Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/a1002000.sql /main/59 2009/11/22 00:08:24 shbose Exp $ Rem Rem a1002000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem a1002000.sql - additional ANONYMOUS BLOCK dictionary upgrade. Rem Upgrade Oracle RDBMS from 10.2.0 to the new release Rem Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Additional upgrade script to be run during the upgrade of an Rem 10.2.0 database to the new release. Rem Rem This script is called from catupgrd.sql and a1001000.sql Rem Rem Put any anonymous block related changes here. Rem Any dictionary create, alter, updates and deletes Rem that must be performed before catalog.sql and catproc.sql go Rem in c1002000.sql Rem Rem The upgrade is performed in the following stages: Rem STAGE 1: upgrade from 10.2 to the current release Rem STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS. Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem shbose 11/04/09 - 9068654: Update destq for Propagation Rem shbose 09/20/09 - Bug 8764375: Upgrade changes for schedule Rem gagarg 03/28/09 - Lrg 3824865: Move plsql NTFN changes to Rem a1101000.sql file Rem gagarg 09/05/08 - Bug7360952: Drop PLSQL notification queue and Rem queue table Rem gagarg 03/10/08 - Add event 10851 to enable DDL on AQ tables Rem pbelknap 08/20/07 - #6351429 - check for rerun case for sqltune Rem schema Rem vakrishn 07/25/07 - bug 6270136 num_mappings has null value Rem rburns 07/10/07 - add 11.1 patch release script Rem jawilson 05/23/07 - create metadata cache obj for propagation jobs Rem qiwang 06/24/07 - BUG 5845153: lsby ckpt upgrade/downgrade Rem conversion Rem jawilson 05/23/07 - create metadata cache obj for propagation jobs Rem pbelknap 06/23/07 - correct update of param flags on adv upg Rem kyagoub 06/24/07 - use advisor id instead of name Rem kyagoub 06/16/07 - set default execution type parameter for sqltune Rem absaxena 06/05/07 - use invalidation_reg_id$ instead of aq sequence Rem achoi 05/14/07 - use DEFINING_EDITION Rem skabraha 05/25/07 - call script to upgrade to type tables Rem pbelknap 05/10/07 - set execution types for 10g sqltune tasks during Rem upgrade Rem achoi 05/14/07 - redefine "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" here Rem cdilling 05/01/07 - fix execute immediates Rem nbhatt 04/20/07 - fix unneeded messages into alert log in Rem subscriber upgrade Rem pbelknap 04/05/07 - only set upgraded_exec for tasks not in INITIAL Rem state Rem jawilson 04/20/07 - add idle_timeout parameter, handle new Rem default value for propagation start_time Rem rburns 04/05/07 - move OCM drop user Rem pbelknap 03/05/07 - lrg 2885063 - add execution id to insert Rem jawilson 12/19/06 - use event-based schedules for propagation Rem dvoss 01/24/07 - gather logmnr table stats Rem dvoss 01/04/07 - logminer upgrade fixes Rem sjanardh 08/17/06 - Upgrade changes for JMS online subscriber Rem cdilling 12/06/06 - Rem vakrishn 12/19/06 - do not convert 9.2 mappings - they are in GMT Rem vakrishn 12/05/06 - eliminate dups in smon_scn_time when converting Rem from local_to_gmt Rem ddas 10/27/06 - rename OPM to SPM Rem ddas 10/02/06 - plan_hash_value=>plan_id, add version Rem bpanchap 10/10/06 - CDC purge job upgrade changes Rem hosu 10/25/06 - lrg 2599955 (check 942 error for rerun) Rem arogers 10/10/06 - 5572026 - remove 4594739 for kswssetupaq Rem mcusson 09/22/06 - Include partition type in call to GetTableMCV Rem mziauddi 08/31/06 - do not create sql$_aux (sql$) as an IOT Rem hosu 08/19/06 - fix outline_data xml generation Rem kyagoub 08/17/06 - fix SPM upgrade diff Rem hosu 07/21/06 - upgrade for SPM Rem ilistvin 08/02/06 - move AUTOTASK upgrade logic to a procedure Rem kyagoub 08/10/06 - remove not null costraints from Rem wri$_adv_sqlt_plans Rem schakkap 07/17/06 - upgrade datapump user stats table Rem jawilson 06/23/06 - scheduler-based propagation Rem ilistvin 07/13/06 - enable resource plan for Maintenance WIndows Rem kyagoub 06/12/06 - add new column to wri_adv_sqlt_plan_hash Rem ilistvin 07/06/06 - disable GATHER_STATS_JOB and AUTO_SPACE_ADVISOR Rem on upgrade Rem abrown 06/12/06 - Set logmnrc_gtlo.logmnrMCV on upgrade Rem adowning 06/13/06 - notification upgrade Rem gssmith 04/19/06 - STS conversion Rem gssmith 03/21/06 - Add advisor items Rem gssmith 06/06/06 - Advisor framework upgrades Rem kneel 06/01/06 - upgrade for ha event subscriber Rem dvoss 05/24/06 - fixup logmnrc_gtlo.unsupportedcols Rem ilistvin 06/07/06 - do not assign resource plan for maintenance Rem windows Rem ilistvin 05/12/06 - add upgrade script for AUTOTASK Rem kyagoub 05/21/06 - add test_execute action to sqltune Rem kyagoub 05/08/06 - add add suport of multi-exec to advisor Rem framework Rem vakrishn 02/08/06 - lrg-1960928 : changing index flashback timestamp Rem to GMT Rem abrown 10/10/05 - bug 3776830: unwind dictionary Rem wyang 10/19/05 - change flashback timestamp to GMT Rem spommere 09/06/05 - Fix bug 4594739 Rem samepate 07/18/05 - remove obsolete scheduler objects Rem cdilling 06/15/05 - cdilling_add_upgrade_scripts Rem cdilling 06/08/05 - Created Rem Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: upgrade from 10.2 to current release Rem ========================================================================= Rem Redefine "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" with a simple OBJ$ definition to speed up Rem dict view query during component upgrade. Rem It will be replaced with its proper definition in utlmmig.sql create or replace view "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ( obj#, dataobj#, defining_owner#, name, namespace, subname, type#, ctime, mtime, stime, status, remoteowner, linkname, flags, oid$, spare1, spare2, spare3, spare4, spare5, spare6, owner#, defining_edition ) as select o.