Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catsum.sql /main/47 2010/03/15 11:23:04 alexsanc Exp $ Rem Rem catsum.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catsum.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates the data dictionary views for summary management Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run while connectd as SYS or INTERNAL Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem alexsanc 03/02/10 - Bug 6061992 Rem zqiu 11/15/07 - hide 2nd cube mv pct refresh metadata Rem mthiyaga 02/07/07 - Fix bug 5857623 Rem zqiu 01/10/07 - handle primary CUBE MVs Rem sramakri 12/08/05 - add pct info to xxx_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS; Rem create xxx_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION and _SUBPARTITION Rem desingh 09/27/04 - bug#3780685: create index on Rem mview_adv_basetable.queryid# Rem sbodagal 05/24/04 - fix bug# 3646793 Rem mxiao 05/13/04 - change *_DIM_CHILD_OF Rem sbodagal 05/13/04 - add CHILD_JOIN_TABLE in *_DIM_JOIN_KEY Rem sbodagal 04/13/04 - add a column to *_DIM_LEVELS views Rem tfyu 06/11/03 - add export package for rewrite equivalences Rem gssmith 07/14/03 - Extend APPLICATION column for advisor Rem twtong 06/10/03 - bug-2999427 Rem mxiao 11/01/02 - grant ALL/USER_MVIEW_comments TO public Rem twtong 01/10/03 - fix bug-2677089 Rem tfyu 01/13/03 - remove hard tabs Rem tfyu 11/12/02 - showing info in catalog views for set-op mviews Rem twtong 08/13/02 - add DBA/ALL/USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES Rem mxiao 05/15/02 - add DBA/ALL/USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS Rem desinha 04/29/02 - #2303866: change user => userenv('SCHEMAID') Rem twtong 02/13/02 - add attribute name to *_DIM_ATTRIBUTES Rem twtong 09/12/01 - code review comment Rem sramakri 08/17/01 - add scalability parameters Rem twtong 08/09/01 - suppress rows from setop mv Rem btao 08/13/01 - add table mview$_adv_info Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE AND REPLACE SYNONYM Rem gssmith 04/05/01 - Extend column size in MVIEW$_ADV_WORKLOAD Rem mxiao 03/27/01 - add COMPILE_STATE to *_DIMENSIONS Rem twtong 03/27/01 - correct typo and comment Rem btao 03/28/01 - remove collectionid from MVIEW_WORKLOAD. Rem gssmith 02/22/01 - Name bu Rem gssmith 01/05/01 - 1488357 Rem ayoaz 08/30/00 - Add user-aggregates support for materialized views. Rem btao 10/04/00 - modify date format for qsma.datetime_mask Rem gssmith 09/15/00 - Bug 1402299 Rem sramakri 09/06/00 - check output_type in mview_recommendations and ev Rem btao 08/24/00 - remove redundant semi-colons Rem btao 08/23/00 - modify primary key for mview$_adv_eligible Rem btao 08/21/00 - remove grant select statements Rem sramakri 08/14/00 - remove MVIEW$_ADV_PROC_AUTH Rem btao 07/28/00 - modify filterinstance table Rem btao 07/05/00 - modify some parameters Rem btao 07/05/00 - add filter instance table and view Rem btao 05/11/00 - Update trace level Rem gssmith 04/12/00 - Adding new views for Advisor Rem btao 01/12/00 - add tables and views for advisor metadata Rem bpanchap 08/06/99 - Fixing Bug 955953 Rem rshaikh 05/24/99 - remove comments so *summary* views dont show in d Rem bpanchap 05/19/99 - Fixing the comparison mask for inc_refreshable Rem jraitto 03/30/99 - fix INC_REFRESHABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX & SUMMARY Rem masubram 11/17/98 - modify all_refresh_dependencies view Rem jraitto 11/17/98 - add REWRITE_ENABLED column to *_MVIEW_ANALYSIS Rem qiwang 10/15/98 - use distinct intcol# instead of col# Rem jfeenan 10/26/98 - Add DBA_ synonymns Rem jfinnert 08/20/98 - Change NONE to NEVER in xxx_mview_analysis Rem qiwang 06/12/98 - Change privilege numbers Rem awitkows 06/03/98 - add mview views Rem jfinnert 06/02/98 - Change summaries views Rem rguzman 05/28/98 - Fix ALL_SUMMARIES view, with respect to refresh s Rem qiwang 04/06/98 - Change sa.expression to sa.aggtext in SUMMARY_AGG Rem qiwang 04/03/98 - Convert 0 to NULL in DIM_CHILD_OF views Rem qiwang 04/03/98 - Add even more missing views. Rem jfinnert 03/24/98 - Updating object number after refreshview Rem qiwang 03/24/98 - Create public synonyms for ALL_ and USER_ views. Rem qiwang 03/23/98 - Fix a bug in DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF Rem jfinnert 03/21/98 - Change GRANTs to only allow selection from the ca Rem qiwang 03/20/98 - Add DBA_ view definitions related to summary obj. Rem qiwang 02/17/98 - Drop the synonyms created for the set of DBA_ vie Rem qiwang 02/12/98 - Fix bugs in DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEYS view Rem qiwang 02/10/98 - Fix some comments Rem qiwang 02/10/98 - Add DBA_ view definitions related to dimension ob Rem rguzman 02/05/98 - Update ALL_SUMMARIES view with the new summary pr Rem wnorcott 01/14/98 - object-type # for summaries changes from 29 to 38 Rem jfeenan 12/16/97 - Add comment for future priv change Rem jfeenan 12/15/97 - Change ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES table type to 1 Rem jfeenan 11/12/97 - Temp hack for initial Beta1 testing make view loo Rem jfeenan 11/10/97 - Break out of pflags and mflags from flags Rem jfeenan 11/07/97 - Fix up ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES Rem jfeenan 11/06/97 - Add ALL_SUMMARIES, ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES and Rem jfeenan 11/06/97 - Catalog views for summary management Rem jfeenan 11/06/97 - Created Rem rem rem The following are the view definitions for the 8.1 summary rem management project. rem rem For Beta 1 this will include only the information for summaries rem dimensions will be added at a later time. rem rem rem DIMENSIONS rem create or replace view DBA_DIMENSIONS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, INVALID, COMPILE_STATE, REVISION) as select,, decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(o.status, 1, 'VALID', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR'), 1 /* Metadata revision number */ from sys.dim$ d, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = d.obj# / comment on table DBA_DIMENSIONS is 'Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA' / comment on column DBA_DIMENSIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIMENSIONS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIMENSIONS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the dimension, Y = INVALID, N = VALID. The column is deprecated, please use COMPILE_STATE instead.' / comment on column DBA_DIMENSIONS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Compile status of the dimension, VALID/NEEDS_COMPILE/ERROR' / comment on column DBA_DIMENSIONS.REVISION is 'Revision levle of the dimension' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIMENSIONS for DBA_DIMENSIONS / grant select on DBA_DIMENSIONS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIMENSIONS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, INVALID, COMPILE_STATE, REVISION) as select,, decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(o.status, 1, 'VALID', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR'), 1 /* Metadata revision number */ from sys.dim$ d, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = d.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIMENSIONS is 'Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA' / comment on column ALL_DIMENSIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIMENSIONS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIMENSIONS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the dimension, Y = INVALID, N = VALID. The column is deprecated, please use COMPILE_STATE instead.' / comment on column ALL_DIMENSIONS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Compile status of the dimension, VALID/NEEDS_COMPILE/ERROR' / comment on column ALL_DIMENSIONS.REVISION is 'Revision levle of the dimension' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIMENSIONS for ALL_DIMENSIONS / grant select on ALL_DIMENSIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIMENSIONS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, INVALID, COMPILE_STATE, REVISION) as select,, decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(o.status, 1, 'VALID', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR'), 1 /* Metadata revision number */ from sys.dim$ d, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = d.obj# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_DIMENSIONS is 'Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA' / comment on column USER_DIMENSIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIMENSIONS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIMENSIONS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the dimension, Y = INVALID, N = VALID. The column is deprecated, please use COMPILE_STATE instead.' / comment on column USER_DIMENSIONS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Compile status of the dimension, VALID/NEEDS_COMPILE/ERROR' / comment on column USER_DIMENSIONS.REVISION is 'Revision levle of the dimension' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIMENSIONS for USER_DIMENSIONS / grant select on USER_DIMENSIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem rem DIM_LEVELS rem create or replace view DBA_DIM_LEVELS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, NUM_COLUMNS, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, SKIP_WHEN_NULL) as select,, dl.levelname, temp.num_col,,, decode (dl.flags, 1, 'Y', 'N') from (select dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#, COUNT(*) as num_col from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk group by dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#) temp, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1 where dl.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dl.dimobj# = temp.dimobj# and dl.levelid# = temp.levelid# and temp.detailobj# = o1.obj# and o1.owner# = u1.user# / comment on table DBA_DIM_LEVELS is 'Description of dimension levels visible to DBA' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the dimension level (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.NUM_COLUMNS is 'Number of columns in the level definition' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the table that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVELS.SKIP_WHEN_NULL is 'Is the level declared with SKIP WHEN NULL clause? (Y/N)' create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_LEVELS for DBA_DIM_LEVELS / grant select on DBA_DIM_LEVELS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_LEVELS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, NUM_COLUMNS, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, SKIP_WHEN_NULL) as select,, dl.levelname, temp.num_col,,, decode (dl.flags, 1, 'Y', 'N') from (select dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#, COUNT(*) as num_col from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk group by dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#) temp, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1 where dl.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dl.dimobj# = temp.dimobj# and dl.levelid# = temp.levelid# and temp.detailobj# = o1.obj# and o1.owner# = u1.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_LEVELS is 'Description of dimension levels visible to DBA' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the dimension level (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.NUM_COLUMNS is 'Number of columns in the level definition' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the table that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVELS.SKIP_WHEN_NULL is 'Is the level declared with SKIP WHEN NULL clause? (Y/N)' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_LEVELS for ALL_DIM_LEVELS / grant select on ALL_DIM_LEVELS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_LEVELS (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, NUM_COLUMNS, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, SKIP_WHEN_NULL) as select,, dl.levelname, temp.num_col,,, decode (dl.flags, 1, 'Y', 'N') from (select dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#, COUNT(*) as num_col from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk group by dlk.dimobj#, dlk.levelid#, dlk.detailobj#) temp, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1 where dl.