rem rem $Header: catsvrmg.sql 24-may-2001.14:38:27 gviswana Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1991, 1996 by Oracle Corporation Rem NAME Rem catsvrmg.sql - Create the views and tables required for Server Manager Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem RETURNS Rem Rem NOTES Rem Connects as internal (no password) Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE AND REPLACE SYNONYM Rem asurpur 04/08/96 - Dictionary Protection Implementation Rem dbuchhei 11/30/95 - update version to 7.3.2 Rem dsternbe 02/21/95 - merge 214 into main line Rem dsternbe 02/16/95 - merge Rem dsternbe 02/16/95 - update version to 7.2.2 Rem kzabora 12/19/94 - change version number Rem kzabora 10/27/94 - comment out v$pwfile view Rem kzabora 10/27/94 - comment out v$pwfile view Rem kzabora 10/25/94 - Update SM_$VERSION Rem kzabora 10/12/94 - update views version number Rem kzabora 09/15/94 - Update sm$version Rem barthur 08/30/94 - Added versioning to the modified actions so we st Rem barthur 08/30/94 - Rem barthur 08/29/94 - Add SQL to create public.v$pwfile_users Rem barthur 08/29/94 - Add SQL to create public.v$pwfile_users Rem sstorkel 05/05/94 - Creation Rem msinykin 01/25/94 - update version number Rem barthur 01/23/94 - Remove the sm$security items we no longer need Rem barthur 01/11/94 - Add DROP SYS.SM$ROLE_TREE Rem barthur 12/30/93 - Add new views and table for improvements to secu Rem ameyer 10/28/93 - Updated version number to match database (7.1.2) Rem ameyer 10/21/93 - Fixed sm$version.version_number to be VSNNUMBER. Rem - Also removed old tables and @@catnosvm.sql Rem ameyer 10/12/93 - Added sm$version and comments. Rem durry 09/22/93 - add public alias for v$sess_io Rem sstorkel 09/10/93 - Remove connect command. Rem barthur 07/30/93 - Change sm$ts view for the new tablespace select Rem msinykin 06/21/93 - Clean up views. Rem barthur 05/07/93 - Creation REM List of Server Manager Tables and views REM These need to be created by SYS when Server Manager is installed. REM REM This script needs to be run as INTERNAL or SYS REM REM For debugging REM set echo ON REM You *must* be connected as SYS or INTERNAL for this script to REM work correctly. REM sm$version REM Version_number is conceptually VSNNUMBER(version_text). REM In the case of '', it's hex 0x07102000 REM converted to decimal 118497280. create or replace view sys.sm_$version as select '' version_text, 120594432 version_number, created from sys.dba_objects where owner = 'SYS' and object_name = 'SM_$VERSION'; grant select on sys.sm_$version to public; create or replace public synonym sm$version for sys.sm_$version; REM sm$ts_avail create or replace view$ts_avail as select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name; grant select on$ts_avail to select_catalog_role; REM sm$ts_used create or replace view$ts_used as select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_segments group by tablespace_name; grant select on$ts_used to select_catalog_role; REM sm$ts_free create or replace view$ts_free as select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name; grant select on$ts_free to select_catalog_role; REM sm$audit_config create or replace view$audit_config ( audit_type, schema_user, audit_target) as select 'Object', owner, object_type || ' ' || object_name from sys.dba_obj_audit_opts where ALT != '-/-' OR AUD != '-/-' OR COM != '-/-' OR DEL != '-/-' OR GRA != '-/-' OR IND != '-/-' OR INS != '-/-' OR LOC != '-/-' OR REN != '-/-' OR SEL != '-/-' OR UPD != '-/-' OR FBK != '-/-' OR EXE != '-/-' union all select 'Privilege', user_name, privilege from sys.dba_priv_audit_opts union all select 'Statement', user_name, audit_option from sys.dba_stmt_audit_opts; grant select on$audit_config to select_catalog_role; REM sm$integrity_cons create or replace view$integrity_cons as select owner || '.' || table_name table_name, constraint_name, decode(status, 'ENABLED', 'Y', NULL) enabled from sys.dba_constraints; grant select on$integrity_cons to select_catalog_role; REM Now, make v$sess_io public. REM This is here as a workaround for bug #149629. Basically, there is a bug REM in catalog.sql. It fails to create the view and public synonym for REM v$sess_io. This makes it impossible for regular DBA's to run monitors REM using this view. REM This should disappear at some point. create or replace view sys.v_$sess_io as select * from sys.v$sess_io; create or replace public synonym v$sess_io for sys.v_$sess_io; grant select on sys.v_$sess_io to select_catalog_role; REM The following view and public synonym are created as part of catalog.sql REM in versions 7.1.5 and greater. If you are using Server Manager to REM administer a 7.1.3 or 7.1.4 rdbms, you may have to uncomment the REM following lines and run this portion of the script. REM Add SQL to create the public.v$pwfile_users REM create or replace view sys.v_$pwfile_users as REM select * from sys.v$pwfile_users; REM create or replace public synonym v$pwfile_users for sys.v_$pwfile_users;