Rem Rem ime112.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ime112.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem runs as ORDSYS Rem Rem Internal downgrade script from Oracle Multimedia patchset to Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jiezhan 06/30/11 - Backport jiezhan_imageio_definer from main Rem smavris 05/20/10 - Check that dependencies exist and are valid Rem before install, upgrade, downgrade, reload, patch Rem jiezhan 09/25/09 - change max of XML_SKIP_ATTR Rem dolin 09/15/09 - Created Rem whenever sqlerror exit; REM REM Make sure Oracle Multimedia schemas exist. REM REM Note - it is forbidden to exit in a downgrade script. REM However, it is an assumed impossible condition that we exist in the REM registry (which is the only way this script should be called) and our REM schemas don't exist. Therefore, we will exit here if our schemas don't REM exist so we can figure out how we got in this situation. REM @@imchksch.sql whenever sqlerror continue; REM REM IMPORTANT... Dependencies must be checked in top level downgrade script. REM REM Make sure Oracle Multimedia dependencies are valid (and log errors and REM continue if not). Check Oracle Multimedia validity. REM @@imchkdep.sql 1 DOWNGRADING DOWNGRADED alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; execute sys.dbms_registry.downgrading('ORDIM', 'Oracle Multimedia'); -- revoke imageio access permission grant to ordsys -- which is needed in processcopy call dbms_java.revoke_permission( 'ORDSYS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', '', ''); REM REM Restore the DICOM repository. Rollback the changes in REM ordcmcmd.xml (bug 8625537). REM exec ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.editDataModel(); Rem Delete user inserted docs that depend on ordcmcmd.xml and ordcmct.xml Rem then delete ordcmct.xml and ordcmcmd.xml create global temporary table orddata.temp_docs ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS as select d.* from orddata.orddcm_docs d, orddata.orddcm_doc_types t, ( select unique ref_by_doc_name doc_name from orddata.orddcm_doc_refs where ref_by_doc_name != 'ordcmct.xml' start with doc_name in ('ordcmcmd.xml', 'ordcmct.xml') connect by doc_id = prior ref_by_doc_id ) r where d.doc_name = r.doc_name and t.doc_type = 'CONSTRAINT' and t.doc_type_id = d.doc_type_id; declare l_cnt integer; begin for cur in (select doc_name from orddata.temp_docs order by doc_id desc) loop ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.deleteDocument(cur.doc_name); end loop; ordsys.ord_dicom_admin_prv.deleteAnyDoc('ordcmct.xml'); ordsys.ord_dicom_admin_prv.deleteAnyDoc('ordcmcmd.xml'); exception when others then ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.rollbackDataModel(); raise; end; / Rem insert back the ordcmcmd.xml and ordcmct.xml @@imxreins.sql Rem Re-insert user constraint docs that were deleted in this script begin for cur in (select doc_name, doc_content from orddata.temp_docs order by doc_id asc) loop ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.insertDocument(cur.doc_name, 'CONSTRAINT', cur.doc_content); end loop; exception when others then ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.rollbackDataModel(); raise; end; / exec ordsys.ord_dicom_admin.publishDataModel(); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table orddata.temp_docs'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop table orddata.temp_docs'; exception when others then null; end; / -- change max value of XML_SKIP_ATTR alter session set current_schema=ORDDATA; update ORDDATA.orddcm_prefs_lookup set max_val=32767 where param_name='XML_SKIP_ATTR'; -- The following should be at the end of the ORDIM part of the file -- executed as ORDSYS alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; REM Drop all Oracle Multimedia java classes @@imclnjav EXECUTE sys.dbms_registry.downgraded('ORDIM', '11.2.0'); alter session set current_schema="SYS";