-- -- $Header: onepxcpn.pls 23-dec-2002.13:00:53 dbardwel Exp $ -- -- onepxcpn.pls -- -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1900, 2000. All Rights Reserved. -- -- NAME -- onepxcpn.pls - cwm$exceptions -- -- DESCRIPTION -- All exceptions raised by API methods. -- -- RETURNS -- -- NOTES -- -- -- MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) -- dbardwel 12/23/02 - fix multiple occurances of descriptor_undefined -- dthompso 06/01/00 - add duplicate_instance. -- dthompso 05/24/00 - Add cannot_override_fact_mappings. -- dthompso 04/27/00 - Initial Version -- dthompso 01/00/00 - Creation -- create or replace package cwm$exceptions as -- the function with this name cannot be found function_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the function with this usage id cannot be found function_usage_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the parameter with this name cannot be found parameter_not_found EXCEPTION; -- cube with this name does not exist in the database cube_not_found EXCEPTION; -- dimension with this name does not exist in the database dimension_not_found EXCEPTION; -- level with this name does not exist for this dimension in the database level_not_found EXCEPTION; -- hierarchy with this name does not exist for this dimension in the database hierarchy_not_found EXCEPTION; -- attribute with this name does not exist for this dimension in the database attribute_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the entity cannot be found in the database entity_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the table cannot be found in the database table_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the schema(user) does not exist in the database schema_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the descriptor identifier does not exist in the database descriptor_undefined EXCEPTION; -- the catalog identifier does not exist in the database catalog_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the parent catalog identifier does not exist in the database parent_catalog_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the element does not exist in catalog element_does_not_exist EXCEPTION; -- a descriptor type with that name not found descriptor_type_not_found EXCEPTION; -- a descriptor with this value already exists descriptor_with_value_exists EXCEPTION; -- fact table not defined for cube fact_table_not_defined EXCEPTION; -- column not found in fact table column_not_found EXCEPTION; -- measure with the same name is not found in the cube measure_not_found EXCEPTION; -- foreign key cannot be found for fact table foreign_key_not_found EXCEPTION; -- No column map exists for that column column_map_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the descriptor is undefined check list of valid descriptors -- descriptor_undefined EXCEPTION; -- name cannot be null or empty string '' invalid_name EXCEPTION; -- only COLUMN supported, invalid object type invalid_object_type EXCEPTION; -- The use between a dimension attribute and level attribute does not exist attribute_use_not_found EXCEPTION; -- the cube already exists, cannot create duplicate with same name cube_already_exists EXCEPTION; -- the attribute already exists, cannot create duplicate with same name attribute_already_exists EXCEPTION; attcol_map_cannot_be_changed EXCEPTION; -- the measure already exists, cannot create duplicate with same name measure_already_exists EXCEPTION; -- the dimension cannot be added again to code use alias to ensure uniqueness dimension_already_exist EXCEPTION; -- a catalog with this name already exists in database catalog_already_exists EXCEPTION; -- cube is already defined in this catalog element_already_exists EXCEPTION; -- a descriptor type with the same name already exists descriptor_type_already_exists EXCEPTION; -- the method is not a recognized aggregation method invalid_aggregation_method EXCEPTION; -- drop the child catalogs first, or use cascade parameter catalog_has_sub_catalogs EXCEPTION; -- a recursive dependency would be created, this is not allowed circular_dependency EXCEPTION; -- entity type is not within the types supported for this release entity_type_not_allowed EXCEPTION; export_not_allowed EXCEPTION; rebuild_failed EXCEPTION; -- must_issue_ddl_to_change EXCEPTION; -- the descriptor type is currently in use elsewhere descriptor_type_in_use EXCEPTION; -- user has no access privileges to perform the operation no_access_privileges EXCEPTION; -- username does not exist in database user_not_found EXCEPTION; -- dimension alias within cube dimension use is not unique alias_not_unique EXCEPTION; -- multiple uses of the same dimension exist within the cube and the -- alias must be specified to qualify the particular use for the operation multiple_uses_exist EXCEPTION; -- A dependent cube dimension use must be defined within the same cube use_not_in_same_cube EXCEPTION; -- The dimension use within the cube specified does not exist dimension_usage_not_found EXCEPTION; -- feature not yet supported unsupported_feature EXCEPTION; -- the project cannot be found, this is bootstrap data project_not_found EXCEPTION; -- Failed to gain lock on metadata failed_to_gain_lock EXCEPTION; -- Cube is already mapped to a fact table but this operation tried to map -- to a different fact table. cannot_override_fact_mappings EXCEPTION; -- OLAP instance has already been added to list duplicate_instance EXCEPTION; end; /