@echo off REM Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. call setowbenv.bat if "%1"=="?" ( goto USAGE ) else if "%1"=="help" ( goto USAGE ) else if "%1"=="-help" ( goto USAGE ) else ( cd /d ..\admin set NAMEADDRJARS=..\..\lib\int\nasvr.jar;..\..\lib\int\namsg.jar;..\..\lib\int\naclient.jar set RTSJARS=..\..\lib\int\rts.jar;..\..\lib\int\rts2.jar set JARS=%NAMEADDRJARS%;%RTSJARS% ..\..\..\jdk\jre\bin\java.exe -cp %JARS% oracle.wh.nas.svr.NASvrStop %* cd /d ..\win32 goto END ) :USAGE echo Usage: NAStop.sh [repos connect string] [-h host] [-p port] [-i] echo Host and port specify the location of the name/address server. echo If host and port are ommitted, localhost is assumed and the port is echo read from NameAddr.properties. echo The repository connection string is of the form user/pwd@host:port:service, where echo host, port and service name specify the OWB repository database, and echo user specifies the OWB repository owner. echo -i specifies an immediate shutdown, without waiting for clients to disconnect :END