Rem Rem $Header: whdev/2.0/owb/shiphome/owb/patches/bug10236629/autofix.sql /main/3 2010/11/09 18:35:05 wwan Exp $ Rem Rem autofix.sql - use this to fix the duplicate transitions at your own risk!! Rem The prereq is that it is not important with the transition order Rem Stop other owb operations before run this script Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem autofix.sql - This script is used to fix the duplicate transition ordering Rem issue in Process Flow. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem After running the fix10236629.sql to identify the Process Flows having the Rem duplicate transition ordering issue. This script can be used to re-order the Rem problematic transitions such that they have the correct ordering. Rem Prerequisite: After running this script, the transition ordering of those Rem transitions having duplicate transition orders will be changed, it will be Rem modified in a random sequence starting with 0. If you want to specify the Rem ordering manually, this script should not be used, but rather fix the ordering Rem manually. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Run fix10236629.sql first. Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem swu 11/04/10 - Created Rem SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE source_actid NUMBER; process_id NUMBER; trans_count NUMBER; update_count NUMBER; cur1 sys_refcursor; activity_name VARCHAR2(20); process_name VARCHAR2(20); pfpkg_name VARCHAR2(20); pfmodule_name VARCHAR2(20); project_name VARCHAR2(20); query1 VARCHAR2(1000):='select sourceactivity,owningprocess,totalcnt from (SELECT sourceactivity,owningprocess, count(transitionorder) AS totalcnt, (COUNT(transitionorder)-COUNT(DISTINCT transitionorder)) AS isduplicate FROM cmpprocesstransition_r t, cmpprocess_r p WHERE t.owningprocess=p.elementid GROUP BY sourceactivity,owningprocess) trans where isduplicate>0'; BEGIN OPEN cur1 FOR query1; LOOP FETCH cur1 INTO source_actid,process_id,trans_count; EXIT WHEN cur1%NOTFOUND; --dbms_output.put_line(source_actid||' '||process_id||' '||trans_count); /* SELECT,,,, INTO activity_name, process_name, pfpkg_name, pfmodule_name, project_name FROM cmpbaseprocessactivity_r act, cmpprocess_r pro, cmpprocesspackage_r pkg, cmpprocessinstalledmodule_r mod, cmpwbproject_r proj WHERE act.elementid =source_actid AND pro.elementid =process_id AND pkg.elementid =pro.owningpackage AND pkg.PROCESSINSTALLEDMODULE=mod.elementid AND proj.elementid =mod.owningproject AND proj.owningworkspace >1; dbms_output.put_line(project_name||' '||pfmodule_name||' '||pfpkg_name||' '||process_name||' '||activity_name||' has duplicate outgoing transitions! Total transition count: '||trans_count); */ UPDATE (SELECT * FROM cmpscoclasses WHERE r_16=source_actid ) t1 SET t1.i_7 =rownum-1; update_count :=SQL%rowcount; dbms_output.put_line(update_count||' rows have been updated for sourceactivity: '||source_actid); IF update_count <> trans_count THEN dbms_output.put_line('update count does not match total transition count, now roll back!'); ROLLBACK; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE cur1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; /