CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Snapshot AS -- Keep track of debug state. debugFlag BOOLEAN := FALSE; debugUser NUMBER(5) := 0; debugSeq NUMBER(11) := 0; -- Keep track of Oracle DB version. Needed to avoid Subquery factoring syntax for some versions. ORACLE_VERSION VARCHAR2(64); -- this section specifies compare dml constants across snapshots COMPARE_INSERT_STATE NUMBER(1):= 0; COMPARE_DELETE_STATE NUMBER(1):= 1; COMPARE_UPDATE_STATE NUMBER(1):= 2; COMPARE_UNKNOWN_STATE NUMBER(1):= 9; -- this section specifies comparison states on the same object SAME NUMBER(1):= 0; DIFFERENT NUMBER(1):= 1; SUCCESS NUMBER(1):= 0; -- follow two consts switch target depending upon CURRENT - SNAPSHOT or -- SNAPSHOT - CURRENT CURRENT_MINUS_SNAPSHOT NUMBER(1):= 0; SNAPSHOT_MINUS_CURRENT NUMBER(1):= 1; -- this section specifies the constants for restoring the parents RESTOREPARENTS NUMBER(1):= 0; COMPARE_LABEL_ID NUMBER(1):= 0; -- following section specifies which structure to pick -- depending upon transient or persistent snapshot SNAPSHOT_LOOKUP_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) := 'SNAPSHOTLOOKUP'; SNAPSHOT_LOOKUP_TABLE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'SNAPSHOTLOOKUPTEMP'; COMPARE_STORE_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESTORE'; COMPARE_STORE_TABLE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESTORETEMP'; COMPARE_STORE_MGR_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESTOREMANAGER'; COMPARE_STORE_MGR_TABLE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESTOREMANAGERTEMP'; SNAPSHOT_STORE_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) := 'SNAPSHOTSTORETABLE'; SNAPSHOT_STORE_TABLE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'SNAPSHOTSTORETABLETEMP'; LWCONTEXT_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWCONTEXT'; LWCONTEXT_TABLE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWCONTEXTTEMP'; LWGRAPH_VIEW VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWGRAPH'; LWGRAPH_VIEW_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWGRAPHTEMP'; LWCOMPTREE_VIEW VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWCOMPTREE'; LWCOMPTREE_VIEW_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'LWCOMPTREETEMP'; COMPARE_SEQUENCE VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESEQUENCE'; COMPARE_SEQUENCE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'COMPARESEQUENCETEMP'; SNAPSHOT_SEQUENCE VARCHAR2(30) := 'CWMSEQ'; SNAPSHOT_SEQUENCE_T VARCHAR2(30) := 'SNAPSHOTSEQUENCETEMP'; VIEW_CMPELEMENT_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPELEMENT_V'; VIEW_CMPELEMENT_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPELEMENT'; VIEW_CMPPHYSICALOBJECT_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPPHYSICALOBJECT_V'; VIEW_CMPPHYSICALOBJECT_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPPHYSICALOBJECT'; VIEW_CMPWBPROJECT_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPWBPROJECT_V'; VIEW_CMPWBPROJECT_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPWBPROJECT'; VIEW_FIRSTCLASSOBJECT_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'FIRSTCLASSOBJECT_V'; VIEW_FIRSTCLASSOBJECT_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'FIRSTCLASSOBJECT'; VIEW_SECONDCLASSOBJECT_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'SECONDCLASSOBJECT_V'; VIEW_SECONDCLASSOBJECT_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'SECONDCLASSOBJECT'; VIEW_CMPFUNCTION_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPFUNCTION_V'; VIEW_CMPFUNCTION_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPFUNCTION'; VIEW_CMPREFPROPVALUE_V VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPREFERENCEPROPERTYVALUE_V'; VIEW_CMPREFPROPVALUE_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'CMPREFERENCEPROPERTYVALUE'; VIEW_PCTREE VARCHAR2(30) := 'PCTREE'; VIEW_PCTREE_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'PCTREEDEBUG'; VIEW_INTRALINK VARCHAR2(30) := 'INTRALINK'; VIEW_INTRALINK_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'INTRALINKDEBUG'; VIEW_INTERLINK VARCHAR2(30) := 'INTERLINK'; VIEW_INTERLINK_X VARCHAR2(30) := 'INTERLINKDEBUG'; FUNCTION getSnapshotLookupTable(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return SNAPSHOT_LOOKUP_TABLE_T; else return SNAPSHOT_LOOKUP_TABLE; end if; END getSnapshotLookupTable; FUNCTION getCompareStoreMgrTable(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return COMPARE_STORE_MGR_TABLE_T; else return COMPARE_STORE_MGR_TABLE; end if; END getCompareStoreMgrTable; FUNCTION getCompareStoreTable(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return COMPARE_STORE_TABLE_T; else return COMPARE_STORE_TABLE; end if; END getCompareStoreTable; FUNCTION getSnapshotStoreTable(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return SNAPSHOT_STORE_TABLE_T; else return SNAPSHOT_STORE_TABLE; end if; END getSnapshotStoreTable; FUNCTION getLWContextTable(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return LWCONTEXT_TABLE_T; else return LWCONTEXT_TABLE; end if; END getLWContextTable; FUNCTION getLWGraphView(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return LWGRAPH_VIEW_T; else return LWGRAPH_VIEW; end if; END getLWGraphView; FUNCTION getLWCompTreeView(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return LWCOMPTREE_VIEW_T; else return LWCOMPTREE_VIEW; end if; END getLWCompTreeView; FUNCTION getCompareSeq(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return COMPARE_SEQUENCE_T; else return COMPARE_SEQUENCE; end if; END getCompareSeq; FUNCTION getSnapshotSeq(transient IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (transient = TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT) then return SNAPSHOT_SEQUENCE_T; else return SNAPSHOT_SEQUENCE; end if; END getSnapshotSeq; FUNCTION getCMPElement(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_CMPELEMENT_V; else return VIEW_CMPELEMENT_X; end if; END getCMPElement; FUNCTION getCMPPhysicalObject(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_CMPPHYSICALOBJECT_V; else return VIEW_CMPPHYSICALOBJECT_X; end if; END getCMPPhysicalObject; FUNCTION getCMPWBProject(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_CMPWBPROJECT_V; else return VIEW_CMPWBPROJECT_X; end if; END getCMPWBProject; FUNCTION getCMPFunction(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_CMPFUNCTION_V; else return VIEW_CMPFUNCTION_X; end if; END getCMPFunction; FUNCTION getCMPReferencePropertyValue(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_CMPREFPROPVALUE_V; else return VIEW_CMPREFPROPVALUE_X; end if; END getCMPReferencePropertyValue; FUNCTION getFirstClassObject(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_FIRSTCLASSOBJECT_V; else return VIEW_FIRSTCLASSOBJECT_X; end if; END getFirstClassObject; FUNCTION getSecondClassObject(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_SECONDCLASSOBJECT_V; else return VIEW_SECONDCLASSOBJECT_X; end if; END getSecondClassObject; FUNCTION getPCTree(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_PCTREE; else return VIEW_PCTREE_X; end if; END getPCTree; FUNCTION getIntraLink(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_INTRALINK; else return VIEW_INTRALINK_X; end if; END getIntraLink; FUNCTION getInterLink(current IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then return VIEW_INTERLINK; else return VIEW_INTERLINK_X; end if; END getInterLink; FUNCTION getCMPElementLcBlock(baseview IN VARCHAR2, hintindex IN VARCHAR2, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; extra VARCHAR2(100) := ''; BEGIN if (hintindex is not null) then extra := 'index(' || baseview || ', ' || hintindex || ')'; end if; block := ' select /*+ordered use_nl(cmp1) ' || extra || '*/'|| ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid,' || ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,' || ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, cmp1.elementid, cmp1.uoid,' || ' lc.linktorole,, cmp1.logicalname, cmp1.classname,'|| ' ' || assoc || ', lc.uoid, cmp1.uoid'|| ' from lc, ' || baseview ||' cmp1' || ' where cmp1.elementid = lc.linkto'; return block; END getCMPElementLcBlock; FUNCTION getCMPElementLcUnion(current IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(4000) := ''; BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then block := getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPFCOElement_V', 'idx_FCOElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPSCOElement_V', 'idx_SCOElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPSCOCfgElement_V', 'idx_SCOCfgElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPSCOMapElement_V', 'idx_SCOMapElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPSCOPrpElement_V', 'idx_SCOPrpElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementLcBlock('CMPSYSElement_V', 'idx_SYSElementid', snap, assoc); else block := getCMPElementLcBlock(getCMPElement(current), '', snap, assoc); end if; return block; END getCMPElementLcUnion; FUNCTION getCMPElementTpBlock(baseview IN VARCHAR2, hintindex IN VARCHAR2, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; extra VARCHAR2(100) := ''; BEGIN if (hintindex is not null) then extra := 'index(' || baseview || ', ' || hintindex || ')'; end if; block := ' select /*+ordered use_nl(cmp) ' || extra || '*/'|| ' ' || snap || ',' || ' tp.compuoid, tp.type, tp.elementid, tp.rootid, tp.uoid, tp.childrole,, ' || ' tp.logicalName, tp.classname, tp.metadatasignature, tp.objtype,' || ' cmp.elementid, cmp.uoid, tp.parentrole,, ' || ' cmp.logicalname, cmp.classname, ' || assoc || ',' || ' tp.uoid, cmp.uoid from tp, ' || baseview || ' cmp ' || ' where cmp.elementid = tp.parentid'; return block; END getCMPElementTpBlock; FUNCTION getCMPElementTpUnion(current IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(4000) := ''; BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then block := getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPFCOElement_V', 'idx_FCOElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPSCOElement_V', 'idx_SCOElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPSCOCfgElement_V', 'idx_SCOCfgElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPSCOMapElement_V', 'idx_SCOMapElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPSCOPrpElement_V', 'idx_SCOPrpElementid', snap, assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTpBlock('CMPSYSElement_V', 'idx_SYSElementid', snap, assoc); else block := getCMPElementTpBlock(getCMPElement(current), '', snap, assoc); end if; return block; END getCMPElementTpUnion; FUNCTION getCMPElementTxBlock(baseview IN VARCHAR2, hintindex IN VARCHAR2, current IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; extra VARCHAR2(100) := ''; BEGIN if (hintindex is not null) then extra := 'index(' || baseview || ', ' || hintindex || ')'; end if; block := ' select /*+ordered use_nl(p cmp) ' || extra || '*/'|| ' ' || snap || ',' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid, p.childrole,, ' || ' t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' cmp.elementid, cmp.uoid, p.parentrole,, ' || ' cmp.logicalname, cmp.classname, ' || assoc || ',' || ' t.uoid, cmp.uoid from temptable t, ' || getPCTree(current) || ' p, ' || baseview || ' cmp ' || ' where p.childid(+) = t.elementid and cmp.elementid = p.parentid '; return block; END getCMPElementTxBlock; FUNCTION getCMPElementTxUnion(current IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER, assoc IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS block VARCHAR2(4000) := ''; BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then block:= getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPFCOElement_V','idx_FCOElementid',current, snap,assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPSCOElement_V','idx_SCOElementid',current, snap,assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPSCOCfgElement_V','idx_SCOCfgElementid', current,snap,assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPSCOMapElement_V','idx_SCOMapElementid', current,snap,assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPSCOPrpElement_V','idx_SCOPrpElementid', current,snap,assoc) || ' union all' || getCMPElementTxBlock('CMPSYSElement_V','idx_SYSElementid',current, snap,assoc); else block:= getCMPElementTxBlock(getCMPElement(current),'',current,snap,assoc); end if; return block; END getCMPElementTxUnion; FUNCTION isSubQueryFactoringOK RETURN BOOLEAN IS subQueryFactoringOK BOOLEAN:= FALSE; BEGIN --Determine DB version. Subquery factoring (with ... as) syntax support/bugs depend on DB version. if (ORACLE_VERSION is null) then select version into ORACLE_VERSION from product_component_version where instr(product,'Oracle') != 0; end if; --Subquery factoring not available in 8i and is buggy in 11g Beta1. Performance is worse without it! if (substr(ORACLE_VERSION, 1, 3) = '11.' or substr(ORACLE_VERSION, 1, 3) = '10.') then subQueryFactoringOK := TRUE; elsif (substr(ORACLE_VERSION, 1, 2) = '9.') then subQueryFactoringOK := TRUE; else subQueryFactoringOK := FALSE; end if; return subQueryFactoringOK; END; FUNCTION isDebug RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN return debugFlag; END; PROCEDURE debug(str IN VARCHAR2,value IN VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN if (debugFlag) then --if (ServerLog.isOpen()) then -- ServerLog.writeLine(str || value); --dbms_output.put_line(str || value); if (debugUser = 0) then select sys_context('userenv','current_userid') into debugUser from dual; debugSeq := (debugUser * 1000000); end if; debugSeq := debugSeq + 1; insert into wb_rt_dp_debug(user_id,msg) values (debugSeq,str || value); commit; end if; END debug; /** * Some utility methods for cleaning up temporary tables * for later reuse */ PROCEDURE cleanTempTable IS BEGIN delete from temptable; END cleanTempTable; PROCEDURE cleanLWContextTemp IS BEGIN delete from LWContextTemp; END cleanLWContextTemp; PROCEDURE cleanTempFCO IS BEGIN delete from tempfco; END cleanTempFCO; PROCEDURE cleanComponent IS BEGIN delete from mcmcomponent; END cleanComponent; PROCEDURE cleanSourceTargetComponent IS BEGIN delete from SourceComponent; delete from TargetComponent; delete from CompareStoreTemp; END cleanSourceTargetComponent; PROCEDURE cleanMCMErrors IS BEGIN delete from mcmerrors; END cleanMCMErrors; FUNCTION snapshotExists(snap IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS numVar cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; BEGIN BEGIN select distinct isHeavy into numVar from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false; END; return true; END snapshotExists; FUNCTION elemExists(elemID IN NUMBER,isVersion IN BOOLEAN default false, snap IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN BOOLEAN IS uoidStr cmpelement_v.uoid%TYPE; BEGIN if (isVersion) then BEGIN select uoid into uoidStr from cmpelement_x where (snapshotid = snap or snapshotid = 0) and elementid = elemID; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false; END; return true; else BEGIN select uoid into uoidStr from cmpelement_v where elementid = elemID; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false; END; return true; end if; END elemExists; FUNCTION elemExists(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2,isVersion IN BOOLEAN default false, snap IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN BOOLEAN IS elemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; BEGIN if (isVersion) then BEGIN select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_x where snapshotid = snap and uoid = uoidStr; select isHeavy into elemID from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap and uoid = uoidStr; select isRoot into elemID from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap and uoid = uoidStr; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false; END; return true; else BEGIN select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_v where uoid = uoidStr; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false; END; return true; end if; END elemExists; /** * This gets the snapshot id assigned for the snapshot name * @param labelStr snapshot name * @param transient 0 if persistent snapshot * 1 if transient snapshot * @return snapshot ID the snapshot id associated with the name */ FUNCTION getSnapshotID(labelStr IN VARCHAR2,transient IN NUMBER, description IN VARCHAR2,isHeavy IN NUMBER, snapType IN NUMBER default RESTORE_SNAPSHOT,snap IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS snapID NUMBER(9):=0; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'select snapshotID from ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' where snapshotName = :labelStr'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO snapID USING labelStr; return snapID; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then if (snap = 0) then sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' values (' || getSnapshotSeq(transient) || '.nextval, sys_guid(), :labelStr, sysdate, sysdate, ' || ' :description , :currentUser, :currentUser, :isHeavy, ' || ' :snapType)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING labelStr,description, currentUser,currentUser,isHeavy,snapType; else sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' values ( :snap, sys_guid(), :labelStr, sysdate, sysdate, ' || ' :description , :currentUser, :currentUser, :isHeavy, ' || ' :snapType)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING snap,labelStr,description, currentUser,currentUser,isHeavy,snapType; end if; if (snap = 0) then sql_stmt := 'select snapshotID from ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' where snapshotName = :labelStr'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO snapID USING labelStr; else snapID:= snap; end if; return snapID; END getSnapshotID; FUNCTION isFirstClassObject(elemID IN NUMBER,current IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vElemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; type cType is ref cursor; c cType; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from firstclassobject_v where elementid = ' || elemID; else sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from firstclassobject where elementid = ' || elemID; end if; debug('Snapshot.isFirstClassObject: sql_stmt = ',sql_stmt); open c for sql_stmt; fetch c into vElemID; if (c%NOTFOUND) then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; return TRUE; END isFirstClassObject; FUNCTION isSecondClassObject(elemID IN NUMBER,current IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vElemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; type cType is ref cursor; c cType; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from secondclassobject_v where elementid = ' || elemID; else sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from secondclassobject where elementid = ' || elemID; end if; open c for sql_stmt; fetch c into vElemID; if (c%NOTFOUND) then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; return TRUE; END isSecondClassObject; FUNCTION isFunction(elemID IN NUMBER,current IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vElemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; type cType is ref cursor; c cType; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN if (current = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from cmpfunction_v where elementid = ' || elemID; else sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from cmpfunction where elementid = ' || elemID; end if; open c for sql_stmt; fetch c into vElemID; if (c%NOTFOUND) then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; return TRUE; END isFunction; FUNCTION isAdminProject(elemID IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vElemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; type cType is ref cursor; c cType; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from cmpwbproject_v where name = ' || '''Admin Project'' and elementid = ' || elemID; open c for sql_stmt; fetch c into vElemID; if (c%NOTFOUND) then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; return TRUE; END isAdminProject; FUNCTION isOracleLibrary(elemID IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vElemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; type cType is ref cursor; c cType; -- -- Bug 5352671 CJS 09/08/06 -- -- sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN sql_stmt:= 'select elementid from cmpwbrepinstalledmodule_v where name = ' || '''Oracle Library'' and elementid = ' || elemID; open c for sql_stmt; fetch c into vElemID; if (c%NOTFOUND) then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; return TRUE; END isOracleLibrary; /** * This recycle all ACLContainers related to FCO with elementId = elemID. * swzhou @ 091201 for bug 7359939 */ PROCEDURE storeParentACLContainerRows(elemID IN NUMBER,isCascade IN NUMBER, isCurrent IN NUMBER) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); uoidStr VARCHAR2(400); BEGIN debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','Casade = ' || TO_CHAR(isCascade)); if (isFirstClassObject(elemID,isCurrent)) then sql_stmt:= 'insert into temptable' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || 'elementid,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPACLContainer_v ' || ' where elementid in (select ACLCONTAINER from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = ' || elemID || ' connect by prior elementid = owningfolder) and elementid not in (select elementid from temptable)'; end if; --debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: sql_stmt = ',sql_stmt); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; if (isDebug()) then debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','TempTable contents'); for c in (select * from temptable) loop debug(' elementid = ' || c.elementid || ' name = ' || || ' classname = ' || c.classname || ' uoid = ' || c.uoid || ' rootid = ' || c.rootid, ''); end loop; end if; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','no data found for elementid = ' || TO_CHAR(elemID)); END storeParentACLContainerRows; /** * This recycle all ACLContainers related to FCO with elementId = elemID. * swzhou @ 091201 for bug 7359939 */ PROCEDURE storeChildrenACLContainerRows(elemID IN NUMBER,isCascade IN NUMBER, isCurrent IN NUMBER) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); uoidStr VARCHAR2(400); BEGIN debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','Casade = ' || TO_CHAR(isCascade)); if (isFirstClassObject(elemID,isCurrent)) then sql_stmt:= 'insert into temptable' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || 'elementid,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPACLContainer_v ' || ' where elementid in (select ACLCONTAINER from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = ' || elemID || ' connect by prior owningfolder = elementid) and elementid not in (select elementid from temptable)'; end if; --debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: sql_stmt = ',sql_stmt); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; if (isDebug()) then debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','TempTable