Rem Rem $Header: catexp7.sql 15-oct-2004.13:03:15 jgalanes Exp $ Rem Rem catexp7.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1996, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catexp7.sql - CATalog EXPort views for v7 SQL script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create v7 style export/import views against the v8 RDBMS Rem so that EXP/IMP v7 can be used to read out data in a v8 RDBMS Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem This file is organized into 3 sections: Rem Section 1: Views needed by BOTH export and import Rem Section 2: Views required by import ONLY Rem Section 3: Views required by export ONLY Rem Rem No views depend on catalog.sql. This script can be run standalone. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jgalanes 10/15/04 - 3651756 switch from SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE Rem to ExP_FULL_DATABASE on exu?lnk Rem prakumar 01/07/02 - #1930790:Consider tables with property 536870912 Rem prakumar 04/04/01 - In exu7uscu,compare ind$.file# with file$.relfile# Rem sbalaram 06/28/00 - Fix exu7tgr view Rem rmurthy 06/20/00 - change objauth.option column to hold flag bits Rem nireland 03/14/00 - Fix view dependency ordering. #1170962 Rem wesmith 11/13/98 - RepAPI export code review fixes Rem wfisher 11/03/98 - Don't extract privs/audits for dimensions Rem sbalaram 10/16/98 - MAIN -> 8.1.4 Rem wesmith 10/15/98 - Filter out RepAPI snapshots Rem nvishnub 07/30/98 - Filter datetime interval types. Rem lbarton 07/13/98 - lrid downgrade support Rem nvishnub 05/22/98 - Filter off bitmapped ts. Rem lbarton 04/16/98 - filter system events from pre8.1 triggers Rem thoang 12/16/97 - Modified views to exclude unused columns Rem gclaborn 01/12/98 - Filter off secondary objects with exu7obj Rem gclaborn 12/05/97 - Filter hidden columns out of views Rem gclaborn 12/02/97 - Filter out functional and extensible indexes Rem wesmith 11/20/97 - disable v7 export of snapshots and snapshot logs Rem jpearson 09/23/97 - add access by select_catalog_role Rem jpearson 08/12/97 - 524135 - ignore error 1921 if roles already exist Rem jpearson 08/01/97 - 519867 - remove blank lines Rem jstenois 07/15/97 - update to match bug fix in 7.3.4 Rem jpearson 06/06/97 - v$option no longer contains procedure option Rem bmoy 05/29/97 - Remove 'set echo on'. Rem jpearson 05/02/97 - fix migration problems Rem jpearson 01/23/97 - fix exu7indic Rem syeung 01/06/97 - fix various bugs: 434588, 434601 Rem syeung 12/26/96 - fix typo again Rem gdoherty 12/23/96 - fix typo in exu7ind Rem syeung 12/20/96 - fix bug 428299 and 428325 Rem syeung 09/05/96 - fixed missing reverse in exu7ind; added Rem exu7indic etc for bitmap index incremental. Rem gdoherty 07/31/96 - shift ts# into file# to for TSR file#'s Rem ixhu 07/29/96 - allow v7 export/import to work against v8 Rem ixhu 07/29/96 - Created Rem rem this role allows the grantee to perform full database exports rem including incremental exports rem The role creation will get an error 1921 if the role already exists. rem The role may already have been created by sql.bsq, catexp.sql or rem by a previous execution of this script. rem In those cases, the error can be ignored. CREATE ROLE exp_full_database; grant select any table to exp_full_database; grant backup any table to exp_full_database; grant execute any procedure to exp_full_database; GRANT insert,update,delete ON sys.incexp TO exp_full_database; GRANT insert,update,delete ON sys.incvid TO exp_full_database; GRANT insert,update,delete ON sys.incfil TO exp_full_database; grant exp_full_database to dba; rem this role allows the grantee to perform full database imports rem The role creation will get an error 1921 if the role already exists. rem The role may already have been created by sql.bsq, catexp.sql or rem by a previous execution of this script. rem In those cases, the error can be ignored. CREATE ROLE imp_full_database; grant become user to imp_full_database; grant create any cluster to imp_full_database; grant create any index to imp_full_database; grant create any table to imp_full_database; grant create any procedure to imp_full_database; grant create any sequence to imp_full_database; grant create any snapshot to imp_full_database; grant create any synonym to imp_full_database; grant create any trigger to imp_full_database; grant create any view to imp_full_database; grant create profile to imp_full_database; grant create public database link to imp_full_database; grant create database link to imp_full_database; grant create public synonym to imp_full_database; grant create rollback segment to imp_full_database; grant create role to imp_full_database; grant create tablespace to imp_full_database; grant create user to imp_full_database; grant audit any to imp_full_database; grant comment any table to imp_full_database; grant alter any table to imp_full_database; grant select any table to imp_full_database; grant execute any procedure to imp_full_database; grant insert any table to imp_full_database; rem for import of incremental export files grant drop any cluster to imp_full_database; grant drop any index to imp_full_database; grant drop any table to imp_full_database; grant drop any procedure to imp_full_database; grant drop any sequence to imp_full_database; grant drop any snapshot to imp_full_database; grant drop any synonym to imp_full_database; grant drop any trigger to imp_full_database; grant drop any view to imp_full_database; grant drop profile to imp_full_database; grant drop public database link to imp_full_database; grant drop public synonym to imp_full_database; grant drop rollback segment to imp_full_database; grant drop any role to imp_full_database; grant drop tablespace to imp_full_database; grant drop user to imp_full_database; grant imp_full_database to dba; rem grant roles access to the dictionary grant select_catalog_role to exp_full_database; grant select_catalog_role to imp_full_database; grant execute_catalog_role to exp_full_database; grant execute_catalog_role to imp_full_database; REM ********** I M P O R T A N T ********** I M P O R T A N T ********** rem View exu7obj selects all rows from sys.obj$ EXCEPT secondary rem objects as created by Domain Indexes. Secondary objects should not be rem exported under any circumstances in a V7 export. See discussion in catexp. rem Use sys.exu7obj in lieu of obj$. REM ********** I M P O R T A N T ********** I M P O R T A N T ********** CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7obj AS SELECT * from sys.obj$ WHERE bitand(flags, 16) != 16 / grant select on exu7obj to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem *************************************************** Rem Section 1: Views required by BOTH export and import Rem *************************************************** Rem rem block size CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7bsz(blocksize) AS SELECT ts$.blocksize FROM sys.ts$ ts$ / grant select on exu7bsz to public; rem all users CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7usr (name, userid, passwd, defrole, datats, tempts, profile#, profname) AS SELECT, u.user#, DECODE(u.password, 'N', '', u.password), DECODE(u.defrole, 0, 'N', 1, 'A', 2, 'L', 3, 'E', 'X'),,, u.resource$, FROM sys.user$ u, sys.ts$ ts1, sys.ts$ ts2, sys.profname$ p WHERE u.datats# = ts1.ts# and u.tempts# = ts2.ts# and u.type# = 1 and u.resource$ = p.profile# / grant select on exu7usr to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7usru AS /* current user */ SELECT * from exu7usr WHERE userid = UID / grant select on exu7usru to public; rem check if user has priv to do a full db export CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ful(role) as select from x$kzsro, user$ u where kzsrorol!=uid and kzsrorol!=1 and u.user#=kzsrorol / grant select on sys.exu7ful to public; Rem Rem **************************************** Rem Section 2: Views required by import ONLY Rem **************************************** Rem REM Get Unlimited Extent Compatibility Information CREATE or REPLACE view imp7uec (release) AS SELECT release FROM v$compatibility WHERE type_id = 'UNLMTEXT' / grant select on imp7uec to public / Rem Rem **************************************** Rem Section 3: Views required by export ONLY Rem **************************************** Rem rem all tables CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tab (objid, name, owner, ownerid, tablespace, fileno, blockno, audit$, comment$, clusterflag, mtime, modified, pctfree$, pctused$, initrans, maxtrans, parallel, cache) AS SELECT o$.obj#,o$.name, u$.name, o$.owner#, ts$.name, t$.ts# * 4096 + t$.file#, t$.block#, t$.audit$, c$.comment$, NVL(t$.bobj#, 0), o$.mtime, decode(bitand(t$.flags,1),1,1,0), mod(t$.pctfree$, 100), t$.pctused$, t$.initrans, t$.maxtrans, NVL(t$.degree,1), decode(bitand(t$.flags,8), 8, 65536, 0) FROM$ t$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.ts$ ts$, sys.user$ u$,$ c$ WHERE t$.obj# = o$.obj# and t$.ts# = ts$.ts# and u$.user# = o$.owner# and o$.obj# = c$.obj#(+) and c$.col#(+) is null and (t$.property = 0 or bitand(t$.property,1024+536870912) != 0) and t$.cols <= 254 and bitand(t$.property, 512) = 0 /* skip IOT overflow segs */ /* skip tables with columns of type UROWID */ and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.col$ c$ WHERE c$.obj# = o$.obj# AND (c$.type# = 208 OR (c$.type# >= 178 AND c$.type# <= 183))) / grant select on exu7tab to select_catalog_role; rem tables for incremental export: modified, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tabi AS SELECT t.* from exu7tab t,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND t.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,2) = 2 AND (bitand(t.modified,1) = 1 OR t.mtime > i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7tabi to select_catalog_role; rem tables for cumulative export: modified, last export was inc, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tabc AS SELECT t.* from exu7tab t,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND t.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,2) = 2 AND (bitand(t.modified,1) = 1 OR i.itime > NVL(i.ctime, TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) OR t.mtime > i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7tabc to select_catalog_role; rem current user's tables CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tabu AS SELECT * from exu7tab WHERE ownerid = uid / grant select on exu7tabu to public; rem not null constraints on columns CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7colnn (tobjid, colid, conname, isnull, enabled) AS SELECT cc$.obj#, cc$.col#, DECODE(SUBSTR(con$.name,1,5), 'SYS_C', '', NVL(con$.name, '')), 1, NVL(cd$.enabled, 0) FROM sys.con$ con$, sys.cdef$ cd$, sys.ccol$ cc$ WHERE cc$.con# = cd$.con# and cd$.con# = con$.con# and cd$.type# =7 / grant select on exu7colnn to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7col_temp (tobjid, towner, townerid, tname, name, length, precision, scale, type, isnull, conname, colid, segcolid, comment$, --default$, dfltlen, enabled) AS SELECT o$.obj#, u$.name, o$.owner#, o$.name, c$.name, c$.length, c$.precision#, c$.scale, /* make long varchars or any nchar an invalid data type (0) */ DECODE( c$.type#, /* char*/ 1, decode(NVL(c$.charsetform,1), 2,0, /* nchar */ decode( least( c$.length, 2001), 2001, 0, /* too long */ c$.type# ) ), /* varchar*/ 96, decode(NVL(c$.charsetform,1), 2,0, /* nchar */ decode( least( c$.length, 2001), 2001, 0, /* too long */ c$.type# ) ), c$.type# ), NVL(cn.isnull,0), cn.conname, c$.col#, c$.segcol#, com$.comment$,-- c$.default$, NVL(c$.deflength, 0), cn.enabled FROM sys.col$ c$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.user$ u$,$ com$, sys.exu7colnn cn WHERE c$.obj# = o$.obj# and o$.owner# = u$.user# and c$.obj# = com$.obj#(+) and c$.col# = com$.col#(+) and c$.obj# = cn.tobjid and c$.col# = cn.colid union all SELECT o$.obj#, u$.name, o$.owner#, o$.name, c$.name, c$.length, c$.precision#, c$.scale, /* make long varchars or any nchar an invalid data type (0) */ DECODE( c$.type#, /* char*/ 1, decode(NVL(c$.charsetform,1), 2,0, /* nchar */ decode( least( c$.length, 2001), 2001, 0, /* too long */ c$.type# ) ), /* varchar*/ 96, decode(NVL(c$.charsetform,1), 2,0, /* nchar */ decode( least( c$.length, 2001), 2001, 0, /* too long */ c$.type# ) ), c$.type# ), 0, null, c$.col#, c$.segcol#, com$.comment$,-- c$.default$, NVL(c$.deflength, 0), to_number(null) FROM sys.col$ c$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.user$ u$,$ com$ WHERE c$.obj# = o$.obj# and o$.owner# = u$.user# and c$.obj# = com$.obj#(+) and c$.col# = com$.col#(+) and bitand(c$.property,32768) != 32768 /* not unused column */ and not exists (select null from sys.exu7colnn cn where c$.obj# = cn.tobjid and c$.col# = cn.colid) / grant select on exu7col_temp to select_catalog_role; create or replace view exu7col (tobjid, towner, townerid, tname, name, length, precision, scale, type, isnull, conname, colid, segcolid, comment$, default$, dfltlen, enabled) AS select tobjid, towner, townerid, v$.tname, v$.name, v$.length, v$.precision, v$.scale, type, isnull, conname, colid, segcolid, comment$, default$, dfltlen, enabled FROM EXU7col_temp v$, sys.col$ c$ where c$.obj# = v$.tobjid and c$.col# = v$.colid and bitand(c$.property, 32) != 32 /* Not a hidden column */ / grant select on exu7col to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7colu AS /* current user's columns */ SELECT * from exu7col WHERE townerid = uid / grant select on exu7colu to public; rem all columns for index CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ico (tobjid, towner, townerid, tname, name, length, precision, scale, type, isnull, conname, colid, comment$, default$, dfltlen, enabled) AS SELECT o$.obj#, u$.name, o$.owner#, o$.name, c$.name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', i$.pos#, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 FROM sys.col$ c$, sys.icol$ i$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE c$.obj# = i$.bo# and c$.col# = i$.col# and i$.obj# = o$.obj# and o$.owner# = u$.user# / grant select on exu7ico to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7icou AS /* current user's columns */ SELECT * from exu7ico WHERE townerid = uid / grant select on exu7icou to public; rem all users' default roles CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7dfr (name, userid, role, roleid) AS SELECT u$.name, u$.user#, u1$.name, u1$.user# FROM sys.user$ u$, sys.user$ u1$, sys.defrole$ d$ WHERE u$.user# = d$.user# and u1$.user# = d$.role# / rem all roles CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rol (role, password) AS /* enumerate all roles */ SELECT name, password FROM sys.user$ WHERE type# = 0 and name not in ('CONNECT', 'RESOURCE', 'DBA', 'PUBLIC', '_NEXT_USER', 'EXP_FULL_DATABASE', 'IMP_FULL_DATABASE') / grant select on exu7rol to select_catalog_role; rem all role grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rlg (grantee, granteeid, role, roleid, admin, sequence) AS SELECT u1$.name, u1$.user#, u2$.name, u2$.user#, NVL(g$.option$, 0), g$.sequence# FROM sys.user$ u1$, sys.user$ u2$, sys.sysauth$ g$ WHERE u1$.user# = g$.grantee# AND u2$.user# = g$.privilege# AND g$.privilege# > 0 / grant select on exu7rlg to select_catalog_role; rem all system privs, type is 1 for user, 0 for role CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7spv (grantee, granteeid, priv, wgo, sequence) AS SELECT u1$.name, u1$.user#, m$.name, NVL(a$.option$,0), a$.sequence# FROM sys.sysauth$ a$, sys.system_privilege_map m$, sys.user$ u1$ WHERE a$.grantee# = u1$.user# and a$.privilege# = m$.privilege AND u1$.name not in ('CONNECT', 'RESOURCE', 'DBA', 'PUBLIC', '_NEXT_USER', 'EXP_FULL_DATABASE', 'IMP_FULL_DATABASE') AND m$.privilege not in (-177, -178, -180, -181, -182, -183, -184, -186, -188, -189, -190, -191, -192) AND m$.privilege > -200 / grant select on exu7spv to select_catalog_role; rem all grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7grn (objid, grantor, grantorid, grantee, priv, wgo, creatorid, sequence) AS SELECT t$.obj#, ur$.name, t$.grantor#, ue$.name, m$.name, mod(NVL(t$.option$,0),2), o$.owner#, t$.sequence# FROM sys.objauth$ t$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.user$ ur$, sys.table_privilege_map m$, sys.user$ ue$ WHERE o$.obj# = t$.obj# AND t$.privilege# = m$.privilege AND t$.col# IS NULL AND t$.grantor# = ur$.user# AND t$.grantee# = ue$.user# / grant select on exu7grn to select_catalog_role; rem just SYS's grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7grs (objid, name) AS SELECT t$.obj#, o$.name FROM sys.objauth$ t$, sys.exu7obj o$ WHERE o$.obj# = t$.obj# AND t$.col# is null AND t$.grantor# = 0 / grant select on exu7grs to select_catalog_role; rem first level grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7grnu AS SELECT * from exu7grn WHERE grantorid = UID AND creatorid = UID / grant select on exu7grnu to public; rem all column grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cgr (objid, grantor, grantorid, grantee, creatorid, cname, priv, sequence, wgo) AS SELECT c$.obj#, ur$.name, c$.grantor#, ue$.name, o$.owner#, cl$.name, m$.name, c$.sequence#, mod(NVL(c$.option$,0),2) FROM sys.objauth$ c$, sys.exu7obj o$, sys.user$ ur$, sys.user$ ue$, sys.table_privilege_map m$, sys.col$ cl$ WHERE c$.grantor# = ur$.user# AND c$.grantee# = ue$.user# AND c$.obj# = o$.obj# AND c$.privilege# = m$.privilege AND c$.obj# = cl$.obj# AND c$.col# = cl$.col# / grant select on exu7cgr to select_catalog_role; rem first level grants CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cgru AS SELECT * from exu7cgr WHERE grantorid = UID AND creatorid = UID / grant select on exu7cgru to public; rem all indexes rem add spare8 for bitmap index CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ind (iobjid, iname, iowner, iownerid, ispace, ifileno, iblockno, btname, btobjid, btowner, btownerid, unique$, cluster$, pctfree$, initrans, maxtrans, blevel, bitmap, reverse) AS SELECT i$.obj#, i$.name, ui$.name, i$.owner#, ts$.name, ind$.ts# * 4096 + ind$.file#, ind$.block#, t$.name, t$.obj#, ut$.name, t$.owner#, decode(bitand(decode(bitand(ind$.property,1),1,1,0), decode(t$.type#,3,1,0)), 1, 0, decode(bitand(ind$.property,1),1,1,0)), decode(t$.type#,3,1,0), ind$.pctfree$, ind$.initrans, ind$.maxtrans, NVL(ind$.blevel,-1), decode(ind$.type#,2,1,0), decode(bitand(ind$.property,4),4,1,0) FROM sys.exu7obj t$, sys.exu7obj i$, sys.ind$ ind$, sys.user$ ui$, sys.user$ ut$, sys.ts$ ts$ WHERE