REM REM Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM NAME REM cwm2grnt.sql REM REM DESCRIPTION REM Script grants synonyms for CWM2 union api read views REM to PUBLIC. REM REM NOTES REM REM MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM glyon 06/22/07 - replace grants to public with roles REM dbardwel 06/30/04 - Open up XML tables to public per Lev REM dbardwel 09/19/03 - REM dbardwel 09/10/03 - REM Aziz.Mboya 07/29/03 - Fix to bug 2998892: PROBLEMS WITH MAKCMCAT.SQL ORGANIZATION, amboya_txn108325 REM dbardwel 06/01/03 - REM mstasiew 05/15/03 - REM glyon 12/31/02 - backport of mstasiew_txn105532 REM dbardwel 01/24/02 - moved grant on 1 pl/sql package to cwm2apig.sql REM awesley 11/07/01 - awesley_txn100634 REM dbardwel 11/01/01 - dbardwel_txn100562 REM dbardwel 10/31/01 created REM mstasiew 11/20/01 - mstasiew_txn100734 REM dbardwel 01/16/02 - dbardwel_txn101474 added union views REM mstasiew 11/20/01 - mstasiew_txn100734 REM mstasiew 02/01/02 - mstasiew_txn101798 grant select on all$olap2_cubes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_cube_measures to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_cube_dim_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_cube_meas_dim_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dimensions to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_hierarchies to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_levels to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_hier_level_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_attributes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_attr_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_level_attributes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_cube_measure_maps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_fact_level_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_level_key_col_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_join_key_column_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_level_attr_maps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_catalogs to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_entity_desc_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_catalog_entity_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_fact_table_gid to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_hier_custom_sort to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olapmr_FactTblKeyMaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olapmr_FactTblfctMaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ulistdims to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_hiers to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2uhierdims to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_facttblkeymaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_rufcttblkymaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_FactTblFctMaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2uhierdim_keycol_map to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olapmr_dim_levels_keymaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_dim_levels_keymaps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2_mr_measdimview to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucubes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucube_measures to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucube_dim_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucube_meas_dim_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udimensions to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_hierarchies to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_levels to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_hier_level_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_attributes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_attr_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_level_attributes to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucube_measure_maps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ufact_level_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ulevel_key_col_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ujoin_key_column_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2udim_level_attr_maps to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucatalogs to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2uentity_desc_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ucatalog_entity_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2ufact_table_gid to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap2uhier_custom_sort to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap9i1_hier_dimensions to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap9i2_hier_dimensions to PUBLIC; grant select on all$olap1_cubes to PUBLIC; grant select on olapsys.all$olap2_awviews to PUBLIC; grant select on olapsys.all$olap2_awviewcols to PUBLIC; grant select on olapsys.all$olap2_aggregation_uses to PUBLIC; grant select on olapsys.all$olap2uentity_parameters to PUBLIC; grant select on olapsys.all$olap2uentity_ext_parms to PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON OLAPSYS.CWM2$_AW_TEMP_CUST_MEAS_MAP TO OLAP_USER, OLAP_DBA; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON OLAPSYS.CWM2$_AW_NEXT_TEMP_CUST_MEAS TO OLAP_USER, OLAP_DBA; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON OLAPSYS.CWM2$_TEMP_VALUES TO OLAP_USER, OLAP_DBA; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON OLAPSYS.XML_LOAD_RECORDS TO OLAP_USER, OLAP_DBA; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON OLAPSYS.XML_LOAD_LOG TO OLAP_USER, OLAP_DBA;