Rem Rem catawxml.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catawxml.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Install OLAP AW XML support Rem Rem NOTES Rem DBMS_AW_XML should go in olappl.sql like the rest of our Rem catalog procedural objects, but since it depends on Rem OLAPI types that aren't instantiated until catxoq.sql Rem is run, it needs to be built here instead. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cchiappa 01/11/05 - Move DBMS_AW_XML here Rem cchiappa 12/13/04 - Move to package Rem cdalessi 10/15/04 - fix; add missing grant Rem esoyleme 04/22/04 - sqlized Rem cdalessi 12/08/03 - fix resolutions Rem cdalessi 10/20/03 - Rework loadjava options Rem cdalessi 10/06/03 - Creation Rem call dbms_java.dropjava('-force -synonym olap/api/lib/awxml.jar'); call dbms_java.dropjava('-force -synonym olap/api/lib/olap_api_spl.jar'); call dbms_java.loadjava('-force -resolve -grant PUBLIC -synonym olap/api/lib/olap_api_spl.jar'); call dbms_java.loadjava('-force -resolve -grant PUBLIC -synonym olap/api/lib/awxml.jar'); @@dbmsawx.sql @@prvtawx.plb