Rem Rem $Header: whdev/2.0/owb/shiphome/owb/patches/bug10205394/fix10205394.sql /main/1 2010/10/20 23:39:52 kainyang Exp $ Rem Rem bug10205394.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem fix10205394.sql - Tunning Copy&Paste Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script is used to create 4 new index for enhancing the performance of Copy&Paste. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script should be executed by OWBSYS. After that, the repository owner should execute "Optimize Repository" Rem to make this work. Rem Usage: Rem sqlplus> conn OWBSYS/ Rem sqlplus> @fix10205394.sql Rem e.g. Loging OWB Client with / Rem Click "Tools" -> "Optimize Repository" Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kainyang 10/17/10 - Created Rem set serveroutput on size 999999 set line 300 ACCEPT tndex DEFAULT 'USERS' PROMPT 'Tablespace for creating indexes :[USERS] ' create index IDX_SCOFCOClass_CP on CMPSCOClasses (r_7, workspaceID, s2_1) parallel nologging compress tablespace &tndex; create index IDX_SCOCfgFCOClass_CP on CMPSCOCfgClasses (r_7, workspaceID, s2_1) parallel nologging compress tablespace &tndex; create index IDX_SCOMapFCOClass_CP on CMPSCOMapClasses (r_7, workspaceID, s2_1) parallel nologging compress tablespace &tndex; create index IDX_SCOPrpFCOClass_CP on CMPSCOPrpClasses (r_7, workspaceID, s2_1) parallel nologging compress tablespace &tndex; @../../reposasst/SnapshotCreateRestore.plb