How to apply the script: 1) If there are any OWB products running, exit from all of them. 2) Make a backup of the repository 3) Log in to sqlplus as the repository owner(OWBSYS) and execute bug_9488925.sql script The script will prompt for execution options (see below) SQL> @bug_9488925 Report Only? (Y/N=Report+Fix):[N] Test Mode? (Y=rollback/N=commit):[Y] N Warning: Turning show key info on could result in extremely large output volume (Tip: Running in report only mode with row info set to FALSE will allow you to determine row counts first.) Show detail info for found rows? (Y=show/N=hide):[N] Review above entries and press to continue or Ctrl-C to cancel Start bug_9488925 Customer Critical Issues Repository Cleaning ... Note: Script execution could take several hours. 4) Examine bug_9488925_LOG.TXT generated and save to another copy in case you need to re-run the patch script 5) [Optional] You can re-run the script selecting report-only mode to verify all found issues were resolved.