Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cataqsch.sql /main/17 2010/01/11 13:39:50 rmao Exp $ Rem Rem cataqsch.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cataqsch.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem AQ dictionary objects that depend on the scheduler Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rmao 01/07/10 - bug9267327: cast date to timestamp Rem xingjin 03/25/09 - bug 8368685: add check to ensure package Rem owner is SYS Rem jawilson 02/27/09 - Adjust all time data to seconds Rem swshekha 01/12/08 - add ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES Rem jinwu 09/17/08 - populate user_queue_schedules using CCA stats Rem jhan 09/15/08 - Change DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULE by using scheduler Rem tables instead of views Rem jinwu 02/18/08 - populate dba_queue_schedules using CCA stats Rem jawilson 07/17/07 - populate cur_start_time Rem shbose 05/08/07 - Rem asohi 04/11/07 - Backward compatible propagation Rem jhan 04/26/07 - change v$propagation_sender Rem to gv$propagation_sender Rem jhan 03/28/07 - change instance from scheduler jobs Rem jhan 03/22/07 - change union to union all Rem jawilson 03/06/07 - job_name column for dba_queue_schedules Rem swshekha 01/16/07 - view definition changed: Total_time computation Rem for dba_queue_schedules and user_queue_schedules Rem from total_time of aq$_schedules Rem jawilson 09/14/06 - fix view definition Rem rburns 07/31/06 - move package bodies Rem jawilson 07/19/06 - Move AQ scheduler calls into separate file Rem nbhatt 07/16/06 - Rem jawilson 07/13/06 - move aq to cataqsch Rem nbhatt 07/10/06 - Rem jawilson 06/29/06 - Rem adowning 06/26/06 - view changed because of new scheduler Rem jawilson 06/20/06 - Created Rem -- Create the view _ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES create or replace view "_ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" as select t.schema SCHEMA, QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, j.start_date START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = rj.os_process_id) PROCESS_NAME, (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, j.last_start_date LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, j.last_start_date, NULL) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8),NULL) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, s.total_time TOTAL_TIME, s.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, s.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, s.total_msgs MAX_NUMBER, s.max_size MAX_BYTES, s.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, s.total_bytes/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count) FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'PERSISTENT' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, null ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, null ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,$_schedules s, sys.scheduler$_job j, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj, sys.obj$ ro, sys.obj$ jo, dba_services d, sys.user$ u where s.oid = q.oid and s.job_name = and j.obj# = jo.obj# and rj.job_id (+)= j.obj# and q.table_objno = t.objno and ro.owner# = u.user# and ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -219 /* ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) and q.service_name = (+) union all select p.queue_schema SCHEMA, p.queue_name QNAME, p.dblink DESTINATION, j.start_date START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.last_lcr_latency, to_number(s.latency)) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.spid, rj.os_process_id)) PROCESS_NAME, case when p.schedule_status = 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED' then (p.session_id || ', ' || p.serial#) else (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) end SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.last_lcr_propagation_time as timestamp with time zone), j.last_start_date) LAST_RUN_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.last_lcr_propagation_time, 'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536),2, j.last_start_date, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.startup_time as timestamp with time zone), NULL)) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536),2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.startup_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), NULL)) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, p.elapsed_propagation_time/100 TOTAL_TIME, p.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, p.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, p.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, p.max_size MAX_BYTES, p.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, p.total_bytes/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, (p.elapsed_propagation_time/100)/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', 0, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count)) FAILURES, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', to_date(NULL), s.error_time) LAST_ERROR_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_ERROR_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, s.last_error_msg) LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'BUFFERED' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, p.elapsed_dequeue_time/100 ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, p.elapsed_pickle_time/100 ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q, gv$propagation_sender p,$_schedules s, sys.scheduler$_job j, obj$ jo, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj,sys.obj$ ro, dba_services d, sys.user$ u where q.eventid = p.queue_id and q.oid = s.oid and s.job_name = and jo.obj# = j.obj# and rj.job_id (+)= j.obj# and p.dblink = s.destination and ro.owner# = u.user# and ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -219 /* ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) and q.service_name = (+) / -- Create the view _DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES -- This view provides all the details of all the propagation schedules -- This includes scheduling parameters (start_time, duration, latency, -- next_time, destination), qschema, qname, SNP process name and (session -- ID, serial) if the schedule is in progress, statistics such as total and -- averages of messages/bytes sent, message size, schedules status (Disabled/ -- enabled) and information about the last error (message, time) if one -- occured. -- This view is 11G specific and uses dba_scheduler_jobs and -- dba_scheduler_running_jobs to populate the fields create or replace view "_DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" as select t.schema SCHEMA, QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, j.start_date START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = rj.os_process_id) PROCESS_NAME, (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, j.last_start_date LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, j.last_start_date, NULL) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8),NULL) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, s.total_time TOTAL_TIME, s.