REM REM Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM Name REM cwm2awlv.sql REM REM Description REM AW Load View definitions REM REM Notes REM REM MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM glyon 06/24/08 - bug 7204558: eliminate references to sys.user$ REM awesley 08/25/03 - bug 2884295 REM mstasie 04/24/03 - REM mstasie 03/13/03 - REM dbardwe 02/12/03 - REM mstasie 01/07/03 - REM mstasie 01/06/03 - REM awesley 12/17/02 - REM dbardwe 11/20/02 - dbardwel_txn105264 finalize REM mstasie 10/22/02 - REM mstasie 08/19/02 - mstasiew_txn103605 REM mstasiew 08/14/02 REM create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_map as select d.owner OWNER, DIMENSION_NAME, LOAD_NAME, d.irid DIM_IRID, l.irid LOAD_IRID, l.version_id VERSION_ID from olapsys.cwm2$dimension d, olapsys.cwm2$awdimload l where d.irid = l.dim_irid and l.version_id = 'CWM2' and d.invalid = 'N' and (cwm2$security.dimension_tables_visible(d.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47, -215, -216, -217))) union all SELECT u.username owner, dimension_name, LOAD_NAME, dim.irid DIM_IRID, l.irid LOAD_IRID, l.version_id VERSION_ID FROM sys.dim$ d, dba_users u, sys.obj$ o, cwm$dimension dim, olapsys.cwm2$awdimload l WHERE o.type# = 43 AND u.user_id = o.owner# AND o.obj# = d.obj# AND d.obj# = dim.irid AND ( cwm$util.dimension_tables_visible(d.obj#) = 'Y' OR EXISTS /* SELECT ANY TABLE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP ANY DIMENSION */ (SELECT null FROM v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number IN (-47,-215,-216,-217))) and dim.irid = l.dim_irid and l.version_id = 'CWM' with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_dim as select ldm.owner owner, ldm.dimension_name dimension_name, ldm.load_name load_name, load_type from olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_map ldm, olapsys.cwm2$awdimload l, olapsys.cwm2$awdimloadtype lt where ldm.dim_irid = l.dim_irid and ldm.load_irid = l.irid and l.loadtype_irid = lt.irid with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_filt as select ldm.owner owner, ldm.dimension_name dimension_name, ldm.load_name load_name, lf.lookup_table_owner table_owner, lf.lookup_table_name table_name, lf.filtercondition filter_condition from olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_map ldm, olapsys.cwm2$awdimloadfilter lf where ldm.load_irid = lf.dimload_irid with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_parm as select ldm.owner owner, ldm.dimension_name dimension_name, ldm.load_name load_name, parm_name, dlpv.value parm_value from olapsys.all$aw_load_dim_map ldm, olapsys.cwm2$awdimloadparm dlp, olapsys.cwm2$awdimloadparmvalue dlpv where ldm.load_irid = dlpv.dimload_irid and dlpv.parmname_irid = dlp.irid with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_map as select c.owner owner, cube_name, c.irid cube_irid, load_name, l.irid load_irid, l.version_id version_id from olapsys.CwM2$Cube c, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeload l where (c.invalid = 'N' OR c.invalid = 'O') and l.version_id = 'CWM2' and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) and c.irid = l.cube_irid union all SELECT sch.physicalname owner , cub.physicalname cube_name , cub.irid cube_irid, load_name, l.irid load_irid, l.version_id version_id FROM dba_users u , cwm$model sch , cwm$cube cub , olapsys.cwm2$awcubeload l WHERE u.username = sch.physicalname AND sch.irid = cub.datamodel_irid AND (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(cub.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS /* SELECT ANY TABLE */ (SELECT null FROM v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number = -47)) and cub.irid = l.cube_irid and l.version_id = 'CWM' with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_filt as select lcm.owner owner, lcm.cube_name cube_name, lcm.load_name load_name, lf.Fact_Table_Owner table_owner, lf.Fact_Table_Name table_name, lf.filtercondition filter_condition from olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_map lcm, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeloadfilter lf where lcm.load_irid = lf.cubeload_irid with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_parm as select lcm.owner owner, lcm.cube_name cube_name, lcm.load_name load_name, parm_name, clpv.value parm_value from olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_map lcm, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeloadparm clp, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeloadparmvalue clpv where lcm.load_irid = clpv.cubeload_irid and clpv.parmname_irid = clp.irid with read only / create or replace view olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_meas as select lcm.owner owner, lcm.cube_name cube_name, lcm.load_name load_name, measure_name, measure_target_name, clm.displayname measure_target_display_name, clm.description measure_target_description from olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_map lcm, olapsys.cwm2$measure m, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeloadmeasure clm where lcm.cube_irid = m.cube_irid and lcm.load_irid = clm.cubeload_irid and m.irid = clm.measure_irid and lcm.version_id = 'CWM2' union all select lcm.owner owner, lcm.cube_name cube_name, lcm.load_name load_name, measure_name, measure_target_name, clm.displayname measure_display_name, clm.description measure_target_description from olapsys.all$aw_load_cube_map lcm, olapsys.cwm$measure m, olapsys.cwm2$awcubeloadmeasure clm where lcm.cube_irid = m.itemcontainer_irid and lcm.load_irid = clm.cubeload_irid and m.irid = clm.measure_irid and lcm.version_id = 'CWM' with read only / REM REM This view provides composite information for a REM cube. REM create or replace view all$aw_load_cube_dims as /* For 9i2 - Get Composite dimensions first */ select cub2.owner cube_owner, cube_name, cubeload_name, compspec_name, composite_name, csmCOM.segwidth segwidth, csmCOM.compspec_position compspec_position, dim2.owner dimension_owner, dimension_name, csmMEM.composite_position composite_position, csmCOM.composite_level+1 nested_level, csmMEM.membertype nested_type, nested_name from cwm2$cube cub2, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm2$awcompositeSpec cs, (select level composite_level, IRID, CompSpec_IRID, MemberType, Name, SegWidth, CompSpec_Position, Dim_IRID, Composite_IRID, Composite_Position from cwm2$awcompspecmembership start with membertype = 'COMPOSITE' and composite_irid is null connect by composite_irid = prior irid ) csmCOM, -- composite cwm2$awcompspecmembership csmMEM, -- member cwm2$dimension dim2 where cl.cube_irid = cub2.