create or replace view RAB_RT_REP_TYPES as select distinct t.object_type_name as obj_type, upper(replace(replace(t.object_type_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as symbol, decode(t.parent_object_type_id, null, 'true', 'false') as rep_fco, decode(upper(t.object_type_name), 'PROCESSFLOWPACKAGE', 'RTProcess', 'SCHEDULEDJOB', 'RTProcess', 'ABAPFILE', 'RTMap', 'CHANGEDATACAPTURE', 'RTMap', 'DATAAUDITOR', 'RTMap', 'PLSQLMAP', 'RTMap', 'SQLLOADERCONTROLFILE', 'RTMap', 'STREAMSCAPTURE', 'RTMap', 'ABAPFILE', 'RTMap', 'TRICKLEFEEDMAP', 'RTMap', 'DATABASELINK', 'RTDBLink', upper(x.object_type_name), 'RTMap', 'RTDataObject') as rep_type from wb_rt_def_object_types t, (select distinct xt.object_type_name from wb_rt_def_object_types xt) x where x.object_type_name (+) = t.object_type_name and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'PROCESSFLOW' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'TASKGROUP' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'CMPKMTASKFLOW' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'CMPMAPKM' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'EXECUTE' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'J2EEAPPLICATION' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'JRTJOB' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'JRTPHASE' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'JRTSTEP' and upper(t.object_type_name) != 'JRTTASK' union select distinct p.operator_name as obj_type, upper(replace(replace(p.operator_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as symbol, 'false' as rep_fco, null as rep_type from wb_rt_def_execution_operators p where upper(p.operator_name) not in (select distinct upper(object_type_name) from wb_rt_def_object_types) and upper(p.operator_name) != 'PROCESSFLOW' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'TASKGROUP' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'CMPKMTASKFLOW' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'CMPMAPKM' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'EXECUTE' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'J2EEAPPLICATION' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'JRTJOB' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'JRTPHASE' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'JRTSTEP' and upper(p.operator_name) != 'JRTTASK' union select 'ProcessFlow' as obj_type, 'PROCESSFLOW' as symbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual union select 'TaskGroup' as obj_type, 'TASKGROUP' as symbol, 'false' as rep_fco, null as rep_type from dual union select 'CMPKMTaskFlow' as obj_type, 'KMTASKFLOW' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual union select 'CMPMapKM' as obj_type, 'KMMAP' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTMap' as rep_type from dual union select 'execute' as obj_type, 'KMPHASE' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual union select 'J2EEApplication' as obj_type, 'J2EEAPPLICATION' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTDataObject' as rep_type from dual union select 'JRTJob' as obj_type, 'JRTJOB' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual union select 'JRTPhase' as obj_type, 'JRTPHASE' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual union select 'JRTStep' as obj_type, 'JRTSTEP' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTMap' as rep_type from dual union select 'JRTTask' as obj_type, 'JRTTASK' as sumbol, 'true' as rep_fco, 'RTProcess' as rep_type from dual ; create or replace view RAB_RT_STORE_TYPES as select distinct store_type_name as type, upper(replace(replace(store_type_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as symbol from wb_rt_def_store_types ; create or replace view RAB_RT_STORE_PARAM_NAMES as select distinct parameter_name as name, upper(replace(replace(parameter_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as symbol from wb_rt_def_store_type_params ; create or replace view RAB_RT_FILE_TYPES as select distinct file_type_name as type, upper(replace(replace(file_type_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as symbol from wb_rt_def_file_types ; create or replace view RAB_RT_DEP_STATUS as select wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETE as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETE) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, null as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_INACTIVE as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_INACTIVE) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, null as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_READY as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_READY) as symbol, 'true' as purge_disabled, 'OraDataText' as style from dual ; create or replace view RAB_RT_SCR_RUN_STATUS as select wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_BUSY as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_BUSY) as symbol, 'true' as purge_disabled, 'OraDataText' as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_COMPLETE as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_COMPLETE) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, null