*, o.owner#, NULL from obj$ o / execute DBMS_SESSION.RESET_PACKAGE; Rem Insert PL/SQL blocks here Rem =============================== Rem Define the HAE_SUB subscriber for the alert_que (rule changed) Rem =============================== DECLARE subscriber$_agent :=$_agent('HAE_SUB',null,null); BEGIN BEGIN dbms_aqadm_sys.remove_subscriber( queue_name => 'SYS.ALERT_QUE', subscriber => subscriber); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF sqlcode = -24035 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; dbms_aqadm_sys.add_subscriber( queue_name => 'SYS.ALERT_QUE', subscriber => subscriber, rule => 'tab.user_data.MESSAGE_LEVEL <> ' || sys.dbms_server_alert.level_clear || ' AND tab.user_data.MESSAGE_GROUP = ' || '''High Availability''', transformation => 'SYS.haen_txfm_obj', properties => dbms_aqadm_sys.NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIBER + dbms_aqadm_sys.PUBLIC_SUBSCRIBER); END; / Rem =============================== Rem Streams notification related upgrade Rem (Should be before the dbms_scheduler upgrade) Rem =============================== Rem =============================== Rem Add Subscriber Table columns Rem SCN_AT_REMOVE, MODIFICATION_TIME, Rem CREATION_TIME, DELETION_TIME Rem =============================== -- Turn ON the event to enable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context forever, level 1'; DECLARE qt_schema VARCHAR2(30); qt_name VARCHAR2(30); qt_flags NUMBER; -- Select the 8.1 style multi-consumer queue tables CURSOR find_qt_c IS SELECT schema, name, flags, objno FROM$_queue_tables WHERE bitand(flags, 8)=8 and bitand(flags, 1)=1; subtab_sql VARCHAR2(1024); add_col_sql VARCHAR2(300); sel_queues VARCHAR2(300); qcur INTEGER; ignore INTEGER; q_name VARCHAR2(30); no_cmprs_sql VARCHAR2(300); rebuild_idx_sql VARCHAR2(300); tab_sp1 NUMBER; CURSOR rbi_c(tab_owner VARCHAR2, tab_name VARCHAR2) IS SELECT owner, index_name FROM dba_indexes WHERE table_owner=tab_owner AND table_name=tab_name AND status= 'UNUSABLE'; BEGIN FOR q_rec IN find_qt_c LOOP -- iterate all 8.1 mcq queue tables qt_schema := q_rec.schema; -- get queue table schema qt_name :=; -- get queue table name -- Cannot add/drop column from compressed table if 9.2 compatible, -- so first uncompress the table if it is compressed. BEGIN SELECT t.spare1 INTO tab_sp1 FROM tab$ t, obj$ o, user$ u WHERE t.obj# = o.obj# AND u.user# = o.owner# AND = 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S' AND = qt_schema; DBMS_SYSTEM.ksdwrt(1, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format' || 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S') ; IF BITAND(tab_sp1, 131072)=131072 THEN -- table is compressed no_cmprs_sql := 'alter table ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(qt_schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S', FALSE) || ' move nocompress'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE no_cmprs_sql; -- uncompress the table -- rebuild any unusable indexes for the table FOR r IN rbi_c(qt_schema, 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S') LOOP rebuild_idx_sql:= 'ALTER INDEX ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(r.owner, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(r.index_name, FALSE) || ' REBUILD'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rebuild_idx_sql; END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format:'|| 'Error Msg in table objno select "' || qt_schema || '"."' || 'AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S"' || SQLERRM) ; END; add_col_sql := 'ALTER TABLE '|| dbms_assert.enquote_name(qt_schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S', FALSE) || ' ADD (SCN_AT_REMOVE NUMBER, '|| 'CREATION_TIME TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, ' || 'MODIFICATION_TIME TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, ' || 'DELETION_TIME TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE )' ; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE add_col_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format:'|| 'Error Msg Add Col "' || qt_schema || '"."' || 'AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S"' || SQLERRM) ; END; END LOOP; END; / -- Turn OFF the event to disable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context off'; DECLARE CURSOR reg_cur IS SELECT rowid from reg$; update_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); reg_id NUMBER; BEGIN update_stmt := 'UPDATE REG$ set reg_id = :1 where rowid = :2'; -- for each existing registration, populate regid FOR reg_rec IN reg_cur LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE update_stmt USING sys.invalidation_reg_id$.nextval, reg_rec.rowid; END LOOP; COMMIT; END; / Rem =============================== Rem Begin dbms_scheduler changes Rem drop obsolete scheduler objects Rem =============================== -- this drops rules and rulesets on the job queue -- we need to remove the rules/rulesets manually after calling -- dbms_streams_adm.remove_rule DECLARE type varchartab is table of varchar2(70); rules varchartab; rulesets varchartab; eval_ctxs varchartab; i pls_integer; BEGIN select rule_owner ||'.'