Rem Rem $Header: cwmlite/admin/onevaflu.sql /main/4 2008/07/28 13:25:50 glyon Exp $ Rem Rem onevaflu.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem onevaflu.sql - all$olap_fact_level_uses Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Mapping of each cube dimension use to the foreign key Rem relationship between fact and dimension tables. Also identifies Rem the Level considered to be the lowest level of aggregation. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem glyon 06/24/08 - bug 7204558: eliminate references to sys.user$ Rem dthompso 05/22/01 - B1771957: Should not project rows if cube owner d Rem dthompso 02/27/01 - change security implementation Rem dthompso 04/26/00 - Initial Version Rem dthompso 01/00/00 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW all$olap_fact_level_uses AS SELECT sch.physicalname owner , cub.physicalname cube_name , cdu.dimension_owner , cdu.dimension_name , dimension_alias , flu.level_name , fu.object_owner fact_table_owner , fu.object_name fact_table_name , flu.foreign_key_name FROM dba_users u , cwm$model sch , cwm$cube cub , cwm$cubedimensionuse cdu , cwm$factleveluse flu , cwm$facttablemap fm , cwm$factuse fu WHERE u.username = sch.physicalname AND sch.irid = cub.datamodel_irid AND ( cwm$util.fact_table_visible(cub.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS /* SELECT ANY TABLE */ (SELECT null FROM v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number = -47)) AND cub.irid = cdu.cube_irid AND cdu.irid = flu.cubedimensionuse_irid AND fm.mapcontainer_irid = cub.irid AND fu.operation_irid_1 = fm.irid WITH READ ONLY /