Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cattrans.sql /main/7 2009/01/27 00:22:19 swshekha Exp $ Rem Rem cattrans.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cattrans.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem swshekha 01/15/09 - add view all_transformations Rem wesmith 10/03/03 - register DBMS_TRANSFORM_EXIMP for instance-level Rem export procedural action Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem nbhatt 01/23/02 - add the type names to dictionary Rem rburns 10/28/01 - remove constraint error Rem nbhatt 11/29/00 - add the DBMS_TRANSFORM_EXIMP package to exppkgobj Rem nbhatt 09/26/00 - add views, comments Rem nbhatt 09/19/00 - replace colon with slash Rem nbhatt 08/28/00 - add version information in dictionary Rem nbhatt 07/31/00 - transformation dictionary tables Rem nbhatt 07/31/00 - Created Rem -- -- Table that stores the transformations create table transformations$( transformation_id number not null primary key, owner varchar2(30) not null, name varchar2(30) not null, from_schema varchar2(30), from_type varchar2(30), from_toid raw(16) not null, from_version number not null, to_schema varchar2(30), to_type varchar2(60), to_toid raw(16) not null, to_version number not null); -- -- Table that stores the attribute mappings create table attribute_transformations$( transformation_id number, constraint attribute_transformations_fk foreign key (transformation_id) references transformations$ on delete cascade, attribute_number number, constraint attribute_transformations_pk primary key(transformation_id, attribute_number), sql_expression varchar2(4000), xsl_transformation CLOB); -- -- Sequence for transformation id -- CREATE SEQUENCE$_trans_sequence START WITH 1; -- -- User_transformations -- create or replace view USER_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, name, from_type, to_type) as SELECT t.transformation_id,, t.from_schema||'.'||t.from_type, t.to_schema||'.'||t.to_type FROM transformations$ t, sys.user$ u WHERE u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.owner / -- -- User transformation attributes -- Create or replace view USER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, name, from_type, to_type, attribute, attribute_transformation) as SELECT t.transformation_id,, t.from_schema||'.'||t.from_type, t.to_schema||'.'||t.to_type, at.attribute_number, at.sql_expression FROM transformations$ t, attribute_transformations$ at, sys.user$ u WHERE u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.owner and t.transformation_id = at.transformation_id / -- -- DBA_transformations create or replace view DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, owner, name, from_type, to_type) as SELECT t.transformation_id,,, t.from_schema||'.'||t.from_type, t.to_schema||'.'||t.to_type FROM transformations$ t, sys.user$ u WHERE = t.owner / -- -- DBA transformation attributes -- Create or replace view DBA_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, owner, name, from_type, to_type, attribute, attribute_transformation) as SELECT t.transformation_id,,, t.from_schema||'.'||t.from_type, t.to_schema||'.'||t.to_type, at.attribute_number, at.sql_expression FROM transformations$ t, attribute_transformations$ at, sys.user$ u WHERE = t.owner and t.transformation_id = at.transformation_id / -- -- ALL transformations -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ALL_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, owner, name, from_type, to_type) AS select t.transformation_id, t.owner,, t.from_type, t.to_type from transformations$ t, sys.user$ u where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and ( = t.owner /* user is the owner */ or (exists (select null from v$enabledprivs /* user has system privelege */ where priv_number in (-184 /* EXECUTE ANY TYPE */))) or (t.from_type in /* user has execute on from type */ ( select t.from_type from transformations$ t, obj$ o, objauth$ oa where o.obj# = oa.obj# and t.from_type = and (oa.grantor# = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR oa.obj# in (select ro.obj# from sys.objauth$ ro where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) ) and t.to_type in /* user has execute on to type */ ( select t.to_type from transformations$ t, obj$ o, objauth$ oa where o.obj# = oa.obj# and t.to_type = and (oa.grantor# = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR oa.obj# in (select ro.obj# from sys.objauth$ ro where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)))))) ) / -- -- ALL transformation attributes -- Create or replace view ALL_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS (transformation_id, owner, name, from_type, to_type, attribute, attribute_transformation) as SELECT t.transformation_id, t.owner,, t.from_schema||'.'||t.from_type, t.to_schema||'.'||t.to_type, at.attribute_number, at.sql_expression FROM transformations$ t, attribute_transformations$ at, sys.user$ u WHERE t.transformation_id = at.transformation_id and u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and ( = t.owner /* user is the owner */ or (exists (select null from v$enabledprivs /* user has system privelege */ where priv_number in (-184 /* EXECUTE ANY TYPE */))) or (t.from_type in /* user has execute on from type */ ( select t.from_type from transformations$ t, obj$ o, objauth$ oa where o.obj# = oa.obj# and t.from_type = and (oa.grantor# = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR oa.obj# in (select ro.obj# from sys.objauth$ ro where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) ) and t.to_type in /* user has execute on to type */ ( select t.to_type from transformations$ t, obj$ o, objauth$ oa where o.obj# = oa.obj# and t.to_type = and (oa.grantor# = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR oa.obj# in (select ro.obj# from sys.objauth$ ro where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)))))) ) / create or replace public synonym user_transformations for user_transformations / grant select on user_transformations to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace public synonym user_attribute_transformations for user_attribute_transformations / grant select on user_attribute_transformations to PUBLIC with grant option / grant select on dba_attribute_transformations to select_catalog_role / grant select on dba_transformations to select_catalog_role / grant select on all_attribute_transformations to PUBLIC / grant select on all_transformations to PUBLIC / delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'DBMS_TRANSFORM_EXIMP' and schema='SYS'; insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_TRANSFORM_EXIMP', 'SYS', 2, 1000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_TRANSFORM_EXIMP', 'SYS', 3, 1000) /