|| rule_name name bulk collect into rules from dba_streams_message_rules where streams_name in ('SCHEDULER_COORDINATOR','SCHEDULER_PICKUP') ; select rule_set_owner ||'.'|| rule_set_name name bulk collect into rulesets from dba_streams_message_consumers where queue_name = 'SCHEDULER$_JOBQ' ; select evaluation_context_owner ||'.'|| evaluation_context_name bulk collect into eval_ctxs from dba_evaluation_context_vars where variable_type in ('"SYS"."SCHEDULER$_JOB_EXTERNAL"', '"SYS"."SCHEDULER$_JOB_RESULTS"', '"SYS"."SCHEDULER$_JOB_FIXED"'); BEGIN sys.dbms_streams_adm.remove_rule(null, 'DEQUEUE', 'SCHEDULER_COORDINATOR', true, true); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -23605 THEN NULL; -- suppress invalid value for STREAMS parameter error ELSE raise; END IF; END; BEGIN sys.dbms_streams_adm.remove_rule(null, 'DEQUEUE', 'SCHEDULER_PICKUP', true, true); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -23605 THEN NULL; -- suppress invalid value for STREAMS parameter error ELSE raise; END IF; END; IF rules.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN rules.FIRST..rules.LAST LOOP BEGIN dbms_rule_adm.drop_rule(rules(i),TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -24147 THEN NULL; -- suppress rule does not exist error ELSE raise; END IF; END; END LOOP; END IF; IF rulesets.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN rulesets.FIRST..rulesets.LAST LOOP BEGIN dbms_rule_adm.drop_rule_set(rulesets(i),TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -24141 THEN NULL; -- suppress rule set does not exist error ELSE raise; END IF; END; END LOOP; END IF; IF eval_ctxs.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN eval_ctxs.FIRST..eval_ctxs.LAST LOOP BEGIN dbms_rule_adm.drop_evaluation_context(eval_ctxs(i),TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -24150 THEN NULL; -- suppress evaluation context does not exist error ELSE raise; END IF; END; END LOOP; END IF; BEGIN dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'scheduler$_jobq'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue(queue_name => 'scheduler$_jobq'); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -24010 THEN NULL; -- suppress queue does not exist error ELSE raise; END IF; END; BEGIN dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table(queue_table => 'scheduler$_jobqtab'); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN IF sqlcode = -24002 THEN NULL; -- suppress queue table does not exist error ELSE raise; END IF; END; END; / Rem ========================== Rem End dbms_scheduler changes Rem ========================== Rem ========================= Rem Begin CDC changes Rem ========================= DECLARE CURSOR cdc_c IS SELECT s.job, s.next_date, s.interval, s.broken, s.what FROM sys.dba_jobs s WHERE s.what = 'SYS.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.PURGE();'; NO_JOB EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(NO_JOB, -31626); BEGIN FOR cdc_c_rec in cdc_c LOOP -- drop old job BEGIN dbms_ijob.remove(cdc_c_rec.job); EXCEPTION WHEN no_job THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'There is no default CDC purge job'); END; dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'cdc$_default_purge_job', job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK', job_action=> cdc_c_rec.what, start_date => cdc_c_rec.next_date, repeat_interval => cdc_c_rec.interval, enabled => false); IF cdc_c_rec.broken = 'N' THEN dbms_scheduler.enable('cdc$_default_purge_job'); END IF; END LOOP; END; / Rem ========================= Rem END CDC changes Rem ========================= Rem ===================== Rem Begin Streams changes Rem ===================== Rem Upgrade propagation schedules Rem alter session set events '10866 trace name context forever, level 4'; DECLARE CURSOR s_c IS SELECT s.oid, s.destination, s.duration, s.jobno, s.instance, s.latency, s.disabled, s.last_run, s.spare1, s.start_time, s.next_time, t.schema,, t.flags FROM$_schedules s,$_queues q,$_queue_tables t WHERE q.oid = s.oid AND t.objno = q.table_objno AND s.job_name IS NULL; jobname VARCHAR2(30); schedule_type VARCHAR2(30); q_spec VARCHAR2(200); my_start_time DATE; saved_state BOOLEAN; at_pos BINARY_INTEGER; dest_q BINARY_INTEGER := 0; NO_JOB EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(NO_JOB, -31626); BEGIN -- We create a new propagation schedule using dbms_scheduler, -- preserving the properties under dbms_job. -- However, we do not set the failure count of the scheduler job, -- even if the dbms_job had errors. FOR s_c_rec in s_c LOOP -- drop old job, ignoring errors if job doesn't exist BEGIN IF (s_c_rec.jobno IS NOT NULL) THEN dbms_ijob.remove(s_c_rec.jobno); commit; ELSE dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'AQ: Job is null for schedule:'|| 'queue:'||s_c_rec.oid ||' destination:'|| s_c_rec.destination||' Job :'||s_c_rec.jobno); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_job THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'AQ:Job does not exist for schedule:'|| 'queue:'||s_c_rec.oid ||' destination:'|| s_c_rec.destination||' Job :'||s_c_rec.jobno); WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'AQ: ' || SQLERRM); dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'AQ:Job not dropped for schedule:'|| 'queue:'||s_c_rec.oid ||' destination:'|| s_c_rec.destination||' Job :'||s_c_rec.jobno); END; -- If start time is in the past, use NULL as the start date (new default) IF s_c_rec.start_time < SYSDATE THEN my_start_time := NULL; ELSE my_start_time := s_c_rec.start_time; END IF; -- determine whether destination queue is specified at_pos := INSTRB(s_c_rec.destination, '@', 1, 1); IF (at_pos = LENGTHB(s_c_rec.destination)) THEN dest_q := 0; ELSE dest_q := 1; END IF; -- determine the type of schedule we will use schedule_type := dbms_prvtaqip.get_sched_type(s_c_rec.flags, my_start_time, s_c_rec.duration, s_c_rec.latency, s_c_rec.next_time); IF schedule_type = 'EVENT' THEN -- Scheduler expects the format A.B,C instead of A.B:C that is the -- format for AQ registrations dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_SetRegistrationName(q_spec, s_c_rec.schema,, s_c_rec.destination, ',', dest_q); END IF; jobname := dbms_scheduler.generate_job_name('AQ_JOB$_'); BEGIN sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_BeginTrans(TRUE, saved_state); sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_CreateCacheObject( s_c_rec.destination, jobname, s_c_rec.duration, s_c_rec.oid, s_c_rec.latency, dest_q); dbms_isched.create_job( job_name => jobname, job_style => 'REGULAR', program_type => 'NAMED', program_action => 'SYS.AQ$_PROPAGATION_PROGRAM', number_of_arguments => null, schedule_type => schedule_type, schedule_expr => s_c_rec.next_time, queue_spec => q_spec, start_date => my_start_time, end_date => null, job_class => 'AQ$_PROPAGATION_JOB_CLASS', comments => null, enabled => false, auto_drop => false, invoker => 'SYS', sys_privs => dbms_scheduler.check_sys_privs(), aq_job => TRUE); dbms_scheduler.set_attribute(jobname, 'max_failures', 16); dbms_scheduler.set_attribute(jobname, 'restartable', TRUE); dbms_scheduler.set_attribute(jobname, 'instance_id', s_c_rec.instance); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 3, argument_value => dbms_assert.enquote_name(s_c_rec.schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(, FALSE)); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 4, argument_value => s_c_rec.destination); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 5, argument_value => s_c_rec.duration); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 6, argument_value => s_c_rec.latency); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 7, argument_value => s_c_rec.spare1); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 8, argument_value => 240); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 9, argument_value => 100); dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => jobname, argument_position => 10, argument_value => 0); UPDATE$_schedules SET job_name = jobname, jobno = NULL WHERE oid = s_c_rec.oid AND DESTINATION = s_c_rec.destination; sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_EndTrans(TRUE, saved_state); -- note: script is idempotent, except schedules may remain -- disabled if errors occur during upgrade -- however, we cannot moved enable inside the auto-commit block. IF s_c_rec.disabled = 'N' AND schedule_type <> 'ONCE' AND schedule_TYPE <> 'NOW' THEN dbms_scheduler.enable(jobname); END IF; -- Run-once schedules: enable if not already run IF s_c_rec.disabled = 'N' AND (schedule_type = 'ONCE' OR schedule_type = 'NOW') AND s_c_rec.last_run IS NULL THEN dbms_scheduler.enable(jobname); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_EndTrans(FALSE, saved_state); -- alert log message dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.trace_file, 'AQ: ' || SQLERRM); dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.trace_file, 'AQ: propagation schedule upgrade failed ' || ' for queue:' ||s_c_rec.oid ||' destination:'|| s_c_rec.destination||' Job :'||s_c_rec.jobno); END; END LOOP; END; / alter session set events '10866 trace name context off'; Rem =================== Rem End Streams changes Rem =================== Rem LOGMNRC_GTLO.UNSUPPORTEDCOLS was added in 11. We need to populate Rem this on upgrade for anything left in LOGMNRC_GTLO after cleaning out Rem all of the data covered by the other LOGMNR_* tables. declare cursor uid_cursor is select logmnr_uid from system.logmnr_uid$; begin for uid_rec in uid_cursor loop logmnr_dict_cache.cleanout(uid_rec.logmnr_uid, null, null); commit; end loop; end; / update system.logmnrc_gtlo t set unsupportedcols = ( select sum (distinct case c.type# when /* DTYCHR */ 1 then 0 when /* DTYSTR */ 5 then 0 when /* DTYAFC */ 96 then 0 when /* DTYNUM */ 2 then 0 when /* DTYINT */ 3 then 0 when /* DTYFLT */ 4 then 0 when /* DTYIBFLOAT */ 100 then 0 when /* DTYIBDOUBLE */ 101 then 0 when /* DTYBIN */ 23 then 0 when /* DTYDAT */ 12 then 0 when /* DTYTIME */ 178 then 0 when /* DTYTTZ */ 179 then 0 when /* DTYSTAMP */ 180 then 0 when /* DTYSTZ */ 181 then 0 when /* DTYSITZ */ 231 then 0 when /* DTYIYM */ 182 then 0 when /* DTYIDS */ 183 then 0 when /* DTYCLOB */ 112 then 0 when /* DTYBLOB */ 113 then 0 when /* DTYLNG */ 8 then 2 when /* DTYLBI */ 24 then 4 when /* DTYOPQ */ 58 then 8 when /* DTYBRI */ 69 then 16 when /* DTYADT */ 121 then 32 when /* DTYNTB */ 122 then 64 when /* DTYNAR */ 123 then 128 when /* DTYBURI */ 208 then 256 else 1 end) unsupported_flags from system.logmnrc_gtcs c where c.logmnr_uid = t.logmnr_uid and c.obj# = t.baseobj# and c.objv# = t.baseobjv#) where unsupportedcols is null; commit; Rem =========================== Rem Begin changes for upgrade of Rem