contents'); for c in (select * from temptable) loop debug(' elementid = ' || c.elementid || ' name = ' || || ' classname = ' || c.classname || ' uoid = ' || c.uoid || ' rootid = ' || c.rootid, ''); end loop; end if; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then debug('Snapshot.storeACLContainerRows: ','no data found for elementid = ' || TO_CHAR(elemID)); END storeChildrenACLContainerRows; /** * This stores the rows of the objects into a temporary table. * It assumes that entities will have one and only one FCO and folders * are the only ones that can own other FCOs. * @param elemID element id of the FCO * @param isCascade if 0 then get all owned component FCOs and SCOs * if 1 then only get owned SCOs * April 14,2004:sochen: change code to support ACL Container */ PROCEDURE storeComponentRows(elemID IN NUMBER,isCascade IN NUMBER, isCurrent IN NUMBER) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); uoidStr VARCHAR2(400); BEGIN -- Avoid push_pred hint in this block -- optimizer does better without it. -- Bug 5640660: Performance: use FirstClassObject view, not CMPElement view, when joining on FCO debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: ','Casade = ' || TO_CHAR(isCascade)); if (isFirstClassObject(elemID,isCurrent)) then /* * FCO snapshots */ debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: ','component is FCO'); if (isCascade = CASCADE_SNAPSHOT) then sql_stmt:= 'insert into temptable' || '(select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || getCMPWBProject(isCurrent) || ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPACLContainer_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPWBMIVDefinition_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPWBUser_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select' || ' sco.workspaceid,,sco.logicalname,nvl(sco.strongtypename,sco.classname) classname,sco.uoid,' || ' sco.elementid,' || elemID || ',sco.metadatasignature, cmp.uoid,' || SCO_TYPE || ',sco.completed from' || ' (select ' || ' workspaceid, name, logicalname, classname, strongtypename, uoid, elementid,' || ' metadatasignature, completed, firstclassobject from ' || getSecondClassObject(isCurrent) || ' where firstclassobject in ' || '(select elementid from ' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' start with' || ' elementid = ' || elemID || ' connect by prior elementid = owningfolder)) sco, ' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' cmp' || ' where cmp.elementid = sco.firstclassobject' || ' union all' || ' select' || ' fcos.workspaceid,, fcos.logicalname, fcos.classname, fcos.uoid,' || ' fcos.elementid, ' || elemID || ', fcos.metadatasignature, cmp.uoid,' || FCO_TYPE || ',fcos.completed from' || '(select workspaceid,name,logicalname,nvl(strongtypename,classname) classname,uoid,' || ' elementid,metadatasignature,completed,owningFolder from ' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' start with elementid=' || elemID || ' connect by prior' || ' elementid = owningfolder) fcos,' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' cmp' || ' where fcos.owningFolder = cmp.elementid and cmp.classname != ''CMPWorkspace'')'; else sql_stmt:= 'insert into temptable' || '(select ' || ' sco.workspaceid,,sco.logicalname,nvl(sco.strongtypename,sco.classname) classname,sco.uoid,' || ' sco.elementid,' || elemID ||',sco.metadatasignature, cmp.uoid,' || SCO_TYPE || ',sco.completed from ' || getSecondClassObject(isCurrent) || ' sco, ' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' cmp ' || ' where sco.firstclassobject = ' || elemID || ' and cmp.elementid = sco.firstclassobject' || ' union all' || ' select ' || ' fcos.workspaceid,, fcos.logicalname, nvl(fcos.strongtypename,fcos.classname) classname, fcos.uoid,' || ' fcos.elementid,' || elemID || ',fcos.metadatasignature,cmp.uoid,' || FCO_TYPE || ',fcos.completed from ' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' fcos,' || getFirstClassObject(isCurrent) || ' cmp' || ' where fcos.elementid = ' || elemID || ' and fcos.owningfolder = cmp.elementid and cmp.classname != ''CMPWorkspace''' || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPACLContainer_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPWBMIVDefinition_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPWBUser_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet_v '|| ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ' union all' || /* * this is for project level snapshots */ ' select workspaceid,name,logicalname,classname,uoid,elementid,' || elemID || ' ,metadatasignature,''repository'',' || FCO_TYPE || ',completed from ' || getCMPWBProject(isCurrent) || ' where elementid = ' || elemID || ')'; end if; else /* * This will handle non-FCO snapshots. * compuoid of the SCO is the root of this sco */ debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: ','component is SCO'); select uoid into uoidStr from cmpelement_v where elementid = elemID; uoidStr := SYS.DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(uoidStr); -- swzhou @ 091224 for bug 9141940 sql_stmt:= 'insert into temptable' || '(select ' || 'cmp.workspaceid,,cmp.logicalname,' || 'nvl(cmp.strongtypename,cmp.classname) classname,cmp.uoid,cmp.elementid,' || elemID || ',cmp.metadatasignature,' || uoidStr || ',' || SCO_TYPE || ',cmp.completed from ' || getSecondClassObject(isCurrent) || ' cmp, ' || '(select childid from pctree start with childid = ' || elemID || ' connect by prior childid = parentid) p' || ' where p.childid = cmp.elementid)'; -- swzhou @ 091224 for bug 9141940 end if; --debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: sql_stmt = ',sql_stmt); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; if (isDebug()) then debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: ','TempTable contents'); for c in (select * from temptable) loop debug(' elementid = ' || c.elementid || ' name = ' || || ' classname = ' || c.classname || ' uoid = ' || c.uoid || ' rootid = ' || c.rootid, ''); end loop; end if; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then debug('Snapshot.storeComponentRows: ','no data found for elementid = ' || TO_CHAR(elemID)); END storeComponentRows; /** * This method will be used by both alter and create snapshots * in order to find redundant components in mcmcomponent */ PROCEDURE findRedundantComponents IS BEGIN for c in (select elementid from mcmcomponent where cascade = 0 and type = CREATE_SNAPSHOT) loop insert into tempfco(elementid,notm) select b.elementid,c.elementid from ( select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = c.elementid connect by prior elementid = owningfolder ) a, ( select elementid from mcmcomponent where elementid != c.elementid ) b where a.elementid = b.elementid; end loop; END findRedundantComponents; PROCEDURE computeDeps(iteration IN NUMBER) IS i BINARY_INTEGER; NEW NUMBER:= 0; OLD NUMBER:= 1; CHILDREN NUMBER:= 2; BEGIN if (iteration = 1) then insert into mcmcomponent(elementid,uoid,cascade,type) select distinct f.elementid,f.uoid,0,CHILDREN from firstclassobject_v f, mcmcomponent m where m.type = NEW and m.cascade = CASCADE_SNAPSHOT start with owningfolder = m.elementid connect by prior f.elementid = f.owningfolder; end if; insert into tempfco(elementid) ( -- When using non-updatable, non-mergable views like SCO, global hints -- help performance [gggraham] -- sco to sco association select /*+ ordered index(src.CMPSCOClasses idx_SCOFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOCfgClasses idx_SCOCfgFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOMapClasses idx_SCOMapFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOPrpClasses idx_SCOPrpFCOClass ) index(i AllInterLink_PK) index(tgt.CMPSCOClasses idx_SCOElementid ) index(tgt.CMPSCOCfgClasses idx_SCOCfgElementid) index(tgt.CMPSCOMapClasses idx_SCOMapElementid) index(tgt.CMPSCOPrpClasses idx_SCOPrpElementid) */ distinct tgt.firstclassobject from mcmcomponent m, secondclassobject_v src, interlink i, secondclassobject_v tgt where (m.type = NEW or m.type = CHILDREN) and src.firstclassobject = m.elementid and i.linkfrom = src.elementid and tgt.elementid = i.linkto union -- fco to fco association select /*+ ordered index(i AllInterLink_PK) */ distinct tgt.elementid from mcmcomponent m, firstclassobject_v src, interlink i, firstclassobject_v tgt where (m.type = NEW or m.type = CHILDREN) and src.elementid = m.elementid and i.linkfrom = src.elementid and tgt.elementid = i.linkto union -- fco to sco association select /*+ ordered index(src.CMPSCOClasses idx_SCOFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOCfgClasses idx_SCOCfgFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOMapClasses idx_SCOMapFCOClass ) index(src.CMPSCOPrpClasses idx_SCOPrpFCOClass ) index(i AllInterLink_PK) */ distinct tgt.elementid from mcmcomponent m, secondclassobject_v src, interlink i, firstclassobject_v tgt where (m.type = NEW or m.type = CHILDREN) and src.firstclassobject = m.elementid and i.linkfrom = src.elementid and tgt.elementid = i.linkto union -- sco to fco association select /*+ ordered index(i AllInterLink_PK) index(tgt.CMPSCOClasses idx_SCOElementid ) index(tgt.CMPSCOCfgClasses idx_SCOCfgElementid) index(tgt.CMPSCOMapClasses idx_SCOMapElementid) index(tgt.CMPSCOPrpClasses idx_SCOPrpElementid) */ distinct tgt.firstclassobject from mcmcomponent m, firstclassobject_v src, interlink i, secondclassobject_v tgt where (m.type = NEW or m.type = CHILDREN) and src.elementid = m.elementid and i.linkfrom = src.elementid and tgt.elementid = i.linkto ); delete from mcmcomponent where type = CHILDREN; update mcmcomponent set type = OLD; insert into mcmcomponent(elementid,type) select elementid,NEW from tempfco t where not exists ( select 1 from mcmcomponent m where t.elementid = m.elementid ); insert into mcmcomponent(elementid,type) select elementid,NEW from ( select phy.elementid from mcmcomponent m, cmpphysicalobject_r phy where phy.logicalobject =m.elementid and m.type = NEW and m.elementid in (select elementid from firstclassobject_v) ) tmp where not exists ( select 1 from mcmcomponent m1 where tmp.elementid = m1.elementid ); delete from mcmcomponent where elementid in (select elementid from CMPPlatform_V); delete from mcmcomponent where elementid in (select elementid from CMPWBMIVDEFINITION_V); END computeDeps; PROCEDURE cleanupDeps IS BEGIN findRedundantComponents(); delete from mcmcomponent m where exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = m.elementid ); update mcmcomponent set type = 0; END cleanupDeps; PROCEDURE findDependeeComponents(depth IN NUMBER) IS numElems NUMBER; BEGIN for i in 1..depth loop computeDeps(i); select count(1) into numElems from tempfco; delete from tempfco; exit when numElems = 0; end loop; cleanupDeps; END findDependeeComponents; PROCEDURE findDependeeComponents IS i BINARY_INTEGER:= 1; NEW NUMBER:= 0; OLD NUMBER:= 1; numElems NUMBER; BEGIN loop computeDeps(i); select count(1) into numElems from tempfco; delete from tempfco; exit when numElems = 0; i:= i+1; end loop; cleanupDeps; END findDependeeComponents; FUNCTION getFullyQualifiedNameForAssoc(id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS fqn VARCHAR2(4000):= ''; objName; objClassName cmpelement_v.classname%TYPE; BEGIN for c in (select childid from pctree start with childid = id connect by prior parentid = childid) loop select name,classname into objName,objClassName from cmpelement_v where elementid = c.childid; if (id = c.childid) then fqn:= objName || '\\/' || objName || '\' || objClassName; else fqn:= fqn || '/' || objName || '\' || objClassName; end if; end loop; return fqn; END getFullyQualifiedNameForAssoc; PROCEDURE customizeLWContextForAssocs(transient IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER) IS type numberType is table of cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE index by BINARY_INTEGER; -- -- Bug 5417117 CJS 09/07/06 -- -- type varcharType is table of type varcharType is table of cmpelement_v.description%TYPE index by BINARY_INTEGER; idTable numberType; nameTable varcharType; i NUMBER:= 0; BEGIN -- Bug 6228363: GGGraham 07/14/07 -- Add "distinct associd" to avoid redundant FQN lookups. -- Add "distinct associd" to avoid redundant LWContext updates in current snapshot. -- Bug 6730511: GGGraham 04/08/08 -- Add transient parameter so "compare object to snapshot" uses LWContextTemp! if (getLWContextTable(transient) = LWCONTEXT_TABLE) then for c in (select distinct associd from lwcontext where snapshotid = snap and assoctype != 0) loop idTable(i):= c.associd; nameTable(i):= getFullyQualifiedNameForAssoc(c.associd); i:= i+1; end loop; if (idTable.COUNT > 0) then -- Add "and snapshotid = snap" to avoid incorrect LWContext updates in other snapshots. forall indx in idTable.FIRST..idTable.LAST update /*+index(lwcontext, Idx_LWContext_AssocId)*/ lwcontext set assoclogname = nameTable(indx) where associd = idTable(indx) and snapshotid = snap; end if; else for c in (select distinct associd from lwcontexttemp where snapshotid = snap and assoctype != 0) loop idTable(i):= c.associd; nameTable(i):= getFullyQualifiedNameForAssoc(c.associd); i:= i+1; end loop; if (idTable.COUNT > 0) then -- Add "and snapshotid = snap" to avoid incorrect LWContext updates in other snapshots. forall indx in idTable.FIRST..idTable.LAST update lwcontexttemp set assoclogname = nameTable(indx) where associd = idTable(indx) and snapshotid = snap; end if; end if; END customizeLWContextForAssocs; PROCEDURE customizeLWContext(transient IN NUMBER, current IN NUMBER, snap IN NUMBER) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN sql_stmt:= 'update ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' lw set physicalname = (select from interlink a,' || getCMPElement(current) || ' b where a.linkfrom = lw.elementid' || ' and a.linkto = b.elementid and a.linkfromrole = ''ReferencingPrfTable''' || ' and a.linktorole = ''ReferencedRelation'') ' || ' where lw.snapshotid = ' || snap || ' and lw.classname = ''CMPProfileTable'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:= 'update ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' lw set physicalname = (select cmp.signature from ' || getCMPFunction(current) || ' cmp where lw.elementid = cmp.elementid)' || ' where lw.snapshotid = ' || snap || ' and lw.classname like ''oracle.wh.repos.impl.functional.CMP%'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:= 'update ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' lw set (physicalname,logicalname) = (select,cmp.logicalname from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp ,' || getCMPReferencePropertyValue(current) || ' ref ' || ' where ref.elementid = lw.elementid and ref.referencedelement = cmp.elementid ' || ' and lw.classname = ''CMPReferencePropertyValue'') where lw.snapshotid = ' || snap || ' and lw.classname = ''CMPReferencePropertyValue'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:= 'update ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' lw set (physicalname,logicalname) = (select,cmp.logicalname from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp ,' || getCMPPhysicalObject(current) || ' ref ' || ' where ref.elementid = lw.elementid and ref.logicalobject = cmp.elementid ' || ' and lw.classname in (''CMPPhysicalObject'',''CMPPhysicalMap''))' || ' where lw.snapshotid = ' || snap || ' and lw.classname in (''CMPPhysicalObject'',''CMPPhysicalMap'')'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; -- following sql_stmt updates logical name col of -- lwcontext with logicalname || '\\' || fully qualified name physical -- name of association. for e.g. if association of object is to column -- C of table T, then then assoclogname will -- C\\C/T/WH/PROJECT ; C- column name, T-table name, WH - module, -- clean temp table, hitherto temptable should have served its purpose -- in creating snapshot. customizeLWContextForAssocs(transient, snap); cleanTempTable(); END customizeLWContext; /** * Take a light-weight snapshot. Can be large, so scalability is an issue. * Bug 2930382: Replace use_nl by use_hash in some queries. It scales better. But... * In Paris, restructure to use_nl with split-up CMPAllClasses. Rely on optimizer to scale. * Bug 3412246: Make sure SQL using the 9i syntax "with ... as" always contains the equiv- * alent pre-9i syntax in an "exception when others" block. This is so an OWB design time * repository can still be hosted on 8i. However, the 9i syntax will perform better. * For Tokyo, replace "exception when others" block design for "with ... as" * with an "if/then/else" construct. The condition is dependent on the DB version. * @param elemID elemID of the component to be taken a snapshot of * @param snap snapshot ID of the snapshot * @param matchingStrategy NAMEBASED, UOIDBASED or POSITIONBASED * @param transient 0 if persistent snapshot * 1 if transient snapshot */ PROCEDURE takeLWSnapshot(elemID IN NUMBER,snap IN NUMBER,transient IN NUMBER, current IN NUMBER, matchingStrategy IN NUMBER default 0, defaultStrategy IN NUMBER default 0, customize IN NUMBER default 0) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); idcolumn NUMBER; subQueryFactoringOK BOOLEAN:= FALSE; BEGIN debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ',''); subQueryFactoringOK := isSubQueryFactoringOK(); BEGIN if (subQueryFactoringOK) then debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','inserting pctree rows'); sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' with tp as ' || ' (select p.parentid, ' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid, p.childrole,, ' || ' t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype, p.parentrole' || ' from temptable t, ' || getPCTree(current) || ' p ' || ' where p.childid(+) = t.elementid) ' || getCMPElementTpUnion(current,snap,PARENT_ASSOC); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; else sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || getCMPElementTxUnion(current,snap,PARENT_ASSOC); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; end if; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','failed during insert of pctree rows.'); END; debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','inserting project pctree rows'); sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' select ' || snap || ', t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid, ''projects'' ,, t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype, null, null, ''repos'' , null, null, null, ' || PARENT_ASSOC || ', t.uoid, null from temptable t where t.classname = ''CMPWBProject'' or t.classname = ''CMPWBUser'' or t.classname = ''CMPUserConfigTemplateSet'' or t.classname = ''CMPWBMIVDefinition'' or t.classname = ''CMPACLContainer'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','inserting interlink rows'); BEGIN if (subQueryFactoringOK) then sql_stmt := ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' with lc as ' || ' (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' inter.linkfromrole, inter.linktorole, inter.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getInterLink(current) || ' inter' || ' where inter.linkfrom = t.elementid)' || getCMPElementLcUnion(current, snap, INTER_ASSOC) || ' union all' || ' select' || ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid, '|| ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,'|| ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, null, null,' || ' lc.linktorole, null, null, null, ' || ' ' || INTER_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, null' || ' from lc'|| ' where not exists (select 1 from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp2' || ' where cmp2.elementid = lc.linkto)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; else sql_stmt := ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' select'|| ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid,' || ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,' || ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, cmp1.elementid, cmp1.uoid,' || ' lc.linktorole,, cmp1.logicalname, cmp1.classname,'|| ' ' || INTER_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, cmp1.uoid'|| ' from (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' inter.linkfromrole, inter.linktorole, inter.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getInterLink(current) || ' inter' || ' where inter.linkfrom = t.elementid) ' || ' lc,' || getCMPElement(current) ||' cmp1' || ' where cmp1.elementid = lc.linkto'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:= ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' select' || ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid, '|| ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,'|| ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, null, null,' || ' lc.linktorole, null, null, null, ' || ' ' || INTER_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, null' || ' from (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' inter.linkfromrole, inter.linktorole, inter.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getInterLink(current) || ' inter' || ' where inter.linkfrom = t.elementid) lc' || ' where not exists (select 1 from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp2' || ' where lc.linkto = cmp2.elementid)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; end if; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','failed during insert of interlink rows.'); END; debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','inserting intralink rows'); BEGIN if (subQueryFactoringOK) then sql_stmt := ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' with lc as '|| ' (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' intra.linkfromrole, intra.linktorole, intra.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getIntraLink(current) || ' intra' || ' where intra.linkfrom = t.elementid)' || getCMPElementLcUnion(current, snap, INTRA_ASSOC) || ' union all' || ' select' || ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid, ' || ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,' || ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, null, null,' || ' lc.linktorole, null, null, null, ' || ' ' || INTRA_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, null' || ' from lc' || ' where not exists (select 1 from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp2' || ' where cmp2.elementid = lc.linkto)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; else sql_stmt := ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' select' || ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid,' || ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,' || ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, cmp1.elementid, cmp1.uoid,' || ' lc.linktorole,, cmp1.logicalname, cmp1.classname,' || ' ' || INTRA_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, cmp1.uoid' || ' from (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' intra.linkfromrole, intra.linktorole, intra.