/ / $Header: ltmus.msg 19-jun-2003.17:48:09 Exp $ / / Copyright (c) 1995, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved. / NAME / ltmus.msg - LTM US language error message file / DESCRIPTION / Error message file for LTM package / RETURNS / / NOTES / / LTM Error Messages / / 00000, 00000, "Normal, successful completion." // *Cause: Normal exit // // *Action: None // 00800, 00000, "Component not initialized" // *Cause: A timer manipulation or a pool manipulation function was // called before the component initialization function (ltmini). // // *Action: Check your code to make sure ltmini is called before any // other LTM function. // 00801, 00000, "Attempt to use free timer" // *Cause: The program is trying to access a timer that has been freed // or has never been allocated. // // *Action: Check your code to see that the timer used had been allocated // and has not been freed. // 00802, 00000, "Out of memory" // *Cause: The LTM package failed in trying to dynamically allocate // memory. // // *Action: Perform whatever actions you wish to make more memory available // to the running program. // 00803, 00000, "Error in signal handling" // *Cause: Error in one of the shared signals routines. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 00804, 00000, "Invalid parameter" // *Cause: Error in one or more of the input parameters // // *Action: Make sure input parameters are correct. //