logmnrc_gtcs.logmnrMCV. Rem =========================== declare cursor logmnrc_gtcs_cur is select C.LOGMNR_UID, C.KEYOBJ#, C.BASEOBJ#, C.BASEOBJV#, C.UNSUPPORTEDCOLS, C.PROPERTY, C.LOGMNRTLOFLAGS, C.COMPLEXTYPECOLS, C.PARTTYPE from system.logmnrc_gtlo C, system.logmnr_dictionary$ D where C.LOGMNR_UID = D.LOGMNR_UID AND (C.LOGMNRMCV is NULL or C.LOGMNRMCV = ''); LogmnrMCV_out VARCHAR2(30); UpdateCount NUMBER := 0; begin FOR logmnrc_gtcs_v IN logmnrc_gtcs_cur LOOP logmnr_dict_cache.GetTableMCV(logmnrc_gtcs_v.LOGMNR_UID, logmnrc_gtcs_v.BASEOBJ#, logmnrc_gtcs_v.BASEOBJV#, logmnrc_gtcs_v.UNSUPPORTEDCOLS, logmnrc_gtcs_v.PROPERTY, logmnrc_gtcs_v.PARTTYPE, logmnrc_gtcs_v.LOGMNRTLOFLAGS, logmnrc_gtcs_v.COMPLEXTYPECOLS, TRUE, /* Use logmnrc_gtcs */ LogmnrMCV_out); update system.logmnrc_gtlo co set co.LOGMNRMCV = LogmnrMCV_out where co.LOGMNR_UID = logmnrc_gtcs_v.LOGMNR_UID AND co.KEYOBJ# = logmnrc_gtcs_v.KEYOBJ# AND co.BASEOBJV# = logmnrc_gtcs_v.BASEOBJV#; UpdateCount := UpdateCount + SQL%ROWCOUNT; IF UpdateCount > 1000 THEN commit; UpdateCount := 0; END IF; END LOOP; commit; end; / Rem =========================== Rem End changes for upgrade of Rem logmnrc_gtcs.logmnrMCV. Rem =========================== Rem Update statistics on partitioned logminer tables declare cursor c1 is select case when bitand(x.flags, 2) = 2 then 'LOGMNR_' || else end name from x$krvxdta x where bitand(flags,1) = 1; begin for crec in c1 loop dbms_output.put_line('gather stats for : ' ||; dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('system',, METHOD_OPT => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', no_invalidate => false); end loop; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN Logical Standby upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem Rem BUG 5845153 Rem Convert Logical Standby Ckpt data from 10.2 format to 11 format Rem begin sys.dbms_logmnr_internal.agespill_102to11; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem End Logical Standby upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem ====================================== Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) BEGIN Rem ====================================== Rem Rem 1. populdate sqlobj$ table Rem sqlprof$ stores profile which obj_type is 1 and plan_id = 0 Rem flags is mapped from sqlprof$.status. Rem NOTE we are using the old (i.e., 10g) sql$ table. So we must do that Rem before step 2. Rem begin execute immediate 'insert into sqlobj$ (signature, category, obj_type, plan_id, ' || 'name, flags, last_executed) ' || 'select sp.signature, sp.category, 1, 0, ' || ' sp.sp_name, decode(sp.status, 1, 1, 2, 0, sp.status), ' || ' s.last_used ' || ' from sqlprof$ sp, sql$ s ' || ' where sp.signature = s.signature'; exception when others then -- Invalid table or column error (in the case of a re-run) if (sqlcode = -942 or sqlcode = -904) then null; else raise; end if; end; / commit; Rem Rem 2. change definition of sql$ and move it to SYSAUX Rem -- temporary table create table sql$_aux( signature NUMBER, /* join key */ inuse_features NUMBER NOT NULL, flags NUMBER NOT NULL, spare1 NUMBER, spare2 CLOB -- CONSTRAINT sql$_pkey PRIMARY KEY (signature) ) -- ORGANIZATION INDEX TABLESPACE sysaux / -- copy over values from the old table insert into sql$_aux (signature, inuse_features, flags) select signature, inuse_features, flags from sql$ / -- drop the table and its associated indices drop table sql$ / -- rename the temporary table to its new name alter table sql$_aux rename to sql$ / create unique index i_sql$_pkey on sql$ (signature) tablespace sysaux / commit; Rem Rem 3. change definition of sql$text and move it to SYSAUX Rem CREATE TABLE sql$text_aux ( signature NUMBER NOT NULL, /* join key */ sql_handle VARCHAR2(30), /* search key */ sql_text CLOB NOT NULL, spare1 NUMBER, spare2 CLOB ) TABLESPACE sysaux / insert into sql$text_aux (signature, sql_text) select signature, sql_text from sql$text / drop table sql$text / alter table sql$text_aux rename to sql$text / -- populate sql$text sql_handle create or replace procedure generate_sql_handle_from_sig( sig IN number, handle out varchar2) is language C name "qsmoGenSqlHandleExt" with context parameters(context, sig OCINUMBER, handle STRING) library dbms_spm_lib; / -- copy over values from the old table declare handle varchar2(30); begin for rec in (select signature, sql_text from sql$text) loop generate_sql_handle_from_sig(rec.signature, handle); update sql$text t set t.sql_handle = handle where t.signature = rec.signature; end loop; end; / alter table sql$text modify sql_handle not null; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_sql$text_handle ON sql$text (sql_handle) TABLESPACE sysaux / drop procedure generate_sql_handle_from_sig; commit; Rem Rem 5. populate sqlobj$data Rem begin execute immediate 'insert into sqlobj$data (signature, category, obj_type, ' || 'plan_id, comp_data) ' || 'select signature, category, 1, 0, ' || ' XMLELEMENT("outline_data", ' || ' XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT("hint", XMLCdata(sa.attr_val)))).getClobVal() ' || 'from sqlprof$attr sa ' || 'group by signature, category'; exception when others then -- Invalid table error (in the case of a re-run) if (sqlcode = -942) then null; else raise; end if; end; / -- drop the table and its associated indices drop table sqlprof$attr; Rem Rem 6. populate the sqlobj$auxdata table Rem begin execute immediate 'insert