# Sqlsrv_ItemDefaults.properties # Property File for setting sensible defaults for grid cells based on the name entered # # Summary of regular expression syntax. # # Name matches are case sensitive. # The period (.) will match any single character. # The asterisk (*) will match 0 - any number of the preceding character. # # Complete rules for regular expression matching are equvalent to those of the java.util.regex.Pattern class. # http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html # # List of supported tags # datatype, # length, # precision, # scale, # isnull # # ID Pattern NameMatch = .*_ID datatype = NUMERIC precision = 22 scale = 0 # ID exact Pattern NameMatch = ID datatype = NUMERIC precision = 22 scale = 0 # Key Pattern NameMatch = .*_KEY datatype = NUMERIC precision = 22 scale = 0 # Primary Key Pattern NameMatch = .*_PK datatype = VARCHAR length = 240 # Foreign Key Pattern NameMatch = .*_FK datatype = VARCHAR length = 240 # Date Pattern NameMatch = .*DATE.* datatype = DATETIME # Name Pattern NameMatch = .*NAME.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Description Pattern NameMatch = .*DESC.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 240 # Comment Pattern NameMatch = .*COMMENT.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 240 # Postal Code Pattern NameMatch = .*POSTAL_CODE.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 10 # Code Pattern NameMatch = .*CODE.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Number Pattern NameMatch = .*NUM.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 0 # Number Pattern 2 NameMatch = .*_NO datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 0 # Flag Pattern NameMatch = .*FLAG.* datatype = CHAR length = 1 # Indicator Pattern NameMatch = .*_IND datatype = CHAR length = 1 # Status Pattern NameMatch = .*STATUS.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Type Pattern NameMatch = .*TYPE.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Value Pattern NameMatch = .*VALUE datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Text Pattern NameMatch = .*TEXT datatype = VARCHAR length = 100 # Text Pattern 2 NameMatch = .*TXT datatype = VARCHAR length = 100 # Count Pattern NameMatch = .*_CNT datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 0 # Percent Pattern NameMatch = .*_PCT datatype = NUMERIC precision = 2 scale = 2 # Quantity Pattern NameMatch = .*QUANTITY.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 0 # Amount Pattern NameMatch = .*AMOUNT.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 2 # Price Pattern NameMatch = .*PRICE.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 2 # Cost Pattern NameMatch = .*COST.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 2 # Total Pattern NameMatch = .*TOTAL.* datatype = NUMERIC precision = 8 scale = 2 # Address Pattern NameMatch = .*ADDRESS.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # City Pattern NameMatch = .*CITY.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # State Pattern NameMatch = .*STATE.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 2 # Zip Pattern NameMatch = .*ZIP.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 10 # Country Pattern NameMatch = .*COUNTRY.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Phone Pattern NameMatch = .*PHONE.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # Email Pattern NameMatch = .*EMAIL.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 30 # URL Pattern NameMatch = .*URL.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 100 # SSN Pattern NameMatch = .*SSN.* datatype = VARCHAR length = 11 #else Pattern NameMatch = .* datetype = VARCHAR length = 7