 'KMEANS', 6, 'O_CLUSTER', 7, 'NONNEGATIVE_MATRIX_FACTOR', 8, 'GENERALIZED_LINEAR_MODEL', 9, 'APRIORI_ASSOCIATION_RULES', 10, 'MINIMUM_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), o.ctime, bdur, msize, c.comment$ from sys.model$ m, sys.obj$ o,$ c where o.obj#=m.obj# and o.obj#=c.obj#(+) and o.type#=82 and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_MINING_MODELS is 'Description of the user''s own models' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.MINING_FUNCTION is 'Mining function of the model' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.ALGORITHM is 'Algorithm of the model' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.CREATION_DATE is 'Creation date of the model' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.BUILD_DURATION is 'Model build time (in seconds)' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_SIZE is 'Model size (in Mb)' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODELS.COMMENTS is 'Model comments' / create or replace public synonym USER_MINING_MODELS for USER_MINING_MODELS / grant select on USER_MINING_MODELS to public; / create or replace view ALL_MINING_MODELS (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, MINING_FUNCTION, ALGORITHM, CREATION_DATE, BUILD_DURATION, MODEL_SIZE, COMMENTS) as select,, cast(decode(func, /* Mining Function */ 1, 'CLASSIFICATION', 2, 'REGRESSION', 3, 'CLUSTERING', 4, 'FEATURE_EXTRACTION', 5, 'ASSOCIATION_RULES', 6, 'ATTRIBUTE_IMPORTANCE', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), cast(decode(alg, /* Mining Algorithm */ 1, 'NAIVE_BAYES', 2, 'ADAPTIVE_BAYES_NETWORK', 3, 'DECISION_TREE', 4, 'SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINES', 5, 'KMEANS', 6, 'O_CLUSTER', 7, 'NONNEGATIVE_MATRIX_FACTOR', 8, 'GENERALIZED_LINEAR_MODEL', 9, 'APRIORI_ASSOCIATION_RULES', 10, 'MINIMUM_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), o.ctime, bdur, msize, c.comment$ from sys.model$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ c where o.obj#=m.obj# and o.obj#=c.obj#(+) and o.type#=82 and o.owner#=u.user# and (o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-292 /* DROP ANY MINING MODEL */, -293 /* SELECT ANY MINING MODEL */, -294 /* ALTER ANY MINING MODEL */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_MINING_MODELS is 'Description of the models accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.MINING_FUNCTION is 'Mining function of the model' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.ALGORITHM is 'Algorithm of the model' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.CREATION_DATE is 'Creation date of the model' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.BUILD_DURATION is 'Model build time (in seconds)' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_SIZE is 'Model size (in Mb)' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODELS.COMMENTS is 'Model comments' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MINING_MODELS for ALL_MINING_MODELS / grant select on ALL_MINING_MODELS to public; / create or replace view DBA_MINING_MODELS (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, MINING_FUNCTION, ALGORITHM, CREATION_DATE, BUILD_DURATION, MODEL_SIZE, COMMENTS) as select,, cast(decode(func, /* Mining Function */ 1, 'CLASSIFICATION', 2, 'REGRESSION', 3, 'CLUSTERING', 4, 'FEATURE_EXTRACTION', 5, 'ASSOCIATION_RULES', 6, 'ATTRIBUTE_IMPORTANCE', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), cast(decode(alg, /* Mining Algorithm */ 1, 'NAIVE_BAYES', 2, 'ADAPTIVE_BAYES_NETWORK', 3, 'DECISION_TREE', 4, 'SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINES', 5, 'KMEANS', 6, 'O_CLUSTER', 7, 'NONNEGATIVE_MATRIX_FACTOR', 8, 'GENERALIZED_LINEAR_MODEL', 9, 'APRIORI_ASSOCIATION_RULES', 10, 'MINIMUM_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH', 'UNDEFINED') as varchar2(30)), o.ctime, bdur, msize, c.comment$ from sys.model$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ c where o.obj#=m.obj# and o.obj#=c.obj#(+) and o.type#=82 and o.owner#=u.user# / comment on table DBA_MINING_MODELS is 'Description of all the models in the database' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.OWNER is 'Owner of the model' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.MINING_FUNCTION is 'Mining function of the model' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.ALGORITHM is 'Algorithm of the model' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.CREATION_DATE is 'Creation date of the model' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.BUILD_DURATION is 'Model build time (in seconds)' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.MODEL_SIZE is 'Model size (in Mb)' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODELS.COMMENTS is 'Model comments' / grant select on DBA_MINING_MODELS to select_catalog_role / remark List of model attributes remark create or replace view USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES (MODEL_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, USAGE_TYPE, TARGET) as