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (cub2.invalid = 'N' or cub2.invalid = 'O') and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cs.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and csmCOM.compspec_irid = cs.irid and csmMEM.composite_irid = csmCOM.irid and csmMEM.dim_irid = dim2.irid(+) and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(cub2.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all /* For 9i2 - Get Dimensions outside composite next */ select cub2.owner cube_owner, cube_name, cubeload_name, compspec_name, NULL composite_name, csm.segwidth segwidth, csm.compspec_position compspec_position, dim2.owner dimension_owner, dimension_name, null composite_position, null nested_level, null nested_type, null nested_name from cwm2$cube cub2, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm2$awcompositespec cs, cwm2$awcompspecmembership csm, cwm2$dimension dim2 where cl.cube_irid = cub2.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (cub2.invalid = 'N' or cub2.invalid = 'O') and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cs.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and csm.compspec_irid = cs.irid and csm.membertype = 'DIMENSION' and csm.composite_irid is null and csm.dim_IRID = dim2.irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(cub2.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all /* For 9i1 - Get Dimensions within a composite */ select sch.physicalname cube_owner, cube_name, cubeload_name, compspec_name, composite_name, csmCOM.segwidth segwidth, csmCOM.compspec_position compspec_position, u.username dimension_owner, dimension_name, csmMEM.composite_position composite_position, csmCOM.composite_level+1 nested_level, csmMEM.membertype nested_type, nested_name from cwm$cube cub1, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm2$awcompositeSpec cs, (select level composite_level, IRID, CompSpec_IRID, MemberType, Name, SegWidth, CompSpec_Position, Dim_IRID, Composite_IRID, Composite_Position from cwm2$awcompspecmembership start with membertype = 'COMPOSITE' and composite_irid is null connect by composite_irid = prior irid ) csmCOM, -- composite cwm2$awcompspecmembership csmMEM, -- member cwm$dimension dim1, sys.dim$ d, sys.obj$ o, dba_users u, cwm$model sch where cl.cube_irid = cub1.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cs.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and csmCOM.compspec_irid = cs.irid and csmMEM.composite_irid = csmCOM.irid and csmMEM.dim_irid = dim1.irid(+) and d.obj# = dim1.irid and o.obj# = d.obj# and u.user_id = o.owner# and sch.irid = cub1.datamodel_irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(cub1.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all /* For 9i1 - Get Dimensions outside composite next */ select sch.physicalname cube_owner , cub1.physicalname cube_name, cubeload_name, compspec_name, NULL composite_name, csm.segwidth segwidth, csm.compspec_position compspec_position, u.username dimension_owner, dimension_name, null composite_position, null nested_level, null nested_type, null nested_name from cwm$cube cub1, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm2$awcompositespec cs, cwm2$awcompspecmembership csm, cwm$dimension dim1, sys.dim$ d, sys.obj$ o, dba_users u, cwm$model sch where cl.cube_irid = cub1.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cs.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and csm.compspec_irid = cs.irid and csm.membertype = 'DIMENSION' and csm.composite_irid is null and csm.dim_IRID = dim1.irid and d.obj# = dim1.irid and o.obj# = d.obj# and u.user_id = o.owner# and sch.irid = cub1.datamodel_irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(cub1.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides the loads for a cube with its type REM create or replace view all$aw_load_cubes as select c.owner cube_owner, cube_name, load_name, load_type from cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeloadtype clt, cwm2$cube c where cl.loadtype_irid = clt.irid and cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname cube_owner, c.physicalname cube_name, load_name, load_type from cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeloadtype clt, cwm$cube c, cwm$model sch where cl.loadtype_irid = clt.irid and cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides the measures that participate in a REM given aggregation for a load. REM create or replace view all$aw_load_cube_agg_measures as select c.owner cube_owner, cube_name, load_name, aggregation_name, measure_name from cwm2$cube c, cwm2$measure m, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeaggmeasure cagm, cwm2$awcubeloadaggplan clap where cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and cagm.