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, s.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, s.total_msgs MAX_NUMBER, s.max_size MAX_BYTES, s.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, s.total_bytes/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count) FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'PERSISTENT' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, null ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, null ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,$_schedules s, sys.scheduler$_job j, obj$ jo, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj where s.oid = q.oid and s.job_name = and j.obj# = jo.obj# and rj.job_id (+)= j.obj# and q.table_objno = t.objno union all select p.queue_schema SCHEMA, p.queue_name QNAME, p.dblink DESTINATION, j.start_date START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.last_lcr_latency, to_number(s.latency)) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.spid, rj.os_process_id)) PROCESS_NAME, case when p.schedule_status = 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED' then (p.session_id || ', ' || p.serial#) else (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) end SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.last_lcr_propagation_time as timestamp with time zone), j.last_start_date) LAST_RUN_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.last_lcr_propagation_time, 'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536),2, j.last_start_date, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.startup_time as timestamp with time zone), NULL)) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536),2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.startup_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), NULL)) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, p.elapsed_propagation_time/100 TOTAL_TIME, p.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, p.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, p.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, p.max_size MAX_BYTES, p.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, p.total_bytes/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, (p.elapsed_propagation_time/100)/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', 0, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count)) FAILURES, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', to_date(NULL), s.error_time) LAST_ERROR_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_ERROR_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, s.last_error_msg) LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'BUFFERED' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, p.elapsed_dequeue_time/100 ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, p.elapsed_pickle_time/100 ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q, gv$propagation_sender p,$_schedules s, sys.scheduler$_job j, obj$ jo, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj where q.eventid = p.queue_id and q.oid = s.oid and s.job_name = and jo.obj# = j.obj# and rj.job_id (+)= j.obj# and p.dblink = s.destination / -- Create the view _USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES -- This view provides all the details of the propagation schedules whose -- source queues reside in the user's schema. -- This includes scheduling parameters (start_time, duration, latency, -- next_time, destination), qschema, qname, SNP process name and (session -- ID, serial) if the schedule is in progress, statistics such as total and -- averages of messages/bytes sent, message size, schedules status (Disabled/ -- enabled) and information about the last error (message, time) if one -- occured. -- This view is 11G specific and uses dba_scheduler_jobs and -- dba_scheduler_running_jobs to populate the fields create or replace view "_USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" as select QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, s.start_time START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = rj.os_process_id) PROCESS_NAME, (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, j.last_start_date LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, j.last_start_date, NULL) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8),NULL) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, s.total_time TOTAL_TIME, s.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, s.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, s.total_msgs MAX_NUMBER, s.max_size MAX_BYTES, s.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, s.total_bytes/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count) FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'PERSISTENT' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, null ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, null ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,$_schedules s, sys.scheduler$_job j, obj$ jo, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj, sys.user$ u where s.oid = q.oid and s.job_name = and j.obj# = jo.obj# and rj.job_id (+)= j.obj# and q.table_objno = t.objno and u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema union all select QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, j.start_date START_DATE, substr(to_char(j.start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, DECODE(BITAND(j.flags,1024+4096+134217728), 0, j.schedule_expr, NULL) NEXT_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.last_lcr_latency, to_number(s.latency)) LATENCY, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,1), 0, 'Y', 'N') SCHEDULE_DISABLED, (select substr(v.program, LENGTH(v.program)-4, 4) from gv$process v where v.inst_id = j.instance_id and v.spid = decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', p.spid, rj.os_process_id)) PROCESS_NAME, case when p.schedule_status = 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED' then (p.session_id || ', ' || p.serial#) else (select concat(to_char(rj.session_id), concat(', ', to_char(vs.serial#))) from gv$session vs where vs.sid = rj.session_id and vs.inst_id = j.instance_id) end SESSION_ID, j.instance_id INSTANCE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.last_lcr_propagation_time as timestamp with time zone), j.last_start_date) LAST_RUN_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.last_lcr_propagation_time, 'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_RUN_TIME, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, j.last_start_date, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', cast(p.startup_time as timestamp with time zone), NULL)) CURRENT_START_DATE, decode(BITAND(j.job_status,2+65536), 2, substr(to_char(j.last_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', substr(to_char(p.startup_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8), NULL)) CURRENT_START_TIME, j.next_run_date NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(j.next_run_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, p.elapsed_propagation_time/100 TOTAL_TIME, p.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, p.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, p.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, p.max_size MAX_BYTES, p.total_msgs/GREATEST(1, (select count (*) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = s.job_name)) AVG_NUMBER, p.total_bytes/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, (p.elapsed_propagation_time/100)/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', 0, decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count)) FAILURES, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', to_date(NULL), s.error_time) LAST_ERROR_DATE, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8)) LAST_ERROR_TIME, decode(p.schedule_status, 'SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED', NULL, s.last_error_msg) LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'BUFFERED' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, p.elapsed_dequeue_time/100 ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, p.elapsed_pickle_time/100 ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, gv$propagation_sender p,$_schedules s, sys.user$ u, sys.scheduler$_job j, obj$ jo, gv$scheduler_running_jobs rj where q.eventid = p.queue_id and q.oid = s.oid and s.job_name = and jo.obj# = j.obj# and rj.job_id(+) = j.obj# and p.dblink = s.destination and u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno / -- Create view for 10.2 compat. -- Create the view _DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES_COMPAT -- This view provides all the details of all the propagation schedules -- This includes scheduling parameters (start_time, duration, latency, -- next_time, destination), qschema, qname, SNP process name and (session -- ID, serial) if the schedule is in progress, statistics such as total and -- averages of messages/bytes sent, message size, schedules status (Disabled/ -- enabled) and information about the last error (message, time) if one -- occured. -- The view does not query dba_scheduler_jobs and dba_scheduler_running_jobs -- since in 102 mode of propagation the queries will return nothing. create or replace view "_DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES_COMPAT" as select t.schema SCHEMA, QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, cast(s.start_time as timestamp(6) with time zone) START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, s.next_time NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, s.disabled SCHEDULE_DISABLED, substr(s.process_name,1,4) PROCESS_NAME, decode(s.sid, NULL, NULL, concat(to_char(s.sid), concat(', ',to_char(s.serial)))) SESSION_ID, s.instance INSTANCE, cast( s.last_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.last_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, s.cur_start_time CURRENT_START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.cur_start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) CURRENT_START_TIME, cast(s.next_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.next_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, s.total_time TOTAL_TIME, s.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, s.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, s.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, s.max_size MAX_BYTES, s.total_msgs/decode(s.total_windows, 0, 1, s.total_windows) AVG_NUMBER, s.total_bytes/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, s.failures FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'PERSISTENT' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, null ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, null ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,$_schedules s where s.oid = q.oid and q.table_objno = t.objno union select p.queue_schema SCHEMA, p.queue_name QNAME, p.dblink DESTINATION, cast(s.start_time as timestamp(6) with time zone) START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, s.next_time NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, s.disabled SCHEDULE_DISABLED, substr(s.process_name,1,4) PROCESS_NAME, decode(s.sid, NULL, NULL, concat(to_char(s.sid), concat(', ',to_char(s.serial)))) SESSION_ID, s.instance INSTANCE, cast(s.last_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.last_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, s.cur_start_time, -- CURRENT_START_DATE substr(to_char(s.cur_start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) CURRENT_START_TIME, cast(s.next_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.next_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, p.elapsed_propagation_time/100 TOTAL_TIME, p.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, p.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, p.