#!/oracle/EPP/11203/perl/bin/perl -w eval 'exec /oracle/EPP/11203/perl/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 1999 Alan Burlison # # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License # or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file, with the # exception that it cannot be placed on a CD-ROM or similar media for commercial # distribution without the prior approval of the author. # # This code is provided with no warranty of any kind, and is used entirely at # your own risk. # # This code was written by the author as a private individual, and is in no way # endorsed or warrantied by Sun Microsystems. # # Support questions and suggestions can be directed to Alan.Burlison@uk.sun.com # ################################################################################ use strict; use File::Basename; use DBI; use Tk; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::ErrorDialog; use Tk::ROText; ################################################################################ # Subclassed version of Tk::Tree that allows button3 to have a callback attached package Tk::B3Tree; use strict; use base qw(Tk::Tree); Construct Tk::Widget qw(B3Tree); sub ClassInit { my ($class, $mw) = @_; $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw); $mw->bind($class, "<3>", "Button3"); return $class; } sub Populate { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->SUPER::Populate($args); $self->ConfigSpecs(-b3command => [ "CALLBACK", "b3command", "B3command", undef ]); } sub Button3 { my $w = shift; my $Ev = $w->XEvent; my $ent = $w->GetNearest($Ev->y); return unless (defined($ent) and length($ent)); $w->Callback(-b3command => $ent); } ################################################################################ package main; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "1.1"; # Globals # $ProgName Program name (without pathname) # $Db Database handle # $DbName Oracle database name # $User Oracle user name # $Schema Oracle schema name # $SqlMarker String used to identify SQL generated by explain # $OracleVersion Oracle version number # $CharWidth Width of a character in pixels # $Plan Current query plan as a Perl data structure # $LoginDialog Login dialog # $SchemaDialog Schema dialog # $SaveDialog Save File dialog # $OpenDialog Open File dialog # $FileDir Current file save/open directory # $PlanMain Query plan main window # $PlanTitle Title of query plan main window # $PlanTree Tree used to display the query plan # $PlanStep ROText used to display the selected plan step details # $PlanSql Text used to allow SQL editing # $Balloon For balloon help # $GrabMain SQL cache grab main window # $GrabStatus Text label used for feedback/status info # $GrabSelection Tag of currently selected SQL statement in the SQL cache # $GrabSql ROText used to hold the contents of the SQL cache # $GrabDetails ROText used to display the selected statement details use vars qw($ProgName $Db $DbName $User $Schema $SqlMarker $OracleVersion $CharWidth $Plan $LoginDialog $SchemaDialog $OpenDialog $SaveDialog $FileDir $PlanMain $PlanTitle $PlanTree $PlanStep $PlanSql $Balloon $GrabMain $GrabStatus $GrabSelection $GrabSql $GrabDetails); $SqlMarker = "/* This statement was generated by explain */"; ################################################################################ # Switch the hourglass on or off sub busy($) { my ($state) = @_; if ($state && $PlanMain->grabCurrent()) { $PlanMain->Busy(-recurse => 1); } else { $PlanMain->Unbusy(1); } } ################################################################################ # Display an error message in a dialog sub error($@) { my ($parent, @lines) = @_; my ($msg, $height, $width); $msg = join("\n", @lines); $msg =~ s/\n$//; $msg =~ s/ \(DBD:/\n(DBD:/; $msg =~ s/(indicator at char \d+ in) /$1\n/; @lines = split("\n", $msg); $height = @lines; $width = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { my $l = length($line); $width = $l if ($l > $width); } $width = 80 if ($width > 80); $height = 4 if ($height < 4); $height = 10 if ($height > 10); busy(0); my $dialog = $PlanMain->Toplevel(-title => "Error"); $dialog->withdraw(); my $text = $dialog->Scrolled("ROText", -height => $height, -width => $width, -borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised", -wrap => "word", -scrollbars => "oe") ->pack(-padx => 6, -pady => 6, -expand => 1, -fill => "both"); $text->insert("1.0", $msg); my $ok_cb = sub { $dialog->destroy() }; $dialog->Button(-text => "OK", -default => "active", -command => $ok_cb) ->pack(-padx => 6, -pady => 6); $dialog->bind("", $ok_cb); $dialog->Popup; } ################################################################################ sub about($;$) { my ($parent, $win) = @_; my $msg = <Toplevel(-title => "About $ProgName"); $dialog->withdraw(); $dialog->resizable(0, 0); my $text = $dialog->Text(-borderwidth => 3, -width => 80, -height => 16, -relief => "raised") ->pack(-padx => 6, -pady => 6); $text->insert("1.0", $msg); my $cb; if ($win) { $$win = $dialog; $cb = sub { $dialog->destroy(); undef($$win); }; } else { $cb = sub { $dialog->destroy(); }; } $dialog->Button(-text => "OK", -command => $cb)->pack(-padx => 6, -pady => 6); $dialog->Popup(); return($dialog); } ################################################################################ sub update_title() { $PlanMain->configure(-title => $User ? $User eq $Schema ? "$ProgName - connected to $DbName as $User" : "$ProgName - connected to $DbName as $User [schema $Schema]" : "$ProgName - not connected" ); } ################################################################################ sub help($) { my ($parent) = @_; require Tk::Pod; $parent->Pod(-file => $0, -scrollbars => "e"); } ################################################################################ # Login to the database. The new database handle is put into $Db, and the # Oracle version number is put into $OracleVersion sub login($$$) { my ($database, $username, $password) = @_; busy(1); # Close any existing handle if ($Db) { $Db->disconnect(); $Db = undef; $DbName = $User = $Schema = undef; update_title(); } # Connect and initialise $Db = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$database", $username, $password, { AutoCommit => 0, PrintError => 0}) || die("Can't login to Oracle:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); $Db->{LongReadLen} = 4096; $Db->{LongTruncOk} = 1; # Get the user name and check the Oracle version my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select user, version from product_component_version where lower(product) like '%oracle%' )); if (! $qry->execute()) { my $err = $DBI::errstr; $qry->finish(); $Db->disconnect(); $Db = undef; die("Can't fetch Oracle version:\n$err\n"); } ($User, $OracleVersion) = $qry->fetchrow_array(); $qry->finish(); $DbName = $database || $ENV{TWO_TASK} || $ENV{ORACLE_SID}; $Schema = $User; # Check there is a plan_table for this user $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select 1 from user_tables where table_name = 'PLAN_TABLE' )); $qry->execute(); if (! $qry->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $qry->finish(); $Db->disconnect(); $Db = undef; die("User $User does not have a PLAN_TABLE.