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and cagm.measure_irid = m.irid and m.cube_irid = c.irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname cube_owner, c.physicalname cube_name, load_name, aggregation_name, m.physicalname measure_name from cwm$cube c, cwm$measure m, cwm$model sch, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeaggmeasure cagm, cwm2$awcubeloadaggplan clap where cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and cagm.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and cagm.measure_irid = m.irid and m.itemcontainer_irid = c.irid and sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides the details of how to do an aggregation REM for aggregations in a load REM create or replace view all$aw_load_cube_agg_levels as select c.owner owner, cube_name, load_name, aggregation_name, d.owner dimension_owner, dimension_name, level_name from cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeagglevel caggl, cwm2$awcubeloadaggplan clap, cwm2$cube c, cwm2$dimension d, cwm2$level l where cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and caggl.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and caggl.dim_irid = d.irid and caggl.level_irid = l.irid and clap.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname owner, c.physicalname cube_name, load_name, aggregation_name, u.username dimension_owner, dimension_name, level_name from cwm$model sch, cwm$cube c, cwm$dimension dim1, dba_users u, sys.obj$ o, sys.dim$ d, cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeagglevel caggl, cwm2$awcubeloadaggplan clap, cwm$level l where sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and caggl.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and caggl.dim_irid = dim1.irid and caggl.level_irid = l.irid and clap.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and clap.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and d.obj# = dim1.irid and o.obj# = d.obj# and u.user_id = o.owner# and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides segwidth information for a composite REM in a load. REM create or replace view all$aw_load_cube_segwidth as select c.owner owner, cube_name, load_name, compspec_name, csm.compspec_position vrb_position, csm.segwidth segwidth from cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcompositespec cp, cwm2$awcompspecmembership csm, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm2$cube c where cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and csm.compspec_irid = cp.irid and csm.composite_irid is null and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cp.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname owner, c.physicalname cube_name, load_name, compspec_name, csm.compspec_position vrb_position, csm.segwidth segwidth from cwm2$awcubeload cl, cwm2$awcompositespec cp, cwm2$awcompspecmembership csm, cwm2$awcubecompplan ccp, cwm$cube c, cwm$model sch where cl.cube_irid = c.irid and cl.version_id = 'CWM' and csm.compspec_irid = cp.irid and csm.composite_irid is null and ccp.cubecompspec_irid = cp.irid and ccp.cubeload_irid = cl.irid and sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides the list of aggregation plans for a cube REM create or replace view all$aw_cube_agg_plans as select c.owner owner, cube_name, aggregation_name from cwm2$cube c, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg where cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname owner, c.physicalname cube_name, aggregation_name from cwm$cube c, cwm$model sch, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg where sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM' and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides the list of measure in an REM aggregation plan for a cube REM create or replace view all$aw_cube_agg_measures as select c.owner cube_owner, cube_name, aggregation_name, measure_name from cwm2$cube c, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeaggmeasure caggm, cwm2$measure m where cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and caggm.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and m.irid = caggm.measure_irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname cube_owner, c.physicalname cube_name, aggregation_name, m.physicalname measure_name from cwm$cube c, cwm$model sch, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeaggmeasure caggm, cwm$measure m where sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM' and caggm.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and caggm.measure_irid = m.irid and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only / REM REM This view provides a list of levels that partipate in REM an aggregation. REM create or replace view all$aw_cube_agg_levels as select c.owner owner, cube_name, aggregation_name, d.owner dimension_owner, dimension_name, level_name from cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeagglevel caggl, cwm2$cube c, cwm2$dimension d, cwm2$level l where cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM2' and (c.invalid = 'N' or c.invalid = 'O') and caggl.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and caggl.dim_irid = d.irid and caggl.level_irid = l.irid and (cwm2$security.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) union all select sch.physicalname owner, c.physicalname cube_name, aggregation_name, u.username dimension_owner, dimension_name, level_name from cwm$model sch, cwm$cube c, cwm$dimension dim1, dba_users u, sys.obj$ o, sys.dim$ d, cwm2$awcubeagg cagg, cwm2$awcubeagglevel caggl, cwm$level l where sch.irid = c.datamodel_irid and cagg.cube_irid = c.irid and cagg.version_id = 'CWM' and caggl.cubeagg_irid = cagg.irid and caggl.dim_irid = dim1.irid and caggl.level_irid = l.irid and d.obj# = dim1.irid and o.obj# = d.obj# and u.user_id = o.owner# and (cwm$util.fact_table_visible(c.irid) = 'Y' OR EXISTS (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-47))) with read only /