ind$.bo# = t$.obj# AND ind$.obj# = i$.obj# AND ts$.ts# = ind$.ts# AND i$.owner# = ui$.user# AND t$.owner# = ut$.user# AND bitand(ind$.property, 16) != 16 AND /* skip functional index */ ind$.type# != 9 AND /* skip extensible index */ (bitand(ind$.property,1)=0 OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.con$ c$ WHERE c$.owner# = i$.owner# AND c$.name = i$.name)) / grant select on exu7ind to select_catalog_role; rem current user indexes CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7indu AS SELECT * from exu7ind WHERE iownerid = UID and btownerid = UID / grant select on exu7indu to public; rem dependency order CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ord (dlevel, obj#) AS SELECT MAX(LEVEL), d.d_obj# FROM sys.dependency$ d WHERE EXISTS (select v.obj# from sys.view$ v where v.obj# = d.d_obj#) START WITH EXISTS (select v.obj# from sys.view$ v where v.obj# = d.d_obj#) CONNECT BY PRIOR d.d_obj# = d.p_obj# GROUP BY d.d_obj#, d.d_owner# / grant select on exu7ord to public; rem current user's dependency order CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ordu (dlevel, obj#) AS SELECT MAX(LEVEL), d.d_obj# FROM sys.dependency$ d WHERE d.d_owner# = uid AND EXISTS (select v.obj# from sys.view$ v where v.obj# = d.d_obj#) START WITH EXISTS (select v.obj# from sys.view$ v where v.obj# = d.d_obj#) CONNECT BY PRIOR d.d_obj# = d.p_obj# GROUP BY d.d_obj#, d.d_owner# / grant select on exu7ordu to public; rem all views CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7vew (vobjid,vname, vlen, vtext, vowner, vownerid, vaudit, vcomment, vcname, vlevel) AS SELECT o$.obj#, o$.name, v$.textlength, v$.text, u$.name, o$.owner#, v$.audit$, com$.comment$, DECODE(SUBSTR(c$.name,1,5), 'SYS_C', '', NVL(c$.name, '')), d$.dlevel FROM sys.exu7obj o$, sys.view$ v$, sys.user$ u$, sys.cdef$ cd$, sys.con$ c$,$ com$, exu7ord d$ WHERE v$.obj# = o$.obj# AND o$.owner# = u$.user# AND o$.obj# = cd$.obj#(+) AND cd$.con# = c$.con#(+) AND o$.obj# = com$.obj#(+) AND com$.col#(+) IS NULL AND o$.obj# = d$.obj#(+) / grant select on exu7vew to select_catalog_role; rem views for incremental export: new or last export not valid rem cannot use union as in exutabi because of long field CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7vewi AS SELECT vw.* from exu7vew vw, incexp i, incvid v WHERE = vw.vname AND i.owner#(+) = vw.vownerid AND v.expid < NVL(i.expid, 9999) AND NVL(i.type#, 4) = 4 / grant select on exu7vewi to select_catalog_role; rem views for cumulative export: new, last export was inc or not valid CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7vewc AS SELECT vw.* from exu7vew vw, incexp i, incvid v WHERE vw.vname = AND vw.vownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,4) = 4 AND (NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) < i.itime OR v.expid < NVL(i.expid, 9999)) / grant select on exu7vewc to select_catalog_role; rem current user's view CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7vewu (vobjid,vname, vlen, vtext, vowner, vownerid, vaudit, vcomment, vcname, vlevel) AS SELECT o$.obj#, o$.name, v$.textlength, v$.text, u$.name, o$.owner#, v$.audit$, com$.comment$, DECODE(SUBSTR(c$.name,1,5), 'SYS_C', '', NVL(c$.name, '')), d$.dlevel FROM sys.exu7obj o$, sys.view$ v$, sys.user$ u$, sys.cdef$ cd$, sys.con$ c$,$ com$, exu7ordu d$ WHERE v$.obj# = o$.obj# AND o$.owner# = u$.user# AND o$.obj# = cd$.obj#(+) AND cd$.con# = c$.con#(+) AND o$.obj# = com$.obj#(+) AND com$.col#(+) IS NULL AND o$.obj# = d$.obj#(+) AND u$.user# = uid / grant select on exu7vewu to public; rem all synonyms CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7syn (synnam, syntab, tabown, tabnode, public$, synown, synownid, syntime) AS SELECT o$.name, s$.name, s$.owner, s$.node, DECODE(o$.owner#, 1, 1, 0), uo$.name, o$.owner#, TO_CHAR(o$.ctime, 'YYMMDDHH24MISS') FROM sys.exu7obj o$, sys.syn$ s$, sys.user$ us$, sys.user$ uo$ WHERE s$.obj# = o$.obj# AND o$.owner# = uo$.user# AND s$.owner = us$.name(+) / grant select on exu7syn to select_catalog_role; rem synonyms for incremental export: new or last export not valid CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7syni AS SELECT s.* from exu7syn s, incexp i, incvid v WHERE s.synnam = AND s.synownid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,5) = 5 AND NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid / grant select on exu7syni to select_catalog_role; rem synonyms for cumulative export: new, last export was inc or not valid CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7sync AS SELECT s.* from exu7syn s, incexp i, incvid v WHERE s.synnam = AND s.synownid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,5) = 5 AND (NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) < i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7sync to select_catalog_role; rem user's synnonyms CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7synu AS SELECT * from exu7syn WHERE synownid = UID / grant select on exu7synu to public; rem clustered tables' columns CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cco (tname, towner, townerid, cluster$, tcolnam, seq) AS SELECT t$.name, u$.name, t$.owner#, c$.name, tc$.name, cc$.col# FROM sys.exu7obj t$,$ tab$, sys.exu7obj c$, sys.col$ tc$, sys.col$ cc$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE t$.type# = 2 AND t$.obj# = tab$.obj# AND tab$.bobj# = cc$.obj# AND tab$.obj# = tc$.obj# AND tab$.bobj# = c$.obj# AND cc$.segcol# = tc$.segcol# AND t$.owner# = u$.user# / grant select on exu7cco to select_catalog_role; rem current user's clustered tables' columns CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ccou AS SELECT * from exu7cco WHERE townerid = UID / grant select on exu7ccou to public; rem all clusters CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7clu (objid, owner, ownerid, name, tblspace, size$, fileno, blockno, mtime, pctfree$, pctused$, initrans, maxtrans, hashkeys, function, spare4, parallel, cache, functxt , funclen ) AS SELECT o$.obj#, u$.name, o$.owner#, o$.name, ts$.name, NVL(c$.size$, -1), c$.ts# * 4096 + c$.file#, c$.block#, o$.mtime, mod(c$.pctfree$, 100), c$.pctused$, c$.initrans, c$.maxtrans, NVL(c$.hashkeys, 0), NVL(c$.func, 1), NVL(c$.avgchn,-1), NVL(c$.degree,0), decode(bitand(c$.flags,8), 8, 65536, 0), cd$.condition, cd$.condlength FROM sys.exu7obj o$, sys.clu$ c$, sys.ts$ ts$, sys.user$ u$, sys.cdef$ cd$ WHERE o$.obj# = c$.obj# AND c$.ts# = ts$.ts# AND o$.owner# = u$.user# AND cd$.obj#(+) = c$.obj# / grant select on exu7clu to select_catalog_role; rem clusters for incremental export: new or last export invalid rem altered cluster is now exported because its tables are also exported CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7clui AS SELECT c.