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dl.dimobj# = temp.dimobj# and dl.levelid# = temp.levelid# and temp.detailobj# = o1.obj# and o1.owner# = u1.user# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_DIM_LEVELS is 'Description of dimension levels visible to DBA' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the dimension level (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.NUM_COLUMNS is 'Number of columns in the level definition' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the table that the keys of this level come from' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVELS.SKIP_WHEN_NULL is 'Is the level declared with SKIP WHEN NULL clause? (Y/N)' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_LEVELS for USER_DIM_LEVELS / grant select on USER_DIM_LEVELS to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY REM create or replace view DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, KEY_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME) as select,, dl.levelname, dlk.keypos#, from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where dlk.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dlk.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and dlk.levelid# = dl.levelid# and dlk.detailobj# = c.obj# and dlk.col# = c.intcol# / comment on table DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY is 'Representations of columns of a dimension level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Ordinal position of the key column within the level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the key column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY for DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY / grant select on DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, KEY_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME) as select,, dl.levelname, dlk.keypos#, from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where dlk.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dlk.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and dlk.levelid# = dl.levelid# and dlk.detailobj# = c.obj# and dlk.col# = c.intcol# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY is 'Representations of columns of a dimension level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Ordinal position of the key column within the level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the key column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY for ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY / grant select on ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, KEY_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME) as select,, dl.levelname, dlk.keypos#, from sys.dimlevelkey$ dlk, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where dlk.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and dlk.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and dlk.levelid# = dl.levelid# and dlk.detailobj# = c.obj# and dlk.col# = c.intcol# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY is 'Representations of columns of a dimension level' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Ordinal position of the key column within the level' / comment on column USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the key column' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY for USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY / grant select on USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES REM create or replace view DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, INFERRED) as select,, da.attname, dl.levelname,, 'N' from sys.dimattr$ da, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where da.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and da.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and da.levelid# = dl.levelid# and da.detailobj# = c.obj# and da.col# = c.intcol# / comment on table DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES is 'Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and a functionally dependent column' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimentsion' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the dependent column' / comment on column DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.INFERRED is 'Whether this attribute is inferred from a JOIN KEY specification' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES for DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES / grant select on DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, INFERRED) as select,, da.attname, dl.levelname,, 'N' from sys.dimattr$ da, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where da.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and da.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and da.levelid# = dl.levelid# and da.detailobj# = c.obj# and da.col# = c.intcol# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES is 'Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and a functionally dependent column' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimentsion' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the dependent column' / comment on column ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.INFERRED is 'Whether this attribute is inferred from a JOIN KEY specification' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES for ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES / grant select on ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, ATTRIBUTE_NAME, LEVEL_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, INFERRED) as select,, da.attname, dl.levelname,, 'N' from sys.dimattr$ da, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.col$ c where da.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and da.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and da.levelid# = dl.levelid# and da.detailobj# = c.obj# and da.col# = c.intcol# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES is 'Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and a functionally dependent column' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimentsion' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.ATTRIBUTE_NAME is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the dependent column' / comment on column USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES.INFERRED is 'Whether this attribute is inferred from a JOIN KEY specification' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES for USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES / grant select on USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES REM create or replace view DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, HIERARCHY_NAME) as select,, h.hiername from sys.hier$ h, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where h.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES is 'Representation of a dimension hierarchy' / comment on column DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES for DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES / grant select on DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, HIERARCHY_NAME) as select,, h.hiername from sys.hier$ h, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where h.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES is 'Representation of a dimension hierarchy' / comment on column ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES for ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES / grant select on ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, HIERARCHY_NAME) as select,, h.hiername from sys.hier$ h, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where h.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES is 'Representation of a dimension hierarchy' / comment on column USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES for USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES / grant select on USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF REM REM Since 10R2, we allow two levels reference the same parent REM if one of the two child levels is defined as 'SKIP WHEN NULL'. REM So in the catalog view, a level is excluded if its child REM level in dimjoinkey$ is not an immediate child. REM In the way, one and only one level and its join key id is REM shown in the catalog view. create or replace view DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, HIERARCHY_NAME, POSITION, CHILD_LEVEL_NAME, JOIN_KEY_ID, PARENT_LEVEL_NAME) as select,, h.hiername, chl.pos#, cdl.levelname, decode(phl.joinkeyid#, 0, NULL, phl.joinkeyid#), pdl.levelname from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.hier$ h, sys.hierlevel$ phl, sys.hierlevel$ chl, sys.dimlevel$ pdl, sys.dimlevel$ cdl where phl.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and phl.dimobj# = h.dimobj# and phl.hierid# = h.hierid# and phl.dimobj# = pdl.dimobj# and phl.levelid# = pdl.levelid# and phl.dimobj# = chl.dimobj# and phl.hierid# = chl.hierid# and phl.pos# = chl.pos# + 1 and chl.dimobj# = cdl.dimobj# and chl.levelid# = cdl.levelid# AND (phl.joinkeyid# = 0 OR (phl.joinkeyid# NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT d.joinkeyid# FROM sys.dimjoinkey$ d WHERE phl.dimobj# = d.dimobj# AND phl.joinkeyid# = d.joinkeyid# AND d.chdlevid# != chl.levelid# ) ) ) / comment on table DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF is 'Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.POSITION is 'Hierarchical position within this hierarchy, position 1 being the most detailed' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child-side level of this 1:n relationship' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.JOIN_KEY_ID is 'Keys that join child to the parent' / comment on column DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF.PARENT_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the parent-side level of this 1:n relationship' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF for DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF / grant select on DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF as select d.* from dba_dim_child_of d, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and d.dimension_name = and d.owner = and o.type# = 43 /* dimension */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF is 'Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.POSITION is 'Hierarchical position within this hierarchy, position 1 being the most detailed' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child-side level of this 1:n relationship' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.JOIN_KEY_ID is 'Keys that join child to the parent' / comment on column ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF.PARENT_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the parent-side level of this 1:n relationship' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF for ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF / grant select on ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_CHILD_OF as select d.