select,, decode(atyp, /* attribute type */ 1, 'NUMERICAL', 2, 'CATEGORICAL', 3, 'ORDINAL', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(dtyp, /* data type */ 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 4, 'FLOAT', 96, 'CHAR', 122, 'NESTED TABLE', 'UNDEFINED'), a.length, a.precision#, a.scale, decode(bitand(,1),1,'ACTIVE','INACTIVE'), decode(bitand(,2),2,'YES','NO') from sys.modelatt$ a, sys.obj$ o where o.obj#=a.mod# and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(, 4) = 0 / comment on table USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES is 'Description of the user''s own model attributes' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the attribute belongs' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE is 'Mining type of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_TYPE is 'Data type of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_LENGTH is 'Data length of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_PRECISION is 'Data precision of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_SCALE is 'Data scale of the attribute' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.USAGE_TYPE is 'Usage type for the attribute' / create or replace public synonym USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES for USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES / grant select on USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES to public / create or replace view ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, USAGE_TYPE, TARGET) as select,,, decode(atyp, /* attribute type */ 1, 'NUMERICAL', 2, 'CATEGORICAL', 3, 'ORDINAL', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(dtyp, /* data type */ 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 4, 'FLOAT', 96, 'CHAR', 122, 'NESTED TABLE', 'UNDEFINED'), a.length, a.precision#, a.scale, decode(bitand(,1),1,'ACTIVE','INACTIVE'), decode(bitand(,2),2,'YES','NO') from sys.modelatt$ a, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.obj#=a.mod# and o.owner#=u.user# and (o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-293 /* SELECT ANY MINING MODEL */) ) ) and bitand(, 4) = 0 / comment on table ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES is 'Description of all the model attributes accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the attribute belongs' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE is 'Mining type of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_TYPE is 'Data type of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_LENGTH is 'Data length of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_PRECISION is 'Data precision of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_SCALE is 'Data scale of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.USAGE_TYPE is 'Usage type for the attribute' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES for ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES / grant select on ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES to public / create or replace view DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, USAGE_TYPE, TARGET) as select,,, decode(atyp, /* attribute type */ 1, 'NUMERICAL', 2, 'CATEGORICAL', 3, 'ORDINAL', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(dtyp, /* data type */ 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 4, 'FLOAT', 96, 'CHAR', 122, 'NESTED TABLE', 'UNDEFINED'), a.length, a.precision#, a.scale, decode(bitand(,1),1,'ACTIVE','INACTIVE'), decode(bitand(,2),2,'YES','NO') from sys.modelatt$ a, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.obj#=a.mod# and o.owner#=u.user# and bitand(, 4) = 0 / comment on table DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES is 'Description of all the model attributes in the database' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the attribute belongs' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE is 'Mining type of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_TYPE is 'Data type of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_LENGTH is 'Data length of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_PRECISION is 'Data precision of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.DATA_SCALE is 'Data scale of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES.USAGE_TYPE is 'Usage type for the attribute' / grant select on DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES to select_catalog_role / remark List of model settings remark create or replace view USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS (MODEL_NAME, SETTING_NAME, SETTING_VALUE, SETTING_TYPE) as select,, s.value, decode(bitand(,1),1,'INPUT','DEFAULT') from sys.modelset$ s, sys.obj$ o where s.mod#=o.obj# and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,2) != 2 / comment on table USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS is 'Description of the user''s own model settings' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the setting