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, p.max_size MAX_BYTES, p.total_msgs/decode(s.total_windows, 0, 1, s.total_windows) AVG_NUMBER, p.total_bytes/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, s.failures FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'BUFFERED' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, p.elapsed_dequeue_time/100 ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, p.elapsed_pickle_time/100 ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q, v$propagation_sender p,$_schedules s where q.eventid = p.queue_id and q.oid = s.oid and p.dblink = s.destination / -- Create the view _USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES_COMPAT for 102 compatibility -- This view provides all the details of the propagation schedules whose -- source queues reside in the user's schema. -- This includes scheduling parameters (start_time, duration, latency, -- next_time, destination), qschema, qname, SNP process name and (session -- ID, serial) if the schedule is in progress, statistics such as total and -- averages of messages/bytes sent, message size, schedules status (Disabled/ -- enabled) and information about the last error (message, time) if one -- occured. -- The view does not query dba_scheduler_jobs and dba_scheduler_running_jobs -- since in 102 mode of propagation the queries will return nothing. create or replace view "_USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES_COMPAT" as select QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, cast(s.start_time as timestamp(6) with time zone) START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, s.next_time NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, s.disabled SCHEDULE_DISABLED, substr(s.process_name,1,4) PROCESS_NAME, decode(s.sid, NULL, NULL, concat(to_char(s.sid), concat(', ',to_char(s.serial)))) SESSION_ID, s.instance INSTANCE, cast(s.last_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.last_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, s.cur_start_time CURRENT_START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.cur_start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) CURRENT_START_TIME, cast(s.next_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.next_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, s.total_time TOTAL_TIME, s.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, s.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, s.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, s.max_size MAX_BYTES, s.total_msgs/decode(s.total_windows, 0, 1, s.total_windows) AVG_NUMBER, s.total_bytes/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(s.total_msgs, 0, 1, s.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, s.failures FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'PERSISTENT' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, null ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, null ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,$_schedules s, sys.user$ u where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and s.oid = q.oid and q.table_objno = t.objno union select QNAME, s.destination DESTINATION, cast(s.start_time as timestamp(6) with time zone) START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) START_TIME, to_number(s.duration) PROPAGATION_WINDOW, s.next_time NEXT_TIME, to_number(s.latency) LATENCY, s.disabled SCHEDULE_DISABLED, substr(s.process_name,1,4) PROCESS_NAME, decode(s.sid, NULL, NULL, concat(to_char(s.sid), concat(', ',to_char(s.serial)))) SESSION_ID, s.instance INSTANCE, cast(s.last_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) LAST_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.last_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_RUN_TIME, s.cur_start_time CURRENT_START_DATE, substr(to_char(s.cur_start_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) CURRENT_START_TIME, cast(s.next_run as timestamp(6) with time zone) NEXT_RUN_DATE, substr(to_char(s.next_run,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_RUN_TIME, p.elapsed_propagation_time/100 TOTAL_TIME, p.total_msgs TOTAL_NUMBER, p.total_bytes TOTAL_BYTES, p.max_num_per_win MAX_NUMBER, p.max_size MAX_BYTES, p.total_msgs/decode(s.total_windows, 0, 1, s.total_windows) AVG_NUMBER, p.total_bytes/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_SIZE, s.total_time/decode(p.total_msgs, 0, 1, p.total_msgs) AVG_TIME, s.failures FAILURES, s.error_time LAST_ERROR_DATE, substr(to_char(s.error_time,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_ERROR_TIME, s.last_error_msg LAST_ERROR_MSG, 'BUFFERED' MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE, p.elapsed_dequeue_time/100 ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, p.elapsed_pickle_time/100 ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME, s.job_name JOB_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, v$propagation_sender p,$_schedules s, sys.user$ u where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and s.oid = q.oid and q.table_objno = t.objno and q.eventid = p.queue_id and p.dblink = s.destination / -- create view and synonym all_queue_schedules which will be visible -- to the user. By default view is built over _all_queue_schedules view -- assuming 11g mode of propagation. create or replace view ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES as select * from "_ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" / create or replace public synonym ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES for ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES / grant select on ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- create view and synonym dba_queue_schedules which will be visible -- to the user. By default view is built over _dba_queue_schedules view -- assuming 11g mode of propagation. create or replace view DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES as select * from "_DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" / create or replace public synonym DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES for DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES / grant select on DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / -- create view and synonym user_queue_schedules which will be visible -- to the user. By default view is built over _user_queue_schedules view -- assuming 11g mode of propagation create or replace view USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES as select * from "_USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES" / create or replace public synonym USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES for USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES / grant select on USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to PUBLIC with grant option /