-- Script to reset the registered flag for a location against a control center. -- Note: this is only a workaround; the right way is open the control center manager, and un-register the locations there!! -- Parameters: -- owner_cc: the name of the control center (CC2 in your example) -- ref_loc: the name of the location (LOC1 in your example) -- Description: -- If using owb 11.1 or later, you should connect as OWBSYS, and call wb_workspace_management.set_workspace to select the workspace first; otherwise, just connect as repository owner. COL cc_name format a32 COL connector_name format a32 COL location_name format a32 COL registered forrmat 9 select owner.name cc_name, conn.name connector_name, ref.name location_name , conn.REGISTERED, conn.editable from cmplogicalconnector_v conn, cmplocation_v owner, cmplocation_v ref where owner.elementid = conn.owninglocation and ref.elementid = conn.REFERENCEDLOCATION and owner.name = '&&owner_cc' and ref.name = '&&ref_loc'; PAUSE Hit key to update flags ... UPDATE cmplogicalconnector_v conn set registered = 0 where conn.elementid = (select conn.ELEMENTID from cmplogicalconnector_v conn, cmplocation_v owner, cmplocation_v ref where owner.elementid = conn.owninglocation and ref.elementid = conn.REFERENCEDLOCATION and owner.name = '&&owner_cc' and ref.name = '&&ref_loc'); PROMPT Connectors updated ... select owner.name cc_name, conn.name connector_name, ref.name location_name , conn.REGISTERED from cmplogicalconnector_v conn, cmplocation_v owner, cmplocation_v ref where owner.elementid = conn.owninglocation and ref.elementid = conn.REFERENCEDLOCATION and owner.name = '&&owner_cc' and ref.name = '&&ref_loc'; PROMPT To keep changes, please perform a COMMIT, to abort, ROLLBACK.