as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_FAILED as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_FAILED) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, 'OraErrorText' as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_INACTIVE as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_INACTIVE) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, null as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_UNCERTAIN as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SCRIPT_RUN_STATUS_UNCERTAIN) as symbol, 'false' as purge_disabled, 'OraErrorText' as style from dual ; create or replace view RAB_RT_OBJ_STATUS as select wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_VALID as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_VALID) as symbol, null as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_INVALID as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_INVALID) as symbol, 'OraErrorText' as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_REMOVED as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_REMOVED) as symbol, 'OraDataText' as style from dual union select wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_UNCERTAIN as status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.OBJECT_STATUS_UNCERTAIN) as symbol, 'OraErrorText' as style from dual ; create or replace view RAB_RT_DEP_SEVERITY as select wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL) as symbol, 'images/info.gif' as icon from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_WARNING) as symbol, 'images/warning.gif' as icon from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_ERROR) as symbol, 'images/error.gif' as icon from dual union select wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_RECOVERY as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(wb_rt_constants.SEVERITY_RECOVERY) as symbol, 'images/Failed.gif' as icon from dual ; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_DEPLOYMENTS as select d.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, d.deployment_name as audit_deployment_name, d.number_of_units as number_of_units, d.runtime_version as runtime_version, d.client_version as client_version, d.client_repository as client_repository, d.client_repository_version as client_repository_version, d.client_repository_user as client_repository_user, d.generation_time as generation_time, d.audit_status as audit_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(d.audit_status) as audit_status_symbol, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, 0 as elapse_time, d.creation_date as deployment_date, d.created_by as created_by, d.last_update_date as updated_date, d.last_updated_by as updated_by from wb_rt_audit_deployments d, (select u.audit_deployment_id, max(severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_audit_messages g where u.audit_unit_id=g.audit_unit_id group by u.audit_deployment_id) m where d.audit_deployment_id=m.audit_deployment_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_WH_LOCATIONS as select s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, s.store_name as store_name, st.store_type_name as store_type, rt.symbol as store_type_symbol, st.store_type_version as store_type_version, s.is_deployment_target as is_deployment_target from wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_def_store_types st, rab_rt_store_types rt where st.store_type_id = s.store_type_id and rt.type (+) = st.store_type_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_UNITS as select u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, u.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, u.unit_name as audit_unit_name, u.unit_number as audit_unit_number, u.number_of_objects as number_of_objects, s.store_id as store_id, u.deployment_adapter_id as deployment_adapter_id, u.audit_status as audit_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(u.audit_status) as audit_status_symbol, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, 0 as elapse_time, u.creation_date as deployment_date, u.created_by as created_by, u.last_update_date as updated_date, u.last_updated_by as updated_by from wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_stores s, (select audit_unit_id, max(severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_messages group by audit_unit_id) m where u.store_uoid = s.store_uoid(+) and u.audit_unit_id=m.audit_unit_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS as select u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, u.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, u.store_uoid as store_uoid, u.store_name as store_name, o.tgt_store_uoid as tgt_store_uoid, o.tgt_store_name as tgt_store_name, o.