into sqlobj$auxdata (signature, category, obj_type, ' || 'plan_id, description, origin, created, last_modified) ' || 'select sp.signature, sp.category, 1, 0, ' || ' sd.description, sp.type, sp.created, sp.last_modified ' || 'from sqlprof$ sp, sqlprof$desc sd, sql$ s ' || 'where sp.signature = sd.signature(+) and ' || ' sp.signature = s.signature'; exception when others then -- Invalid table error (in the case of a re-run) if (sqlcode = -942) then null; else raise; end if; end; / -- drop the old table and its associated indices drop table sqlprof$ / drop table sqlprof$desc / Rem ====================================== Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) END Rem ====================================== Rem =========================== Rem changes for bug 6270136 - 9.2 mappings may have null for num_mappings Rem =========================== update smon_scn_time set num_mappings = 0 where num_mappings is NULL / commit / Rem =========================== Rem Begin changes for bug 4252637 Rem =========================== Rem Change Flashback timestamp in tab$, ind$ and smon_scn_time to GMT Rem 1. Create timestamp conversion functions. create or replace library dbms_fmig_lib trusted as static; / create or replace function ktf_mig_time(local_to_gmt IN number, time IN number) return number is language C name "ktfmigextime" with context parameters(context, local_to_gmt OCINUMBER, time OCINUMBER, RETURN) library dbms_fmig_lib; / create or replace function ktf_mig_map(local_to_gmt IN number, maplen IN number, map IN raw) return raw is language C name "ktfmigexmap" with context parameters(context, local_to_gmt OCINUMBER, maplen OCINUMBER, map OCIRaw, return INDICATOR sb2, RETURN OCIRaw) library dbms_fmig_lib; / create or replace function local_time_to_gmt(local_time IN number) return number is begin return ktf_mig_time(1, local_time); end; / create or replace function local_date_to_gmt(local_date IN date) return date is gmt_date date; hour_dif number; begin hour_dif := extract(timezone_hour from systimestamp); gmt_date := local_date - numtodsinterval(hour_dif, 'hour'); return gmt_date; end; / create or replace function local_tim_scn_map_to_gmt(maplen IN number, map IN raw) return raw is begin return ktf_mig_map(1, maplen, map); end; / Rem 2. Do the conversion: Rem The following updates on tab$, ind$ and smon_scn_time are in one transaction. Rem During upgrade, the spare6 column of some rows may have been updated and Rem thus already in GMT. However, we try to err on the conservative side: Rem (1) if GMT >= local time, Rem spare6 of converted rows will be > instance startup time. Rem spare6 of other rows will be < instance startup time. Rem (2) if GMT < local time, converted time will be smaller. Rem So it is OK that we miss to convert some rows. But we Rem should not convert a row twice. Rem spare6 of converted rows will be > Rem local_date_to_gmt(instance startup time) declare cnt number; cursor c1 is select rowid, time_mp from smon_scn_time order by time_mp; begin select count(*) into cnt from props$ where name = 'Flashback Timestamp TimeZone' and value$ = 'GMT'; if cnt = 0 then delete from props$ where name = 'Flashback Timestamp TimeZone' and value$ = 'Local Time'; insert into props$ (name, value$, comment$) values('Flashback Timestamp TimeZone', 'GMT', 'Flashback timestamp converted to GMT'); if local_date_to_gmt(sysdate) >= sysdate then update tab$ set spare6 = local_date_to_gmt(spare6) where spare6 < (select startup_time from v$instance); update ind$ set spare6 = local_date_to_gmt(spare6) where spare6 < (select startup_time from v$instance); else update tab$ set spare6 = local_date_to_gmt(spare6) where spare6 < (select local_date_to_gmt(startup_time) from v$instance); update ind$ set spare6 = local_date_to_gmt(spare6) where spare6 < (select local_date_to_gmt(startup_time) from v$instance); end if; delete from smon_scn_time where thread != 0; begin for c1rec in c1 loop begin update smon_scn_time set time_mp = local_time_to_gmt(time_mp) where orig_thread = 0 and time_mp = c1rec.time_mp; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then delete smon_scn_time where rowid = c1rec.rowid and time_mp = c1rec.time_mp; continue; end; end loop; end; update smon_scn_time set tim_scn_map = local_tim_scn_map_to_gmt(num_mappings, tim_scn_map) where orig_thread = 0 and num_mappings != 0; end if; commit; end; / Rem 3. Drop the functions created drop function local_time_to_gmt; drop function local_date_to_gmt; drop function local_tim_scn_map_to_gmt; drop function ktf_mig_time; drop function ktf_mig_map; drop library dbms_fmig_lib; Rem =========================== Rem End changes for bug 4252637 Rem =========================== Rem ================================ Rem Begin advisor framework changes Rem ================================ Rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rem Upgrade exisitng tasks. We really need it for sqltune tasks. Rem because I do not want to do, Rem I am doing it for every existing task. Rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECLARE already_upgraded NUMBER; BEGIN -- -- Be careful to avoid re-run of this pl/sql block. We have insert -- and update statements that we need to avoid running twice. -- The TASK_ID column will be changed from NOT NULL to NULL as part of -- the upgrade. -- SELECT decode(nullable, 'Y', 1, 0) INTO already_upgraded FROM dba_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'WRI$_ADV_SQLT_PLANS' and