rem rem This script can be used to purge notification messages from the rem notification queue when they have Expired. rem rem USAGE rem Logon as the OWB Repository Owner (OWBSYS) rem @/owb/rtp/sql/purge_notifications.sql rem rem DESCRIPTION rem The notification queue holds messages that can be used to notify clients rem about the progress of deployment/execution jobs whilst the job is being rem performed. rem The fix for bug 5899763 ensures messages are queued with an expiry date. rem Such a date changes the state of the message and does not remove them rem from the message table (wb_rt_notify_queue_tab). The prerequisite is that rem the queue monitor is running in the db, 'show parameter aq_tm_processes' rem should be greater than 0; otherwise, the state will not be set to 'expired' rem automatically. rem rem You can use this script to purge these expired messages. rem rem (Note that this script will only purge messages that were enqueued rem after fix for bug 5899763 was applied. If you have many older messages rem then you could use the following delete statement:- rem delete from WB_RT_NOTIFY_QUEUE_TAB where rem enq_time 'WB_RT_NOTIFY_QUEUE_TAB', purge_condition => 'QTVIEW.MSG_STATE=''EXPIRED''', purge_options => l_po_t); end; /