Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AUDIT VIEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_deployments as select audit_deployment_id, deployment_name, description, runtime_version, client_version, client_repository, client_repository_version, client_repository_user, generation_time, audit_status, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_deployments with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_units as select audit_unit_id, audit_deployment_id, unit_name, unit_number, store_uoid, store_name, deployment_adapter_id, audit_status, abort_sent, job_mode, job_owner, ops_enabled, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings, current_op_aborted, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_units with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_objects as select audit_object_id, audit_unit_id, parent_audit_object_id, object_number, object_uoid, object_name, tgt_store_uoid, tgt_store_name, object_type_id, impl_type_id, object_version_tag, client_info, metadata_info, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings, final_object_status, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_objects with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_tasks as select audit_task_id, audit_object_id, execution_store_uoid, execution_operator_id, execution_object_uoid, execution_object_type_id, execution_object_store_uoid, execution_object_store_type_id, task_name, task_input, task_input_binary, task_input_mime_type, task_input_encoding_type, creation_date, created_by from wb_rt_audit_tasks with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_custom_parameters as select audit_custom_parameter_id, audit_task_id, parameter_uoid, parameter_name, parameter_type, parameter_mode, parameter_scope, is_fixed, is_required, type_length, type_scale, type_precision, creation_date, created_by from wb_rt_audit_custom_parameters with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_parameter_deflts as select audit_parameter_default_id, audit_task_id, audit_custom_parameter_id, system_parameter_id, bound_to_name, bound_to_kind, bound_to_scope, value_kind, clob_value, value, creation_date, created_by from wb_rt_audit_parameter_defaults with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_scripts as select audit_script_id, audit_unit_id, audit_object_id, script_number, action, is_runnable, script, script_binary, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(mime_type, encoding_type) as format_type, mime_type, encoding_type, generation_time, audit_status, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_scripts with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_script_runs as select audit_script_run_id, audit_script_id, operation, audit_status, elapse, external_audit_id, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_script_runs with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_executions as select audit_execution_id, top_level_audit_execution_id, parent_audit_execution_id, scope_audit_execution_id, task_object_uoid, task_object_name, task_object_type_id, task_object_store_uoid, task_object_store_name, task_object_store_type_id, task_name, task_input, task_input_binary, task_input_mime_type, task_input_encoding_type, execution_store_uoid, execution_store_name, execution_operator_id, execution_object_uoid, execution_object_name, execution_object_type_id, execution_object_store_uoid, execution_object_store_name, execution_object_store_type_id, execution_name, description, return_result, return_result_number, return_code, audit_status, abort_sent, client_info, metadata_info, elapse, number_of_task_errors, number_of_task_warnings, current_op_aborted, external_audit_id, request_audit_id, created_by, creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by from wb_rt_audit_executions with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_parameters as select audit_parameter_id, audit_execution_id, parameter_name, parameter_type, parameter_kind, parameter_mode, parameter_scope, value_mode, bound_to_id, decode(value_mode, wb_rt_constants.PARAM_VALUE_OUTPUT, 1, 0) as is_output, is_required, parameter_uoid, value_kind, value, clob_value, type_length, type_scale, type_precision from wb_rt_audit_parameters with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_files as select audit_file_id, audit_unit_id, audit_script_run_id, audit_execution_id, file_type_id, file_text, file_binary, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(mime_type, encoding_type) as format_type, mime_type, encoding_type, created_by, creation_date from wb_rt_audit_files with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_messages as select audit_message_id, audit_unit_id, audit_script_run_id, audit_execution_id, severity, created_by, creation_date from wb_rt_audit_messages with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_message_lines as select audit_message_line_id, audit_message_id, line_number, is_nls, nls_key, plain_text from wb_rt_audit_message_lines with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_message_params as select audit_message_parameter_id, audit_message_line_id, parameter_number, value from wb_rt_audit_message_parameters with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_audit_notifications as select 'A' as notification_type, a.audit_id, a.stream_id, a.ack_type, a.ack_pending, null as component_id, null as event_type, null as message_timeout from wb_rt_notification_acks a union select 'C' as notification_type, c.audit_id, c.stream_id, null