\n", "Run the script utlxplan.sql to create one.\n"); } busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Clear the plan tree & details windows sub clear_plan() { $PlanTitle->configure(-text => "Query Plan") if ($PlanTitle); $PlanTree->delete("all") if ($PlanTree); $PlanStep->delete("1.0", "end") if ($PlanStep); } ################################################################################ # Clear the SQL editor pane sub clear_editor() { $PlanTitle->configure(-text => "Query Plan") if ($PlanTitle); $PlanTree->delete("all") if ($PlanTree); $PlanStep->delete("1.0", "end") if ($PlanStep); $PlanSql->delete("1.0", "end"); } ################################################################################ # Display the structure of an index sub disp_index($$) { my ($owner, $index) = @_; # Create the index definition frame busy(1); my $dialog = $PlanMain->Toplevel(-title => "Index"); $dialog->withdraw(); $dialog->resizable(0, 0); my $index_fr = $dialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $index_fr->Label(-text => "$owner.$index", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $index_fr->Label(-text => "Table", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $index_fr->Label(-text => "Column", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); # Show the table columns the index is built upon my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select table_owner, table_name, column_name from all_ind_columns where index_owner = :1 and index_name = :2 order by column_position )); $qry->execute($owner, $index) || die("Index columns:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); # For each column in the index, display its details my ($tab_txt, $col_txt); while ((my ($tab_owner, $table, $column) = $qry->fetchrow_array())) { $tab_txt .= "$tab_owner.$table\n"; $col_txt .= "$column\n"; } $qry->finish(); chop($tab_txt, $col_txt); $index_fr->Label(-text => $tab_txt, -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1, -justify => "left") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $index_fr->Label(-text => $col_txt, -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1, -justify => "left") ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $index_fr->pack(-side => "top", -fill => "x"); # Pack the grid and add the close button $dialog->Button(-text => "Close", -command => sub { $dialog->destroy(); }) ->pack(-padx => 6, -pady => 6); $dialog->Popup(); busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Callback for adding/removing index definitions to a table dialog sub disp_table_cb($$$$$) { my ($owner, $table, $num_cols, $index_fr, $index_bn) = @_; # If this is the first time through, fetch the index definitions busy(1); if (! $index_fr->children()) { # This will retrieve the names & owners of all the indexes on the table my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select owner, index_name from all_indexes where table_owner = :1 and table_name = :2 order by owner, index_name )); # Build up a list of all the indexes $qry->execute($owner, $table) || die("Table indexes:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my (@indexes, $ind_owner, $ind_name); while (($ind_owner, $ind_name) = $qry->fetchrow_array()) { push(@indexes, { owner => $ind_owner, name => $ind_name }); } $qry->finish(); # Special for no indexes if (@indexes == 0) { $index_fr->Label(-text => "No\nindexes\ndefined", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1)->pack(-ipadx => 3, -ipady => 4); } else { # Do the header label $index_fr->Label(-text => "Index\norder", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3, -ipady => 2, -columnspan => scalar(@indexes), -rowspan => 2); # This will retrieve (table column id, index position) for an index $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select atc.column_id, aic.column_position from all_tab_columns atc, all_ind_columns aic where aic.index_owner = :1 and aic.index_name = :2 and atc.owner = aic.table_owner and atc.table_name = aic.table_name and atc.column_name = aic.column_name order by aic.index_name, atc.column_id )); # For each index, add a label describing the index my $cb = sub { disp_index($_[1], $_[2]); }; my $grid_col = 0; foreach my $index (@indexes) { ($ind_owner, $ind_name) = @{$index}{qw(owner name)}; $qry->execute($ind_owner, $ind_name) || die("Index columns:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my $index_txt; my $col = 1; while (my ($col_id, $col_pos) = $qry->fetchrow_array()) { $index_txt .= "\n" x ($col_id - $col) . "$col_pos\n"; $col = $col_id + 1; } $index_txt .= "\n" x ($num_cols - ($col - 1)); chop($index_txt); my $label = $index_fr->Label(-text => $index_txt, -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1, -justify => "left") ->grid(-column => $grid_col, -row => 2, -sticky => "w", -ipadx => 3); $label->bind("<1>", [ $cb, $ind_owner, $ind_name ]); $Balloon->attach($label, -msg => "$ind_owner.$ind_name", -balloonposition => "mouse"); $grid_col++; } } } if ($index_bn->cget(-text) eq "Indexes") { $index_bn->configure(-text => "Hide Indexes"); $index_fr->pack(-side => "right", -expand => 1); } else { $index_bn->configure(-text => "Indexes"); $index_fr->packForget(); } busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Display a popup dialog showing the structure of a table sub disp_table($$) { my ($owner, $table) = @_; # Create the dialog for displaying the object details busy(1); my $dialog = $PlanMain->Toplevel(-title => "Table"); $dialog->withdraw(); $dialog->resizable(0, 0); # Create the table definition frame my $box1 = $dialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); my $box2 = $box1->Frame(-borderwidth => 0); my $table_fr = $box2->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "flat"); $table_fr->Label(-text => "$owner.$table", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => "we"); $table_fr->Label(-text => "Name", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $table_fr->Label(-text => "Type", -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); # This will get the table description my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale from all_tab_columns where owner = :1 and table_name = :2 order by column_id )); $qry->execute($owner, $table) || die("Table columns:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my ($num_cols, $name_txt, $type_txt); while ((my ($name, $type, $length, $precision, $scale) = $qry->fetchrow_array())) { if ($precision) { $type .= "($precision"; $type .= ",$scale" if ($scale); $type .= ")"; } elsif ($type =~ /CHAR/) { $type .= "($length)"; } $name_txt .= "$name\n"; $type_txt .