* from exu7clu c,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND c.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND (c.mtime > i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7clui to select_catalog_role; rem clusters for cumulative export: last export was inc or new rem altered cluster is now exported because its tables are also exported CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cluc AS SELECT c.* from exu7clu c,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND c.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,3) = 3 AND (i.itime > NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) OR c.mtime > i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7cluc to select_catalog_role; rem current user's clusters CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cluu AS SELECT * from exu7clu WHERE ownerid = UID / grant select on exu7cluu to public; rem all storage parameters CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7sto (ownerid, fileno, blockno, iniext, sext, minext, maxext, pctinc, blocks, lists, groups, extents) AS SELECT user#, ts# * 4096 + file#, block#, iniexts, extsize, minexts, maxexts, extpct, blocks, decode(lists, NULL, 1, 65535, 1, lists), decode(groups, NULL, 1, 65535, 1, groups), extents FROM sys.seg$ / grant select on exu7sto to select_catalog_role; rem storage parameters for current user's segments CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7stou AS SELECT * from exu7sto WHERE ownerid = UID / grant select on exu7stou to public; rem find out correct size of second extent using uet$ CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tne (fileno, blockno, length) AS SELECT s.ts# * 4096 + s.file#, u.segblock#, u.length FROM uet$ u, seg$ s WHERE u.ext#=1 and s.file#=u.segfile# and s.block#=u.segblock# and s.ts#=u.ts# / grant select on exu7tne to public; rem all tablespaces CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tbs (id, owner, name, isonline, content, iniext, sext, pctinc, minext, maxext) AS SELECT ts$.ts#, 'SYSTEM', ts$.name, DECODE(ts$.online$, 1, 'ONLINE', 4, 'ONLINE', 'OFFLINE'), DECODE(ts$.contents$, 0, 'PERMANENT', 1, 'TEMPORARY'), ts$.dflinit, ts$.dflincr, ts$.dflextpct, ts$.dflminext, ts$.dflmaxext FROM sys.ts$ ts$ WHERE ts$.online$ in (1, 2, 4) and ts$.ts# != 0 and ts$.bitmapped = 0 / grant select on exu7tbs to select_catalog_role; rem tablespace quotas CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tsq(tsname, tsid, uname, userid, maxblocks) AS SELECT t$.name, q$.ts#, u$.name, u$.user#, q$.maxblocks FROM sys.ts$ t$, sys.tsq$ q$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE q$.user# = u$.user# AND q$.ts# = t$.ts# AND q$.maxblocks != 0 AND t$.online$ in (1, 2, 4) / grant select on exu7tsq to select_catalog_role; rem all files CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7fil(fname, fsize, tsid) AS SELECT v$.name, f$.blocks, f$.ts# FROM sys.file$ f$, sys.v$dbfile v$ WHERE f$.file# = v$.file# / grant select on exu7fil to select_catalog_role; rem all database links CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7lnk (owner, ownerid, name, user$, passwd, host, public$) AS SELECT DECODE(l$.owner#, 1, 'SYSTEM', u$.name), l$.owner#, l$.name, l$.userid, l$.password, l$.host, DECODE(l$.owner#, 1, 1, 0) FROM sys.user$ u$,$ l$ WHERE u$.user# = l$.owner# / GRANT SELECT ON sys.exu7lnk TO EXP_FULL_DATABASE; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7lnku AS /* current user's database links */ SELECT * from exu7lnk WHERE ownerid = UID / grant select on exu7lnku to public; rem all rollback segments CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rsg (owner, name, space$, fileno , blockno, minext, public$) AS SELECT 'SYSTEM', r$.name, ts$.name, r$.ts# * 4096 + r$.file#, r$.block#, s$.minexts, DECODE(r$.user#, 1, 1, 0) FROM sys.ts$ ts$, sys.undo$ r$, sys.seg$ s$ WHERE r$.status$ != 1 AND r$.file# = s$.file# AND r$.block# = s$.block# AND s$.ts# = ts$.ts# and r$.ts# = s$.ts# and r$.us# != 0 / grant select on exu7rsg to select_catalog_role; rem info on deleted objects EXCEPT snapshots, snapshot logs CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7del (owner, name, type, type#) AS SELECT u$.name, i$.name, DECODE(i$.type#, 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', -1, 'TRIGGER', -4, 'PACKAGE BODY'), i$.type# FROM sys.incexp i$, sys.user$ u$, sys.exu7obj o$ WHERE i$.owner# = u$.user# AND i$.type# NOT IN (-2,-3) AND i$.owner# = o$.owner# (+) /* "+ 0" for sort-merge outer jn */ AND i$.name = o$.name (+) AND i$.type# = DECODE(o$.type# (+), 12, -1, 11, -4, o$.type# (+)) AND o$.owner# is NULL AND o$.linkname is NULL / grant select on exu7del to select_catalog_role; rem info on sequence number CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7seq (owner, ownerid, name, objid, curval, minval, maxval, incr, cache, cycle, order$, audt) AS SELECT, u.user#,, o.obj#, s.highwater, s.minvalue, s.maxvalue, s.increment$, s.cache, s.cycle#, s.order$, s.audit$ FROM sys.exu7obj o, sys.user$ u, sys.seq$ s WHERE o.obj# = s.