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getIntraLink(current) || ' intra' || ' where intra.linkfrom = t.elementid)' || ' lc, ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp1' || ' where lc.linkto = cmp1.elementid'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:= ' insert into ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' (snapshotID, compuoid, type, elementid, rootid, uoid, role, ' || ' physicalName, logicalName, classname, metadatasignature, ' || ' objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, ' || ' assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType, diffCol, assocCol) ' || ' select' || ' ' || snap || ', lc.compuoid, lc.type, lc.elementid, lc.rootid, ' || ' lc.uoid, lc.linkfromrole,, lc.logicalName, lc.classname,' || ' lc.metadatasignature, lc.objtype, null, null,' || ' lc.linktorole, null, null, null, ' || ' ' || INTER_ASSOC || ', lc.uoid, null' || ' from ' || ' (select' || ' t.compuoid, t.type, t.elementid, t.rootid, t.uoid,' || ', t.logicalName, t.classname, t.metadatasignature, t.objtype,' || ' intra.linkfromrole, intra.linktorole, intra.linkto' || ' from temptable t, ' || getIntraLink(current) || ' intra' || ' where intra.linkfrom = t.elementid) lc' || ' where not exists (select 1 from ' || getCMPElement(current) || ' cmp2' || ' where lc.linkto = cmp2.elementid)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; end if; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','failed during insert of intralink rows.'); END; debug('Snapshot.takeLWSnapshot: ','customizing physical properties'); if (customize = IMMED_CUSTOMIZE) then customizeLWContext(transient,current, snap); end if; cleanTempFCO(); END takeLWSnapshot; FUNCTION getFullyQualifiedName(elemID IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS -- -- Bug 5352671 CJS 09/08/06 -- -- str VARCHAR2(1000):= ''; str VARCHAR2(4000):= ''; i NUMBER:= 0; objName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN for c in (select name,elementid,level from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid order by level desc) loop if (isFunction(c.elementid)) then select signature into objName from cmpfunction_v where elementid = c.elementid; elsif (isAdminProject(c.elementid)) then objName:= 'Public Transformations'; elsif (isOracleLibrary(c.elementid)) then objName:= 'Pre-Defined'; else objName:=; end if; if (i=0) then str:= ''; --Tokyo: Skip workspace (the top level) elsif (i=1) then str:= str || objName; else str:= str || '/' || objName; end if; i:= i+1; end loop; return str; END getFullyQualifiedName; FUNCTION getWholeName(elemID IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS str VARCHAR2(1000):= ''; i NUMBER:= 0; objName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN for c in (select name , v.elementid elementid, a.l from ( select childid, level l from pctree start with childid = elemID connect by prior parentid = childid order by level desc ) a, cmpelement_v v where a.childid = v.elementid order by v.elementid asc ) loop if (isFunction(c.elementid)) then select signature into objName from cmpfunction_v where elementid = c.elementid; else objName:=; end if; if (i=0) then str:= ''; --Tokyo: Skip workspace (the top level) elsif (i=1) then str:= str || objName; else str:= str || '/' || objName; end if; i:= i+1; end loop; return str; END getWholeName; /** * This procedure inserts the snapshot information into the snapshot * store table. This assumes that checking if the snapshot already * exists is done from the client. * @param elemID element id of the root object taking a snapshot of * @param labelStr the snapshot name * @param description the description of this snapshot */ FUNCTION insertSnapshotStore(elemID IN NUMBER,snap IN NUMBER, description IN VARCHAR2,isHeavy IN NUMBER,isCascade IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS isCascadeFlag snapshotstoretable.iscascade%TYPE; type recordType IS RECORD ( name, logicalname cmpelement_v.logicalname%TYPE, uoid cmpelement_v.uoid%TYPE, classname cmpelement_v.classname%TYPE ); /** * get all fco-only element ids of objects * that belong to the component being taken */ vRecord recordType; isRoot NUMBER(1); -- -- Bug 5352671 CJS 09/08/06 -- -- fullName VARCHAR2(1000); fullName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN debug('Snapshot.insertSnapshotStore: ',''); for c in (select fco.elementid from firstclassobject_v fco, temptable t where fco.elementid = t.elementid) loop select name,logicalname,uoid,classname into vRecord from cmpelement_v where elementid = c.elementid; if (c.elementid = elemID) then if (isCascade = 0) then isCascadeFlag:= 0; else isCascadeFlag:= 1; end if; isRoot:= 0; else isRoot:= 1; end if; fullName:= getFullyQualifiedName(c.elementid); BEGIN insert into snapshotstoretable values ( snap, fullName, vRecord.logicalname, vRecord.classname, vRecord.uoid, sysdate, description, isHeavy, isCascadeFlag, isRoot, currentUser, currentUser, sysdate); EXCEPTION when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(vRecord.uoid,snap, SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_ALRDY_HAS_OBJECT); return SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_ALRDY_HAS_OBJECT; END; end loop; return 0; END insertSnapshotStore; PROCEDURE deleteNonSemanticProperties IS BEGIN delete from temptable where logicalname = 'OWBINTERNAL.APPEARANCE'; delete from temptable where logicalname like '%GenerationResult%'; delete from temptable where classname = 'CMPGenerationResult'; END deleteNonSemanticProperties; /** * This creates both the heavy and light snapshots for regular snapshots * @param elemID element id of the object to take a snapshot of * @param snap snapshot id * @param objectType type if it's a PROJECT, MODULE or ENTITY * @param transient 0 if persistent snapshot * 1 if transient snapshot */ PROCEDURE createSnapshot(elemID IN NUMBER,snap IN NUMBER, isHeavy IN NUMBER,isCurrent IN NUMBER,customize IN NUMBER default 0) IS BEGIN debug('Snapshot.createSnapshot:',''); /* * insert all rows of component into cmpstorage-type base tables */ if (isHeavy = HEAVY_SNAPSHOT) then debug('Snapshot.createSnapshot:','entering heavy snapshot'); SnapshotCreateRestore.takeSnapshot(elemId,snap); end if; deleteNonSemanticProperties(); takeLWSnapshot(elemID,snap,PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT,isCurrent,customize=>customize); debug('Snapshot.createSnapshot:','after heavy snapshot'); END createSnapshot; /** * This is the method for persistent snapshot for one object. * It gets called by the takePersistentSnapshots method. * @param elemID element id of the component * @param labelStr snapshot name * @param description user-defined description of the snapshot * @param isHeavy 0 for heavy snapshot * 1 for light snapshot * @param isCascade 0 for cascade snapshot * 1 for no cascade snapshot * @param objectType 0 for project type component * 1 for module type component * 2 for entity type component */ FUNCTION takePersistentSnapshot(elemID IN NUMBER,snap IN NUMBER, description IN VARCHAR2,isHeavy IN NUMBER,isCurrent IN NUMBER, isCascade IN NUMBER,customize IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS uoidStr cmpelement_v.uoid%TYPE; retCode NUMBER; BEGIN debug('Snapshot.takePersistentSnapshot:',''); storeComponentRows(elemID,isCascade,isCurrent); /* * insert into snapshot store table * the general properties of the snapshot */ if (isCurrent = CURRENT_SNAPSHOT) then if (NOT(elemExists(elemID))) then return SnapshotError.REPOS_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end if; retCode:= insertSnapshotStore(elemID,snap,description,isHeavy, isCascade); else if (NOT(elemExists(elemID,TRUE,snap))) then debug('Snapshot.takePersistentSnapshot: elemExists = false for elemID = ', elemID); return SnapshotError.VERSION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end if; retCode:= SnapshotImport.insertSnapshotStore(elemID,snap,description, isHeavy,isCascade); debug('Snapshot.takePersistentSnapshot: retCode = ',retCode); end if; if (retCode > 0) then return retCode; end if; createSnapshot(elemID,snap,isHeavy,isCurrent,customize); cleanTempTable(); return 0; END takePersistentSnapshot; /** * This allows the user to take snapshots on multiple objects. * The client must first insert into the TEMPFCO table the following info: * * element id in elementid column of table COMPONENT * cascade/no cascade in cascade column of COMPONENT * * @param snap snapshot ID * @param description description of the snapshot * @isHeavy 0 if heavy, 1 if light snapshot * (in this case, the whole snapshot is light or heavy) */ FUNCTION takePersistentSnapshots(snap IN NUMBER,description IN VARCHAR2, isHeavy IN NUMBER,isCurrent IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS retCode NUMBER; hasWarnings BOOLEAN:= FALSE; BEGIN debug('Snapshot.takePersistentSnapshots: isCurrent=',isCurrent); findRedundantComponents(); for c in (select elementid from tempfco) loop SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.elementid,0, SnapshotError.REDUNDANT_COMPONENT); delete from mcmcomponent where elementid = c.elementid; hasWarnings:= TRUE; end loop; --Bug 7046881: Optimization: Defer customizeLWContext until snapshot has all components for c in (select elementid,cascade from mcmcomponent) loop debug('Snapshot.takePersistentSnapshots: looping',''); retCode:= takePersistentSnapshot(c.elementid,snap,description,isHeavy, isCurrent,c.cascade,DEFER_CUSTOMIZE); if (retCode > 0) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.elementid,snap, retCode); return retCode; end if; end loop; customizeLWContext(PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT,isCurrent,snap); cleanComponent(); if (hasWarnings) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(0,snap, SnapshotError.HAS_WARNINGS); return SnapshotError.HAS_WARNINGS; end if; return 0; END takePersistentSnapshots; /** * This function does error checking to make sure that the snapshot * still does not exist for the root object in the snapshot store * @param labelStr label of the snapshot * @return vCount number of instances of this object and snapshot * if it is 0 then error will be thrown from the client */ FUNCTION isInSnapshotLookup(labelStr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS vCount NUMBER(9) := 0; snap NUMBER(9) := 0; BEGIN select snapshotID into snap from snapshotLookup where snapshotName = labelStr; return TRUE; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return FALSE; END isInSnapshotLookup; /** * Method called when doing a restore from snapshot manager * @param uoidStr the uoid of the aggregate parent of the object * of the snapshot * @return returns TRUE if the parent exists in the current repository * FALSE if it doesn't */ FUNCTION isRestorable(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2,snap IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS parentUOIDStr cmpelement_v.uoid%TYPE; elemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; project cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE:= 0; classnameStr cmpelement_v.classname%TYPE; BEGIN BEGIN /* * this assumes that the object to be restored * exists in the version repository */ select classname into classnameStr from cmpelement_x where uoid = uoidStr and snapshotid = snap; if (classnameStr = 'CMPWBProject') then return TRUE; end if; select elementid into elemID from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap and uoid = uoidStr; select b.uoid into parentUOIDStr from firstclassobject_x a, firstclassobject_x b where a.elementid = elemID and b.elementid = a.owningfolder and a.snapshotid = snap and b.snapshotid = snap; select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_v