= "$type\n"; $num_cols++; } $qry->finish(); chop($name_txt, $type_txt); $table_fr->Label(-text => $name_txt, -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1, -justify => "left") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $table_fr->Label(-text => $type_txt, -relief => "ridge", -borderwidth => 1, -justify => "left") ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "we", -ipadx => 3); $table_fr->pack(-side => "left"); # Now create a frame for the index definition & pack the whole lot my $index_fr = $box2->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "flat"); $box2->pack(); $box1->pack(-side => "top", -fill => "x", -expand => 1); # Create the buttons at the bottom $box1 = $dialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 0); $box1->Button(-text => "Close", -command => sub { $dialog->destroy(); }) ->pack(-padx => 6, -side => "left", -expand => 1); my $index_bn; $index_bn = $box1->Button(-text => "Indexes") ->pack(-padx => 6, -side => "left", -expand => 1); $index_bn->configure(-command => sub { disp_table_cb($owner, $table, $num_cols, $index_fr, $index_bn); }); $box1->pack(-side => "bottom", -pady => 6); $dialog->Popup(); busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Display the query plan tree sub disp_plan_tree() { $PlanTitle->configure(-text => $Plan->{title}); $PlanTree->delete("all"); my $steps = 0; foreach my $step (@{$Plan->{id}}) { my $item = $PlanTree->add($step->{key}, -text => $step->{desc}); $steps++; } $PlanTree->autosetmode(); if ($steps) { $PlanTree->selectionSet("1"); disp_plan_step("1"); } } ################################################################################ # Display the statistics for a given plan step sub disp_plan_step($) { my ($key) = @_; my $row = $Plan->{key}{$key}; $PlanStep->delete("1.0", "end"); my $info = ""; $info .= "Cost:\t\t$row->{COST}\t(Estimate of the cost of this step)\n" . "Cardinality:\t$row->{CARDINALITY}\t" . "(Estimated number of rows fetched by this step)\n" . "Bytes:\t\t$row->{BYTES}\t" . "(Estimated number of bytes fetched by this step)\n" if ($row->{COST}); $info .= "\nPartition\nStart:\t$row->{PARTITION_START}\tStop:\t\t" . "$row->{PARTITION_STOP}\tId:\t\t$row->{PARTITION_ID}\n" if ($row->{PARTITION_START}); $info .= "\nSQL used by Parallel Query Slave:\n$row->{OTHER}" if ($row->{OTHER}); $PlanStep->insert("1.0", $info); } ################################################################################ # Display a popup dialog showing the structure of the table or index used in # the passed plan step sub disp_plan_step_obj($) { my ($key) = @_; # Get the plan step & return if it doesn't refer to an object my $row = $Plan->{key}{$key}; return(1) if (! $row->{OBJECT_NAME}); # Work out the type of the object - table or index busy(1); my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select object_type from all_objects where object_name = :1 and owner = :2 )); $qry->execute($row->{OBJECT_NAME}, $row->{OBJECT_OWNER}) || die("Object type:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my ($object_type) = $qry->fetchrow_array(); $qry->finish(); busy(0); if ($object_type eq "TABLE") { disp_table($row->{OBJECT_OWNER}, $row->{OBJECT_NAME}); } elsif ($object_type eq "INDEX") { disp_index($row->{OBJECT_OWNER}, $row->{OBJECT_NAME}); } else { die("Unknown object type $object_type", "for $row->{OBJECT_OWNER}.$row->{OBJECT_NAME}\n"); } } ################################################################################ # Display a list of available indexes on a table, and display the selected # table definition sub disp_index_popup($) { my ($key) = @_; # Get the plan step & return if it doesn't refer to an object my $row = $Plan->{key}{$key}; return(1) if (! $row->{OBJECT_NAME}); # Work out the type of the object - table or index busy(1); my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select object_type from all_objects where object_name = :1 and owner = :2 )); $qry->execute($row->{OBJECT_NAME}, $row->{OBJECT_OWNER}) || die("Object type:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my ($object_type) = $qry->fetchrow_array(); $qry->finish(); if ($object_type ne "TABLE") { busy(0); return(1); } # Build the popup menu $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select owner, index_name from all_indexes where table_name = :1 and table_owner = :2 )); $qry->execute($row->{OBJECT_NAME}, $row->{OBJECT_OWNER}) || die("Table indexes:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my $menu = $PlanMain->Menu(-tearoff => 0, -disabledforeground => "#000000"); $menu->command(-label => "Indexes", -state => "disabled"); $menu->separator(); my $count = 0; while ((my ($index_owner, $index_name) = $qry->fetchrow_array())) { $menu->command(-label => "$index_owner.$index_name", -command => [ \&disp_index, $index_owner, $index_name ]); $count++; } $qry->finish(); busy(0); $menu->Popup(-popover => "cursor", -popanchor => "nw") if ($count); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Produce the query plan for the SQL in $PlanSql and store it in $Plan sub _explain() { # Check there is some SQL my $stmt = $PlanSql->get("1.0", "end"); $stmt =~ s/;//g; die("You have not supplied any SQL\n") if ($stmt =~ /^\s*$/); # Check we are logged on die("You are not logged on to Oracle\n") if (! $Db); # Set up the various query strings # Note that for some reason you can't use bind variables in 'explain plan' my $prefix = "explain plan set statement_id = '$$' for\n"; my $plan_sql = qq( $SqlMarker select level, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_instance, object_type, id, parent_id, position, other); if ($OracleVersion ge "7.3") { $plan_sql .= qq(, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag) }; if ($OracleVersion ge "8") { $plan_sql .= qq(, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id) }; $plan_sql .= qq( from plan_table where statement_id = :1 connect by prior id = parent_id and statement_id = :1 start with id = 0 and statement_id = :1 ); # Clean any old stuff from the plan_table busy(1); $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker delete from plan_table where statement_id = :1), undef, $$) || die("Delete from plan_table:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); $Db->commit(); # Switch schema if required if ($Schema ne $User) { $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker alter session set current_schema = $Schema)) || die("Cannot change schema to $Schema:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } # Explain the plan - need to save message if failed! $Plan = { schema => $Schema, sql => $stmt }; my $fail; $fail = $DBI::errstr if (!$Db->do($prefix . $stmt)); # Switch back schema if required if ($Schema ne $User) { $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker alter session set current_schema = $User)) || die("Set current schema to $User:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } # Now we can safely die if the exmplai plan failed die("Explain plan:\n$fail\n") if ($fail); # Read back the plan my $qry = $Db->prepare($plan_sql) || die("Unsupported PLAN_TABLE format:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); $qry->execute($$) || die("Read plan:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); while (my $row = $qry->fetchrow_hashref()) { if ($row->{ID} == 0) { $Plan->{title} = "Query Plan for " . lc($row->{OPERATION}); $Plan->{title} .= ". Cost = $row->{POSITION}" if ($row->{POSITION}); } else { # Line wrap the OTHER field $row->{OTHER} =~ s/((.{1,80})(\s+|,|$))/$1\n/g if ($row->{OTHER}); # Construct a descriptive string for the query step my $desc = "$row->{OPERATION}"; $desc .= " $row->{OPTIONS}" if ($row->{OPTIONS}); $desc .= " $row->{OBJECT_TYPE}" if ($row->{OBJECT_TYPE}); $desc .= " of $row->{OBJECT_OWNER}.