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, o.object_uoid as object_uoid, ot.object_type_name as object_type, rt.symbol as object_type_symbol, o.object_name as object_name, o.parent_audit_object_id as parent_audit_object_id, o.object_version_tag as object_version_tag, o.object_number as object_number, o.number_of_objects as number_of_objects, o.number_of_scripts as number_of_scripts, u.audit_status as audit_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(u.audit_status) as audit_status_symbol, o.final_object_status as final_object_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(o.final_object_status) as final_object_status_symbol, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, 0 as elapse_time, o.creation_date as deployment_date, o.created_by as created_by, o.last_update_date as updated_date, o.last_updated_by as updated_by from wb_rt_audit_objects o, wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_def_object_types ot, rab_rt_rep_types rt, (select ao.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, max(m.severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_objects ao, wb_rt_audit_scripts s, wb_rt_audit_script_runs r, wb_rt_audit_messages m where r.audit_script_run_id=m.audit_script_run_id and s.audit_script_id=r.audit_script_id and ao.audit_object_id=s.audit_object_id group by ao.audit_object_id) m where o.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id and o.object_type_id=ot.object_type_id and rt.obj_type (+) = ot.object_type_name and o.audit_object_id=m.audit_object_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_TASKS as select t.audit_task_id as audit_task_id, u.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, s.store_id as store_id, ts.store_id as tgt_store_id, u.deployment_adapter_id as deployment_adapter_id, t.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, t.execution_store_uoid as execution_store_uoid, t.execution_operator_id as execution_operator_id, t.execution_object_uoid as exec_object_uoid, xot.object_type_name as exec_object_type_name, rt.symbol as exec_object_type_symbol, t.execution_object_store_uoid as exec_object_store_uoid, t.task_name, t.creation_date as deployment_date, t.created_by as created_by from wb_rt_audit_tasks t, wb_rt_audit_objects o, wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_def_object_types xot, rab_rt_rep_types rt, wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_stores ts where t.audit_object_id = o.audit_object_id and o.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id and xot.object_type_id = t.execution_object_type_id and rt.obj_type (+) = xot.object_type_name and u.store_uoid=s.store_uoid(+) and o.tgt_store_uoid=ts.store_uoid(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_SCRIPTS as select u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, u.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, s.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, s.audit_script_id as audit_script_id, s.action as script_action, wb_rt_constants.to_string(s.action) as script_action_symbol, s.script as script, s.script_binary as script_binary, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(s.mime_type, s.encoding_type) as format, s.mime_type as mime_type, s.encoding_type as encoding_type, s.audit_status as audit_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(s.audit_status) as audit_status_symbol, s.script_number as script_number, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, s.generation_time as generation_time, s.creation_date as deployment_date, s.created_by as created_by, s.last_update_date as updated_date, s.last_updated_by as updated_by from wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_audit_scripts s, wb_rt_audit_objects o, (select r.audit_script_id, max(m.severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_script_runs r, wb_rt_audit_messages m where r.audit_script_run_id=m.audit_script_run_id group by audit_script_id) m where s.audit_object_id=o.audit_object_id and o.audit_unit_id=u.audit_unit_id and s.audit_script_id=m.audit_script_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_SCRIPT_RUNS as select scr.audit_script_run_id as audit_script_run_id, u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, u.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, o.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, sc.audit_script_id as audit_script_id, s.store_id as store_id, ts.store_id as tgt_store_id, sc.action as script_action, wb_rt_constants.to_string(sc.action) as script_action_symbol, scr.operation as script_operation, wb_rt_constants.to_string(scr.operation) as script_operation_symbol, scr.audit_status as audit_status, wb_rt_constants.to_string(scr.audit_status) as audit_status_symbol, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, scr.elapse as elapse_time, scr.external_audit_id as external_audit_id, scr.creation_date as deployment_date, scr.created_by as created_by, scr.last_update_date as updated_date, scr.last_updated_by as updated_by from wb_rt_audit_script_runs scr, wb_rt_audit_scripts sc, wb_rt_audit_objects o, wb_rt_audit_units u, wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_stores ts, (select audit_script_run_id, max(severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_messages group by audit_script_run_id) m where scr.audit_script_id = sc.audit_script_id and sc.audit_object_id = o.audit_object_id (+) and (o.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id or sc.audit_unit_id = u.audit_unit_id) and u.store_uoid=s.store_uoid(+) and o.tgt_store_uoid=ts.store_uoid(+) and scr.audit_script_run_id=m.audit_script_run_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_FCOS as select o.