Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catxdbtm.sql /main/12 2009/04/06 20:28:14 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbtm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbtm.sql - XDB compact xml Token Manager related tables Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script creates the tables required for XDB Compact XML Rem token management. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script should be run as the user "XDB". Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 03/21/09 - dbms_csx_admin.guidto32 moved to dbms_csx_int Rem bsthanik 05/18/07 - Bug 6054818 Rem spetride 11/01/07 - token tables not registered for export Rem spetride 01/16/07 - do not drop tables if already exist Rem spetride 08/10/06 - check for already existing tok tables Rem spetride 03/01/06 - support for multiple token repositories Rem nitgupta 02/07/06 - Token MGR uses VARCHAR2 columns Rem smukkama 11/19/04 - use even smaller token size (UTF8 ncharset) Rem smukkama 10/12/04 - for less than 8K blk sz use smaller token columns Rem smukkama 09/30/04 - move xmlidx plsql stuff to catxidx.sql Rem smukkama 08/13/04 - add flags column (for attr) to xdb$qname_id Rem smukkama 06/23/04 - Remove set echo on Rem athusoo 04/06/04 - Add path suffix table function Rem smukkama 02/27/04 - Add reverse path index on xdb$path_id Rem smukkama 12/16/03 - Created Rem -- delete exp/imp related info declare stmtdrop varchar2(2000); begin stmtdrop := 'delete from sys.exppkgact$ where ( schema like ''' || 'XDB' || ''' )'; execute immediate stmtdrop; stmtdrop := 'delete from sys.expdepact$ where ( schema like ''' || 'XDB' || ''' )'; execute immediate stmtdrop; exception when others then -- we are here if this is the first time we call catxdbtm.sql -- no error NULL; end; / /*************** Create XDB.XDB$TTSET table *****************/ begin execute immediate 'create table xdb.xdb$ttset( guid raw(16), toksuf varchar(26), flags number, obj# number unique)'; exception when others then -- raise no error if table already exists NULL; end; / /************ Create Token - ID mapping tables *********************/ /* If the block size is less than 8K use smaller token sizes so * that index creation doesn't fail. (see bug 3928505) * * The max index key sizes for various block sizes are: * 2K max index key size = 1478 bytes (on Linux) * 4K max index key size = 3118 bytes (on Linux) * 8K max index key size = 6398 bytes (on Linux) * * For each of the various token column sizes below, the maximum token * length that would permit token-->id index creation was determined and * then a value 5% less (to account for any platform specific variance) * was picked as the token size. * */ declare bsz number; nmspc_tok_chars number; qname_tok_chars number; path_tok_bytes number; guid raw(16); guid32 varchar2(26); nmguid varchar2(34); qnguid varchar2(34); ptguid varchar2(34); qnguid2 varchar2(30); regstmt varchar2(2000); stmt1 varchar2(2000); stmt2 varchar2(2000); stmt3 varchar2(2000); tabno number; tsno number; begin /* figure out block size and use appropriate token size */ select t.block_size into bsz from user_tablespaces t, user_users u where u.default_tablespace = t.tablespace_name; if bsz < 4096 then nmspc_tok_chars := 464; qname_tok_chars := 460; path_tok_bytes := 1395; elsif bsz < 8192 then nmspc_tok_chars := 984; qname_tok_chars := 979; path_tok_bytes := 2000; else nmspc_tok_chars := 2000; qname_tok_chars := 2000; path_tok_bytes := 2000; end if; -- create the default GUID guid := sys_guid(); guid32 := xdb.dbms_csx_int.guidto32(guid); nmguid := 'xdb.x$nm' || guid32; -- name of the default Qname ID token table -- used to be XDB.XDB$QNAME_ID qnguid := 'xdb.x$qn' || guid32; -- name of the default URI ID token table -- used to be XDB.XDB$NMSPC_ID ptguid := 'xdb.x$pt' || guid32; -- name of the default Path Id token table -- used to be XDB.XDB$PATH_ID qnguid2 := 'X$QN' || guid32; execute immediate -- Namespace URI ID Token Table 'create table ' || nmguid || ' ( nmspcuri varchar2(' || nmspc_tok_chars || '), id raw(8)) '; execute immediate -- QName ID Token Table 'create table ' || qnguid || ' ( nmspcid raw(8), localname varchar2(' || qname_tok_chars || '), flags raw(4), id raw(8)) '; execute immediate -- PathID Token Table 'create table ' || ptguid || ' ( path raw(' || path_tok_bytes || '), id raw(8)) '; commit; -- insert reserved values into default token tables execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('01'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('02'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('03'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('04'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('05'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('06'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('07'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || nmguid || ' values(:1, :2)' using '', HEXTORAW('08'); commit; execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('01'), 'space', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('10'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('01'), 'lang', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('11'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('03'), 'type', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('12'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('03'), 'nil', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('13'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('03'), 'schemaLocation', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('14'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('03'), 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('15'); execute immediate 'insert into ' || qnguid || ' values(:1, :2, :3, :4)' using HEXTORAW('02'), 'xmlns', HEXTORAW('01'), HEXTORAW('16'); commit; -- create Indexes on default token tables -- used to be called xdb.xdb$nmspc_id_nmspcuri execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$nn' || guid32 || ' on ' || nmguid || '(nmspcuri)'; --used to be called xdb.xdb$nmspc_id_id execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$ni' || guid32 || ' on ' || nmguid || '(id) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$qname_id_nmspcid execute immediate 'create index xdb.x$qs' || guid32 || ' on ' || qnguid || ' (nmspcid) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$qname_id_qname execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$qq' || guid32 || ' on ' || qnguid || '(nmspcid, localname, flags) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$qname_id_id execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$qi' || guid32 || ' on ' || qnguid || '(id) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$path_id_path execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$pp' || guid32 || ' on ' || ptguid || '(path) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$path_id_id execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$pi' || guid32 || ' on ' || ptguid || '(id) '; --used to be called xdb.xdb$path_id_revpath execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.x$pr' || guid32 || ' on ' || ptguid || '(SYS_PATH_REVERSE(path)) '; commit; -- add entry to XDB.XDB$TTSET stmt1 := 'select o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where ( = ''' || 'XDB' || ''') and ( = ''' || qnguid2 || ''') and (o.owner# = u.user#)'; execute immediate stmt1 into tabno; stmt2 := 'select t.ts# from dba_tables x, sys.ts$ t where (x.table_name = ''' || qnguid2 || ''') and (x.owner = ''' || 'XDB' || ''') and (x.tablespace_name ='; execute immediate stmt2 into tsno; insert into xdb.xdb$ttset values (guid, guid32, 0, tsno); -- register DBMS_XDB_EXP_RULES for export begin stmt1 := 'insert into sys.exppkgact$ values(:1, :2, 3, 2006)'; execute immediate stmt1 using 'DBMS_CSX_ADMIN', 'XDB'; end; commit; exception when others then -- 1. raise no error if tables/indexes already exist -- 2. still need to register the DBMS_XDB_EXP_RULES for export begin stmt1 := 'insert into sys.exppkgact$ values(:1, :2, 3, 2006)'; execute immediate stmt1 using 'DBMS_CSX_ADMIN', 'XDB'; exception when others then NULL; end; NULL; end; /