$row->{OBJECT_NAME}" if ($row->{OBJECT_OWNER} && $row->{OBJECT_NAME}); $desc .= " using PQS $row->{OBJECT_NODE} $row->{OTHER_TAG}" if ($row->{OBJECT_NODE}); $row->{desc} = $desc; # Construct a hierarchical key for the query step if (! $row->{PARENT_ID}) { my $key = "$row->{POSITION}"; $row->{key} = $key; $Plan->{id}[$row->{ID} - 1] = $row; $Plan->{key}{$key} = $row; } else { my $parent = $Plan->{id}[$row->{PARENT_ID} - 1]; my $key = "$parent->{key}.$row->{POSITION}"; $row->{key} = $key; $Plan->{id}[$row->{ID} - 1] = $row; $Plan->{key}{$key} = $row; $parent->{child}[$row->{POSITION} - 1] = $row; } } } # Top of the tree is step 0 $Plan->{tree} = $Plan->{id}[0]; # Clean up $qry->finish(); $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker delete from plan_table where statement_id = :1), undef, $$); $Db->commit(); busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Wrapper for _explain - adds error handling sub explain { clear_plan(); if (! eval { _explain(); }) { error($PlanMain, $@); } else { disp_plan_tree(); } } ################################################################################ # Display a login dialog sub login_dialog($) { my ($parent) = @_; # Create the dialog if (! $LoginDialog) { my $username = "/"; my $password = ""; my $database = $ENV{TWO_TASK} || $ENV{ORACLE_SID}; $LoginDialog = $parent->Toplevel(-title => "Login to Oracle"); $LoginDialog->withdraw(); $LoginDialog->resizable(0, 0); my $box; # Create the entry labels & fields $box = $LoginDialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "raised"); $box->Label(-text => "Username") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "w"); $box->Entry(-textvariable => \$username, -width => 30) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => "w"); $box->Label(-text => "Password") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $box->Entry(-textvariable => \$password, -width => 30, -show => "*") ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $box->Label(-text => "Database") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $box->Entry(-textvariable => \$database, -width => 30) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $box->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both", -ipadx => 6, -ipady => 6); # Create the buttons & callbacks $box = $LoginDialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "raised"); my $cb = sub { if (! eval { login($database, $username, $password); }) { error($parent, $@); $LoginDialog->raise($parent); } else { update_title(); $LoginDialog->withdraw(); } }; $box->Button(-text => "Login", -default => "active", -command => $cb) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $box->Button(-text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $LoginDialog->withdraw() }) ->pack(-side => "right", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $box->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); $LoginDialog->bind("", $cb); } # Activate the dialog $LoginDialog->Popup(); } ################################################################################ sub schema_dialog($) { my ($parent) = @_; if (! $Db) { error($parent, "You are not logged on to Oracle\n"); return; } # Create the dialog if (! $SchemaDialog) { $SchemaDialog = $parent->Toplevel(-title => "Change Schema"); $SchemaDialog->withdraw(); $SchemaDialog->resizable(0, 0); my ($box, $schema); # Create the entry labels & fields $box = $SchemaDialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "raised"); $box->Label(-text => "Schema") ->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "e", -expand => 1); $box->Entry(-textvariable => \$schema, -width => 30) ->pack(-side => "right", -anchor => "w", -expand => 1); $box->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both", -ipadx => 6, -ipady => 6); # Create the buttons & callbacks $box = $SchemaDialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => "raised"); my $cb = sub { # Try changing to the specified schema $schema = uc($schema); if (! $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker alter session set current_schema = $schema))) { error($parent, "Cannot change schema to $schema:", $DBI::errstr); $SchemaDialog->raise($parent); } else { # Change back to the user's schema $Db->do(qq($SqlMarker alter session set current_schema = $User)) || die("Cannot change schema to $User\n$DBI::errstr"); $Schema = $schema; update_title(); $SchemaDialog->withdraw(); } }; $box->Button(-text => "Default", -command => sub { $schema = $User; }) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $box->Button(-text => "Apply", -default => "active", -command => $cb) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $box->Button(-text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $SchemaDialog->withdraw() }) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $box->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); $SchemaDialog->bind("", $cb); } # Activate the dialog $SchemaDialog->Popup(); } ################################################################################ # Open a file and read it into the SQL editor frame sub open_file($) { # Open the file my ($file) = @_; use IO::File; my $fh; if (! ($fh = IO::File->new($file, "r"))) { error($PlanMain, "Cannot open $file:\n", $!); return(0); } # Clear the plan, plan details & SQL editor, then load into the SQL editor clear_editor(); while (my $line = $fh->getline()) { $PlanSql->insert("end", $line); } $fh->close(); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Display a file open dialog & load into the SQL editor sub open_dialog($) { my ($parent) = @_; # Put up the dialog require Cwd; import Cwd; require Tk::FileSelect; $FileDir = cwd() if (! $FileDir); if (! $OpenDialog) { $OpenDialog = $parent->FileSelect(-title => "Open File", -create => 0); } $OpenDialog->configure(-directory => $FileDir); my $file = $OpenDialog->Show(); return if (! $file); $FileDir = $OpenDialog->cget(-directory); open_file($file); } ################################################################################ # Display a file save dialog & save the contents of the passed Text widget sub save_dialog($$) { my ($parent, $text) = @_; # Put up the dialog require Cwd; import Cwd; require IO::File; require Tk::FileSelect; $FileDir = cwd() if (! $FileDir); if (! $SaveDialog) { $SaveDialog = $parent->FileSelect(-title => "Save File", -create => 1); } $SaveDialog->configure(-directory => $FileDir); my $file = $SaveDialog->Show(); return if (! $file); $FileDir = $SaveDialog->cget(-directory); # Save the Text widget contents to the selected file my $fh; if (! ($fh = IO::File->new($file, "w"))) { error($PlanMain, "Cannot open $file:\n", $!); return; } $fh->print($text->get("1.0", "end")); $fh->close(); } ################################################################################ # Copy SQL from the grab window into the explain SQL editor sub copy_sql($$) { my ($text, $tag) = @_; return if (! defined($tag)); clear_editor(); $PlanSql->insert("end", $text->get("$tag.first", "$tag.last")); $Schema = $text->tag("cget", $tag, -data); update_title(); $PlanMain->deiconify(); } ################################################################################ # Display info from v$sqlarea for the selected statement in the SQL cache sub disp_sql_cache_info($$) { my ($address, $puid) = @_; # Empty the widget & prepare the SQL $GrabDetails->delete("1.0", "end"); busy(1); my $qry = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select executions, disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed, sorts, loads, parse_calls, first_load_time from v\$sqlarea where address = :1 )) || die("Statement info:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); # Read the info. Note that the statement *may* have been purged from the cache! $qry->execute($address); if (! (my ($executions, $disk_reads, $buffer_gets, $rows_processed, $sorts, $loads, $parse_calls, $first_load_time) = $qry->fetchrow_array())) { $GrabDetails->insert("1.0", "This statement is no longer in the SQL cache"); } else { $first_load_time =~ s!