* FROM dba_dim_child_of d, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and d.owner = / comment on table USER_DIM_CHILD_OF is 'Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.POSITION is 'Hierarchical position within this hierarchy, position 1 being the most detailed' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child-side level of this 1:n relationship' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.JOIN_KEY_ID is 'Keys that join child to the parent' / comment on column USER_DIM_CHILD_OF.PARENT_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the parent-side level of this 1:n relationship' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_CHILD_OF for USER_DIM_CHILD_OF / grant select on USER_DIM_CHILD_OF to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY REM create or replace view DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY (OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, DIM_KEY_ID, LEVEL_NAME, KEY_POSITION, HIERARCHY_NAME, CHILD_JOIN_OWNER, CHILD_JOIN_TABLE, CHILD_JOIN_COLUMN, CHILD_LEVEL_NAME) as select,, djk.joinkeyid#, dl.levelname, djk.keypos#, h.hiername,,,, dl2.levelname from sys.dimjoinkey$ djk, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.dimlevel$ dl, sys.hier$ h, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.dimlevel$ dl2 where djk.dimobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and djk.dimobj# = dl.dimobj# and djk.levelid# = dl.levelid# and djk.dimobj# = h.dimobj# and djk.hierid# = h.hierid# and djk.detailobj# = c.obj# and djk.col# = c.intcol# AND djk.detailobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND djk.dimobj# = dl2.dimobj# AND djk.chdlevid# = dl2.levelid# / comment on table DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY is 'Representation of a join between two dimension tables. ' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIM_KEY_ID is 'Join key ID (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Position of the key column within the level' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_OWNER IS 'Owner of the join column table' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_TABLE IS 'Name of the join column table' / comment on column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_COLUMN is 'Name of the join column' / comment ON column DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child hierarchy level of the join key' / create or replace public synonym DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY for DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY / grant select on DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY as select d.* from dba_dim_join_key d, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and d.dimension_name = and d.owner = and o.type# = 43 /* dimension */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-215 /* CREATE ANY DIMENSION */, -216 /* ALTER ANY DIMENSION */, -217 /* DROP ANY DIMENSION */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY is 'Representation of a join between two dimension tables. ' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIM_KEY_ID is 'Join key ID (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Position of the key column within the level' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_OWNER IS 'Owner of the join column table' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_TABLE IS 'Name of the join column table' / comment on column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_COLUMN is 'Name of the join column' / comment ON column ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child hierarchy level of the join key' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY for ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY / grant select on ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY as select d.* FROM dba_dim_join_key d, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and d.owner = / comment on table USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY is 'Representation of a join between two dimension tables. ' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.OWNER is 'Owner of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIMENSION_NAME is 'Name of the dimension' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.DIM_KEY_ID is 'Join key ID (unique within a dimension)' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy level' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.KEY_POSITION is 'Position of the key column within the level' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.HIERARCHY_NAME is 'Name of the hierarchy' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_OWNER IS 'Owner of the join column table' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_TABLE IS 'Name of the join column table' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_JOIN_COLUMN is 'Name of the join column' / comment on column USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY.CHILD_LEVEL_NAME is 'Name of the child hierarchy level of the join key' / create or replace public synonym USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY for USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY / grant select on USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY to PUBLIC with grant option / rem The pflags field referenced from sum$ is highly dependent on the rem bit combinations of QSMKSUM. rem **jjf** the privs have to be summary based not tables when implemented rem rem Familiy of SUMMARIES views rem rem ALL_SUMMARIES create or replace view ALL_SUMMARIES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, CONTAINER_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, QUERY_LEN, QUERY) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'ANY', 2, 'INCREMENTAL', 3,'FULL'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_SUMMARIES is 'Description of the summaries accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This summary contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.UNUSABLE is 'This summary is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This summary contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This summary is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.KNOWN_STALE is 'This summary is directly stale' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY is 'Indicates the presence of either aggregation or a GROUP BY' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMARIES for ALL_SUMMARIES / grant select on ALL_SUMMARIES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_SUMMARIES create or replace view USER_SUMMARIES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, CONTAINER_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, QUERY_LEN, QUERY) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'ANY', 2, 'INCREMENTAL', 3,'FULL'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_SUMMARIES is 'Description of the summaries created by the user' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This summary contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.UNUSABLE is 'This summary is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This summary contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This summary is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.KNOWN_STALE is 'This summary is directly stale' / comment on column USER_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY is 'Indicates the presence of either aggregation or a GROUP BY' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUMMARIES for USER_SUMMARIES / grant select on USER_SUMMARIES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem DBA_SUMMARIES create or replace view DBA_SUMMARIES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, CONTAINER_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, QUERY_LEN, QUERY) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'ANY', 2, 'INCREMENTAL', 3,'FULL'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table DBA_SUMMARIES is 'Description of the summaries accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This summary contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.UNUSABLE is 'This summary is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This summary contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This summary is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.KNOWN_STALE is 'This summary is directly stale' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARIES.SUMMARY is 'Indicates the presence of either aggregation or a GROUP BY' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUMMARIES for DBA_SUMMARIES / grant select on DBA_SUMMARIES to select_catalog_role / rem rem Family of SUMMARY_AGGREGATES rem rem Note: Do not output summary aggregate info when there is rem set operator at the highest level rem DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES create or replace view DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES is REM 'Description of the summary aggregates accessible to dba' REM / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES for DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES / grant select on DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES to select_catalog_role / rem USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES create or replace view USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES is REM 'Description of the summary aggregates created by the user' REM / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES for USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES / grant select on USER_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES create or replace view ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES is REM 'Description of the summary aggregates accessible to the user' REM / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES for ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES / grant select on ALL_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem rem Family of SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES rem Note: Do not output summary detail table info when rem there is a set operator at the highest level rem ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES create or replace view ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAIL_OWNER, DETAIL_RELATION, DETAIL_TYPE, DETAIL_ALIAS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) and s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES is REM 'Description of the summary detail tables accessible to the user' REM / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_RELATION is 'Name of the summary detail table' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_TYPE is 'Type of summary detail table type' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES for ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES / grant select on ALL_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES create or replace view USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAIL_OWNER, DETAIL_RELATION, DETAIL_TYPE, DETAIL_ALIAS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES is REM 'Description of the summary detail tables of the summaries created by the user' REM / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_RELATION is 'Name of the summary detail table' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_TYPE is 'Type of summary detail table type' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES for USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES / grant select on USER_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES create or replace view DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAIL_OWNER, DETAIL_RELATION, DETAIL_TYPE, DETAIL_ALIAS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES is REM 'Description of the summary detail tables accessible to dba' REM / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_RELATION is 'Name of the summary detail table' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_TYPE is 'Type of summary detail table type' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES.DETAIL_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES for DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES / grant select on DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES to select_catalog_role / rem rem FAMILY of SUMMARY_KEYS rem Note: Do not output summary key info when there is rem a set operator at the highest level rem DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS create or replace view DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS is REM 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY REM list of a summary accessible to dba' REM / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS for DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS / grant select on DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS create or replace view ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND (o1.