begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_AUDIT CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_AUDIT_AMOUNTS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_AUDIT_STRUCT CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / -- also removes wb_rt_audit_struct_audit trigger and -- wb_rt_audit_struct_obj_ind and wb_rt_audit_struct_ref_ind indexes commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_AUDIT_DETAIL CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_OPERATOR CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_ERRORS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_ERROR_SOURCES CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_ERROR_ROWS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$WB_RT_FEEDBACK CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE WB_RT_FEEDBACK_LOCK CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE WB_RT_ROWKEY_LOCK CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE WB_RT_TEMPORARY_EXCEPTIONS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE WB_RT_TEMPORARY_TARGET CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_MAP_AUDIT_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_MAP_AUDIT_DETAIL_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_MAP_AUDIT_STRUCT_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_OPERATOR_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_ERRORS_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_ERROR_SOURCES_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_ERROR_ROWS_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_FEEDBACK_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_AUDIT_AMOUNTS_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE WB_RT_ROWKEY_SEQ'; exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate 'DROP TABLE OWB$PARALLELCHUNKINGSTATICS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; exception when others then null; end; / commit;