/! !; $GrabDetails->insert("1.0", "First executed by user", "bold", " $puid ", "", " at", "bold", " $first_load_time\n"); $GrabDetails->insert("end", "Total ", "bold"); $GrabDetails->insert("end", sprintf("Executions: %8d\n", $executions)); my $fmt = "Disk reads: %8d Buffer gets: %8d Rows processed: %8d\n" . "Sorts: %8d Loads: %8d Parse calls: %8d\n"; $GrabDetails->insert("end", sprintf($fmt, $disk_reads, $buffer_gets, $rows_processed, $sorts, $loads, $parse_calls)); if ($executions > 0) { $GrabDetails->insert("end", "Average per Execution\n", "bold"); $fmt = "Disk reads: %8.1f Buffer gets: %8.1f " . "Rows processed: %8.1f\n" . "Sorts: %8.1f Loads: %8.1f " . "Parse calls: %8.1f\n"; $GrabDetails->insert("end", sprintf($fmt, $disk_reads / $executions, $buffer_gets / $executions, $rows_processed / $executions, $sorts / $executions, $loads / $executions, $parse_calls / $executions)); } } busy(0); # Display the formated info return(1); } ################################################################################ # Callback for whenever a bit of grabbed SQL is selected sub grab_select_cb($$) { my ($text, $tag) = @_; $text->tag("configure", $GrabSelection, -background => undef) if ($GrabSelection); $text->tag("configure", $tag, -background => "#43ce80"); my $puid = $text->tag("cget", $tag, -data); $GrabSelection = $tag; if (! eval { disp_sql_cache_info($tag, $puid); }) { error($GrabMain, $@); } } ################################################################################ # Scan v$sqlarea for SQL statements matching the specified conditions. # $order_by is a v$sqlarea column name used to rank the statements # $sort_by is "asc" or "desc" # $user is who first issued the statement (case insensitive) # $pattern is a perl regexp used to filter the SQL # $rows is the maximum number of rows to display sub grab($$$$$$$) { my ($ordering, $order_by, $sort_by, $no_sys, $user, $pattern, $rows) = @_; # Check we are logged on die("You are not logged on to Oracle\n") if (! $Db); # Munge args as necessary $no_sys = $no_sys ? qq{and user_name not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')} : qq{}; $rows = -1 if ($rows !~ /^\d+$/); $user = uc($user); # Clear the frames $GrabSql->delete("1.0", "end"); $GrabDetails->delete("1.0", "end"); $GrabStatus->configure(-text => "Please wait..."); # Define the callbacks for highlighting etc my $highlight = sub { my ($text, $tag) = @_; $text->tag("configure", $tag, -relief => "raised", -borderwidth => 1); }; my $normal = sub { my ($text, $tag) = @_; $text->tag("configure", $tag, -relief => "flat"); }; # Prepare the queries busy(1); my $qry1 = qq{$SqlMarker select address, username from v\$sqlarea, all_users}; $qry1 .= qq{ where sql_text not like '\%$SqlMarker\%'}; $qry1 .= qq{ and sql_text not like '\%insert into \%plan_table\%'}; $qry1 .= qq{ and sql_text not like '\%explain plan\%'}; $qry1 .= qq{ and user_id = parsing_user_id}; # if($user || $no_sys); $qry1 .= qq{ and username = :1} if ($user); $qry1 .= qq{ and username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')} if ($no_sys); if ($ordering eq "total") { $qry1 .= qq{ order by $order_by $sort_by}; } elsif ($ordering eq "average") { $qry1 .= qq{ order by $order_by / greatest(executions, 1) $sort_by}; } $qry1 = $Db->prepare($qry1) || die("SQL Cache capture:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my $qry2; if ($OracleVersion ge "7.2") { $qry2 = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select sql_text from v\$sqltext_with_newlines where address = :1 order by piece)) || die("SQL text:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } else{ $qry2 = $Db->prepare(qq( $SqlMarker select sql_text from v\$sqltext where address = :1 order by piece)) || die("SQL text:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } # For each SQL query in the shared pool... if ($user) { $qry1->execute($user) || die("SQL text:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } else { $qry1->execute() || die("SQL text:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); } my $count = 0; my $first_address; while ($count != $rows && (my ($address, $puid) = $qry1->fetchrow_array())) { # ...glue together the components of the SQL string & print out $qry2->execute($address) || die("SQL text:\n$DBI::errstr\n"); my ($sql_text) = ""; while (my ($sql) = $qry2->fetchrow_array()) { $sql_text .= $sql; } $qry2->finish(); $sql_text =~ s/^\s+//; $sql_text =~ s/\n\s*\n/\n/; $sql_text =~ s/\s+$//s; # Skip if it doesn't match the supplied pattern next if ($pattern && eval { $sql_text !~ /$pattern/is; }); # Display the statement and set up the bindings $GrabSql->insert("end", $sql_text, $address, "\n\n"); $GrabSql->tag("configure", $address, -data => $puid); $GrabSql->tag("bind", $address, "" => [ $highlight, $address ]); $GrabSql->tag("bind", $address, "" => [ $normal, $address ]); $GrabSql->tag("bind", $address, "" => [ \©_sql, $address]); $GrabSql->tag("bind", $address, "<1>" => [ \&grab_select_cb, $address ]); $GrabSql->update(); $count++; $first_address = $address if (! defined($first_address)); if ($rows > 0) { $GrabStatus->configure(-text => "$count of $rows queries grabbed"); } else { $GrabStatus->configure(-text => "$count queries grabbed"); } } # Clean up $qry1->finish(); grab_select_cb($GrabSql, $first_address) if ($first_address); $GrabStatus->configure(-text => "$count queries grabbed"); busy(0); return(1); } ################################################################################ # Create a top-level window for getting SQL from the shared pool cache sub grab_main { # If it already exists, just make it visible) if ($GrabMain) { $GrabMain->deiconify(); $GrabMain->raise($PlanMain); return; } # Otherwise, build the grab window $GrabMain = $PlanMain->Toplevel(-title => "$ProgName - SQL cache"); $GrabMain->protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", sub { $GrabMain->withdraw(); }); # Defaults & callbacks my $ordering = ""; my $order_by = ""; my $sort_by = ""; my $no_sys = 1; my $user = ""; my $pattern = ""; my $rows = 100; my $grab_cb = sub { if (! eval { grab($ordering, $order_by, $sort_by, $no_sys, $user, $pattern, $rows); }) { error($GrabMain, $@); } }; my (%ord_bn, %sort_bn); # For "order by" and "sort order" buttons my $ord_bn_cb = sub { if ($ordering eq "") { $order_by = ""; $sort_by = ""; foreach