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, o.object_uoid as object_uoid, o.object_type as object_type, o.object_type_symbol as object_type_symbol, o.object_name as object_name, o.deployment_date as deployment_date, o.audit_status as audit_status, o.audit_status_symbol as audit_status_symbol, o.final_object_status as final_object_status, o.final_object_status_symbol as final_object_status_symbol, o.store_uoid as store_uoid, o.store_name as store_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS o where o.parent_audit_object_id is null with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_SCOS as select o.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, o.object_uoid as object_uoid, o.object_type as object_type, o.object_type_symbol as object_type_symbol, o.object_name as object_name, o.parent_audit_object_id as parent_audit_object_id, o.deployment_date as deployment_date, o.audit_status as audit_status, o.audit_status_symbol as audit_status_symbol, o.final_object_status as final_object_status, o.final_object_status_symbol as final_object_status_symbol, o.store_uoid as store_uoid, o.store_name as store_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS o where o.parent_audit_object_id is not null with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_UNIT_MESSAGES as select u.audit_deployment_id as audit_deployment_id, m.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, m.audit_message_id as audit_message_id, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, m.creation_date as created_on, l.line_number as line_number, l.plain_text as line_text from wb_rt_audit_messages m, wb_rt_audit_message_lines l, wb_rt_audit_units u where m.audit_message_id = l.audit_message_id and m.audit_unit_id =u.audit_unit_id with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_SCRIPT_RUN_MESSAGES as select s.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, m.audit_script_run_id as audit_script_run_id, m.audit_message_id as audit_message_id, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, m.creation_date as created_on, l.line_number as line_number, l.plain_text as line_text from wb_rt_audit_messages m, wb_rt_audit_message_lines l, wb_rt_audit_script_runs sr, wb_rt_audit_scripts s where m.audit_message_id = l.audit_message_id and m.audit_script_run_id = sr.audit_script_run_id and sr.audit_script_id = s.audit_script_id with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_EXECUTION_MESSAGES as select m.audit_execution_id as audit_execution_id, m.audit_message_id as audit_message_id, m.severity as severity, wb_rt_constants.to_string(m.severity) as severity_symbol, m.creation_date as created_on, l.line_number as line_number, l.plain_text as line_text from wb_rt_audit_messages m, wb_rt_audit_message_lines l, wb_rt_audit_executions e where m.audit_message_id = l.audit_message_id and m.audit_execution_id = e.audit_execution_id and m.audit_message_id not in (select nvl(rtm_id,0) from wb_rt_errors) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_PROCESSES as select o.audit_object_id as audit_process_id, o.object_uoid as process_uoid, o.object_type as process_type, o.object_type_symbol as process_type_symbol, o.object_name as process_name, o.deployment_date as deployment_date, o.audit_status as audit_status, o.audit_status_symbol as audit_status_symbol, o.parent_audit_object_id as parent_audit_object_id, o.store_uoid as store_uoid, o.store_name as store_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS o, RAB_RT_REP_TYPES r where upper(o.object_type) = upper(r.obj_type) AND r.rep_type = 'RTProcess' with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_ACTIVITIES as select o.audit_object_id as audit_activity_id, o.object_uoid as activity_uoid, o.object_type as activity_type, o.object_type_symbol as activity_type_symbol, o.object_name as activity_name, o.deployment_date as deployment_date, o.audit_status as audit_status, o.audit_status_symbol as audit_status_symbol, o.store_uoid as store_uoid, o.store_name as store_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS o, RAB_RT_REP_TYPES r where upper(o.object_type) = upper(r.obj_type) AND r.rep_type = 'RTMap' with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_DATA_OBJECTS as select o.audit_object_id as audit_data_object_id, o.object_uoid as object_uoid, o.object_type as object_type, o.object_type_symbol as object_type_symbol, o.object_name as object_name, o.deployment_date as deployment_date, o.audit_status as audit_status, o.audit_status_symbol as audit_status_symbol, o.store_uoid as store_uoid, o.store_name as store_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_FCOS o, RAB_RT_REP_TYPES r where upper(o.object_type) = upper(r.obj_type) and r.rep_type = 'RTDataObject' with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_PROCESS_COMPS as select p.process_name as process_name, p.process_uoid as process_uoid, o.object_type as component_type, o.object_type_symbol as component_type_symbol, o.object_uoid as component_uoid, o.object_name as component_name from RAB_RT_AUDIT_PROCESSES p, RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECTS o where o.parent_audit_object_id=p.audit_process_id