where uoid = parentUOIDStr; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then debug('Snapshot.isRestorable: ','No parent found'); return FALSE; END; debug('Snapshot.isRestorable: ','returning TRUE'); return TRUE; END; /** * Restore an object * @param elemID element id of the object being restored * @param labelStr the snapshot name */ FUNCTION restore(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2,restoreParents IN BOOLEAN,snap IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS x NUMBER; BEGIN if (NOT(elemExists(uoidStr,TRUE,snap))) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(uoidStr,snap, SnapshotError.VERSION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST); return SnapshotError.VERSION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end if; if (NOT(isRestorable(uoidStr,snap))) then if (NOT(restoreParents)) then SnapshotError.handleRestoreSnapshotError(uoidStr,snap, SnapshotError.NOT_RESTORABLE); return SnapshotError.NOT_RESTORABLE; end if; end if; return SnapshotCreateRestore.restore(uoidStr,snap,restoreParents); END restore; PROCEDURE deleteSnapshotStorage(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2 default null, snap IN NUMBER) IS elemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; delParents BOOLEAN := TRUE; nComps NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_x where uoid = uoidStr and snapshotid = snap; -- all elementid's of component insert into tempfco (elementid) ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder union all select elementid from secondclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap and firstclassobject in (select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder) ); delete from lwcontext lw where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = lw.elementid ); delete from pctreestorage p where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = p.childid ); delete from intralinkstorage i where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = i.linkfrom ); delete from interlinkstorage i where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = i.linkfrom ); /* * if only one FCO is left when doing an alter of a snapshot, then * delete the parents as well */ select count(1) into nComps from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap; if (nComps >= 1) then delParents := FALSE; else delParents := TRUE; end if; if (delParents) then delete from CMPFCOElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); delete from CMPSCOElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); delete from CMPSCOCfgElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); delete from CMPSCOMapElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); delete from CMPSCOPrpElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); delete from CMPSYSElement_x where snapshotID = snap and elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid ); end if; delete from CMPfcoelement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from CMPSCOElement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from CMPSCOCfgElement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from CMPSCOMapElement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from CMPSCOPrpElement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from CMPSYSElement_x cmp where snapshotid = snap and exists ( select 1 from tempfco t where t.elementid = cmp.elementid ); delete from tempfco; END deleteSnapshotStorage; PROCEDURE deleteNSStorage(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2 default null,snap IN NUMBER) IS elemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; BEGIN select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_x where uoid = uoidStr and snapshotid = snap; delete from fcofoldernamespacestorage where elementid = elemID and snapshotid = snap; delete from fcofoldernamespacestorage where snapshotID = snap and ( elementid in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder union select elementid from secondclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap and firstclassobject in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder ) ) ); END deleteNSStorage; PROCEDURE deleteSnapshotMgmtStorage(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2 default null, snap IN NUMBER) IS elemID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; BEGIN select elementid into elemID from cmpelement_x where uoid = uoidStr and snapshotid = snap; delete from snapshotstoretable where snapshotID = snap and uoid in ( select distinct uoid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder ); END deleteSnapshotMgmtStorage; PROCEDURE deleteCompareStorage(snap IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN delete from comparestore comp where exists ( select 1 from ( select compareid from comparestoremanager where srcid = snap or tgtid = snap ) mgr where mgr.compareid = comp.compareid ); delete from comparestoremanager where srcid = snap or tgtid = snap; END deleteCompareStorage; /** * Delete the snapshot from the all the tables that contain the snapshot * information. * @param uoidStr uoid of the object(and all its children) to be deleted * if the uoid is null, then delete all the objects that * belong to this snapshot * @param label snapshot name * @return 0 successful * 1 NO_DATA_FOUND exception (fatal error) * 2 the object being deleted is not a root FCO * (functionally not allowed) */ FUNCTION deleteSnapshot(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2 default null,snap IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS isRootFlag NUMBER(1); retCode NUMBER; BEGIN if (uoidStr is null) then delete /*+index(cmp, idx_FCOSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpfcostorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; --delete /*+index(cmp, idx_MMMSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpmmmstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscostorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOCfgSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscocfgstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOMapSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscomapstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOPrpSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscoprpstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SYSSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpsysstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete from snapshotlookup where snapshotID = snap; delete from lwcontext where snapshotID = snap; delete from snapshotstoretable where snapshotID = snap; delete from fcofoldernamespacestorage where snapshotID = snap; delete from pctreestorage where snapshotID = snap; delete from intralinkstorage where snapshotID = snap; delete from interlinkstorage where snapshotID = snap; return 0; else if (NOT(elemExists(uoidStr,TRUE,snap))) then return SnapshotError.VERSION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end if; debug('deleteSnapshot Found elem', uoidStr); -- dont change this order. deletion of parent relies on mgmt storage cleaned first deleteSnapshotMgmtStorage(uoidStr,snap); deleteNSStorage(uoidStr,snap); deleteSnapshotStorage(uoidStr,snap); return 0; end if; deleteCompareStorage(snap); END deleteSnapshot; /** * Convert a snapshot from heavy to light * @param labelStr snapshot name * @return 0 if successful * 1 if not successful */ FUNCTION shrinkSnapshot(snap IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS isHeavyFlag NUMBER(1); BEGIN select distinct isHeavy into isHeavyFlag from snapshotstoretable where snapshotID = snap; if (isHeavyFlag = Snapshot.LIGHT_SNAPSHOT) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(0,snap, SnapshotError.NOT_HEAVY_SNAPSHOT); return SnapshotError.NOT_HEAVY_SNAPSHOT; end if; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_FCOSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpfcostorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; --delete /*+index(cmp, idx_MMMSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpmmmstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscostorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOCfgSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscocfgstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOMapSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscomapstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SCOPrpSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpscoprpstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; delete /*+index(cmp, idx_SYSSnapid_ver)*/ from cmpsysstorage cmp where snapshotID = snap; update snapshotstoretable set isHeavy = 1 where snapshotID = snap; return 0; END shrinkSnapshot; /** * Alter a snapshot * @param labelStr snapshot name * @return 0 if successful * > 0 if any operational errors happen */ FUNCTION alterSnapshot(snap IN NUMBER,descStr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS isHeavyFlag snapshotstoretable.isheavy%TYPE; descriptionStr snapshotstoretable.description%TYPE; retCode NUMBER; hasWarnings BOOLEAN:= FALSE; nComps NUMBER; BEGIN debug('Snapshot.alterSnapshot: description = ',descStr); if (NOT(snapshotExists(snap))) then SnapshotError.handleFatalSnapshotError(0,snap, SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_NOT_IN_SNAPTABLE); return SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_NOT_IN_SNAPTABLE; end if; select distinct isheavy into isHeavyFlag from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap; select distinct description into descriptionStr from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap; if (NOT(descStr = null)) then update snapshotstoretable set description = descStr where snapshotid = snap; descriptionStr:= descStr; end if; findRedundantComponents(); for c in (select elementid from tempfco) loop debug('Snapshot.alterSnapshot: elementid = ',c.elementid); SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.elementid,0, SnapshotError.REDUNDANT_COMPONENT); delete from mcmcomponent where elementid = c.elementid; hasWarnings:= TRUE; end loop; deleteCompareStorage(snap); for c in (select elementid,uoid,cascade,type from mcmcomponent) loop debug('Snapshot.alterSnapshot: c.elementid = ',c.elementid); debug('Snapshot.alterSnapshot: c.cascade = ',c.cascade); if (c.type = CREATE_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= takePersistentSnapshot(c.elementid,snap,descriptionStr, isHeavyFlag,CURRENT_SNAPSHOT,c.cascade); if (NOT(isModelConsistent(snap) = CONSISTENT)) then debug('Snapshot.alterSnapshot: ','inconsistent model'); retCode:= SnapshotError.INCONSISTENT_MODEL; end if; if (retCode > 0) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.elementid,snap,retCode); SnapshotError.handleAlterSnapshotError(CREATE_SNAPSHOT); return retCode; end if; elsif (c.type = MODIFY_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= deleteSnapshot(c.uoid,snap); if (NOT(isModelConsistent(snap) = CONSISTENT)) then retCode:= SnapshotError.INCONSISTENT_MODEL; end if; if (retCode > 0) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.uoid,snap,retCode); SnapshotError.handleAlterSnapshotError(MODIFY_SNAPSHOT); return retCode; end if; retCode:= takePersistentSnapshot(c.elementid,snap,descriptionStr, isHeavyFlag,CURRENT_SNAPSHOT,c.cascade); if (retCode > 0) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.elementid,snap,retCode); SnapshotError.handleAlterSnapshotError(MODIFY_SNAPSHOT); return retCode; end if; elsif (c.type = DELETE_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= deleteSnapshot(c.uoid,snap); if (retCode > 0) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(c.uoid,snap,retCode); SnapshotError.handleAlterSnapshotError(DELETE_SNAPSHOT); return retCode; end if; end if; end loop; /* * if none of the snapshots exist in the snapshotstoretable * anymore, then this means the snapshot name and id can be reused * and must be deleted from the snapshotlookup table */ select count(1) into nComps from snapshotstoretable where snapshotid = snap; if (nComps = 0) then delete from snapshotlookup where snapshotid = snap; end if; if (hasWarnings) then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(0,snap, SnapshotError.HAS_WARNINGS); return SnapshotError.HAS_WARNINGS; end if; return 0; END alterSnapshot; FUNCTION restoreSnapshot(snap IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS retCode NUMBER; resParents BOOLEAN; BEGIN /* * Bug 8282412: Must process logical objects first, otherwise a just restored * physical object may be immediately deleted during the restore processing of its * associated logical object. Caused by Tahoe changing physical objects from SCO to FCO. */ for c in (select m.elementid,m.uoid,m.cascade,m.type, decode(f.classname,'CMPPhysicalMap',1,'CMPPhysicalObject',1,0) porder from mcmcomponent m, firstclassobject_x f where f.snapshotid = snap and f.uoid = m.uoid order by porder) loop debug('Snapshot.restoreSnapshot: elem / uoid / cascade / type=', c.elementid || ' / ' || c.uoid || ' / ' || c.cascade || ' / ' || c.type); if (c.type = RESTOREPARENTS) then resParents:= TRUE; else resParents:= FALSE; end if; retCode:= restore(c.uoid,resParents,snap); if (retCode > 0) then return retCode; end if; end loop; return 0; END restoreSnapshot; FUNCTION isAlreadyCompared(sID IN NUMBER, tID IN NUMBER, uoidStr IN VARCHAR2, transient IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS comparisonID NUMBER(9):=0; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'select compareID from ' || getCompareStoreMgrTable(transient) || ' where srcID = :sID and tgtID = :tID and compUOID = :uoidStr'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO comparisonID USING sID, tID, uoidStr; return comparisonID; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return 0; END isAlreadyCompared; FUNCTION generateCompareID(sID IN NUMBER, tID IN NUMBER, uoidStr IN VARCHAR2, transient IN NUMBER) return NUMBER IS comparisonID NUMBER(9) := 0; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || getCompareStoreMgrTable(transient) || ' values (:uoidStr, :sID, :tID, ' || getCompareSeq(transient) || '.nextval)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING uoidStr, sID, tID; sql_stmt := 'select compareID from ' || getCompareStoreMgrTable(transient) || ' where srcID = :sID and tgtID = :tID and CompUOID = :uoidStr'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO comparisonID USING sID, tID, uoidStr; return comparisonID; END generateCompareID; PROCEDURE initComponentLabel(snapID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER, tableName IN VARCHAR2) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || tableName || '( select ' || COMPARE_LABEL_ID || ', diffCol, assocCol, elementid, uoid, role, physicalName, logicalName, className, metadatasignature, objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassname, assocType from ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' where snapshotID = :snapID )'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING snapID; END initComponentLabel; /** * Note that the with clause is used in this method. This assumes that when this method * is invoked, the table is a permanent table and not temporary. */ PROCEDURE initComponent(snapID IN NUMBER, vCompUOID IN VARCHAR2, comparisonID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER, tableName IN VARCHAR2) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(3000); subQueryFactoringOK BOOLEAN:= FALSE; BEGIN subQueryFactoringOK := isSubQueryFactoringOK(); BEGIN if (subQueryFactoringOK) then sql_stmt:= 'insert into ' || tableName || ' with lc as (' || 'select diffCol, assocCol, elementid, uoid, compuoid, role, physicalName,' || ' logicalName, className, metadatasignature, objType,' || ' associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, ' || ' assocClassname, assocType,type from ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' where snapshotID = :snapID)' || 'select 0,lc.diffCol, lc.assocCol, lc.elementid, lc.uoid, lc.role, lc.physicalName,' || ' lc.logicalName, lc.className, lc.metadatasignature, lc.objType,' || ' lc.associd, lc.assocUOID, lc.assocRole, lc.assocPhysName, lc.assocLogName,' || ' lc.assocClassname, lc.assocType' || ' from lc where lc.compuoid in ' || '( select a.uoid from' || '( select uoid,compuoid from lc where type=0 ) a' || ' start with a.uoid = :vCompUOID connect by prior a.uoid = a.compuoid)' || ' union all ' || 'select 0, lc.diffCol, lc.assocCol, lc.elementid, lc.uoid, lc.role, lc.physicalName,' || ' lc.logicalName, lc.className, lc.metadatasignature, lc.objType,' || ' lc.associd, lc.assocUOID, lc.assocRole, lc.assocPhysName, lc.assocLogName,' || ' lc.assocClassname, lc.assocType from lc' || ' where lc.uoid = :vCompUOID'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING snapID, vCompUOID, vCompUOID; else sql_stmt := 'insert into ' || tableName || '( select ' || comparisonID || ', diffCol, assocCol, elementid, uoid, role, physicalName, logicalName, className, metadatasignature, objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassname, assocType from (select * from ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' where snapshotID = :snapID) where compuoid in ( select uoid from ' || getLWCompTreeView(transient) || ' start with uoid = :vCompUOID connect by prior uoid = compuoid and SnapshotID = :snapID ) union all select ' || comparisonID || ', diffCol, assocCol, elementid, uoid, role, physicalName, logicalName, className, metadatasignature, objType, associd, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassname, assocType from ' || getLWContextTable(transient) || ' where SnapshotID = :snapID and uoid = :vCompUOID )'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING snapID, vCompUOID, snapID, snapID, vCompUOID; end if; EXCEPTION when OTHERS then debug('Snapshot.initComponent: failed during insert into ',tableName); END; END initComponent; PROCEDURE findDelta(comparisonID IN NUMBER, snapID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER, compare_state IN NUMBER, srcTable IN VARCHAR2, tgtTable IN VARCHAR2) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); insert_stmt VARCHAR2(300); select_stmt VARCHAR2(300); from_stmt VARCHAR2(3400); filter_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN insert_stmt := 'INSERT INTO ' || getCompareStoreTable(transient) || ' (CompareID, diffcol, assocCol, uoid, role, physicalName, logicalName, className, CompareDML, objType, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassName, assocState, assocType, otherUOID ) (' ; select_stmt := ' select ' || comparisonID || ' , B.diffCol, B.assocCol, B.uoid, B.role, B.physicalName, B.logicalName, B.className, ' || compare_state || ' , B.objType, B.assocUOID, B.assocRole, B.assocPhysName, B.assocLogName, B.assocClassName, B.assocState, B.assocType, B.otherUOID ' ; from_stmt := ' from ( select t1.diffCol, t1.assocCol, t2.uoid uoid1, t1.uoid, t1.role, t1.physicalName, t1.logicalName, t1.className, t1.objType, t1.assocUOID, t1.assocRole, t1.assocPhysName, t1.assocLogName, t1.assocClassName, t1.assocState, t1.assocType, t1.otherUOID ' || ' from ( select diffCol, assocCol, uoid, decode(role,null, ' || '''null''' || ',role) role, physicalName, logicalName, className, objType, assocUOID, decode(assocRole,null,' || '''null''' || ',assocRole) assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassName, ' || SAME || ' assocState, assocType, uoid otherUOID from ' || srcTable || ' ) t1, ( select diffCol, assocCol, uoid, decode(role,null, ' || '''null''' || ',role) role, decode(assocRole,null,' || '''null''' ||',assocRole) assocRole, assocType from ' || tgtTable ||') t2 where t1.diffCol = t2.diffCol(+) and t1.role = t2.role(+) and t1.assocRole = t2.assocRole(+) and t1.assocType = t2.assocType(+) ) B '; filter_stmt := ' where B.uoid1 is null ) '; sql_stmt := insert_stmt || select_stmt || from_stmt || filter_stmt; debug('Snapshot.findDelta: sql_stmt = ',sql_stmt); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; END findDelta; PROCEDURE findUpdate(comparisonID IN NUMBER, tgtID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER, filter IN NUMBER default 0) IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(5000); insert_stmt VARCHAR2(500); select_stmt VARCHAR2(500); from_stmt VARCHAR2(3000); filter_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN -- Bug 7116440: Force association change in TypeDefinition to appear as property change also. insert_stmt := 'INSERT INTO ' || getCompareStoreTable(transient) || '(compareID, diffcol, assocCol, uoid, role, physicalName, logicalName, className, compareDML, signstate, objType, assocUOID, assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassName, assocState, assocType, otheruoid ) (' ; select_stmt := ' select ' || comparisonID || ',' || ' A.diffCol, A.assocCol , A.elUOID, A.role, A.physicalName, A.logicalName, A.className, ' || ' CASE WHEN A.signState = ' || DIFFERENT || ' THEN ' || COMPARE_UPDATE_STATE || ' WHEN A.assocState = ' || DIFFERENT || ' THEN ' || COMPARE_UPDATE_STATE || ' ELSE ' || COMPARE_UNKNOWN_STATE || ' END, ' || ' CASE WHEN A.assocRole = ' || '''TypeDefinition''' || ' AND A.assocState = ' || DIFFERENT || ' THEN ' || COMPARE_UPDATE_STATE || ' ELSE A.signState END ' || ', A.objType, A.assocUOID, A.assocRole, A.assocPhysName, A.assocLogName, A.assocClassName, A.assocState, A.assocType, A.otheruoid ' ; from_stmt := ' from ( select t1.diffCol, t1.assocCol, t1.uoid elUOID, t1.role, t1.physicalName, t1.logicalName, t1.className, decode (t2.metadatasignature,t1.metadatasignature, ' || SAME || ' , ' || DIFFERENT || ' ) signstate, t1.objType, t1.assocUOID, t1.assocRole, t1.assocPhysName, t1.assocLogName , t1.assocClassName, decode (t2.assocCol,t1.assocCol,' || SAME || ' , ' || DIFFERENT || ' ) assocState, t1.assocType, decode (t1.assocType, 0, t2.uoid, t2.assocUOID) otherUOID from (select diffCol, decode(assocCol, null, ' || '''null''' || ' , assocCol) assocCol, uoid, decode(role,null,' || '''null''' || ',role) role, physicalName, logicalName, className, metadatasignature, objType, assocUOID, decode(assocRole,null,' || '''null''' || ',assocRole) assocRole, assocPhysName, assocLogName, assocClassName, assocType from TargetComponent) t1, (select diffCol, decode(assocCol, null, ' || '''null''' || ', assocCol) assocCol, uoid, assocUOID, decode(role,null,' || '''null''' || ',role) role, metadatasignature, decode(assocRole,null,' || '''null''' || ',assocRole) assocRole, assocType from SourceComponent) t2 where t1.diffCol is not null and t2.diffCol is not null and t1.diffCol = t2.diffCol and t1.role = t2.role and t1.assocRole = t2.assocRole and t1.assocType = t2.assocType ) A '; -- it seems otherUOID is needed in mxs even if objects are equal if (filter = 1) then filter_stmt := ' ) '; else -- by default only put different objects in comparestore. filter_stmt := ' where A.elUOID is not null and ( A.signstate = ' || DIFFERENT || ' or A.assocState = ' || DIFFERENT || ') ) '; end if; sql_stmt := insert_stmt || select_stmt || from_stmt || filter_stmt; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; END