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o1.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS is REM 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY REM list of a summary accessible to the user' REM / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS for ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS / grant select on ALL_SUMMARY_KEYS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_SUMMARY_KEYS create or replace view USER_SUMMARY_KEYS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND o1.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / REM comment on table USER_SUMMARY_KEYS is REM 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY REM list of a summary created by the user' REM / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUMMARY_KEYS for USER_SUMMARY_KEYS / grant select on USER_SUMMARY_KEYS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem rem FAMILY of SUMMARY_JOINS rem Note: Do not output summary join info when there rem is a set operator at the highest level rem DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS create or replace view DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=',,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS is REM 'Description of a join between two columns in the REM WHERE clause of a summary accessible to dba' REM / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS. DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS for DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS / grant select on DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS create or replace view ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=',,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS is REM 'Description of a join between two columns in the REM WHERE clause of a summary accessible to the user' REM / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS. DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS for ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS / grant select on ALL_SUMMARY_JOINS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_SUMMARY_JOINS create or replace view USER_SUMMARY_JOINS (OWNER, SUMMARY_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=',,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / REM comment on table USER_SUMMARY_JOINS is REM 'Description of a join between two columns in the REM WHERE clause of a summary created by the user' REM / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.SUMMARY_NAME is 'Name of the summary' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS. DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column USER_SUMMARY_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUMMARY_JOINS for USER_SUMMARY_JOINS / grant select on USER_SUMMARY_JOINS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem aw1> rem rem Familiy of MVIEW_ANALYSIS views rem rem ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, INVALID, REWRITE_ENABLED, QUERY_LEN, QUERY, REVISION) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NEVER', 1, 'FORCE', 2, 'FAST', 3,'COMPLETE'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 4), 0, 'Y', 'N'), /* QSMQSUM_DISABLED */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext, s.metaversion/* Metadata revision number */ from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS is 'Description of the materialized views accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.SUMMARY is 'Indicates if the materialized view includes the GROUP BY clause' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This materialized view contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.UNUSABLE is 'This materialized view is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This materialized view contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This materialized view is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.KNOWN_STALE is 'This materialized view is directly stale' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the materialized view, Y = INVALID, N = VALID' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'This materialized view is enabled for query rewrite' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY is 'SELECT expression of the materialized view definition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY_LEN is 'The length (in bytes) of the query field' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REVISION is 'Reserved for internal use' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS for ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS create or replace view USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, INVALID, REWRITE_ENABLED, QUERY_LEN, QUERY, REVISION) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NEVER', 1, 'FORCE', 2, 'FAST', 3,'COMPLETE'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 4), 0, 'Y', 'N'), /* QSMQSUM_DISABLED */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext, s.metaversion/* Metadata revision number */ from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS is 'Description of the materialized views created by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.SUMMARY is 'Indicates if the materialized view includes the GROUP BY clause' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This materialized view contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.UNUSABLE is 'This materialized view is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This materialized view contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This materialized view is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.KNOWN_STALE is 'This materialized view is directly stale' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the materialized view, Y = INVALID, N = VALID' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'This materialized view is enabled for query rewrite' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY is 'SELECT expression of the materialized view definition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY_LEN is 'The length (in bytes) of the query field' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REVISION is 'Reserved for internal use' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS for USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER, CONTAINER_NAME, LAST_REFRESH_SCN, LAST_REFRESH_DATE, REFRESH_METHOD, SUMMARY, FULLREFRESHTIM, INCREFRESHTIM, CONTAINS_VIEWS, UNUSABLE, RESTRICTED_SYNTAX, INC_REFRESHABLE, KNOWN_STALE, INVALID, REWRITE_ENABLED, QUERY_LEN, QUERY, REVISION) as select,,, s.containernam, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate, decode (s.refreshmode, 0, 'NEVER', 1, 'FORCE', 2, 'FAST', 3,'COMPLETE'), decode(bitand(s.pflags, 25165824), 25165824, 'N', 'Y'), s.fullrefreshtim, s.increfreshtim, decode(bitand(s.pflags, 48), 0, 'N', 'Y'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 64), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_UNUSABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 1294319), 0, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand((select n.flag2 from sys.snap$ n where n.vname=s.containernam and, 67108864), 67108864, /* primary CUBE mv? */ decode(bitand((select n2.flag from sys.snap$ n2 where and n2.parent_vname=s.containernam), 256), 256, 'N', 'Y'), /* Its child mv's properties determin INC_REFRESHABLE */ decode(bitand(s.pflags, 236879743), 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 1), 0, 'N', 'Y'), /* QSMQSUM_KNOWNSTL */ decode(o.status, 5, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(s.mflags, 4), 0, 'Y', 'N'), /* QSMQSUM_DISABLED */ s.sumtextlen,s.sumtext, s.metaversion/* Metadata revision number */ from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = s.obj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS is 'Description of the materialized views accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the container table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the container table for this materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The SCN of the last transaction to refresh the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date of the last refresh of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'User declared method of refresh for the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.SUMMARY is 'Indicates if the materialized view includes the GROUP BY clause' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.FULLREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to fully refresh the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INCREFRESHTIM is 'The time that it took to incrementally refresh the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.CONTAINS_VIEWS is 'This materialized view contains views in the FROM clause' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.UNUSABLE is 'This materialized view is unusable, the build was deferred' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.RESTRICTED_SYNTAX is 'This materialized view contains restrictive syntax' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INC_REFRESHABLE is 'This materialized view is not restricted from being incrementally refreshed' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.KNOWN_STALE is 'This materialized view is directly stale' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.INVALID is 'Invalidity of the materialized view, Y = INVALID, N = VALID' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'This materialized view is enabled for query rewrite' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY is 'SELECT expression of the materialized view definition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.QUERY_LEN is 'The length (in bytes) of the query field' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS.REVISION is 'Reserved for internal use' / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS for DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS to select_catalog_role / rem rem Family of MVIEW_AGGREGATES rem Note: Do not output materialized view aggregate info rem when there is a set operator at the highest level rem DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES is 'Description of the materialized view aggregates accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES for DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES to select_catalog_role / rem USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES create or replace view USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES is 'Description of the materialized view aggregates created by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES for USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES / grant select on USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, AGG_FUNCTION, DISTINCTFLAG, MEASURE) as select,, sa.sumcolpos#,, decode(sa.aggfunction, 15, 'AVG', 16, 'SUM', 17, 'COUNT', 18, 'MIN', 19, 'MAX', 97, 'VARIANCE', 98, 'STDDEV', 440, 'USER'), decode(sa.flags, 0, 'N', 'Y'), sa.aggtext from sys.sumagg$ sa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ s, sys.col$ c where sa.