with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_EXECUTION_FILES as select f.audit_execution_id as audit_execution_id, f.audit_file_id as file_id, f.file_text as file_clob, f.file_binary as file_blob, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(f.mime_type, f.encoding_type) as format, f.mime_type as mime_type, f.encoding_type as encoding_type, ft.file_type_name as file_type, rt.symbol as file_type_symbol, f.creation_date as created_on from wb_rt_audit_files f, wb_rt_def_file_types ft, rab_rt_file_types rt where f.audit_execution_id is not null and f.file_type_id = ft.file_type_id and rt.type (+) = ft.file_type_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_UNIT_FILES as select f.audit_unit_id as audit_unit_id, f.audit_file_id as file_id, f.file_text as file_clob, f.file_binary as file_blob, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(f.mime_type, f.encoding_type) as format, f.mime_type as mime_type, f.encoding_type as encoding_type, ft.file_type_name as file_type, rt.symbol as file_type_symbol, f.creation_date as created_on from wb_rt_audit_files f, wb_rt_def_file_types ft, rab_rt_file_types rt where f.audit_unit_id is not null and f.file_type_id = ft.file_type_id and rt.type (+) = ft.file_type_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_SCRIPT_RUN_FILES as select s.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, f.audit_file_id as file_id, f.file_text as file_clob, f.file_binary as file_blob, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(f.mime_type, f.encoding_type) as format, f.mime_type as mime_type, f.encoding_type as encoding_type, ft.file_type_name as file_type, rt.symbol as file_type_symbol, f.creation_date as created_on from wb_rt_audit_files f, wb_rt_audit_script_runs sr, wb_rt_audit_scripts s, wb_rt_def_file_types ft, rab_rt_file_types rt where f.audit_script_run_id=sr.audit_script_run_id and sr.audit_script_id = s.audit_script_id and f.file_type_id = ft.file_type_id and rt.type (+) = ft.file_type_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_OBJECT_SCRIPTS as select o.audit_object_id as audit_object_id, o.object_uoid as object_uoid, s.audit_script_id as audit_script_id, s.script as script, s.script_binary as script_binary, wb_rt_constants.FORMAT_TYPE(s.mime_type, s.encoding_type) as format, s.mime_type as mime_type, s.encoding_type as encoding_type from wb_rt_audit_scripts s, wb_rt_audit_objects o where s.audit_object_id = o.audit_object_id with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_TASK_PARAMETERS as select t.task_name as task_name, t.task_id as task_id, p.parameter_name as parameter_name, p.parameter_type as parameter_type, wb_rt_constants.to_string(p.parameter_type) as parameter_type_symbol, p.parameter_mode as parameter_mode, wb_rt_constants.to_string(p.parameter_mode) as parameter_mode_symbol, p.parameter_scope as parameter_scope, wb_rt_constants.to_string(p.parameter_scope) as parameter_scope_symbol, d.bound_to_name as bound_to_name, d.bound_to_kind as bound_to_kind, wb_rt_constants.to_string(d.bound_to_kind) as bound_to_kind_symbol, d.bound_to_scope as bound_to_scope, wb_rt_constants.to_string(d.bound_to_scope) as bound_to_scope_symbol, decode(p.is_required, 0, 'true', 'false') as ismandatory, p.type_length as type_length, p.type_scale as type_scale, p.type_precision as type_precision, d.value_kind as default_value_kind, d.clob_value as default_clob_value, d.value as default_value from wb_rt_tasks t, wb_rt_task_custom_parameters p, wb_rt_task_parameter_defaults d where t.task_id = p.task_id and p.custom_parameter_id=d.custom_parameter_id(+) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_LOCATION_PARAMETERS as select s.store_type_name as store_type, rt.symbol as store_type_symbol, s.store_type_version as store_type_version, p.parameter_name as parameter_name, pn.symbol as parameter_name_symbol from wb_rt_def_store_types s, wb_rt_def_store_type_params p, rab_rt_store_types rt, rab_rt_store_param_names pn where s.store_type_id = p.store_type_id and rt.type (+) = s.store_type_name and (+) = p.parameter_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_AUDIT_LOCATION_PARAMS as select s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, s.store_name as store_name, st.store_type_name as store_type, rt.symbol as store_type_symbol, st.store_type_version as store_type_version, p.parameter_name as parameter_name, pn.symbol as parameter_name_symbol, p.parameter_value as parameter_value, p.access_restricted as access_restricted from wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_def_store_types st, wb_rtv_store_parameters p, rab_rt_store_types rt, rab_rt_store_param_names pn where s.store_id = p.store_id and st.store_type_id=s.store_type_id and rt.type (+) = st.store_type_name and (+) = p.parameter_name with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_STORE_PARAMS as select s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, p.parameter_name as param_name, d.display_name as param_display_name, p.parameter_value as param_value, p.access_restricted as access_restricted, p.store_parameter_id as store_param_id from wb_rt_stores s, wb_rtv_store_parameters p, wb_rt_def_store_type_params d where