findUpdate; /** * This function does not store compare results */ FUNCTION compareLabel(vSrcSnapshotID IN NUMBER, vTgtSnapshotID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER default 0, filter IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN cleanSourceTargetComponent(); initComponentLabel(vSrcSnapshotID, transient, 'SourceComponent'); initComponentLabel(vTgtSnapshotID, transient, 'TargetComponent'); if (isDebug()) then debug('Snapshot.compareLabel: ','SourceComponent'); for c in (select * from sourcecomponent) loop debug('name = ' || c.physicalname || ' elementid = ' || c.elementid || ' associd = ' || c.associd || ' role = ' || c.role || ' assocrole = ' || c.assocrole || ' uoid = ' || c.uoid || ' assocuoid = ' || c.assocuoid || ' diffcol = ' || c.diffcol || ' assoccol = ' || c.assoccol || ' assocPhysName = ' || c.assocphysname || ' assocType = ' || c.assoctype,''); end loop; debug('Snapshot.compareLabel: ','TargetComponent'); for c in (select * from targetcomponent) loop debug('name = ' || c.physicalname || ' elementid = ' || c.elementid || ' associd = ' || c.associd || ' role = ' || c.role || ' assocrole = ' || c.assocrole || ' uoid = ' || c.uoid || ' assocuoid = ' || c.assocuoid || ' diffcol = ' || c.diffcol || ' assoccol = ' || c.assoccol || ' assocPhysName = ' || c.assocphysname || ' assocType = ' || c.assoctype,''); end loop; end if; -- store compare result in temp table only , whe comparing labels; findDelta(COMPARE_LABEL_ID, vSrcSnapshotID, TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, COMPARE_DELETE_STATE, 'SourceComponent', 'TargetComponent'); findDelta(COMPARE_LABEL_ID, vTgtSnapshotID, TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, COMPARE_INSERT_STATE, 'TargetComponent', 'SourceComponent'); findUpdate(COMPARE_LABEL_ID, vTgtSnapshotID, TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, filter); if (isDebug()) then debug('Snapshot.compareLabel: ','Diff Results'); for c in (select diffcol,assoccol,physicalname,assocphysname,role, assocrole,comparedml,signstate,assocstate from comparestoretemp) loop debug('diffcol = ' || c.diffcol || ' assoccol = ' || c.assoccol || ' physicalname = ' || c.physicalname || ' assocphysname = ' || c.assocphysname || ' role = ' || c.role || ' assocrole = ' || c.assocrole || ' comparedml = ' || c.comparedml || ' signstate = ' || c.signstate || ' assocstate = ',c.assocstate); end loop; end if; return SUCCESS; END compareLabel; /** * This function does not store compare results */ FUNCTION compareLabel(srcLabel IN VARCHAR2, targetLabel IN VARCHAR2, transient IN NUMBER default 0, filter IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS vSrcSnapshotID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; vTgtSnapshotID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; comparisonID NUMBER(9); sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN'e:\Work\Mcm','diff.txt'); cleanSourceTargetComponent(); sql_stmt := 'select snapshotID from ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' where SnapshotName = :snaplabel'; execute immediate sql_stmt INTO vSrcSnapshotID USING srcLabel; execute immediate sql_stmt INTO vTgtSnapshotID USING targetLabel; return compareLabel(vSrcSnapshotID,vTgtSnapshotID,transient, filter); END compareLabel; /** * Compare and store results into CompareStore */ FUNCTION compare(compareID out NUMBER, srcLabel IN VARCHAR2, targetLabel IN VARCHAR2, elID IN NUMBER, transient IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS vCompUOID lwcontext.compuoid%TYPE; BEGIN select uoid into vCompUOID from cmpelement_v where elementid = elID; return compare(compareID,srcLabel,targetLabel,vCompUOID,transient); END compare; /** * Compare and store results into CompareStore */ FUNCTION compare(compareID out NUMBER, srcLabel IN VARCHAR2, targetLabel IN VARCHAR2, vCompUOID IN VARCHAR2, transient IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS vSrcSnapshotID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; vTargetSnapshotID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; comparisonID NUMBER(9) := 1; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); elID NUMBER; BEGIN cleanSourceTargetComponent; select elementid into elID from cmpelement_v where uoid = vCompUOID; sql_stmt := 'select snapshotID from ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(transient) || ' where SnapshotName = :snaplabel'; execute immediate sql_stmt INTO vSrcSnapshotID USING srcLabel; execute immediate sql_stmt INTO vTargetSnapshotID USING targetLabel; comparisonID := isAlreadyCompared(vSrcSnapshotID, vTargetSnapshotID, vCompUOID, transient); if ( comparisonID > 0) then initComponent(vSrcSnapshotID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, transient, 'SourceComponent'); initComponent(vTargetSnapshotID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, transient, 'TargetComponent'); return comparisonID; end if; comparisonID:= generateCompareID(vSrcSnapshotID, vTargetSnapshotID, vCompUOID, transient); initComponent(vSrcSnapshotID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, transient, 'SourceComponent'); initComponent(vTargetSnapshotID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, transient, 'TargetComponent'); findDelta(comparisonID, vSrcSnapshotID, transient, COMPARE_DELETE_STATE, 'SourceComponent', 'TargetComponent'); findDelta(comparisonID, vTargetSnapshotID, transient, COMPARE_INSERT_STATE, 'TargetComponent', 'SourceComponent'); findUpdate(comparisonID, vTargetSnapshotID, transient); compareID := comparisonID; return compareID; END compare; /** * Compare current with snapshot */ FUNCTION compareCurrentWithSnap(label IN VARCHAR2, vCompUOID IN VARCHAR2, target IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS vSrcSnapID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; vTgtSnapID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; tempSnapID lwcontext.SnapshotID%TYPE; comparisonID NUMBER(9) := 0; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000); elID cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; elemID1 cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; snapName1 snapshotlookup.snapshotname%TYPE; snap cmpelement_v.elementid%TYPE; BEGIN'e:\Work\Mcm','log.txt'); cleanSourceTargetComponent(); -- take light weight snapshot of component select cwmseq.nextval into elemID1 from dual; select elementid into elID from cmpelement_v where uoid = vCompUOID; snapName1:= TO_CHAR(elemID1); storeComponentRows(elID,CASCADE_SNAPSHOT,CURRENT_SNAPSHOT); deleteNonSemanticProperties(); snap:= getSnapshotID(snapName1,TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT,'',Snapshot.LIGHT_SNAPSHOT); takeLWSnapshot(elID,snap,TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT,CURRENT_SNAPSHOT); cleanTempTable(); -- get src and tgt snapshot id sql_stmt:= 'select snapshotID from ' || getSnapshotLookupTable(PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT) || ' where SnapshotName = :snaplabel'; execute immediate sql_stmt INTO vTgtSnapID USING label; vSrcSnapID := snap; -- check src and tgt if (target = CURRENT_MINUS_SNAPSHOT) then tempSnapID := vSrcSnapID; vSrcSnapID := vTgtSnapID; vTgtSnapID := tempSnapID; debug('Snapshot.compareCurrentWithSnap: source id ',vSrcSnapID); debug('Snapshot.compareCurrentWithSnap: target id ',vTgtSnapID); initComponentLabel(vTgtSnapID, Snapshot.TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, 'TargetComponent'); initComponent(vSrcSnapID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, Snapshot.PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT, 'SourceComponent'); else initComponentLabel(vSrcSnapID, Snapshot.TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, 'SourceComponent'); initComponent(vTgtSnapID, vCompUOID, comparisonID, Snapshot.PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT, 'TargetComponent'); end if; findDelta(comparisonID, vSrcSnapID, Snapshot.TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, COMPARE_DELETE_STATE, 'SourceComponent', 'TargetComponent'); findDelta(comparisonID, vTgtSnapID, Snapshot.TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT, COMPARE_INSERT_STATE, 'TargetComponent', 'SourceComponent'); findUpdate(comparisonID, vTgtSnapID, Snapshot.TRANSIENT_SNAPSHOT); return comparisonID; END compareCurrentWithSnap; FUNCTION isModelConsistent(snap IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS eqCount NUMBER; snapCount NUMBER; BEGIN select count(1) into eqCount from ( select physicalname name,metadatasignature from lwcontext where snapshotid = snap and classname = 'ClassDefinition' ) src, ( select name,metadatasignature from classdefinition_v ) tgt where = and src.metadatasignature = tgt.metadatasignature; select count(1) into snapCount from lwcontext where snapshotid = snap and classname = 'ClassDefinition'; if (snapCount = eqCount) then return CONSISTENT; end if; return NOT_CONSISTENT; END isModelConsistent; PROCEDURE init(owbuser IN VARCHAR2,operType IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN currentUser:= owbuser; cleanMCMErrors(); if (currentUser is null) then --select name into currentUser from cmpuser_v; select sys_context('userenv', 'current_schema') into currentUser from dual; end if;'e:\work\mcm','log.txt'); --if (NOT(ServerLog.isOpen())) then --'d:\temp','Snapshot.log'); --end if; END init; PROCEDURE insertMCMErrors IS BEGIN debug('Snapshot.insertMCMErrors: number of errors = ',SnapshotError.errNo); for i in 0..SnapshotError.errNo-1 loop insert into mcmerrors values (SnapshotError.mcmErrTable(i).errCode, SnapshotError.mcmErrTable(i).parameters); end loop; SnapshotError.errNo:= 0; END insertMCMErrors; /** * Do MCM Operations using this public method * @param labelStr snapshot name * @param operType the operation type * @param transient whether it's a transient snapshot or not * @param description to be used by transient snapshot creation * @param isHeavy to be used by transient snapshot creation */ FUNCTION doMCMOperation(operType IN NUMBER,labelStr IN VARCHAR2,retValue OUT NUMBER, owbuser IN VARCHAR2 default null,descriptionStr IN VARCHAR2 default null, isHeavy IN NUMBER default 0,isCurrent IN NUMBER default 0) RETURN NUMBER IS snap snapshotstoretable.snapshotid%TYPE; retCode NUMBER; BEGIN init(owbuser,operType); snap:= getSnapshotID(labelStr,PERSISTENT_SNAPSHOT,descriptionStr,isHeavy); if (operType = CREATE_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= takePersistentSnapshots(snap,descriptionStr,isHeavy,isCurrent); update snapshotstoretable set updatedby = currentUser, userName = currentUser where snapshotid = snap; elsif (operType = ALTER_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= alterSnapshot(snap,descriptionStr); update snapshotstoretable set description = decode(descriptionStr,null,description,descriptionStr), updatedby = currentUser, updatetimestamp = sysdate where snapshotid = snap; elsif (operType = RESTORE_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= restoreSnapshot(snap); elsif (operType = SHRINK_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= shrinkSnapshot(snap); elsif (operType = DELETE_SNAPSHOT) then retCode:= deleteSnapshot(null,snap); else return SnapshotError.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION; end if; debug('Snapshot.doMCMOperation: retCode = ',retCode); insertMCMErrors(); if (isDebug()) then for c in (select * from mcmerrors) loop debug('Snapshot.doMCMOperation: errCode = ' || c.errcode || ' parameters = ',c.parameters); end loop; end if; --ServerLog.close(); return retCode; END doMCMOperation; END Snapshot; /