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sa.sumobj# = s.obj# AND c.obj# = s.containerobj# AND c.col# = sa.containercol# AND (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES is 'Description of the materialized view aggregates accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this aggregated measure with the SELECT list' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of this column in the container table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.AGG_FUNCTION is 'Name of the aggregation function, one of the following: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, VARIANCE, STDDEV' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.DISTINCTFLAG is 'Set to Y is this is a DISTINCT aggregation' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES.MEASURE is 'The SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES for ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES to PUBLIC with grant option / rem rem Family of MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS rem Note: Do not output materialized view detail relation rem info when there is a set operator at the highest rem level rem ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_PCT, NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTITIONS, NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTITIONS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias, /* whether this is a PCT refresh enabled primary CUBE MV */ (decode(bitand(s.xpflags, 8589934592), 0, (decode(sd.detaileut, 0, 'N', 'Y')), /* If there's a qualifying secondary cube mv row for this detailtab, it's pct refreshable, otherwise, no. */ (decode((select count(*) from sumdetail$ sd2 where sd.sumobj#=sd2.sumobj# and sd.detailobj#=sd2.detailobj# and sd2.detaileut > 268435456), 0, 'N', 'Y'))) ) as DETAILOBJ_PCT, (select num_fresh_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTNS, (select num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTNS from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND s.obj# = sd.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */ / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS is 'Description of the materialized view detail tables accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view detail table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of materialized view detail table type' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS for ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS create or replace view USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_PCT, NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTITIONS, NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTITIONS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias, /* whether this is a PCT refresh enabled primary CUBE MV */ (decode(bitand(s.xpflags, 8589934592), 0, (decode(sd.detaileut, 0, 'N', 'Y')), /* If there's a qualifying secondary cube mv row for this detailtab, it's pct refreshable, otherwise, no. */ (decode((select count(*) from sumdetail$ sd2 where sd.sumobj#=sd2.sumobj# and sd.detailobj#=sd2.detailobj# and sd2.detaileut > 268435456), 0, 'N', 'Y'))) ) as DETAILOBJ_PCT, (select num_fresh_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTNS, (select num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTNS from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */ / comment on table USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS is 'Description of the materialized view detail tables of the materialized views created by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view detail table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of materialized view detail table type' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS for USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_PCT, NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTITIONS, NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTITIONS) as select,,,, decode (sd.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW', 3, 'SNAPSHOT', 4, 'CONTAINER', 'UNDEFINED'), sd.detailalias, /* whether this is a PCT refresh enabled primary CUBE MV */ (decode(bitand(s.xpflags, 8589934592), 0, (decode(sd.detaileut, 0, 'N', 'Y')), /* If there's a qualifying secondary cube mv row for this detailtab, it's pct refreshable, otherwise, no. */ (decode((select count(*) from sumdetail$ sd2 where sd.sumobj#=sd2.sumobj# and sd.detailobj#=sd2.detailobj# and sd2.detaileut > 268435456), 0, 'N', 'Y'))) ) as DETAILOBJ_PCT, (select num_fresh_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_FRESH_PCT_PARTNS, (select num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, detailobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = union select s.sumobj#, s.detailobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, sd.detailobj# as detailobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#,partn_state)) group by sumobj#,detailobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = s.obj# and nfsp.detailobj# = sd.detailobj#) as NUM_STALE_PCT_PARTNS from sys.user$ u, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ do, sys.user$ du, sys.sum$ s where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = sd.sumobj# and do.obj# = sd.detailobj# and do.owner# = du.user# and s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */ / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS is 'Description of the materialized view detail tables accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail relation' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view detail table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of materialized detail table type' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail relation if used' / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS for DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS to select_catalog_role / rem rem FAMILY of MVIEW_KEYS rem Note: Do not output materialized view key info when there rem is a set operator at the highest level rem DBA_MVIEW_KEYS create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_KEYS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select distinct,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 AND bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_KEYS is 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY list of a materialized view accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_KEYS for DBA_MVIEW_KEYS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_KEYS to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_MVIEW_KEYS create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_KEYS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select distinct,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND (o1.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o1.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 AND bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_KEYS is 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY list of a materialized view accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_KEYS for ALL_MVIEW_KEYS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_KEYS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_KEYS create or replace view USER_MVIEW_KEYS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, POSITION_IN_SELECT, CONTAINER_COLUMN, DETAILOBJ_OWNER, DETAILOBJ_NAME, DETAILOBJ_ALIAS, DETAILOBJ_TYPE, DETAILOBJ_COLUMN) as select distinct,, sk.sumcolpos#,,,, sd.detailalias, decode(sk.detailobjtype, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'VIEW'), from sys.sumkey$ sk, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2 where sk.sumobj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sk.sumobj# = s.obj# AND s.containerobj# = c1.obj# AND c1.col# = sk.containercol# AND sk.detailobj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sk.sumobj# = sd.sumobj# AND sk.detailobj# = sd.detailobj# AND sk.detailobj# = c2.obj# AND sk.detailcol# = c2.intcol# AND sk.instance# = sd.instance# AND o1.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ AND bitand(sk.detailcolfunction, 2147483648) = 0 AND bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */ / comment on table USER_MVIEW_KEYS is 'Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY list of a materialized view created by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.POSITION_IN_SELECT is 'Position of this key within the SELECT list' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.CONTAINER_COLUMN is 'Name of the column in the container table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_OWNER is 'Owner of the detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_ALIAS is 'Alias of the detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the detail object: VIEW or TABLE' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_KEYS.DETAILOBJ_COLUMN is 'Name of the detail object column' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_KEYS for USER_MVIEW_KEYS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_KEYS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem rem FAMILY of MVIEW_JOINS rem Note: Do not output materialized view join info when rem there is a set operator at the highest level rem DBA_MVIEW_JOINS create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_JOINS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, OPERATOR_TYPE, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=', decode(sj.flags, 0, 'I', 1, 'L', 2, 'R'),,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_JOINS is 'Description of a join between two columns in the WHERE clause of a materialized view accessible to dba' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR_TYPE is 'Indicates inner or outer join. I = inner join, L = DETAILOBJ1 table is the left side of an outer join' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_JOINS for DBA_MVIEW_JOINS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_JOINS to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_MVIEW_JOINS create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_JOINS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, OPERATOR_TYPE, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=', decode(sj.flags, 0, 'I', 1, 'L', 2, 'R'),,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_JOINS is 'Description of a join between two columns in the WHERE clause of a materialized view accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR_TYPE is 'Indicates inner or outer join. I = inner join, L = DETAILOBJ1 table is the left side of an outer join' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_JOINS for ALL_MVIEW_JOINS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_JOINS to PUBLIC with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_JOINS create or replace view USER_MVIEW_JOINS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, DETAILOBJ1_OWNER, DETAILOBJ1_RELATION, DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN, OPERATOR, OPERATOR_TYPE, DETAILOBJ2_OWNER, DETAILOBJ2_RELATION, DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN) as select,,,,, '=', decode(sj.flags, 0, 'I', 1, 'L', 2, 'R'),,, from sys.sumjoin$ sj, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c1, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u2, sys.col$ c2, sys.sum$ s where sj.sumobj# = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = o1.obj# AND o1.owner# = u1.user# AND sj.tab1obj# = c1.obj# AND sj.tab1col# = c1.intcol# AND sj.tab2obj# = o2.obj# AND o2.owner# = u2.user# AND sj.tab2obj# = c2.obj# AND sj.tab2col# = c2.intcol# AND o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND s.obj# = sj.sumobj# AND bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) = 0 /* NOT REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ / comment on table USER_MVIEW_JOINS is 'Description of a join between two columns in the WHERE clause of a materialized view created by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_OWNER is 'Owner of the 1st detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_RELATION is 'Name of the 1st detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN is 'Name of the 1st detail object column' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR is 'Name of the join operator. Currently only = is defined' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_JOINS.OPERATOR_TYPE is 'Indicates inner or outer join. I = inner join, L = DETAILOBJ1 table is the left side of an outer join, R = DETAILOBJ2 table is the right side of an outer join' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_OWNER is 'Owner of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_RELATION is 'Name of the 2nd detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_JOINS.DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN is 'Name of the 2nd detail object column' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_JOINS for USER_MVIEW_JOINS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_JOINS to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS REM create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, COMMENTS) as select,, c.comment$ from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ c,$ t where o.owner# = u.user# AND o.type# = 2 and (bitand(, 67108864) = 67108864) /*mv container table */ and o.obj# = c.obj#(+) and c.col#(+) is NULL and o.obj# = t.obj# / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS for DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS is 'Comments on all materialized views in the database' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS.COMMENTS is 'Comment on the materialized view' / REM REM ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS REM create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS (OWNER, MVIEW_NAME, COMMENTS) as select,, c.comment$ from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ c,$ t where o.owner# = u.user# AND o.type# = 2 and (bitand(, 67108864) = 67108864) /*mv container table */ and o.obj# = c.obj#(+) and c.col#(+) is NULL and o.obj# = t.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-173 /* CREATE ANY MV */, -174 /* ALTER ANY MV */, -175 /* DROP ANY MV */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS for ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS is 'Comments on materialized views accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS.COMMENTS is 'Comment on the materialized view' / REM REM USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS REM create or replace view USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS (MVIEW_NAME, COMMENTS) as select, c.comment$ from sys.obj$ o,$ c,$ t where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.type# = 2 and (bitand(, 67108864) = 67108864) /*mv container table */ and o.obj# = c.obj#(+) and c.col#(+) is NULL and o.obj# = t.obj# / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS for USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS is 'Comments on materialized views owned by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS.COMMENTS is 'Comment on the materialized view' / rem aw1< rem rem FAMILY of REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES rem rem Note: Must be in sync with literals AOPIXCS... and KGLTSUMM rem create or replace view ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES (OWNER,TABLE_NAME,PARENT_OBJECT_TYPE,OLDEST_REFRESH_SCN,OLDEST_REFRESH_DATE) as select,, 'MATERIALIZED VIEW', dep.lastrefreshscn, dep.lastrefreshdate from (select dt.obj#, min(dt.lastrefreshscn) as lastrefreshscn, min(dt.lastrefreshdate) as lastrefreshdate from (select d.p_obj# as obj#, s.lastrefreshscn, s.lastrefreshdate from sumdep$ d, sum$ s, obj$ do where d.sumobj# = s.obj# and d.sumobj# = do.obj# and do.type# IN (4, 42) union select sl.tableobj# as obj#, decode(0, 1, 2, NULL) as lastrefreshscn, sl.oldest as lastrefreshdate from snap_loadertime$ sl) dt group by dt.obj#) dep, obj$ o, user$ u where o.obj# = dep.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES is 'Description of the detail tables that materialized views depend on for refresh' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES.OWNER is 'Owner of the dependent table' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the dependent table' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES.PARENT_OBJECT_TYPE is 'Materialized View' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES.OLDEST_REFRESH_SCN is 'The oldest scn of a dependent materialized view' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES.OLDEST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The oldest date scn of a dependent materialized view' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES for ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES / grant select on ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES to PUBLIC with grant option / create table system.mview$_adv_workload ( queryid# number not null, /* primary key */ collectionid# number not null, /* collection id */ collecttime date not null, /* collect time */ application varchar(64), /* application name */ cardinality number, /* sum card of base tables */ resultsize number, /* result size in bytes */ uname varchar(30) not null, /* user submitting the query */ qdate date, /* lastuse date of the query */ priority number, /* priority of the query */ exec_time number, /* query response time */ sql_text long not null, /* full sql text */ sql_textlen number not null, /* sql text size */ sql_hash number, /* server generated hash */ sql_addr raw(16), /* lib-cache address */ frequency number, /* query frequency */ constraint mview$_adv_workload_pk primary key(queryid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_workload is 'Shared workload repository for DBA users of summary advisor' / create index system.mview$_adv_workload_idx_01 on system.mview$_adv_workload (collectionid#, queryid#) / create table system.mview$_adv_basetable ( collectionid# number not null, /* Collection id number */ queryid# number not null, /* Current query id number */ owner varchar(30), /* Owner of referenced table */ table_name varchar(30), /* Referenced table or view */ table_type number, /* 0 = Table, 1 = View */ constraint mview$_adv_basetable_fk foreign key (queryid#) references system.mview$_adv_workload(queryid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_basetable is 'Base tables refered by a query' / create index system.mview$_adv_basetable_idx_01 on system.mview$_adv_basetable (queryid#) / create table system.mview$_adv_sqldepend ( collectionid# number, /* workload collection id */ inst_id number, /* server instance id */ from_address raw(16), from_hash number, to_owner varchar2(64), to_name varchar2(1000), to_type number, cardinality number ) / create index system.mview$_adv_sqldepend_idx_01 on system.mview$_adv_sqldepend (collectionid#,from_address,from_hash,inst_id) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_sqldepend is 'Temporary table for workload collections' / create table system.mview$_adv_pretty ( queryid# number, /* User-defined query id */ sql_text long /* Pretty-printed text */ ) / create index system.mview$_adv_pretty_idx_01 on system.mview$_adv_pretty (queryid#) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_pretty is 'Table for sql parsing' / create table system.mview$_adv_temp ( id# number, /* Unique id*/ seq# NUMBER, /* Relative sequence number */ text LONG /* Text */ ) / create index system.mview$_adv_temp_idx_01 on system.mview$_adv_temp (id#,seq#) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_temp is 'Table for temporary data' / create table system.mview$_adv_filter ( filterid# number not null, /* filter id */ subfilternum# number not null, /* sub-filter number */ subfiltertype number not null, /* sub-filter type */ str_value varchar2(1028), /* string paramter */ num_value1 number, /* numerical lower bound */ num_value2 number, /* numerical upper bound */ date_value1 date, /* lower date */ date_value2 date, /* upper date */ constraint mview$_adv_filter_pk primary key(filterid#, subfilternum#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_filter is 'Table for workload filter definition' / create table system.mview$_adv_log ( runid# number, /* run id */ filterid# number, /* filter id */ run_begin date, /* begin time of current run */ run_end date, /* end time of current run */ run_type number, /* type of calls */ uname varchar2(30), /* calling user */ status number not null, /* current operation state */ message varchar2(2000), /* progress message */ completed number, /* # of operations completed */ total number, /* total # of operations */ error_code varchar2(20), /* Error status code */ constraint mview$_adv_log_pk primary key(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_log is 'Log all calls to summary advisory functions' / create table system.mview$_adv_filterinstance ( runid# number not null, /* run id */ filterid# number, /* filter id */ subfilternum# number, /* sub-filter number */ subfiltertype number, /* sub-filter type */ str_value varchar2(1028), /* string paramter */ num_value1 number, /* numerical lower bound */ num_value2 number, /* numerical upper bound */ date_value1 date, /* lower date */ date_value2 date, /* upper date */ constraint mview$_adv_filterinstance_fk foreign key(runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_filterinstance is 'Table for workload filter instance definition' / create table system.mview$_adv_level ( runid# number not null, /* runid */ levelid# number not null, /* leve id */ dimobj# number, /* iff level is from dim */ flags number not null, /* level flag */ tblobj# number not null, /* table object number */ columnlist raw(70) not null, /* canonical form */ levelname varchar2(30), /* iff level is from dim */ constraint mview$_adv_level_pk primary key(runid#, levelid#), constraint mview$_adv_level_fk foreign key(runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_level is 'Level definition' / create table system.mview$_adv_rollup ( runid# number not null, /* run id */ clevelid# number not null, /* child-side levelid */ plevelid# number not null, /* parent-side levelid */ flags number not null, /* FD: intra, JK: joinkey */ constraint mview$_adv_rollup_pk primary key (runid#, clevelid#, plevelid#), constraint mview$_adv_rollup_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#), constraint mview$_adv_rollup_cfk foreign key (runid#, clevelid#) references system.mview$_adv_level(runid#, levelid#), constraint mview$_adv_rollup_pfk foreign key (runid#, plevelid#) references system.mview$_adv_level(runid#, levelid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_rollup is 'Each row repesents either a functional dependency or join-key relationship' / create table system.mview$_adv_ajg ( ajgid# number not null, /* primary key */ runid# number not null, /* run id */ ajgdeslen number not null, /* AJG descriptor length */ ajgdes long raw not null, /* AJG joins */ hashvalue number not null, /* hash value for descriptor */ frequency number, /* frequency */ constraint mview$_adv_ajg_pk primary key (ajgid#), constraint mview$_adv_ajg_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_ajg is 'Anchor-join graph representation' / create table system.mview$_adv_fjg ( fjgid# number not null, /* primary key */ ajgid# number not null, /* identify AJG it belongs */ fjgdeslen number not null, /* FJG descriptor length */ fjgdes long raw not null, /* FJG joins */ hashvalue number not null, /* hash value for descriptor */ frequency number, /* frequency */ constraint mview$_adv_fjg_pk primary key (fjgid#), constraint mview$_adv_fjg_fk foreign key (ajgid#) references system.mview$_adv_ajg(ajgid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_fjg is 'Representation for query join sub-graph not in AJG ' / create table system.mview$_adv_gc ( gcid# number not null, /* primary key */ fjgid# number not null, /* identify FJG it belongs */ gcdeslen number not null, /* GC descriptor length */ gcdes long raw not null, /* grouping columns */ hashvalue number not null, /* hash value for descriptor */ frequency number, /* frequency */ constraint