my $bn (values(%ord_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "disabled"); } foreach my $bn (values(%sort_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "disabled"); } } elsif ($ordering eq "total") { $order_by = "disk_reads" if ($order_by eq ""); $sort_by = "desc" if ($sort_by eq ""); foreach my $bn (values(%ord_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "normal"); } foreach my $bn (values(%sort_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "normal"); } } else # $ordering eq "average" { $order_by = "disk_reads" if ($order_by eq "" || $order_by eq "executions"); $sort_by = "desc" if ($sort_by eq ""); foreach my $bn (values(%ord_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "normal"); } $ord_bn{executions}->configure(-state => "disabled"); $ord_bn{first_load_time}->configure(-state => "disabled"); foreach my $bn (values(%sort_bn)) { $bn->configure(-state => "normal"); } } }; ### Menubar my $menubar = $GrabMain->Frame(-relief => "raised", -borderwidth => 3); $menubar->pack(-fill => "x"); my $menubar_file = $menubar->Menubutton(-text => "File", -underline => 0); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Save File ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { save_dialog($PlanMain, $GrabSql); }); $menubar_file->separator(); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Capture SQL", -underline => 0, -command => $grab_cb); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Copy to Explain", -underline => 9, -command => sub { copy_sql($GrabSql, $GrabSelection); }); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Close", -underline => 1, -command => sub { $GrabMain->withdraw(); }); $menubar_file->pack(-side => "left"); my $menubar_help = $menubar->Menubutton(-text => "Help", -underline => 0); $menubar_help->command(-label => "About ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { about($GrabMain); }); $menubar_help->command(-label => "Usage ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { help($GrabMain); }); $menubar_help->pack(-side => "right"); ### SQL cache display my ($frame, $frame1, $frame2, $frame3); $frame = $GrabMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame1 = $frame->Frame(-highlightthickness => 0); $frame1->Label(-text => "SQL Cache")->pack(-side => "left"); $GrabStatus = $frame1->Label(-text => "")->pack(-side => "right"); $frame1->pack(-fill => "x"); $GrabSql = $frame->Scrolled("ROText", -setgrid => "true", -scrollbars => "oe", -height => 15, -width => 80, -borderwidth => 0, -wrap => "word") ->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $frame->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); ### SQL statement details $frame = $GrabMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Label(-text => "SQL Statement Statistics")->pack(-anchor => "nw"); $GrabDetails = $frame->ROText(-height => 7, -width => 80, -borderwidth => 0, -setgrid => "true", -wrap => "none") ->pack(-fill => "x"); $GrabDetails->tagConfigure("bold", -font => "bold"); $frame->pack(-fill => "x"); ### SQL selection $frame = $GrabMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Label(-text => "SQL Selection Criterea")->pack(-anchor => "w"); $frame1 = $frame->Frame(-highlightthickness => 1); ## SQL sort frame $frame1->Label(-text => "Order SQL by") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "w", -columnspan => 2); $frame2 = $frame1->Frame(-highlightthickness => 0); # Ordering frame $frame3 = $frame2->Frame(-highlightthickness => 1); $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "No ordering", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "", -variable => \$ordering, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->pack(-anchor => "w"); $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Total", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "total", -variable => \$ordering, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->pack(-anchor => "w"); $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Average per execution", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "average", -variable => \$ordering, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->pack(-anchor => "w"); $frame3->pack(-side => "left", -padx => 6); # Order by frame $frame3 = $frame2->Frame(-highlightthickness => 1); $ord_bn{disk_reads} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Disk reads", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "disk_reads", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{buffer_gets} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Buffer gets", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "buffer_gets", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{rows_processed} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Rows processed", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "rows_processed", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{sorts} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Sorts", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "sorts", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{loads} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Loads", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "loads", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{parse_calls} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Parse calls", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "parse_calls", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{executions} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Executions", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "executions", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 3, -sticky => "w"); $ord_bn{first_load_time} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "First load", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "first_load_time", -variable => \$order_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 3, -sticky => "w"); $frame3->pack(-side => "left", -padx => 6); # Sort order frame $frame3 = $frame2->Frame(-highlightthickness => 1); $sort_bn{desc} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Descending", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "desc", -variable => \$sort_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "w"); $sort_bn{asc} = $frame3->Radiobutton(-text => "Ascending", -highlightthickness => 0, -value => "asc", -variable => \$sort_by, -command => $ord_bn_cb) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $frame3->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 6); $frame2->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "w", -columnspan => 2); ## Other options frame $frame2 = $frame1->Frame(-highlightthickness => 0); $frame2->Checkbutton(-text => "Exclude queries by SYS or SYSTEM", -variable => \$no_sys, -offvalue => 0, -onvalue => 1, -highlightthickness => 0) ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "w", -columnspan => 2); $frame2->Label(-text => "First user to execute statement") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->Entry(-textvariable => \$user, -width => 30) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->Label(-text => "SQL matches