owner = 'SYS' and column_name = 'TASK_ID'; IF (already_upgraded = 0) THEN -- update existing tasks with execution names. note that we only update -- the tasks and objects table for tasks no longer in the INITIAL state. -- we do not have these checks on the other tables because tasks in INITIAL -- state cannot have findings, recs, actions, etc, as they are all output. -- also, plase note that for sql tuning advisor, we update objects but only -- the ones created by the advisor when tuning a sql tuning set. UPDATE wri$_adv_tasks SET last_exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC' WHERE status != 1; UPDATE wri$_adv_objects o SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE = o.task_id AND t.status != 1 AND (t.advisor_id != 4 /* sqltune */ OR (t.advisor_id = 4 /* sqltune */ AND o.type = 7 /* sql statement */ AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wri$_adv_objects b WHERE b.task_id = AND b.type = 8 /* sql tuning set */)))); UPDATE wri$_adv_findings SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; UPDATE wri$_adv_recommendations SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; UPDATE wri$_adv_actions SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; UPDATE wri$_adv_rationale SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; UPDATE wri$_adv_journal SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; UPDATE wri$_adv_message_groups SET exec_name = 'UPGRADED_EXEC'; -- create new executions from the existing tasks. Notice that we are -- only interrested by tasks which have already been executed. I.e., -- which status <> initial (=1) -- -- NOTE we set the execution type to TUNE SQL for old SQL Tuning tasks -- so that our 11g report code will see one INSERT INTO wri$_adv_executions (id, task_id, name, exec_type, exec_type_id, advisor_id, exec_start, exec_mtime, exec_end, status, status_msg_id, error_msg_id) (SELECT wri$_adv_seq_exec.NEXTVAL, id, 'UPGRADED_EXEC', decode(advisor_id, 4, 'TUNE SQL', NULL), /* sqltune exec_type */ decode(advisor_id, 4, 1, NULL), /* sqltune exec_type_id */ advisor_id, exec_start, mtime, exec_end, status, status_msg_id, error_msg# FROM wri$_adv_tasks WHERE status != 1); -- in 11 g we use plan_id to identify plan for sqltune -- 1. create plan ids in the plan_hash table. -- note that we use object_id as sql id for the existing task. -- This is mainly because sql_id is a not null column in this table -- and also it is part of the unique index composed key. INSERT INTO wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash (task_id, exec_name, object_id, sql_id, attribute, plan_hash, plan_id) (SELECT task_id, 'UPGRADED_EXEC', object_id, object_id, attribute, plan_hash_value, sys.wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_seq.NEXTVAL FROM (SELECT UNIQUE task_id, object_id, attribute, nvl(plan_hash_value, 0) as plan_hash_value FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plans)); -- 2. update the plan lines table with the new plan ids. UPDATE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans l SET l.plan_id = (SELECT p.plan_id FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash p WHERE (l.task_id = p.task_id AND l.object_id = p.object_id AND l.attribute = p.attribute)); -- 3. commit changes; commit; END IF; -- already_upgraded = 0 END; / Rem 4. remove existing primary constraint to change it. ALTER TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans DROP CONSTRAINT wri$_adv_sqlt_plans_pk; Rem 5. remove not null constraints on columns before set them to null. ALTER TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans MODIFY (task_id NULL, object_id NULL, attribute NULL, plan_hash_value NULL); Rem 6. set the plan line table old columns to null UPDATE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans l SET task_id = NULL, object_id = NULL, attribute = NULL, plan_hash_value = NULL; Rem 7. set the new primary key for the plan table ALTER TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans ADD CONSTRAINT wri$_adv_sqlt_plans_pk PRIMARY KEY(plan_id, id) USING INDEX TABLESPACE SYSAUX; Rem Rem Copy new directives to existing tasks Rem declare cursor task_cur is select id,advisor_id from sys.wri$_adv_tasks; cursor dir_cur (l_id NUMBER) IS SELECT,, FROM sys.wri$_adv_directive_defs a, sys.wri$_adv_directive_instances b WHERE a.advisor_id = l_id and = b.dir_id and b.task_id = 0; l_task_id binary_integer; l_adv_id binary_integer; l_dir_id binary_integer; l_dir_name varchar2(30); l_dir_data clob; l_inst_id binary_integer; l_cnt binary_integer; begin open task_cur; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get each advisor task and copy missing directive instances to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loop fetch task_cur into l_task_id, l_adv_id; exit when task_cur%notfound; open dir_cur(l_adv_id); loop fetch dir_cur into l_dir_id,l_dir_name,l_dir_data; exit when dir_cur%notfound; select sys.wri$_adv_seq_dir_inst.nextval into l_inst_id from dual; select count(*) into l_cnt from sys.wri$_adv_directive_instances where dir_id = l_dir_id and name = l_dir_name and task_id = l_task_id; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only insert new task instance if it doesn't exist -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if l_cnt = 0 then insert into sys.wri$_adv_directive_instances (dir_id, inst_id, name, task_id, data) values (l_dir_id, l_inst_id, l_dir_name, l_task_id, ' '); update sys.wri$_adv_directive_instances set data = l_dir_data where inst_id = l_inst_id; end if; end loop; close dir_cur; end loop; close task_cur; end; / Rem Rem Move new default task parameters to existing tasks. Rem Rem This is a 3-level loop. Rem 1. For each task, fetch its task id and advisor id Rem 2. Fetch default task parameters Rem 3. For each default task parameter, we fetch related tasks Rem 4. For each task, we move a copy of the new default Rem task parameter to the task, if it does not already Rem exist in the task Rem declare cursor task_cur IS SELECT id,advisor_id FROM sys.wri$_adv_tasks a; cursor param_cur (id NUMBER) IS SELECT * FROM sys.wri$_adv_def_parameters a WHERE a.advisor_id in (id,0); l_adv_id binary_integer; l_task_id binary_integer; l_cnt binary_integer; param wri$_adv_def_parameters%ROWTYPE; begin open task_cur; loop fetch task_cur into l_task_id,l_adv_id; exit when task_cur%NOTFOUND; open param_cur(l_adv_id); loop fetch param_cur INTO param; EXIT WHEN param_cur%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into l_cnt from sys.wri$_adv_parameters where name = and task_id = l_task_id; if l_cnt = 0 then INSERT INTO sys.wri$_adv_parameters (task_id,name,datatype,value,flags,description) VALUES (l_task_id,, param.datatype, param.value, param.flags, param.description); else -- keep the "output" and "not-default" flags if they are already -- set. Overwrite all other flags with the current def_prm values. update sys.wri$_adv_parameters set description = param.description, flags = bitand(flags, 6) + bitand(param.flags, (POWER(2, 16) - 1) - 6) where task_id = l_task_id and name =; end if; end loop; close param_cur; end loop; close task_cur; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem set default execution type for sql tuning advisor Rem========================================================================= BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'#UPDATE wri$_adv_parameters p SET value = 'TUNE SQL' WHERE name = 'DEFAULT_EXECUTION_TYPE' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE p.task_id = AND t.advisor_id = 4 )#'; /* sqltune */ EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF (SQLCODE = -942) THEN /* table does not exist */ NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / commit; Rem========================================================================= Rem Reset all Access Advisor tasks due to STS conversion Rem========================================================================= declare cursor task_cur IS SELECT id FROM sys.wri$_adv_tasks a where advisor_id = 2; l_id number; begin open task_cur; loop fetch task_cur into l_id; exit when task_cur%NOTFOUND; prvt_advisor.reset_task(l_id); end loop; close task_cur; end; / Rem Rem Initialize new map column data Rem update sys.wri$_adv_sqla_map a set a.is_sts = 0, a.ref_id = 0, a.child_id = 0, = (select from sys.wri$_adv_tasks b where = a.workload_id); commit; Rem =============================== Rem End advisor framework changes Rem =============================== Rem =============================== Rem Begin AUTOTASK changes Rem =============================== BEGIN dbms_auto_task_export.POST_UPGRADE_FROM_10G(); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; / Rem =============================== Rem End AUTOTASK changes Rem =============================== Rem ==================================== Rem Begin User stats table format change Rem ==================================== Rem Stats table definition is changed in 11g, upgrade data pump table. Rem upgrade_stat_table may recreate the table, so grant the privileges Rem after upgrading the table begin dbms_stats.upgrade_stat_table('SYS','IMPDP_STATS'); exception when others then -- ignore already upgraded error message if (sqlcode != 20000) then raise; end if; end; / GRANT SELECT ON sys.impdp_stats TO PUBLIC / GRANT INSERT ON sys.impdp_stats TO PUBLIC / GRANT DELETE ON sys.impdp_stats TO PUBLIC / Rem =================================== Rem End User stats table format change Rem =================================== Rem========================================================================== Rem Call script to upgrade type dictionary tables from 8.0 image to Rem 8.1 image format. If they are already in 8.1 image format, the Rem script will do nothing. Rem========================================================================== set serveroutput on EXECUTE dbms_objects_utils.upgrade_dict_image; set serveroutput off Rem ========================================================================= Rem END type dictionary upgrade Rem ========================================================================= --Call OCM upgrade remove old CCR schema and directory @@ocmupgrd Rem========================================================================== Rem Call component registry script for 10.2->current release populate Rem========================================================================== EXECUTE dbms_registry_sys.populate_102; Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 1: upgrade from 10.2 to the current release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= @@a1101000 Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ************************************************************************* Rem END a1002000.sql Rem *************************************************************************