mview$_adv_gc_pk primary key (gcid#), constraint mview$_adv_gc_fk foreign key (fjgid#) references system.mview$_adv_fjg(fjgid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_gc is 'Group-by columns of a query' / create table system.mview$_adv_clique ( cliqueid# number not null, /* primary key */ runid# number not null, /* run id */ cliquedeslen number not null, /* clique descriptor length */ cliquedes long raw not null, /* clique descriptor */ hashvalue number not null, /* hash value for descriptor */ frequency number not null, /* frequency */ bytecost number not null, /* cost of computing the query*/ rowsize number not null, /* average row size */ numrows number not null, /* number of rows */ constraint mview$_adv_clique_pk primary key (cliqueid#), constraint mview$_adv_clique_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_clique is 'Table for storing canonical form of Clique queries' / create table system.mview$_adv_eligible ( sumobjn# number not null, /* summary object number */ runid# number not null, /* run id */ bytecost number not null, /* cost of matched tables */ flags number not null, /* roll up status */ frequency number not null, /* frequency of the query */ constraint mview$_adv_eligible_pk primary key(sumobjn#, runid#), constraint mview$_adv_eligible_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_eligible is 'Summary management rewrite eligibility information' / create table system.mview$_adv_output ( runid# number not null, /* run id */ output_type number not null, /* 0: recommend, 1: eval */ rank# number, /* ranking */ action_type varchar2(6), /* retain/create/drop */ summary_owner varchar2(30), /* owner of the summary */ summary_name varchar2(30), /* summary name */ group_by_columns varchar2(2000), /* group by columns */ where_clause varchar2(2000), /* where clause */ from_clause varchar2(2000), /* from clause */ measures_list varchar2(2000), /* measure list */ fact_tables varchar2(1000), /* list of fact tables */ grouping_levels varchar2(2000), /* grouping levels */ querylen number, /* length of the query text */ query_text long, /* query text */ storage_in_bytes number, /* storage */ pct_performance_gain number, /* performance gain */ frequency number, /* frequency */ cumulative_benefit number, /* cumulative benefit */ benefit_to_cost_ratio number not null, /* benefit / cost */ validated number, /* validated or not */ constraint mview$_adv_output_pk primary key(runid#, rank#), constraint mview$_adv_output_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_output is 'Output table for summary recommendations and evaluations' / create table system.mview$_adv_exceptions ( runid# number, /* run id */ owner varchar2(30), /* name of offending tables */ table_name varchar2(30), /* offending table */ dimension_name varchar2(30), /* offending dimension name */ relationship varchar2(11), /* violated relation name */ bad_rowid rowid, /* bad row id */ constraint mview$_adv_exception_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_exceptions is 'Output table for dimension validations' / create table system.mview$_adv_parameters ( parameter_name varchar2(30), /* primary key */ parameter_type number not null, /* number/string/date */ string_value varchar2(30), /* string value */ date_value date, /* date value */ numerical_value number, /* numerical value */ constraint mview$_adv_parameters_pk primary key (parameter_name) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_parameters is 'Summary advisor tuning parameters' / create table system.mview$_adv_info ( runid# number not null, /* run id */ seq# number not null, /* event sequence number */ type number not null, /* information type */ infolen number not null, /* length of the info col */ info long raw, /* information content */ status number, /* status */ flag number, /* reserved flag field */ constraint mview$_adv_info_pk primary key (runid#, seq#), constraint mview$_adv_info_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_info is 'Internal table for passing information from the SQL analyzer' / create table system.mview$_adv_journal ( runid# number not null, /* run id */ seq# number not null, /* event sequence number */ timestamp date not null, /* time stamp for this entry */ flags number not null, /* type of journal entry */ num number, /* optional number field */ text long, /* contents */ textlen number, /* # of bytes in text */ constraint mview$_adv_journal_pk primary key (runid#, seq#), constraint mview$_adv_journal_fk foreign key (runid#) references system.mview$_adv_log(runid#) ) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_journal is 'Summary advisor journal table for debugging and information' / create table system.mview$_adv_plan ( statement_id varchar2(30), timestamp date, remarks varchar2(80), operation varchar2(30), options varchar2(255), object_node varchar2(128), object_owner varchar2(30), object_name varchar2(30), object_instance numeric, object_type varchar2(30), optimizer varchar2(255), search_columns number, id numeric, parent_id numeric, position numeric, cost numeric, cardinality numeric, bytes numeric, other_tag varchar2(255), partition_start varchar2(255), partition_stop varchar2(255), partition_id numeric, other long, distribution varchar2(30), cpu_cost numeric, io_cost numeric, temp_space numeric) / comment on table system.mview$_adv_plan is 'Private plan table for estimate_mview_size operations' / create sequence system.mview$_advseq_generic /* snapshot Site ID sequence */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 /* max portable value of UB4 */ nocycle cache 50 / create sequence system.mview$_advseq_id /* snapshot Site ID sequence */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 /* max portable value of UB4 */ nocycle / delete from system.mview$_adv_parameters / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_EXACT_DELETE', 0, 0.02, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_EXACT_BUCKETS', 0, 1000, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_PARTIAL_DELETE', 0, 0.02, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_PARTIAL_BUCKETS', 0, 1000, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_AJG_DELETE', 0, 0.02, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_AJG_BUCKETS', 0, 100, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_FJG_DELETE', 0, 0.02, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_GC_DELETE', 0, 0.02, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_MEA_DELETE', 0, 0.05, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_TRACE_LEVEL', 0, 0, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMSS_REWRITE_NRF', 0, 10, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.console_output',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.wip_interval',0,250,'','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.commit_interval',0,100,'','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.sql_exclusions',1,0,'SYSTEM.%','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.pretty',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.lcase_names',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.lcase_keywords',1,0,'False','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.add_alias',1,0,'False','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.ignore_ambig',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.fixup_alias',1,0,'False','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.optimize',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.ignore_columns',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.fixup_schema',1,0,'False','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.remove_optional_keywords',1,0,'False','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.dump_tree',1,0,'True','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.debug_flags',1,0,'','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('qsma.datetime_mask',1,0,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_MIN_CLQ_MF_RATIO', 0, 0.05, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_MIN_SUM_BC_RATIO', 0, 0.05, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_MAX_GCS', 0, 1000, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_PCT_COMPL_POLL_INTL', 0, 10, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_TRACE_LEVEL', 0, 0, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_AEP_MAX_LAT_SIZE', 0, 1024, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value,string_value,date_value) values ('QSMAE_AEP_MAX_FACT_TABLES', 0, 10, NULL, NULL) / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('',1,0,'#FFFFDE','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('',1,0,'#336699','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('',1,0,'#FFCC60','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('',1,0,'white','') / insert into system.mview$_adv_parameters (parameter_name,parameter_type,numerical_value, string_value,date_value) values ('',1,0,'False','') / create or replace view SYSTEM.MVIEW_WORKLOAD as select a.collectionid# as workloadid, a.collecttime as import_time, a.queryid# as queryid, a.application, a.cardinality, a.resultsize, a.qdate as lastuse, a.frequency, a.uname as owner, a.priority, a.sql_text as query, a.exec_time as responsetime from SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_WORKLOAD A, SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_LOG B, ALL_USERS D WHERE a.collectionid# = b.runid# AND b.uname = d.username AND d.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table SYSTEM.MVIEW_WORKLOAD is 'This view gives DBA access to shared workload' / create or replace view system.mview_filter as select a.filterid# as filterid, a.subfilternum# as subfilternum, decode(a.subfiltertype,1,'APPLICATION',2,'CARDINALITY',3,'LASTUSE', 4,'FREQUENCY',5,'USER',6,'PRIORITY',7,'BASETABLE', 8,'RESPONSETIME',9,'COLLECTIONID',10,'TRACENAME', 11,'SCHEMA','UNKNOWN') AS subfiltertype, a.str_value, to_number(decode(a.num_value1,-999,NULL,a.num_value1)) AS num_value1, to_number(decode(a.num_value2,-999,NULL,a.num_value2)) AS num_value2, a.date_value1, a.date_value2 from system.mview$_adv_filter a, system.mview$_adv_log b, ALL_USERS u WHERE a.filterid# = b.runid# AND b.uname = u.username AND u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table system.mview_filter is 'Workload filter records' / create or replace view system.mview_log as select m.runid# as id, m.filterid# as filterid, m.run_begin, m.run_end, decode(m.run_type,1,'EVALUATE',2,'EVALUATE_W',3,'RECOMMEND', 4,'RECOMMEND_W',5,'VALIDATE',6,'WORKLOAD', 7,'FILTER','UNKNOWN') AS type, decode(m.status,0,'UNUSED',1,'CANCELLED',2,'IN_PROGRESS',3,'COMPLETED', 4,'ERROR','UNKNOWN') AS status, m.message, m.completed,, m.error_code from system.mview$_adv_log m, all_users u where m.uname = u.username and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table system.mview_log is 'Advisor session log' / create or replace view system.mview_filterinstance as select a.runid# as runid, a.filterid# as filterid, a.subfilternum# as subfilternum, decode(a.subfiltertype,1,'APPLICATION',2,'CARDINALITY',3,'LASTUSE', 4,'FREQUENCY',5,'USER',6,'PRIORITY',7,'BASETABLE', 8,'RESPONSETIME',9,'COLLECTIONID',10,'TRACENAME', 11,'SCHEMA','UNKNOWN') AS subfiltertype, a.str_value, to_number(decode(a.num_value1,-999,NULL,a.num_value1)) AS num_value1, to_number(decode(a.num_value2,-999,NULL,a.num_value2)) AS num_value2, a.date_value1, a.date_value2 from system.mview$_adv_filterinstance a / comment on table system.mview_filterinstance is 'Workload filter instance records' / create or replace view SYSTEM.MVIEW_RECOMMENDATIONS as select t1.runid# as runid, t1.from_clause as all_tables, fact_tables, grouping_levels, query_text, rank# as recommendation_number, action_type as recommended_action, summary_owner as mview_owner, summary_name as mview_name, storage_in_bytes, pct_performance_gain, benefit_to_cost_ratio from SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_OUTPUT