echo off REM Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. REM Purpose: to test if any key entries of the rts files used in OWB has no more than 4000 characters. REM How to run: rts_test.bat REM Log file location: shiphome/owb/bin/admin/RTSTest_log.000.log REM If the test scceeds, the following sentence can be found at the end of the log file: REM "The RTS Test ends successfully." REM Otherwise, REM "The RTS Test ends with error(s)." REM Meanwhile, the detail error message can be found like the following: REM "oracle/wh/resource/ REM Admin.rts REM Error: key 'PrefRecyclebinExplainLabel' has more than 4000 characters! " echo on call setowbenv.bat %JAVAPATH%\jre\bin\java -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true %CLASSPATH_LAUNCHER% build.rtstest.RTSTester cd /d ..\win32