Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catnowrrp.sql /main/10 2010/03/01 14:41:07 lgalanis Exp $ Rem Rem catnowrrp.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catnowrrp.sql - Catalog script to delete the Rem Workload Replay schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Undo file for all objects created in catwrrtbp.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem lgalanis 02/15/10 - workload attributes Rem rcolle 09/09/08 - Rem rcolle 11/07/08 - drop WRR$_REPLAY_CALL_FILTER Rem sburanaw 03/28/08 - drop wrr$_replay_data Rem lgalanis 08/07/08 - drop the seqeunce exception table Rem rcolle 07/08/08 - drop WRR$_REPLAY_SQL_TEXT and Rem WRR$_REPLAY_SQL_BINDS Rem rcolle 05/08/08 - drop WRR$_REPLAY_UC_GRAPH Rem rcolle 04/04/08 - drop tables for new synchronization (dep_graph, Rem commits and references) Rem yujwang 08/05/06 - drop wrr$_replay_stats Rem veeve 07/13/06 - stop replay in catnowrr.sql Rem lgalanis 06/03/06 - connection information Rem veeve 06/02/06 - drop replay divergence, scn order, seqdata Rem kdias 05/25/06 - rename record to capture Rem veeve 04/11/06 - Created Rem Rem ========================================================= Rem Dropping the Workload Replay Tables Rem ========================================================= Rem delete from PROPS$ where name = 'WORKLOAD_REPLAY_MODE' / commit / drop table WRR$_REPLAYS / drop sequence WRR$_REPLAY_ID / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_DIVERGENCE / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_SCN_ORDER / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_SEQ_DATA / drop table WRR$_CONNECTION_MAP / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_STATS / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_UC_GRAPH / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_SQL_TEXT / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_SQL_BINDS / drop table WRR$_SEQUENCE_EXCEPTIONS / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_DATA / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_CALL_FILTER / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_FILTER_SET / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_DEP_GRAPH / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_COMMITS / drop table WRR$_REPLAY_REFERENCES / drop table WRR$_WORKLOAD_ATTRIBUTES /