@echo off REM upgradeloc.bat REM REM Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. REM NOTE: this script is used to upgrade the locations, the user will connect as workspace owner to the runtime repository. REM 1, This script accept either 6 or 7 or 8 parameters. REM 8 arguments: REM In this case, the specific store will be upgraded with the given password. REM 7 arguments: REM Different from above case, the program will try to query the password automatically first, if failed will prompt the user for password. REM 6 arguments: REM In this case, the program will upgrade all the stores except the PlatformSchema. REM 2, This program does not upgrade other location details except for password. If you want to upgrade other connection info, you can check wb_rt_reset_location REM package under \owb\rtasst REM 3, It is recommended to save the output to a log file for diagnostic. REM 4, The location report page in RAB can also be used for this purpose. REM set JAVAPATH=..\..\..\jdk set CLASSPATH=..\..\lib\int\upgradeloc.jar;..\..\lib\int\servimpl.jar;..\..\lib\int\repossdk.jar;..\..\lib\int\util.jar;..\..\lib\int\rts2.jar;..\..\lib\int\rts.jar;..\..\..\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5.jar;..\..\..\sqlj\lib\runtime12.jar set STORE_MANAGER=oracle.wh.ui.rab.StoreManagement %JAVAPATH%\bin\java -cp %CLASSPATH% %STORE_MANAGER% %*