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# / grant select on exu7seq to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7sequ AS SELECT * from sys.exu7seq WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7sequ to public; rem contraints on table CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7con (objid, owner, ownerid, tname, type, cname, cno, condition, condlength, enabled) AS SELECT o.obj#,, c.owner#,, cd.type#,, c.con#, cd.condition, cd.condlength, NVL(cd.enabled,0) FROM sys.exu7obj o, sys.user$ u, sys.con$ c, sys.cdef$ cd WHERE u.user# = c.owner# AND o.obj# = cd.obj# AND cd.con# = c.con# / grant select on exu7con to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7conu AS SELECT * from sys.exu7con WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7conu to public; rem referential constraints CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ref (objid, owner, ownerid, tname, rowner, rtname, cname, cno, rcno, action, enabled) AS SELECT o.obj#,, c.owner#,,,, DECODE(SUBSTR(, 1, 5), 'SYS_C', '', NVL(, '')), c.con#, cd.rcon#, NVL(cd.refact,0), NVL(cd.enabled,0) FROM sys.user$ u, sys.user$ ru, sys.exu7obj o, sys.exu7obj ro, sys.con$ c, sys.cdef$ cd WHERE u.user# = c.owner# AND o.obj# = cd.obj# AND ro.obj# = cd.robj# AND cd.con# = c.con# AND cd.type# = 4 AND ru.user# = ro.owner# / grant select on exu7ref to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7refu AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ref WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7refu to public; rem referential constraints for incremental and cumulative export rem for tables just exported, i.expid will be greater than v.expid rem as v.expid is incremented only at the end of the incremental export rem but i.expid is incremented when the table is exported. rem USED ONLY WHEN RECROD = YES CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7refic AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ref WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT i.owner#, FROM sys.incexp i, sys.incvid v WHERE i.expid > v.expid AND i.type# = 2) / grant select on exu7refic to select_catalog_role; rem referential constraints for incremental export rem exutabi will return the correct table name because RECORD = NO CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7refi AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ref WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabi) / grant select on exu7refi to select_catalog_role; rem referential constraints for cumulative export, assuming rem exutabc will return the correct table name because RECORD = NO CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7refc AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ref WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabc) / grant select on exu7refc to select_catalog_role; rem contraint column list CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ccl (ownerid, cno, colname, colno) AS SELECT o.owner#, cc.con#,, cc.pos# FROM sys.exu7obj o, sys.col$ c, sys.ccol$ cc WHERE o.obj# = cc.obj# AND c.obj# = cc.obj# AND cc.col# = c.col# / grant select on exu7ccl to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cclu AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ccl WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7cclu to public / CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cclo (ownerid, cno, colname, colno) AS SELECT a.ownerid, a.cno, a.colname, a.colno from sys.exu7ccl a, sys.con$ b , sys.cdef$ c WHERE b.owner#=UID AND b.con# = c.con# AND c.rcon# = a.cno / grant select on sys.exu7cclo to public / rem triggers CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tgr (ownerid, owner, baseobject, baseobjowner, definition, whenclause, actionsize, action, enabled, name, basename) AS SELECT o.owner#,, t.baseobject,, t.definition, t.whenclause, t.actionsize, t.action#, t.enabled,, FROM sys.exu7obj o, sys.trigger$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.exu7obj o2, sys.user$ u2 WHERE o.obj# = t.obj# AND u.user# = o.owner# AND o2.obj# = t.baseobject and t.type# in (0,1,2,3) and o2.owner# = u2.user# and (bitand(,1) = OR bitand(,128) = 128) / grant select on exu7tgr to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tgru AS SELECT * from sys.exu7tgr WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7tgru to public / rem triggers for incremental and cumulative export for table just rem exported. See comment on exu7refic. CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tgric as SELECT * from sys.exu7tgr WHERE (ownerid, basename) in (SELECT i.owner#, from sys.incexp i, sys.incvid v WHERE i.expid > v.expid AND i.type# = 2) / grant select on exu7tgric to select_catalog_role; rem triggers for incremental export: record=no CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tgri as SELECT * from sys.exu7tgr WHERE (ownerid, basename) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabi) / grant select on exu7tgri to select_catalog_role; rem triggers for cumulative export: record=no CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7tgrc as SELECT * from sys.exu7tgr WHERE (ownerid, basename) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabc) / grant select on exu7tgrc to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7spr(ownerid, uname, id, name, time, typeid, type, audt) AS SELECT o.owner#,, o.obj#,, TO_CHAR(o.mtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS'), o.type#, DECODE(o.type#, 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY'), p.audit$ FROM sys.exu7obj o, sys.user$ u, sys.procedure$ p WHERE o.owner# = u.user# AND o.type# in (7,8,9,11) AND o.obj# = p.obj# / grant select on exu7spr to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7spu(ownerid, uname, id, name, time, typeid, type, audt) AS SELECT * from sys.exu7spr WHERE UID = ownerid / grant select on sys.exu7spu to public / rem stored procedures for incremental export: modified, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7spri AS SELECT s.* from exu7spr s,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND s.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,7) = 7 AND NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid / grant select on exu7spri to select_catalog_role; rem stored procedures for incremental export: modified, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7sprc AS SELECT s.* from exu7spr s,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND s.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,7) = 7 AND (NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) < i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7sprc to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7sps(obj#, line, source) AS SELECT obj#,line,source FROM sys.source$ / grant select on exu7sps to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7spsu(obj#, line, source) AS SELECT s.obj#, s.line, s.source FROM sys.source$ s, sys.exu7obj o WHERE s.