pattern") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->Entry(-textvariable => \$pattern, -width => 30) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->Label(-text => "Maximum number of statements") ->grid(-column => 0, -row => 3, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->Entry(-textvariable => \$rows, -width => 4) ->grid(-column => 1, -row => 3, -sticky => "w"); $frame2->grid(-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => "we", -columnspan => 2, -padx => 6, -pady => 6); $frame1->pack(-fill => "x"); &$ord_bn_cb(); # Set the buttons to the initial state $frame->pack(-fill => "x", ipadx => 6, -ipady => 6); ### Buttons $frame = $GrabMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Button(-text => "Capture SQL", -command => $grab_cb) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->Button(-text => "Copy to Explain", -command => sub { copy_sql($GrabSql, $GrabSelection); }) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->Button(-text => "Close", -command => sub { $GrabMain->withdraw(); }) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->pack(-fill => "x"); } ################################################################################ # Main ### Main window $ProgName = basename($0); $ProgName =~ s/\..*$//; $PlanMain = MainWindow->new(); $PlanMain->withdraw(); update_title(); $Balloon = $PlanMain->Balloon(); ### Splash screen my $splash; if (@ARGV == 0 || $ARGV[0] ne '-q') { about($PlanMain, \$splash); $splash->after(10000, sub { if ($splash) { $splash->destroy(); undef($splash); } }); $PlanMain->update(); } else { shift(@ARGV); } ### Menubar my $menubar = $PlanMain->Frame(-relief => "raised", -borderwidth => 3); # Create a bold font $ figure out charcter spacing my $t = $PlanMain->Text(); my $f = $t->cget(-font); $t->fontCreate("bold", $PlanMain->fontActual($f), -weight => "bold"); $CharWidth = $PlanMain->fontMeasure($f, "X"); undef($f); $t->destroy(); undef($t); my $menubar_file = $menubar->Menubutton(-text => "File", -underline => 0); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Login ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { login_dialog($PlanMain); }); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Schema ...", -underline => 2, -command => sub { schema_dialog($PlanMain); }); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Explain", -underline => 0, -command => \&explain); $menubar_file->command(-label => "SQL Cache ...", -underline => 4, -command => \&grab_main); $menubar_file->separator(); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Open File ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { open_dialog($PlanMain); }); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Save File ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { save_dialog($PlanMain, $PlanSql); }); $menubar_file->separator(); $menubar_file->command(-label => "Exit", -underline => 1, -command => sub { $Db->disconnect() if ($Db); exit(0); }); $menubar_file->pack(-side => "left"); my $menubar_help = $menubar->Menubutton(-text => "Help", -underline => 0); $menubar_help->command(-label => "About ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { about($PlanMain); }); $menubar_help->command(-label => "Usage ...", -underline => 0, -command => sub { help($PlanMain); }); $menubar_help->pack(-side => "right"); $menubar->pack(-fill => "x"); ### Query plan tree my $frame; $frame = $PlanMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $PlanTitle = $frame->Label(-text => "Query Plan")->pack(-anchor => "nw"); my $b1_cb = sub { error($PlanMain, $@) if (! eval { disp_plan_step_obj($_[0])}); }; my $b3_cb = sub { error($PlanMain, $@) if (! eval { disp_index_popup($_[0])}); }; $PlanTree = $frame->Scrolled("B3Tree", -height => 15, -width => 80, -borderwidth => 0, -highlightthickness => 1, -scrollbars => "osoe", -browsecmd => \&disp_plan_step, -command => $b1_cb, -b3command => $b3_cb) ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); $frame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); ### Query plan statement details $frame = $PlanMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Label(-text => "Query Step Details")->pack(-anchor => "nw"); $PlanStep = $frame->Scrolled("ROText", -height => 8, -width => 80, -borderwidth => 0, -wrap => "none", -setgrid => "true", -scrollbars => "osoe") ->pack(-fill => "x"); $frame->pack(-fill => "x"); ### SQL text editor $frame = $PlanMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Label(-text => "SQL Editor")->pack(-anchor => "nw"); $PlanSql = $frame->Scrolled("Text", -setgrid => "true", -scrollbars => "oe", -borderwidth => 0, -height => 15, -width => 80, -wrap => "word") ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); $frame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); ### Buttons $frame = $PlanMain->Frame(-borderwidth => 3, -relief => "raised"); $frame->Button(-text => "Explain", -command => \&explain) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->Button(-text => "Clear", -command => \&clear_editor) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->Button(-text => "SQL Cache", -command => \&grab_main) ->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -pady => 6); $frame->pack(-fill => "x"); ### user/pass@db command-line argument processing $PlanMain->update(); $PlanMain->deiconify(); $splash->raise() if (defined($splash)); if (@ARGV >= 1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /\w*\/\w*(@\w+)?/) { my ($username, $password, $database) = split(/[\/@]/, shift(@ARGV)); if (! $username) { $username = "/"; $password = ""; } if (! $database) { $database = $ENV{TWO_TASK} || $ENV{ORACLE_SID}; } error($PlanMain, $@) if (! eval { login($database, $username, $password); }); update_title(); } else { login_dialog($PlanMain); } ### SQL filename argument processing if (@ARGV >= 1 && -r $ARGV[0]) { my $file = shift(@ARGV); if (open_file($file)) { $FileDir = dirname($file); explain() if ($Db); } } # Doncha just love GUI programming :-) MainLoop(); ################################################################################ __END__ =head1 NAME explain, ora_explain - Visualise Oracle query plans =head1 SYNOPSIS $ explain [ [ user/password@database ] sql script ] $ ora_explain [ [ user/password@database ] sql script ] B When bundled with DBD::Oracle, the script is called ora_explain =head1 DESCRIPTION Explain is a GUI-based tool that enables easier visualisation of Oracle Query plans. A query plan is the access path that Oracle will use to satisfy a SQL query. The Oracle query optimiser is responsible for deciding on the optimal path to use. Needless to say, understanding such plans requires a fairly sophisticated knowledge of Oracle architecture and internals. Explain allows a user to interactively edit a SQL statemant and view the resulting query plan with the click of a single button. The effects of modifying the SQL or of adding hints can be rapidly established. Explain allows the user to capture all the SQL currently cached by Oracle. The SQL capture can be filtered and sorted by different criterea, e.g. all SQL matching a pattern, order by number of executions etc. Explain is written using Perl, DBI/DBD::Oracle and Tk. =head1 PREREQUISITES =over 2 =item 1. Oracle 7 or Oracle 8, with SQL*Net if appropriate =item 2. L or later =item 3. L version 1.02 or later =item 4. L 0.54 or later =item 5. L 800.011 or later =item 6. L 3.15 or later =back Items 2 through 6 can be obtained from any CPAN mirror. =head1 INSTALLATION =over 2 =item 1. Check you have all the prequisites installed and working. =item 2. Run 'perl Makefile.PL; make instal1' =item 3. Make sure you have run the script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql from a SQL*Plus session. This script creates the PLAN_TABLE that is used by Oracle when explaining query plans. =back =head1 HOW TO USE Type "explain" or "ora_explain" at the shell prompt. A window will appear with a menu bar and three frames, labelled "Query Plan", "Query Step Details" and "SQL Editor". At the bottom of the window are three buttons labelled "Explain", "Clear" and "SQL Cache". A login dialog will also appear, into which you should enter the database username, password and database instance name (SID). The parameters you enter are passed to the DBI->connect() method, so if you have any problems refer to the DBI and DBD::Oracle documentation. Optionally you may supply up to two command-line arguments. If the first argument is of the form username/password@database, explain will use this to log in to Oracle, otherwise if it is a filename it will be loaded into the SQL editor. If two arguments are supplied, the second one will be assumed to be a filename. Examples: explain scott/tiger@DEMO query.sql explain / query.sql explain query.sql =head2 Explain functionality The menu bar has two pulldown menus, "File" and "Help". "File" allows you to login to Oracle, Change the current schema, Capture the contents of the Oracle SQL cache, Load SQL from files, Save SQL to files and to Exit the program. "Help" allows you to view release information and read this documentation. The "SQL Editor" frame allows the editing of a SQL statement. This should be just a single statement - multiple statements are not allowed. Refer to the documentation for the Tk text widget for a description of the editing keys available. Text may be loaded and saved by using the "File" pulldown menu. Once you have entered a SQL statement, the "Explain" button at the bottom of the window will generate the query plan for the statement. A tree representation of the plan will appear in the "Query Plan" frame. Individual "legs" of the plan may be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the "+' and "-" boxes on the plan tree. The tree is drawn so that the "innermost" or "first" query steps are indented most deeply. The connecting lines show the "parent-child" relationships between the query steps. For a comprehensive explanation of the meaning of query plans you should refer to the relevant Oracle documentation. The "Clear" button will empty the editor & query plan tree panes. Single-clicking on a plan step in the Query Plan pane will display more detailed information on that query step in the Query Step Details frame. This information includes Oracle's estimates of cost, cardinality and bytes returned. The exact information displayed depends on the Oracle version. Again, for detailed information on the meaning of these fields, refer to the Oracle documentation. Double-clicking on a plan step that refers to either a table or an index will pop up a dialog box showing the definition of the table or index in a format similar to that of the SQL*Plus 'desc' command. The dialog that appears has a button labelled 'Index'. Clicking on this will expand the table dialog to show all the indexes defined on the table. Each column represents an index, and the figures define the order that the table columns appears in the index. To find out the name of an index, position the mouse over the index column. A single click will display the definition of the index in a seperate dialog. Right-clicking on a plan step that refers to a table will pop up a menu showing a list of the indexes available for the table. Selecting an index will display its definition in a dialog box. =head2 Capture SQL Cache functionality The explain window has an option on the "File" menu labelled "SQL Cache ...", as well as a button with the same function. Selecting this will popup a new top-level window containing a menu bar and three frames, labelled "SQL Cache", "SQL Statement Statistics" and "SQL Selection Criterea". At the bottom of the window are three buttons labelled "Capture SQL", "Explain" and "Close". The menu bar has two pulldown menus "File" and "Help". "File" allows you to Save the contents of the SQL Cache pane to a file, copy the selected SQL statement to the Explain window and Close the Grab window. The "SQL Cache" frame shows the statements currently in the Oracle SQL cache. As you move the cursor over this window, each SQL statement will be highlighted with an outline box. Single-clicking on a statement in the SQL Cache pane will highlight the stamement in green and display more detailed information on that statement in the SQL Statement Statistics frame. If you want to save the entire contents of the SQL Cache pane, you can do this from the "File" menu. The "SQL Selection Criterea" frame allows you to specify which SQL statements you are interested in, and how you want them sorted. The pattern used to select statements is a normal perl regexp. Once you have defined the selection criterea, clicking the "Capture SQL" button will read all the matching statements from the SQL cache and display them in the top frame. Double-clicking on a statement in the "SQL Cache" pane, selecting "Explain" from the "File" menu or clicking the "Explain" button will copy the currently highlighted statement in the "SQL Cache" pane to the SQL editor in the Explain window, so that the query plan for the statement can be examined. Note also that the current schema will be changed to that of the user who first executed the captured statement. =head1 SEE ALSO This tool assumes that you already know how to interpret Oracle query plans. If need an explanation of the information displayed by this tool, you should refer to the appropriate Oracle documentation. Information can be found in the "Concepts" and "Oracle Tuning" manuals - look for "Query plan" and "Explain plan". Two other useful sources of information are: Oracle Performance Tuning, 2nd ed. Mark Gurry and Peter Corrigan O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN 1-56592-237-9 Advanced Oracle Tuning and Administration Eyal Aronoff, Kevin Loney and Noorali Sonawalla Oracle Press (Osborne) ISBN 0-07-882241-6 =head1 SUPPORT Support questions and suggestions can be directed to Alan.Burlison@uk.sun.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER Copyright (c) 1999 Alan Burlison You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file, with the exception that it cannot be placed on a CD-ROM or similar media for commercial distribution without the prior approval of the author. This code is provided with no warranty of any kind, and is used entirely at your own risk. This code was written by the author as a private individual, and is in no way endorsed or warrantied by Sun Microsystems. =cut