#!/bin/sh # # $Header: patch_paris_repos.sh 14-mar-2006.10:35:02 jfklein Exp $ # # patch_paris_repos.sh # # Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # patch_paris_repos.sh - upgrade OWB repository to current version # # DESCRIPTION # This script can be used to patch a repository for the latest build. It # assumes that the base repository version is or later. # # NOTES # USAGE: # Change default directory to /owb/UnifiedRepos # ./patch_paris_repos.sh # # Where:: # // - Connection information for Oracle # instance containing the OWB repository to # be upgraded. # / - Name/Password for user with dba priviledges. # This user will be logged on AS SYSDBA to execute # the patch_paris_repos_sys.sql script. # / - Name/Password for OWB repository owner. This # user will be logged on to execute the # patch_paris_repos.sql script and also to execute # the owb_uprop_nls table load in this script. # CUSTOMIZATION: # The nls translation set for each language is fairly large and this # script defaults to installing all of them. (This is to match the # behavior of the standard repository installation.) The execution time # of this script can be improved by removing any non-required language # sets in the OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES variable declaration. Tests on linux # with a local database show savings of approximately 2.5min/language. # (Initial run with just base (en) = 3:11, 2nd run adding de = 5:53, # 3rd run with all languages = 23min) # # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # jfklein 03/14/06 - # bjeffrie 02/24/06 - Creation # echo ======================================= echo ===== patch_paris_repos Executing ===== echo ======================================= echo HOST=$1 PORT=$2 SVCNAME=$3 DBAUSR=$4 DBAPWD=$5 OWBUSR=$6 OWBPWD=$7 CURDIR=`pwd` EXEDIR=../bin/unix cd $EXEDIR eval `cat ../unix/setowbenv.sh` # Note: All external files referenced from EXEDIR PATCH_FILES_DIR=../../UnifiedRepos # Note: sql files must have final 'exit;' DBA_PATCH_FILE=$PATCH_FILES_DIR/patch_paris_repos_sys.sql OWB_PATCH_FILE=$PATCH_FILES_DIR/patch_paris_repos.sql NLS_FILES_DIR=../../browserasst/views # REQUIRED! OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls.xml # Optional, may comment out those not needed. OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_de.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_es.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_fr.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_it.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_ja.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_ko.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_pt_BR.xml OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES=$OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES $NLS_FILES_DIR/owb_uprop_nls_zh_CN.xml ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ${DBAUSR}/${DBAPWD} AS SYSDBA@${HOST}:${PORT}/${SVCNAME} @${DBA_PATCH_FILE} ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ${OWBUSR}/${OWBPWD}@${HOST}:${PORT}/${SVCNAME} @${OWB_PATCH_FILE} echo echo ======================================== echo ===== load owb_uprop_nls Executing ===== echo ======================================== ./jvm.sh -classpath ../../../lib/transx.zip:../../../lib/xschema.jar:../../../lib/xsu12.jar:../../../rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar:../../lib/int/rtpplatform.jar:../../lib/int/rtpcommon.jar:../../../jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar:../../../lib/xmlparserv2.jar:../../../sqlj/lib/runtime12.jar:../../../jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar oracle.xml.transx.loader "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=${HOST})(PORT=${PORT}))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=${SVCNAME})))" ${OWBUSR} ${OWBPWD} ${OWB_UPROP_NLS_FILES} echo ======================================== echo ===== load owb_uprop_nls Finished ===== echo ======================================== echo cd $CURDIR echo ======================================= echo ===== patch_paris_repos Finished ===== echo =======================================