as ack_type, null as ack_pending, c.component_id, c.event_type, null as message_timeout from wb_rt_notification_components c union select 'S' as notification_type, null as audit_id, s.stream_id, null as ack_type, null as ack_pending, null as component_id, null as event_type, s.message_timeout from wb_rt_notification_streams s with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_queue_tabs_info as select 'A' as queue_type, a.corr_id, a.msg_state, a.enq_time from aq$wb_rt_ack_queue_tab a union select 'N' as queue_type, n.corr_id, n.msg_state, n.enq_time from aq$wb_rt_notify_queue_tab n union select 'S' as queue_type, s.corr_id, s.msg_state, s.enq_time from aq$wb_rt_service_queue_tab s with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_locked_deploy_objs as select u.store_uoid, o.object_uoid from wb_rt_audit_deployments d, wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_audit_objects o where o.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id and u.audit_deployment_id = d.audit_deployment_id and d.audit_status = wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_READY union select e.execution_object_store_uoid as store_uoid, e.execution_object_uoid as object_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions e where e.audit_status in ( wb_rt_constants.EXECUTION_STATUS_BUSY, wb_rt_constants.EXECUTION_STATUS_READY); create or replace view wb_rtv_locked_exec_objs as select u.store_uoid, o.object_uoid from wb_rt_audit_deployments d, wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_audit_objects o where o.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id and u.audit_deployment_id = d.audit_deployment_id and d.audit_status = wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_READY; create or replace view wb_rtv_deployment_stores as select distinct d.audit_deployment_id, u.store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_deployments d, wb_rt_audit_units u where d.audit_deployment_id = u.audit_deployment_id and u.store_uoid is not null and u.store_uoid <> '{0}'; create type wb_rt_execution_store_t as object ( audit_execution_id number(22), store_uoid varchar2(32) ); / create type wb_rt_execution_stores_t as table of wb_rt_execution_store_t; / create or replace package wb_rt_execution_stores_f is function list(p_audit_execution_id in number) return wb_rt_execution_stores_t pipelined; end; / create or replace package body wb_rt_execution_stores_f is function list(p_audit_execution_id in number) return wb_rt_execution_stores_t pipelined is type lookup_t is table of wb_rt_execution_store_t index by varchar2(32); l_lookup lookup_t; l_key varchar2(32); l_rec wb_rt_execution_store_t := wb_rt_execution_store_t(null, null); l_object_uoid varchar2(32); l_object_type_name varchar2(64); l_store_uoid varchar2(32); procedure add_task_stores(p_task_id in number) is l_execution_store_uoid varchar2(32); l_object_store_uoid varchar2(32); l_sub_object_id number; begin select execution_store_uoid, execution_object_store_uoid into l_execution_store_uoid, l_object_store_uoid from wb_rt_tasks where task_id = p_task_id; if l_execution_store_uoid is not null and l_execution_store_uoid <> '{0}' then l_rec.store_uoid := l_execution_store_uoid; l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end if; if l_object_store_uoid is not null and l_object_store_uoid <> '{0}' then l_rec.store_uoid := l_object_store_uoid; l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end if; for p in ( select default_value from wb_rtv_task_parameters where task_id = p_task_id and parameter_type = wb_rt_constants.PARAM_TYPE_LOCATION_UOID and default_value is not null and default_value <> '{0}' ) loop l_rec.store_uoid := wb_rt_conversions.extract_location_UOID(p.default_value); l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end loop; for t in ( select k.task_id from wb_rt_tasks st, wb_rt_warehouse_objects o, wb_rt_tasks k, wb_rt_def_object_types ot, wb_rt_stores s where st.task_id = p_task_id and st.execution_object_store_uoid = s.store_uoid and o.store_id = s.store_id and st.execution_object_uoid = o.object_uoid and st.execution_object_type_id = ot.object_type_id and o.object_type_name = ot.object_type_name and k.warehouse_object_id = o.warehouse_object_id and st.task_id <> k.task_id ) loop add_task_stores(t.task_id); end loop; end; begin l_rec.audit_execution_id := p_audit_execution_id; for r in ( select audit_execution_id, task_object_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where audit_execution_id = p_audit_execution_id and task_object_store_uoid is not null and task_object_store_uoid <> '{0}' ) loop l_rec.store_uoid := r.store_uoid; l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end loop; for r in ( select audit_execution_id, execution_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where audit_execution_id = p_audit_execution_id and execution_store_uoid is not null and execution_store_uoid <> '{0}' ) loop l_rec.store_uoid := r.store_uoid; l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end loop; for r in ( select audit_execution_id, execution_object_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where audit_execution_id = p_audit_execution_id and execution_object_store_uoid is not null and execution_object_store_uoid <> '{0}' ) loop l_rec.store_uoid := r.store_uoid; l_lookup(l_rec.store_uoid) := l_rec; end loop; for t in ( select k.task_id from wb_rt_audit_executions a, wb_rt_def_object_types ot, wb_rt_tasks k, wb_rt_warehouse_objects o, wb_rt_stores s where a.audit_execution_id = p_audit_execution_id and a.task_object_type_id = ot.object_type_id and k.warehouse_object_id = o.warehouse_object_id and o.store_id = s.store_id and o.object_uoid = a.task_object_uoid and o.object_type_name = ot.object_type_name and s.store_uoid = a.task_object_store_uoid ) loop add_task_stores(t.task_id); end loop; l_key := l_lookup.first; while l_key is not null loop l_rec := l_lookup(l_key); pipe row(l_rec); l_key :=; end loop; return; end; end wb_rt_execution_stores_f; / create or replace view wb_rtv_execution_stores as select audit_execution_id, task_object_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where task_object_store_uoid is not null and task_object_store_uoid <> '{0}' union select audit_execution_id, execution_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where execution_store_uoid is not null and execution_store_uoid <> '{0}' union select audit_execution_id, execution_object_store_uoid as store_uoid from wb_rt_audit_executions where execution_object_store_uoid is not null and execution_object_store_uoid <> '{0}'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AUDIT FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function successful_object_deployment(p_audit_object_id number) return number is l_result number := 0; l_audit_unit_id number; l_number_of_messages number; l_count number; begin select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_script_runs sr, wb_rt_audit_scripts s where sr.audit_script_id = s.audit_script_id and sr.audit_status = wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_FAILED and s.audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_count = 0 then select audit_unit_id into l_audit_unit_id from wb_rt_audit_objects where audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_messages m where m.severity in (wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR, wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING) and m.audit_unit_id = l_audit_unit_id; end if; if l_count = 0 then select audit_unit_id, number_of_script_errors + number_of_script_warnings into l_audit_unit_id, l_number_of_messages from wb_rt_audit_objects where audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_number_of_messages = 0 then select sum(number_of_script_errors + number_of_script_warnings) into l_number_of_messages from wb_rt_audit_scripts s where s.audit_unit_id = l_audit_unit_id; if l_number_of_messages is null or l_number_of_messages = 0 then l_result := 1; end if; end if; end if; return l_result; end; / create or replace function object_deployment_status(p_audit_object_id number) return number is l_result number := 0; l_audit_unit_id number; l_number_of_warnings number; l_number_of_errors number; l_count number; begin select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_script_runs sr, wb_rt_audit_scripts s where sr.audit_script_id = s.audit_script_id and sr.audit_status = wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_FAILED and s.audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_count <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR; else select audit_unit_id, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings into l_audit_unit_id, l_number_of_errors, l_number_of_warnings from wb_rt_audit_objects where audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_number_of_errors <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR; elsif l_number_of_warnings <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING; else select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_messages m where m.severity = wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR and m.audit_unit_id = l_audit_unit_id; if l_count <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR; else select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_messages m where m.severity = wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING and m.audit_unit_id = l_audit_unit_id; if l_count <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING; else select sum(number_of_script_errors), sum(number_of_script_warnings) into l_number_of_errors, l_number_of_warnings from wb_rt_audit_scripts s where s.audit_unit_id = l_audit_unit_id; if l_number_of_errors <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR; elsif l_number_of_warnings <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; return l_result; end; / create or replace function object_deployment_action(p_audit_object_id number) return number is l_result number; l_count number; begin select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_objects o, wb_rt_audit_scripts s where o.audit_unit_id = s.audit_unit_id and o.audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_count <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.ACTION_UPGRADE; else select count(*) into l_count from wb_rt_audit_scripts s where s.action = wb_rt_constants.ACTION_CREATE and s.audit_object_id = p_audit_object_id; if l_count <> 0 then l_result := wb_rt_constants.ACTION_CREATE; else l_result := wb_rt_constants.ACTION_DROP; end if; end if; return l_result; end; / create or replace function wb_rt_message_text(p_audit_message_id number) return varchar2 is l_result varchar2(4000); begin for l in ( select plain_text from wb_rt_audit_message_lines where audit_message_id = p_audit_message_id order by line_number ) loop if l_result is null then l_result := l.plain_text; else l_result := l_result || chr(10) || '- ' || l.plain_text; end if; end loop; return l_result; exception when others then return l_result; end; /