Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xoqu111.sql - migration script for upgrading olap api component Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrade OLAP API from 11.1.0 Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem glyon 11/02/09 - Confine fixed table statistics to development Rem wechen 07/29/09 - Backport wechen_bug-8688621 from Rem st_rdbms_11. Rem dbardwel 08/19/08 - Updates for olap data security for 11.2 Rem jhartsin 02/21/08 - Creation execute sys.dbms_registry.upgrading('XOQ'); -- drop ODBO support DROP PACKAGE DBMS_XSOQ_ODBO; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_measdims_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_listdims_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_stdhiers_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_stdlevels_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_cubedims_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_custprops_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_level_type_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_cardinality_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_dflt_mbr_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_reg_attrs_pvt; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_cubes; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_dimensions; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_hierarchies; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_levels; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_properties; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_measures; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_actions; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_functions; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_sets; DROP TYPE Olapi_MDX_Rowset_Impl_t FORCE; DROP FUNCTION Olapi_MDX_Rowset_Table; DROP VIEW olap_oledb_mdproperties; DROP TABLE olap_oledb_mdprops; DROP TABLE olap_oledb_mdpropvals; DROP TABLE olap_oledb_keywords; DROP TABLE olap_oledb_functions_pvt; -- data security for 11.2 @@awmxsrol.sql @@awmcrxdb.plb -- drop snapi types. Depending on where the upgrade comes from, -- snapi type may or may not be present. Guard the drops with -- exception handling. begin execute immediate 'DROP TYPE GenExtraStruct FORCE'; execute immediate 'DROP TYPE GenPKTStruct FORCE'; execute immediate 'DROP PACKAGE GenSnapiInterface'; exception when others then null; end; / -- all DROPs from olapimov.sql DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM GV_Olapi_Session_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM V_Olapi_Session_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM GV_Olapi_Iface_Object_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM V_Olapi_Iface_Object_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM GV_Olapi_Iface_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM V_Olapi_Iface_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM GV_Olapi_Memory_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM V_Olapi_Memory_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM GV_Ksmhp FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_History_Seq FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_Session_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_Iface_Object_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_Iface_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_Memory_Op_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Olapi_Memory_Heap_History FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM DBMS_XSOQ FORCE; DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM DBMS_XSOQ_UTIL FORCE; DROP VIEW GV_Olapi_Session_History; DROP VIEW V_Olapi_Session_History; DROP VIEW GV_Olapi_Iface_Object_History; DROP VIEW V_Olapi_Iface_Object_History; DROP VIEW GV_Olapi_Iface_Op_History; DROP VIEW V_Olapi_Iface_Op_History; DROP VIEW GV_Olapi_Memory_Op_History; DROP VIEW V_Olapi_Memory_Op_History; DROP VIEW GV_Ksmhp; DROP SEQUENCE Olapi_History_Seq; DROP TABLE Olapi_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE Olapi_Session_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE Olapi_Iface_Object_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE Olapi_Iface_Op_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE Olapi_Memory_Op_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE Olapi_Memory_Heap_History CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP PROCEDURE OlapiHistoryRetention; DROP TRIGGER OlapiStartupTrigger; DROP TRIGGER OlapiShutdownTrigger; DROP PACKAGE DBMS_XSOQ; DROP PACKAGE DBMS_XSOQ_UTIL; -- drop OLAPI_TRACE_USER role, it it exists declare cursor xoqrole is select role from dba_roles where role = 'OLAPI_TRACE_USER'; xoqrolename varchar2(30); begin if not xoqrole%isopen then open xoqrole; fetch xoqrole into xoqrolename; if xoqrole%found then execute immediate 'DROP ROLE OLAPI_TRACE_USER'; end if; close xoqrole; end if; end; / execute sys.dbms_registry.upgraded('XOQ');