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = UID / grant select on sys.exu7spsu to public / rem system auditing options rem CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7aud (userid, name, action, success, failure) AS SELECT a.user#,,, NVL(a.success,0), NVL(a.failure,0) FROM sys.audit$ a, sys.user$ u, sys.stmt_audit_option_map m WHERE a.user# = u.user# AND a.option# = m.option# AND (m.option# < 177 OR m.option# > 193) AND m.option# not in (18, 34, 38, 39, 157, 158) AND (m.option# < 200) / grant select on exu7aud to select_catalog_role; rem profiles CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7prf(profile#, name) AS SELECT profile#, name FROM sys.profname$ WHERE profile# != 0 / grant select on exu7prf to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7prr(profile#, resname, limit) AS SELECT profile#, DECODE(resource#, 0, 'COMPOSITE_LIMIT', 1, 'SESSIONS_PER_USER', 2, 'CPU_PER_SESSION', 3, 'CPU_PER_CALL', 4, 'LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION', 5, 'LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL', 6, 'IDLE_TIME', 7, 'CONNECT_TIME', 8, 'PRIVATE_SGA', 'UNDEFINED'), limit# FROM sys.profile$ WHERE resource# != 9 and type# = 0 / grant select on exu7prr to select_catalog_role; rem snapshots CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snap ( OWNER, OWNERID, NAME, TABLE_NAME, MASTER_VIEW, MASTER_OWNER, MASTER, MASTER_LINK, CAN_USE_LOG, LAST_REFRESH, ERROR, TYPE, NEXT, START_WITH, QUERY, UPDATABLE, UPDATE_TRIG, UPDATE_LOG) as SELECT sowner, u.user#, vname, tname, mview, mowner, master, mlink, decode(can_use_log, null, 'NO', 'YES'), snaptime, error#, decode(auto_fast, 'C', 'COMPLETE', 'F', 'FAST', '?', 'FORCE', null, 'FORCE', 'ERROR'), auto_fun, auto_date, query_txt, mod(trunc(flag/2),2), ustrg, uslog from sys.snap$ s, sys.user$ u WHERE = s.sowner AND 1 = 0 /* v7 export of v8 snapshots disallowed */ / grant select on exu7snap to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snapu ( OWNER, OWNERID, NAME, TABLE_NAME, MASTER_VIEW, MASTER_OWNER, MASTER, MASTER_LINK, CAN_USE_LOG, LAST_REFRESH, ERROR, TYPE, NEXT, START_WITH, QUERY, UPDATABLE, UPDATE_TRIG, UPDATE_LOG) as SELECT sowner, u.user#, vname, tname, mview, mowner, master, mlink, decode(can_use_log, null, 'NO', 'YES'), snaptime, error#, decode(auto_fast, 'C', 'COMPLETE', 'F', 'FAST', '?', 'FORCE', null, 'FORCE', 'ERROR'), auto_fun, auto_date, query_txt, mod(trunc(flag/2),2), ustrg, uslog from sys.snap$ s, sys.user$ u WHERE = s.sowner AND UID = u.user# AND 1 = 0 /* v7 export of v8 snapshots disallowed */ / grant SELECT on sys.exu7snapu to public; rem snapshots for incremental export: modified, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snapi AS SELECT s.* from exu7snap s,incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND s.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,-2) = -2 AND NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid / grant select on exu7snapi to select_catalog_role; rem snapshots for cumulative export: new, last export was inc or not valid CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snapc AS SELECT s.* from exu7snap s, incexp i, incvid v WHERE = AND s.ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,-2) = -2 AND (NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) < i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7snapc to select_catalog_role; rem snapshot logs CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snapl ( LOG_OWNER, LOG_OWNERID, MASTER, LOG_TABLE, LOG_TRIGGER) as SELECT m.mowner, u.user#, m.master, m.log, m.trig from sys.mlog$ m, sys.user$ u WHERE m.mowner = and 1 = 0 /* v7 export of v8 snapshot logs disallowed */ / grant select on exu7snapl to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snaplu ( LOG_OWNER, LOG_OWNERID, MASTER, LOG_TABLE, LOG_TRIGGER) as SELECT m.mowner, u.user#, m.master, m.log, m.trig from sys.mlog$ m, sys.user$ u WHERE m.mowner = and UID = u.user# and 1 = 0 /* v7 export of v8 snapshot logs disallowed */ / grant SELECT on sys.exu7snaplu to public; rem snapshot logs for incremental export: modified, altered or new CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snapli AS SELECT s.* from exu7snapl s,incexp i, incvid v WHERE s.master = AND s.log_ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,-3) = -3 AND NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid / grant select on exu7snapli to select_catalog_role; rem snapshot logs for cumulative export: new, last export was inc or not valid CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7snaplc AS SELECT s.* from exu7snapl s, incexp i, incvid v WHERE s.master = AND s.log_ownerid = i.owner#(+) AND NVL(i.type#,-3) = -3 AND (NVL(i.ctime,TO_DATE('01-01-1900','DD-MM-YYYY')) < i.itime OR NVL(i.expid,9999) > v.expid) / grant select on exu7snaplc to select_catalog_role; rem info on deleted snapshots -- they aren't in obj$ CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7delsnap (owner, name, type) as SELECT u$.name, i$.name, 'SNAPSHOT' from sys.incexp i$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE i$.owner# = u$.user# and i$.type# = -2 and (u$.name, i$.name) NOT IN (SELECT s$.sowner, s$.vname from sys.snap$ s$ where s$.instsite = 0) / grant select on exu7delsnap to select_catalog_role; rem info on deleted snapshot logs -- they aren't in obj$ CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7delsnapl (owner, name, type) as SELECT u$.name, i$.name, 'SNAPSHOT LOG' from sys.incexp i$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE i$.owner# = u$.user# and i$.type# = -3 and (u$.name, i$.name) NOT IN (SELECT m$.mowner, m$.master from sys.mlog$ m$) / grant select on exu7delsnapl to select_catalog_role; rem info on analyzed objects CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7anal(id,rowcnt) as select obj#, NVL(rowcnt,-1) from$ / grant select on exu7anal to public / rem add a view to determine storage clause for unique constraint rem need for it to be user