Rem Rem $Header: onevdcat.sql 24-jul-2000.17:12:45 dthompso Exp $ Rem Rem onevdcat.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2000. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem onevdcat.sql - dba$olap_catalogs Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Catalogs used to categorize measures. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dthompso 07/24/00 - correct name. Rem dthompso 07/19/00 - use correct classificationentry Rem dthompso 04/26/00 - Initial Version Rem dthompso 01/00/00 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba$olap_catalogs AS SELECT c.irid catalog_id , catalog_name , cp.irid parent_catalog_id , c.description description FROM cwm$classification c , cwm$classification cp , cwm$classificationtype cty , cwm$classificationentry ce WHERE cty.irid = c.classificationtype_irid AND = 'ORACLE_OLAP_CATALOG' AND c.irid = ce.element_irid AND = 'CATALOG' AND ce.classification_irid = cp.irid UNION ALL SELECT c.irid catalog_id , catalog_name , null parent_catalog_id , c.description description FROM cwm$classification c , cwm$classificationtype cty WHERE cty.irid = c.classificationtype_irid AND = 'ORACLE_OLAP_CATALOG' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT null FROM cwm$classificationentry ce WHERE = 'CATALOG' AND ce.element_irid = c.irid) WITH READ ONLY /