REM REM Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. REM REM Name REM awmxsrol.sql REM REM Description REM OLAP_XS_ADMIN Role grants REM REM Notes REM REM MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM dbardwel 04/25/08 - Add additional privileges for olap_xs_admin role for 11.2 REM -- 11.2 -- above this line -- REM dbardwel 08/07/07 - Add select on dba_xds_instance_sets to olap_xs_admin REM --- -- Patch changes above this line --- REM dbardwel 06/15/07 - Add select on dba_roles to olap_xs_admin REM dbardwel 05/17.07 - Add olap_xs_admin role to DBA role REM dbardwel 01/17/07 - Rename awm_xs_admin -> olap_xs_admin REM dbardwel 12/01/06 - For AWM Release 11G R1 REM Rem add olap_xs_admin role if needed declare cursor apsrole is select role from dba_roles where role = 'OLAP_XS_ADMIN'; apsrolename varchar2(30); begin if not apsrole%isopen then open apsrole; fetch apsrole into apsrolename; if apsrole%notfound then execute immediate 'create role olap_xs_admin not identified'; end if; close apsrole; end if; end; / Rem These grants are needed since dbms_xdb package is authid current user Rem Without these grants the dbms_xdb calls will not work grant execute on SYS.DBMS_XS_SECCLASS_INT to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_XS_PRIVID_LIST to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on XDB.DBMS_XDB to olap_xs_admin; grant select on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to olap_xs_admin; grant insert on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to olap_xs_admin; grant update on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to olap_xs_admin; grant delete on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to olap_xs_admin; grant select on XDB.XDB$ACL to olap_xs_admin; grant insert on XDB.XDB$ACL to olap_xs_admin; grant update on XDB.XDB$ACL to olap_xs_admin; grant delete on XDB.XDB$ACL to olap_xs_admin; grant select on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to olap_xs_admin; grant insert on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to olap_xs_admin; grant update on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to olap_xs_admin; grant delete on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to olap_xs_admin; grant select on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to olap_xs_admin; grant insert on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to olap_xs_admin; grant update on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to olap_xs_admin; grant delete on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on dbms_xds to olap_xs_admin; grant select on dba_roles to olap_xs_admin; grant select on dba_xds_instance_sets to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_XS_ROLESET_EVENTS_INT to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_XS_SECCLASS_EVENTS to olap_xs_admin; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_XS_DATA_SECURITY_EVENTS to olap_xs_admin; grant olap_xs_admin to DBA; Rem Need to get a return code for creating an xml db folder. Rem Unfortunately dbms_xdb.createfolder() returns a boolean true/false which I Rem can not directly handle via jdbc. This is a wrapper function to return a varchar2 create or replace function awm_createxdsfolder(resPath varchar2) return varchar2 is v_ret boolean; v_retcode varchar2(10); begin v_ret := dbms_xdb.createfolder(resPath); if v_ret = true then v_retcode := 'GOOD'; else v_retcode := 'BAD'; end if; return v_retcode; end awm_createxdsfolder; / grant execute on sys.awm_createxdsfolder to olap_xs_admin;