---This file should contain all the privileges which need to ---neccearily be granted to owb_user_role. --used to save the role name and encrypted password CREATE TABLE OWB_ROLE_INFO( repository_name VARCHAR2(30) unique, public_view_role_name VARCHAR2(30), owb_user_role_name VARCHAR2(30), owb_user_role_enabling_pwd RAW(2000) -- owb_user_role_enabling_pwd VARCHAR2(200) ); --sept 27,06: need to create a tab to record user's conn info so if a user is connected, another session should not drop it... create table USER_LOGIN_INFO( user_name varchar2(30) not null, inst_id number not null, sid number not null, SERIAL# NUMBER not null, logon_time VARCHAR2(30) not null, osUser VARCHAR2(512) not null, workspaceId number not null ); --should grant select to real owb user (not through owb_user_role) on the above table --create owb_user_role: this should be OWB$CLIENT --jul 31: use alter role since it is created at the owbsys creation time ALTER ROLE %owb_user_role IDENTIFIED by %pwd; --CREATE ROLE OWB$CLIENT IDENTIFIED by %pwd; --this is the public view role,name convention:OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW --fix bug 5560480 --fix bug 7417117 : make the design time view non-pwd-protected --ALTER ROLE OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW IDENTIFIED by %pwd; --CREATE ROLE OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW IDENTIFIED by %pwd; --jul 11,06: create OWB_USER role here temporarily , since UK will create it there --fix bug 5560480 --create role OWB_USER; --grant execute on wb_workspace_management to OWB_USER; --grant select on workspace_assignment to OWB_USER; --create a type of COLLECTION to pass privileges as an array to --pl/sql pkg procedures... --CREATE TYPE ObjectUOIDArray AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255); --create type PRIVSLISTS AS VARRAY(200) OF VARCHAR2(200); --. --run --sec_stringlist is generic string list --note varray the max size can be up to a maximum integer(2147483647) create type SEC_STRINGLIST AS VARRAY(10000) OF VARCHAR2(200); --create type USERIDLIST AS VARRAY(200) OF VARCHAR2(200); --. --run -- originally we want to create sec_objectinfo as a type to capture --into which will return when do security check cascade, but find that --it's there is a bug (an SQL internal error exception )when retrieve --array from ARRAY object by non-repos owner user. hence have to --change to just declare an array of plain type(string). --CREATE TYPE SEC_OBJECTINFO AS OBJECT ( -- object_id NUMBER(9), -- object_uoid VARCHAR2(255), -- object_name VARCHAR2(255), -- object_classname VARCHAR2(255) --); --CREATE TYPE SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST IS VARRAY(1000) OF SEC_OBJECTINFO; --note varray the max size can be up to a maximum integer(2147483647) CREATE TYPE SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST IS VARRAY(200000) OF VARCHAR2(400); --CREATE TYPE SECCHECK_OBJECT AS OBJECT ( -- object_id NUMBER(9), -- -1: check cascade down; 0: no cascade, 1: cascade up -- cascadeType NUMBER(9) --); --CREATE TYPE SECCHECK_OBJECTLIST IS VARRAY(500) OF SECCHECK_OBJECT; create type SEC_INTEGERLIST AS VARRAY(200000) OF NUMBER(9); -- definition of cascade type: -1: only cascade down; 0: no cascade; 1: cascade up; 2: cascade up+cascade down --create type SEC_CASCADETYPELIST AS VARRAY(500) OF NUMBER(9); create type SEC_UOIDLIST AS VARRAY(10000) OF VARCHAR2(255); --for public view performance, introduce a lookup table create table FCO_READ_LOOKUP( FCOID number(9), privilegeOwnerID number(9)); --create index IDX_FCO_READ_LOOKUP_PRIVID on --FCO_READ_LOOKUP(privilegeOwnerID) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS --tablespace %tndex; --create index IDX_FCO_READ_LOOKUP_FCOID on --FCO_READ_LOOKUP(FCOID) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS --tablespace %tndex; --to speed up FCO lookup from SCO,introduce following indx: --comment out for fix bug: 4561758 --create index IDX_SCOFCOID on CMPSCOClasses(r_11) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS tablespace %tndex; --create index IDX_SCOCfgFCOID on CMPSCOCfgClasses(r_11) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS tablespace %tndex; --create index IDX_SCOMapFCOID on CMPSCOMapClasses(r_11) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS tablespace %tndex; --create index IDX_SCOPrpFCOID on CMPSCOPrpClasses(r_11) PARALLEL NOLOGGING COMPRESS tablespace %tndex; --create table to contain sys id and name mapping for public view of --sys priv purpose create table SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB( sysPrivId number(9) unique, sysPrivName varchar2(200) unique); --create some type for public view of sys priv CREATE or replace TYPE priv_t AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(100)); / create or replace type privList as table of priv_t; / create table OBJ_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB( objPrivId number(9) unique, objPrivName varchar2(200) unique); --seed the obsoleted sys priv for paris create table obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name varchar2(255)); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_USER'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_ROLE'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_ACLCONTAINER'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('SNAPSHOT_RESTORE'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('RUNTIME_EXECUTE'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('SOURCE_IMPORT'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('BRIDGE_EXPORT'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('BRIDGE_IMPORT'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('MDL_EXPORT'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('MDL_IMPORT'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('DEPLOY'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_USER'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_MIVDEFINITION'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTE'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOY'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CONTROL_CENTER_ADMIN'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_USERCONFIGTEMPLATESET'); insert into