t1, SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_LOG t2, ALL_USERS u where t1.runid# = t2.runid# and u.username = t2.uname and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') and t1.output_type = 0 order by t1.rank# / comment on table SYSTEM.MVIEW_RECOMMENDATIONS is 'This view gives DBA access to summary recommendations' / create or replace view SYSTEM.MVIEW_EVALUATIONS as select t1.runid# as runid, summary_owner AS mview_owner, summary_name AS mview_name, rank# as rank, storage_in_bytes, frequency, cumulative_benefit, benefit_to_cost_ratio from SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_OUTPUT t1, SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_LOG t2, ALL_USERS u where t1.runid# = t2.runid# and u.username = t2.uname and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') and t1.output_type = 1 order by t1.rank# / comment on table SYSTEM.MVIEW_EVALUATIONS is 'This view gives DBA access to summary evaluation output' / create or replace view SYSTEM.MVIEW_EXCEPTIONS as select t1.runid# as runid, owner, table_name, dimension_name, relationship, bad_rowid from SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_EXCEPTIONS t1, SYSTEM.MVIEW$_ADV_LOG t2, ALL_USERS u where t1.runid# = t2.runid# and u.username = t2.uname and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table SYSTEM.MVIEW_EXCEPTIONS is 'This view gives DBA access to dimension validation results' / Rem Add mview$ tables to noexp$ delete from noexp$ where name like 'MVIEW$_%' / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_WORKLOAD', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_BASETABLE', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_SQLDEPEND', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_PRETTY', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_TEMP', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_FILTER', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_LOG', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_FILTERINSTANCE', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_LEVEL', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_ROLLUP', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_AJG', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_FJG', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_GC', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_CLIQUE', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_ELIGIBLE', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_OUTPUT', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_EXCEPTIONS', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_PARAMETERS', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_INFO', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_JOURNAL', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'MVIEW$_ADV_PLAN', 2) / commit / REM REM DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES REM create or replace view DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES (OWNER, NAME, SOURCE_STMT, DESTINATION_STMT, REWRITE_MODE) as select,, s.src_stmt, s.dest_stmt, decode(s.rw_mode, 0, 'DISABLED', 1, 'TEXT_MATCH', 2, 'GENERAL', 3, 'RECURSIVE', 4, 'TUNE_MVIEW', 'UNDEFINED') from sum$ s, obj$ o, user$ u where o.obj# = s.obj# and bitand(s.xpflags, 8388608) > 0 and /* REWRITE EQUIVALENCE SUMMARY */ o.owner# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES is 'Description of rewrite equivalence accessible to DBA' / comment on column DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.OWNER is 'Owner of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.NAME is 'Name of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.SOURCE_STMT is 'Source statement of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.DESTINATION_STMT is 'Destination of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.REWRITE_MODE is 'Rewrite mode of the rewrite equivalence' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES for DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES / grant select on DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES to select_catalog_role / REM REM ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES REM create or replace view ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES as select m.* from dba_rewrite_equivalences m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and = and = m.owner and ( o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists ( select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES is 'Description of all rewrite equivalence accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.OWNER is 'Owner of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.NAME is 'Name of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.SOURCE_STMT is 'Source statement of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.DESTINATION_STMT is 'Destination of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.REWRITE_MODE is 'Rewrite mode of the rewrite equivalence' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES for ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES / grant select on ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES to public with grant option / REM REM USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES REM create or replace view USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES as select m.* from dba_rewrite_equivalences m, sys.user$ u where = m.owner and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES is 'Description of all rewrite equivalence owned by the user' / comment on column USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.OWNER is 'Owner of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.NAME is 'Name of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.SOURCE_STMT is 'Source statement of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.DESTINATION_STMT is 'Destination of the rewrite equivalence' / comment on column USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES.REWRITE_MODE is 'Rewrite mode of the rewrite equivalence' / create or replace public synonym USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES for USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES / grant select on USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES to public with grant option / /* Register procedural objects for export */ DELETE FROM sys.exppkgobj$ WHERE package LIKE 'DBMS_SUM_%' / INSERT INTO sys.exppkgobj$ (package,schema,class,type#,prepost,level#) VALUES ('DBMS_SUM_RWEQ_EXPORT','SYS',2,42,1, 0) / commit / rem DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION ( OWNER, /* owner name */ MVIEW_NAME, /* materialized view name */ DETAILOBJ_OWNER, /* detail object owner's name */ DETAILOBJ_NAME, /* detail object name */ DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME, /* detail object partition name */ DETAIL_PARTITION_POSITION,/* detail object partition position */ FRESHNESS /* freshness state (FRESH, STALE, UNKNOWN, NA) */ ) as select owner, mview_name, detailobj_owner, detailobj_name, o3.subname detail_partition_name, tv.part# detail_partition_position, (case when t.spare1 is NULL then 'FRESH' when t.spare1 < w.lastrefreshscn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) freshness from sys.obj$ o1, sys.sum$ w, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.obj$ o3, sys.tabpartv$ tv, sys.user$ u1, sys.user$ u2 where w.obj# = o1.obj# and w.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = o2.obj# and sd.detailobj# = and t.obj# = o3.obj#(+) and t.obj# = tv.obj#(+) and o1.owner# = u1.user# and o2.owner# = u2.user# and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NOT 2nd cube mv pct metadata */; / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION for DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object partition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION as select m.* from dba_mview_detail_partition m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and m.mview_name = and = m.owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists ( select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION for ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object partition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION to public with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION create or replace view USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION as select m.* from dba_mview_detail_partition m, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and m.owner = / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION for USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION / comment on table USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object partition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION to public with grant option / rem DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION create or replace view dba_mview_detail_subpartition ( OWNER, /* owner name */ MVIEW_NAME, /* materialized view name */ DETAILOBJ_OWNER, /* detail object owner's name */ DETAILOBJ_NAME, /* detail object name */ DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME, /* detail object partition name */ DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_NAME, /* detail object subpartition name */ DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_POSITION,/* detail object subpartition position */ FRESHNESS /* freshness state (FRESH, STALE, UNKNOWN, NA) */ ) as select owner, s.o1n mview_name , detailobj_owner, s.o2n detailobj_name, s.o3n detail_partition_name, o5.subname detail_subpartition_name, tsv.subpart# detail_subpartition_position, (case when t.spare1 is NULL then 'FRESH' when t.spare1 < s.mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) freshness from sys.tabsubpart$ t, (select o1.owner# o1owner#, o1n, o2.owner# o2owner#, o2n, o3.subname o3n, w.lastrefreshscn mv_scn, o1.obj# as sumobj#, t.obj# as pobj# from sys.obj$ o1, sys.sum$ w, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.obj$ o2, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o3 where w.obj# = o1.obj# and w.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = o2.obj# and sd.detailobj# = and t.obj# = o3.obj#(+) and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0/* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */) s, sys.tabsubpartv$ tsv, sys.user$ u1, sys.user$ u2, sys.obj$ o5 where t.pobj# = s.pobj# and tsv.obj# = t.obj# and s.o1owner# = u1.user# and s.o2owner# = u2.user# and o5.obj# = t.obj#; / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION for DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION as select m.* from dba_mview_detail_subpartition m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and m.mview_name = and = m.owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists ( select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION for ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION to public with grant option / rem USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION create or replace view USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION as select m.* from dba_mview_detail_subpartition m, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and m.owner = / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION for USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION / comment on table USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION is 'Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAILOBJ_NAME is 'Name of the detail object' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object partition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.DETAIL_SUBPARTITION_POSITION is 'Position of the detail object subpartition' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION.FRESHNESS is 'Freshness of the detail object partition' / grant select on USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION to public with grant option / Rem End of File