level because two different users can have the rem same index name CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7uscu (iobjid, iname, ifileno, iblockno, ibobjid, tspname, pctfree$, initrans, maxtrans) as SELECT o$.obj#, o$.name, i$.ts# * 4096 + i$.file#, i$.block#, i$.bo#, t$.name, i$.pctfree$, i$.initrans, i$.maxtrans from sys.exu7obj o$, sys.ind$ i$, sys.file$ f$, sys.ts$ t$ where o$.obj# = i$.obj# and bitand(i$.property,1)=1 and f$.relfile#=i$.file# and f$.ts# = t$.ts# / grant select on sys.exu7uscu to public; rem referential constraints CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rif (objid, owner, ownerid, tname, rowner, rtname, cname, cno, rcno, action, enabled, robjid) AS SELECT o.obj#,, c.owner#,,,, DECODE(SUBSTR(, 1, 5), 'SYS_C', '', NVL(, '')), c.con#, cd.rcon#, NVL(cd.refact,0), NVL(cd.enabled,0), cd.robj# FROM sys.user$ u, sys.user$ ru, sys.exu7obj o, sys.exu7obj ro, sys.con$ c, sys.cdef$ cd WHERE u.user# = c.owner# AND o.obj# = cd.obj# AND ro.obj# = cd.robj# AND cd.con# = c.con# AND cd.type# = 4 AND ru.user# = ro.owner# / grant select on exu7rif to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7erc (resource_name, unit_cost) as SELECT, c.cost FROM sys.resource_cost$ c, sys.resource_map m WHERE c.resource# = m.resource# AND m.type# = 0 AND c.resource# in (2, 4, 7, 8) / grant select on exu7erc to select_catalog_role; REM REM Job Queues REM CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7jbq (job, ownerid, owner) as SELECT j$.job, u$.user#, j$.powner FROM sys.job$ j$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE j$.powner = u$.name / grant select on exu7jbq to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7jbqu (job, ownerid, owner) as SELECT * FROM sys.exu7jbq WHERE uid = ownerid / grant select on exu7jbqu to public / REM REM Refresh Groups REM CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rgs (refgroup, ownerid, owner) as SELECT r$.refgroup, u$.user#, r$.owner FROM sys.rgroup$ r$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE r$.owner = u$.name AND r$.instsite = 0 /* Do not include RepAPI refgroups */ / grant select on exu7rgs to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rgsu as SELECT * from sys.exu7rgs WHERE uid = ownerid / grant select on exu7rgsu to public / REM REM Refresh Group Children REM CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rgc (owner, ownerid, child, type, refgroup) as SELECT rc$.owner, u$.user#, rc$.name, rc$.type#, rc$.refgroup FROM sys.rgchild$ rc$, sys.user$ u$ WHERE rc$.owner = u$.name AND rc$.instsite = 0 /* Do not include RepAPI snapshots */ / grant select on exu7rgc to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7rgcu as SELECT * from sys.exu7rgc WHERE uid = ownerid / grant select on exu7rgcu to public / REM REM PoSTtables actions REM / CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7pst (owner, ownerid, tname, tobjid, callorder) as SELECT a$.owner, u$.user#, a$.name, o$.obj#, a$.callorder FROM sys.expact$ a$, sys.user$ u$, sys.exu7obj o$ WHERE u$.name = a$.owner and o$.owner# = u$.user# and o$.name = a$.name / grant select on exu7pst to select_catalog_role; CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7pstu (owner, ownerid, tname, tobjid, callorder) as SELECT * from sys.exu7pst where ownerid = uid / grant select on exu7pstu to public / REM PoSTtables actions incremental/cumulative with record = Y CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7pstic (owner, ownerid, tname, tobjid, callorder) as SELECT * from sys.exu7pst WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT i.owner#, FROM sys.incexp i, sys.incvid v WHERE i.expid > v.expid AND i.type# = 2) / grant select on exu7pstic to select_catalog_role; REM PoSTtables actions for incremental export : record = N CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7psti as SELECT * from sys.exu7pst WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabi) / grant select on exu7psti to select_catalog_role; REM PoSTtables actions for cumulative export : record = N CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7pstc as SELECT * from sys.exu7pst WHERE (ownerid, tname) in (SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabc) / grant select on exu7pstc to select_catalog_role; REM Version Control CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7ver (version) AS SELECT TO_NUMBER(value$) from sys.props$ WHERE name = 'EXPORT_VIEWS_VERSION' / grant select on exu7ver to public / REM Database Character Set CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cset (value) AS SELECT value$ from sys.props$ WHERE name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET' / grant select on exu7cset to public / REM Check for Procedural Option - as of 8.0.3 - procedural is not an option CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7cpo (value) AS SELECT 1 FROM dual / grant select on exu7cpo to public / rem USED ONLY WHEN RECROD = YES CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7indic AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ind WHERE (iownerid, btname) in ((SELECT i.owner#, FROM sys.incexp i, sys.incvid v WHERE i.expid > v.expid AND i.type# = 2) UNION (SELECT r.ownerid,r.tname FROM sys.incexp ii, sys.incvid vv, sys.exu7ref r WHERE AND ii.expid > vv.expid AND ii.type# = 2)) / grant select on exu7indic to select_catalog_role; rem indexes for incremental export rem exutabi will return the correct table name because RECORD = NO CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7indi AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ind WHERE (iownerid, btname) in ((SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabi) UNION (SELECT r.ownerid, r.tname FROM sys.exu7tabi ii ,sys.exu7ref r WHERE r.rtname= )) / grant select on exu7indi to select_catalog_role; rem indexes for cumulative export, assuming rem exutabc will return the correct table name because RECORD = NO CREATE OR REPLACE view exu7indc AS SELECT * from sys.exu7ind WHERE (iownerid, btname) in ((SELECT ownerid, name from sys.exu7tabc) UNION (SELECT r.ownerid,r.tname FROM sys.exu7tabc cc ,sys.exu7ref r WHERE r.rtname= )) / grant select on exu7indc to select_catalog_role;