obsolete_sys_privs(obsolete_sys_name) values('CREATE_EXTENSIONMODEL'); commit; --seed the obseleted obj priv for paris create table obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name varchar2(255)); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('CREATE'); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('DELETE'); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('REFERENCE'); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('VERSION'); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('GENERATION'); insert into obsolete_obj_privs(obsolete_obj_name) values('VALIDATE'); commit; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES AS FUNCTION CUR_USERID return NUMBER; FUNCTION IS_CUR_USER_ADMIN return NUMBER; FUNCTION GetSysPrivNames(accessCharSet varchar2) RETURN privList pipelined; FUNCTION GetObjPrivNames(accessCharSet varchar2) RETURN privList pipelined; PROCEDURE grant_access_publicview_priv(granting number, userName varchar2); END SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES IS m_isUserInfoInited number :=0; m_userId number:=0; m_isUserAdmin number :=0; PROCEDURE init AS theUserName varchar2(30); BEGIN select user into theUserName from dual; select elementid into m_userId from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(theUserName); --now do the is admin info select count(*) into m_isUserAdmin from cmpwbrole_v r, CMPRoleAssignment_v a where a.wbuser = m_userId and r.elementid = a.wbrole and r.isAdmin ='1'; m_isUserInfoInited :=1; -- initialized EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20001, 'SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END init; FUNCTION IS_CUR_USER_ADMIN return NUMBER IS BEGIN if(m_isUserInfoInited = 0) then init; end if; return m_isUserAdmin; EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20001, 'SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END IS_CUR_USER_ADMIN; FUNCTION CUR_USERID return NUMBER IS BEGIN if(m_isUserInfoInited = 0) then init; end if; return m_userId; EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20001, 'SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END CUR_USERID; FUNCTION GetSysPrivNames(accessCharSet varchar2) RETURN privList pipelined AS input_len number; sys_id number; sys_name varchar2(255); bitChar CHAR(1); max_sys_id number; isObsolete number; BEGIN if(accessCharSet is null) then --pipe row(sysPriv_t(NULL)); if do this, caller will get one --row with content NULL, this is not good return; -- if just return, caller will not get anything, this is correct end if; input_len:=LENGTH(accessCharSet); select max(sysPrivId) into max_sys_id from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB ; for i in 1..input_len loop exit when i > (max_sys_id+1); -- id is less 1 than position bitChar:=SUBSTR(accessCharSet,i,1); --substr(pos,length) if(bitChar='0') then null; else begin select sysPrivId, sysPrivName into sys_id, sys_name from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where sysPrivId = i-1; select count(*) into isObsolete from obsolete_sys_privs where obsolete_sys_name = sys_name; if(isObsolete > 0) then null; --nothing else pipe row(priv_t(sys_name)); end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; end if; end loop; EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20001,'SecurityPublicViewUtil found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end GetSysPrivNames; FUNCTION GetObjPrivNames(accessCharSet varchar2) RETURN privList pipelined AS input_len number; obj_id number; obj_name varchar2(255); bitChar CHAR(1); max_obj_id number; isObsolete number; BEGIN if(accessCharSet is null) then --pipe row(sysPriv_t(NULL)); if do this, caller will get one --row with content NULL, this is not good return; -- if just return, caller will not get anything, this is correct end if; input_len:=LENGTH(accessCharSet); select max(objPrivId) into max_obj_id from OBJ_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB ; for i in 1..input_len loop exit when i > (max_obj_id+1); -- id is less 1 than position bitChar:=SUBSTR(accessCharSet,i,1); --substr(pos,length) if(bitChar='0') then null; else begin select objPrivId, objPrivName into obj_id, obj_name from OBJ_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where objPrivId = i-1; select count(*) into isObsolete from obsolete_obj_privs where obsolete_obj_name = obj_name; if(isObsolete > 0) then null; --nothing else pipe row(priv_t(obj_name)); end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; end if; end loop; EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20000,'SecurityPublicViewUtil found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end GetObjPrivNames; PROCEDURE grant_access_publicview_priv(granting number, userName varchar2) as stmt varchar2(2000); begin if(granting = 0) then stmt:= 'revoke EXECUTE on start_access_publicview from '||sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(userName,false); else stmt:='grant EXECUTE on start_access_publicview to '||sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(userName,false); end if; -- execute immediate stmt; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then if sqlcode <> -1927 then raise_application_error(-20002,'SecurityPublicViewUtil found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end if; end grant_access_publicview_priv; END SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES; / ---since if join the base table and fco_read_lookup table, there could --- have dup rows due to a user or a role of user can read that ---obj. but for CLOB we can not use distinct key word, hence here we ---create a view which uniquely identify a user can read a obj or not ---through himself or a role --UNIION the privowner to let admin can see all the users info create or replace view FCO_READ_LOOKUP_V (fcoId ) as ( select distinct l.fcoId from FCO_READ_LOOKUP l where l.privilegeOwnerId = SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES.CUR_USERID or l.PRIVILEGEOWNERID in(select wbrole from CMPRoleAssignment_V where wbuser= SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES.CUR_USERID) UNION ALL select distinct elementid from cmpprivilegeowner_v where SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES.IS_CUR_USER_ADMIN =1 );