belongs' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_NAME is 'Name of the setting' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_VALUE is 'Value of the setting' / comment on column USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_TYPE is 'Type of the setting' / create or replace public synonym USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS for USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS / grant select on USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS to public / create or replace view ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, SETTING_NAME, SETTING_VALUE, SETTING_TYPE) as select,,, s.value, decode(,1,'INPUT','DEFAULT') from sys.modelset$ s, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where s.mod#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and (o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-293 /* SELECT ANY MINING MODEL */) ) ) and bitand(,2) != 2 / comment on table ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS is 'Description of all the settings accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the setting belongs' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_NAME is 'Name of the setting' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_VALUE is 'Value of the setting' / comment on column ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_TYPE is 'Type of the setting' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS for ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS / grant select on ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS to public / create or replace view DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, SETTING_NAME, SETTING_VALUE, SETTING_TYPE) as select,,, s.value, decode(,1,'INPUT','DEFAULT') from sys.modelset$ s, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where s.mod#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and bitand(,2) != 2 / comment on table DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS is 'Description of all the model settings in the database' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the setting belongs' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_NAME is 'Name of the setting' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_VALUE is 'Value of the setting' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS.SETTING_TYPE is 'Type of the setting' / grant select on DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS to select_catalog_role / remark create or replace view DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES (OWNER, MODEL_NAME, TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE) as select,,, decode(typ#, 1, 'categoricalMapTable', 2, 'explosionMapTable', 3, 'rulesTable', 4, 'priorsTable', 5, 'treesTable', 6, 'timingTable', 7, 'clDescriptionTable', 8, 'clCentroidTable', 9, 'clTaxonomyTable', 10, 'clParameterTable', 11, 'clHistogramTable', 12, 'clBinBoundaryTable', 13, 'clRuleTable', 14, 'clPredicateTable', 15, 'clCentModeTable', 16, 'treeTgtMap', 17, 'treeTgtHist', 18, 'treeSplit', 19, 'treeSplitCat', 20, 'treeParams', 21, 'svmParams', 22, 'svmSettings', 23, 'svmCoefficients', 24, 'svmSqnorm', 25, 'svmAlphas', 26, 'supportVectors', 27, 'nmfEncodedMatrix', 28, 'costTable', 29, 'itemBinTable', 30, 'itemSetTable', 31, 'itemSetItemTable', 32, 'ocClusterTable', 33, 'ocRulesTable', 34, 'aiTable', 35, 'xformTable', 36, 'costScoreTable', 37, 'glmGlobDiagTable', 38, 'glmModelDiagTable', 39, 'glmFisherTable', 40, 'glmMappingTable', 41, 'glmFtrCmpTable', 42, 'glmScoreInfoTable', 43, 'glmTgtMapTable', 44, 'ocSplitPredicateTable', 45, 'xfNorm', 46, 'adpDataTable', 47, 'nmfInvertedMatrix', 48, 'adpBinDataTable', 'UNDEFINED') from sys.model$ m, sys.modeltab$ t, sys.obj$ o1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u where m.obj#=o1.obj# and m.obj#=t.mod# and t.obj#=o2.obj# and o1.owner#=u.user#; / comment on table DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES is 'Description of all the mining model tables in the system' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES.OWNER is 'Name of the owner to which the table belongs' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES.MODEL_NAME is 'Name of the model to which the table belongs' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the model table' / comment on column DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES.TABLE_TYPE is 'Name of the mining model table type' / grant select on DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DM_USER_MODELS (NAME, FUNCTION_NAME, ALGORITHM_NAME, CREATION_DATE, BUILD_DURATION, TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, MODEL_SIZE) as select m.model_name, mining_function, algorithm, creation_date, build_duration, attribute_name, model_size from user_mining_models m, user_mining_model_attributes a where m.model_name=a.model_name(+) and target(+)='YES' / create or replace public synonym DM_USER_MODELS for SYS.DM_USER_MODELS / grant select on DM_USER_MODELS to public /