s.store_uoid != '{0}' and p.store_id = s.store_id and d.store_type_id = s.store_type_id and d.parameter_name = p.parameter_name union select s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, n.p_name as param_name, n.p_display as param_display_name, n.p_value as param_value, 0 as access_restricted, 0 as store_param_id from wb_rt_stores s, (select 'Host' p_name, 'Host' p_display, host p_value from wb_rtv_service_nodes where node_id in (select min(node_id) from wb_rtv_service_nodes) union select 'Port' p_name, 'Port' p_display, to_char(port) p_value from wb_rtv_service_nodes where node_id in (select min(node_id) from wb_rtv_service_nodes) union select 'Service' p_name, 'Service' p_display, service_name p_value from wb_rtv_service_nodes where node_id in (select min(node_id) from wb_rtv_service_nodes)) n where s.store_uoid = '{0}' with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_STORE_DETAILS as select s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, s.store_name as store_name, t.store_type_name as store_type_name, t.display_name as store_type_display_name, t.store_type_version as store_type_version, d.creation_date as last_dep_date, ph.param_value as par_host, pp.param_value as par_port, ps.param_value as par_service, pn.param_value as par_netservicename, pr.param_value as par_rootpath, pu.param_value as par_user, pc.param_value as par_connectas, decode(pn.param_value, null, decode(ph.param_value, null, decode(pr.param_value, null, null, decode(, null, pr.param_value, '[' || || ']:' || pr.param_value)), decode(pr.param_value, null, ph.param_value || ':' || pp.param_value || ':' || ps.param_value, ph.param_value || ':' || pr.param_value)), pn.param_value) as service_description, s.is_deployment_target as is_deployment_target from wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_def_store_types t, wb_rt_audit_deployments d, (select store_uoid, max(audit_deployment_id) max_dep_id from wb_rt_audit_units group by store_uoid) x, rab_rt_store_params ph, rab_rt_store_params pp, rab_rt_store_params ps, rab_rt_store_params pn, rab_rt_store_params pr, rab_rt_store_params pu, rab_rt_store_params pc, wb_rtv_service_nodes sn where t.store_type_id = s.store_type_id and x.store_uoid (+) = s.store_uoid and d.audit_deployment_id (+) = x.max_dep_id and ph.store_id (+) = s.store_id and ph.param_name (+) = 'Host' and pp.store_id (+) = s.store_id and pp.param_name (+) = 'Port' and ps.store_id (+) = s.store_id and ps.param_name (+) = 'Service' and pn.store_id (+) = s.store_id and pn.param_name (+) = 'NetServiceName' and pr.store_id (+) = s.store_id and pr.param_name (+) = 'RootPath' and pu.store_id (+) = s.store_id and pu.param_name (+) = 'User' and pc.store_id (+) = s.store_id and pc.param_name (+) = 'ConnectAs' and sn.node_id in (select min(node_id) from wb_rtv_service_nodes) with read only; create or replace view RAB_RT_WH_OBJECTS as select w.warehouse_object_id as wh_object_id, w.object_uoid as object_uoid, w.object_name as object_name, w.object_qname as object_qname, ot.object_type_name as object_type, upper(REPLACE(REPLACE(ot.object_type_name,' ','_'),'/','_')) as object_type_symbol, w.object_status as object_status, w.sub_objects_valid as sub_objects_valid, w.related_objects_valid as related_objects_valid, wb_rt_constants.to_string(w.object_status) as object_status_symbol, w.version_tag as version_tag, w.parent_object_id as parent_wh_object_id, s.store_id as store_id, s.store_uoid as store_uoid, s.store_name as store_name, ts.store_id as tgt_store_id, ts.store_uoid as tgt_store_uoid, ts.store_name as tgt_store_name, decode(w.last_audit_object_id, null, null, object_deployment_status(w.last_audit_object_id)) as last_deployment_status, decode(w.last_audit_object_id, null, null, decode(object_deployment_status(w.last_audit_object_id), 0, 'OK', wb_rt_constants.to_string(object_deployment_status(w.last_audit_object_id)))) as last_deployment_status_symbol, m.severity as last_max_severity, sv.symbol as last_max_severity_symbol, a.creation_date as last_deployment_date from wb_rt_warehouse_objects w, wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_stores ts, wb_rt_def_object_types ot, wb_rt_audit_script_runs a, rab_rt_dep_severity sv, (select audit_script_run_id, max(severity) as severity from wb_rt_audit_messages group by audit_script_run_id) m where s.store_id = w.store_id and ts.store_id (+) = w.tgt_store_id and ot.object_type_id = w.object_type_id and a.audit_script_run_id (+) = w.last_audit_script_run_id and m.audit_script_run_id (+) = a.audit_script_run_id and sv.severity (+) = m.severity with read only; create or replace view wb_rtv_deployed_objects as SELECT o.metadata_info, o.OBJECT_NAME, ot.OBJECT_TYPE_name as OBJECT_TYPE, o.PARENT_OBJECT_ID, s.STORE_NAME, s.STORE_UOID, o.OBJECT_STATUS, decode(o.last_audit_object_id, null, null,object_deployment_status(o.last_audit_object_id)) as LAST_DEPLOYMENT_STATUS, o.created_on as LAST_DEPLOYMENT_DATE, o.VERSION_TAG, o.OBJECT_UOID, o.SUB_OBJECTS_VALID FROM wb_rt_warehouse_objects o, wb_rt_def_object_types ot, wb_rt_stores s, wb_rt_stores ts WHERE ot.object_type_id = o.object_type_id and s.store_id = o.store_id and ts.store_id (+) = o.tgt_store_id with read only;