rem rem This script can be used to set the properties associated with a Control Center Service. rem These properties need to be set so that the Control Center Service knows where to pick up the rem Instance Number, Runtime Version and Server Side Home from, since these are not included in an rem OWB Installation when the "Allow Local Control Center Service" option is set. rem rem USAGE rem Logon as the OWB Repository Owner (OWBSYS) rem rem @/owb/rtp/sql/set_ccs_home.sql rem rem This represents the service node instance that you are updating rem rem This represents the OWB version that you are using, values such as:- rem rem rem This represents the OWB Home on the server machine where the OWB install rem components will be picked up from rem rem EXAMPLE rem sqlplus user/password@tns_name @set_ccs_home.sql 1 "" "/ade/owb_17472/oracle" rem set echo off set verify off set role OWB_USER; define SV_NODE = &1. define RT_VERS = &2. define SS_HOME = &3. declare l_instance number(22) := '&SV_NODE.'; l_version varchar2(32) := '&RT_VERS.'; l_home varchar2(255) := '&SS_HOME.'; begin owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.set_ccs_home(l_instance, l_version, l_home); end; /