-- -- $Header: onepdat.pls 03-may-2000.10:54:20 dthompso Exp $ -- -- onepdat.pls -- -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1900, 2000. All Rights Reserved. -- -- NAME -- onepdat.pls - cwm$olap$dim$attribute -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Definition of dimension attributes. -- -- RETURNS -- -- NOTES -- -- -- MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) -- dthompso 05/03/00 - Level attributes must be qualified by level name -- dthompso 04/27/00 - Initial Version -- dthompso 01/00/00 - Creation -- create or replace package cwm$olap$dim$attribute as -- Create a new attribute of a dimension (or all levels). -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name for the attribute -- param display_name display name for the attribute -- param description descriptive text for the attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise dimension_not_found if dimension doesn't exist -- raise invalid_name if attribute name is invalid -- raise attribute_already_exists if an attribute with name already exists procedure create_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2 , display_name varchar2 , description varchar2); -- Delete a dimension attribute. -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name of the attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist procedure drop_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2); -- Set new descriptive text for a dimension attribute. -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name of the attribute -- param description new descriptive text for the attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist procedure set_description(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2 , description varchar2); -- Set a new display name for a dimension attribute. -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name of the attribute -- param display_name new display name for the attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist procedure set_display_name(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2 , display_name varchar2); -- Add a level attribute to the dimension attribute. -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param dim_attribute_name name of the dimension attribute -- param level_name name of the level containing the level attribute -- param lvl_attribute_name name of the level attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise dimension_not_found if dimension doesn't exist -- raise attribute_not_found if either attribute doesn't exist -- raise attribute_already_exists if level attribute already added procedure add_level_attribute(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , dim_attribute_name varchar2 , level_name varchar2 , lvl_attribute_name varchar2); -- Remove a level attribute from the dimension attribute. -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param dim_attribute_name name of the dimension attribute -- param level_name name of the level containing the level attribute -- param lvl_attribute_name name of the level attribute -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise dimension_not_found if dimension doesn't exist -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist -- raise attribute_use_not_found if the use does not exist procedure remove_level_attribute(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , dim_attribute_name varchar2 , level_name varchar2 , lvl_attribute_name varchar2); -- Lock the dimension attribute -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name of the attribute -- param wait_for_lock wait for lock if acquired by other user -- -- raise no_access_privileges if no privileges to edit the dimension -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist -- raise failed_to_gain_lock if lock could not be acquired procedure lock_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2 , wait_for_lock boolean := false); -- Internal method to return the id of the dimension attribute -- -- param owner owner of the dimension -- param dimension_name name of the dimension -- param attribute_name name of the attribute -- -- raise attribute_not_found if attribute doesn't exist function get_dimensionattribute_id(owner varchar2 , dimension_name varchar2 , attribute_name varchar2) return number; end; /