Rem Rem apsviews.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apsviews.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create OLAP AW related views not in catxs.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dbardwel 10/27/08 - updates for all$olap2_aws to work correctly with 11.2 Rem dbardwel 08/19/08 - Move definition of all$olap2_aws view to apsviews.sql Rem Also just return 11.1, 10.2, and 10.1 AWs now Rem dbardwel 01/24/05 - Support for Version 10.2 for ALL_AW_AC_10g Rem dbardwel 07/20/04 - Add new views ALL_AW_AC and ALL_AW_AC_10_1_0_3 Rem for all active catalog AWs Rem dbardwel 04/08/04 - Remove ALL_AW_NUMBERS no longer needed. Rem dbardwel 03/29/04 - Add ALL_AW_PROP_NAME view for all_olap2_aws Rem dbardwel 03/26/04 - Added missing join to ALL_AW_PROP Rem ghicks 03/05/04 - new columns in aw_prop$ views Rem ckearney 11/20/03 - add ALL_AW_NUMBERS Rem zqiu 10/08/03 - hide the deleted; show prop type, val Rem zqiu 10/01/03 - fix redundancy in all_ views Rem zqiu 09/26/03 - zqiu_txn108960 Rem zqiu 09/25/03 - creation -- create views on aw_prop$ create or replace view DBA_AW_PROP (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, PROPERTY_TYPE, PROPERTY_VALUE, FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE, PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH) as SELECT, a.awseq#, a.awname, p.oid, p.objname, p.propname, dbms_aw.olap_type(nvl(p.proptype, 0)), dbms_aw.prop_val(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_clob(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_len(p.rowid) FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, user$ u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and p.rowid = rid and p.propval IS NOT NULL / comment on table DBA_AW_PROP is 'Object properties in Analytic Workspaces in the database' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.OWNER is 'Owner of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_NAME is 'Property name of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_TYPE is 'Type of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Complete value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH is 'Length in bytes of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / create or replace view USER_AW_PROP (AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, PROPERTY_TYPE, PROPERTY_VALUE, FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE, PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH) as SELECT a.awseq#, a.awname, p.oid, p.objname, p.propname, dbms_aw.olap_type( nvl(p.proptype, 0)), dbms_aw.prop_val(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_clob(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_len(p.rowid) FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) WHERE a.owner#=USERENV('SCHEMAID') and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and p.rowid = rid and p.propval IS NOT NULL / comment on table USER_AW_PROP is 'Object properties in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_NAME is 'Property name of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_TYPE is 'Type of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Complete value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH is 'Length in bytes of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / create or replace view ALL_AW_PROP (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, PROPERTY_TYPE, PROPERTY_VALUE, FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE, PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH) as SELECT, a.awseq#, a.awname, p.oid, p.objname, p.propname, dbms_aw.olap_type( nvl(p.proptype, 0)), dbms_aw.prop_val(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_clob(p.rowid), dbms_aw.prop_len(p.rowid) FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type#= 2 /* type for table */ and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and (a.owner# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) /* public objects */ or o.obj# in ( select obj# /* directly granted privileges */ from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privilages */ ( exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) and p.rowid = rid and p.propval IS NOT NULL / comment on table ALL_AW_PROP is 'Object properties in Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.OWNER is 'Owner of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_NAME is 'Property name of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_TYPE is 'Type of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.FULL_PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Complete value of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_PROP.PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH is 'Length in bytes of the property in the Analytic Workspace' / -- create views on aw_obj$ create or replace view DBA_AW_OBJ (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, OBJ_TYPE, PART_NAME) as SELECT, a.awseq#, a.awname, o.oid, o.objname, o.objtype, o.partname FROM aw$ a, aw_obj$ o, user$ u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_obj$ group by awseq#, oid) WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and a.awseq#=o.awseq# and o.rowid = rid and o.objtype IS NOT NULL / comment on table DBA_AW_OBJ is 'Objects in Analytic Workspaces in the database' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.OWNER is 'Owner of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.OBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column DBA_AW_OBJ.PART_NAME is 'Partition of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / create or replace view USER_AW_OBJ (AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, OBJ_TYPE, PART_NAME) as SELECT a.awseq#, a.awname, o.oid, o.objname, o.objtype, o.partname FROM aw$ a, aw_obj$ o, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_obj$ group by awseq#, oid) WHERE a.owner#=USERENV('SCHEMAID') and a.awseq#=o.awseq# and o.rowid = rid and o.objtype IS NOT NULL / comment on table USER_AW_OBJ is 'Objects in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.OBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column USER_AW_OBJ.PART_NAME is 'Partition of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / create or replace view ALL_AW_OBJ (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, OBJ_TYPE, PART_NAME) as SELECT, a.awseq#, a.awname, p.oid, p.objname, p.objtype, p.partname FROM aw$ a, aw_obj$ p, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_obj$ group by awseq#, oid) WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type#= 2 /* type for table */ and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and (a.owner# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) /* public objects */ or o.obj# in ( select obj# /* directly granted privileges */ from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privilages */ ( exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) and p.rowid = rid and p.objtype IS NOT NULL / comment on table ALL_AW_OBJ is 'Objects in Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.OWNER is 'Owner of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.AW_NUMBER is 'Number of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.AW_NAME is 'Name of the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.OBJ_ID is 'Object ID in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.OBJ_NAME is 'Object name in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.OBJ_TYPE is 'Type of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / comment on column ALL_AW_OBJ.PART_NAME is 'Partition of the object in the Analytic Workspace' / Rem This is used by all_olap2_aws to get the property name information Rem for versioning. It has been created for performance reasons only. create or replace view ALL_AW_PROP_NAME (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME, OBJ_ID, OBJ_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME) as SELECT, a.awseq#, a.awname, p.oid, p.objname, p.propname FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type#= 2 /* type for table */ and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and (a.owner# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) /* public objects */ or o.obj# in ( select obj# /* directly granted privileges */ from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privilages */ ( exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) and p.rowid = rid and p.propval IS NOT NULL / COMMENT ON TABLE all_aw_prop_name IS 'Analytic Workspace property names accessible to the user' / REM This view provides all active catalog AWs that user can see REM This view is used in AWMD SPL implementation create or replace view ALL_AW_AC (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME) as SELECT distinct, a.awseq#, a.awname FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type#= 2 /* type for table */ and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and (a.owner# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) /* public objects */ or o.obj# in ( select obj# /* directly granted privileges */ from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privilages */ ( exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) and p.propname = 'AW$ROLE' / COMMENT ON TABLE all_aw_ac IS 'Active Catalog Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user' / GRANT SELECT ON ALL_AW_AC to public; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_AW_AC FOR SYS.ALL_AW_AC; REM This view provides all and later Standard Form AWs user can see REM This view is used in AWMD SPL Implementation create or replace view ALL_AW_AC_10g (OWNER, AW_NUMBER, AW_NAME) as SELECT distinct, a.awseq#, a.awname FROM aw$ a, aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u WHERE a.owner#=u.user# and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type#= 2 /* type for table */ and a.awseq#=p.awseq# and (a.owner# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) /* public objects */ or o.obj# in ( select obj# /* directly granted privileges */ from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privilages */ ( exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) and (p.propname = 'AW$VERSION10.1.0.3' or p.propname = 'AW$VERSION10.2') / Rem This view is used to get the AWs and their metadata version create or replace view all$olap2_aws (owner, aw, aw_number, aw_version, sf_version) as select aws11g.owner, aws11g.aw_name, aws11g.aw_number, aws11g.aw_version, '11.1' sf_version from all_aws aws11g, (select /*+ ordered */ a.awseq#, r.rid, p.rowid, p.propname from$ a, sys.aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, dba_users u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from sys.aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) r where a.owner# = u.user_id and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type# = 2 and a.awseq# = p.awseq# and p.objname = '___AW_VERSION' and p.propname = 'AW$VERSION11.1' and p.rowid = r.rid and p.propval is not null) props11g where props11g.awseq# = aws11g.aw_number union all select max(aws.owner) owner, max(aws.aw_name) aw, props1.awseq#, max(aws.aw_version) aw_version, (case when count(props1.awseq#) = 2 then '10.2' when count(props1.awseq#) = 1 then '' else null end) sf_version from all_aws aws, (select /*+ ordered */ a.awseq#, r.rid, p.rowid, p.propname from$ a, sys.aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, dba_users u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from sys.aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) r where a.owner# = u.user_id and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type# = 2 and a.awseq# = p.awseq# and p.propname in ('AW$VERSION10.2', 'AW$VERSION10.1.0.3') and p.objname = '___XML_USER_AW_VERSION' and p.rowid = r.rid and p.propval is not null) props1 where props1.awseq# = aws.aw_number and (props1.awseq# not in (select /*+ ordered */ a.awseq# from$ a, sys.aw_prop$ p, sys.obj$ o, dba_users u, (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank last order by gen#) rid from sys.aw_prop$ group by awseq#, oid, propname) r where a.owner# = u.user_id and o.owner# = a.owner# and = 'AW$' || a.awname and o.type# = 2 and a.awseq# = p.awseq# and p.propname = 'AW$VERSION11.1' and p.objname = '___AW_VERSION' and p.rowid = r.rid and p.propval is not null)) group by awseq# / grant select on all$olap2_aws to public / create or replace public synonym ALL_OLAP2_AWS for all$olap2_aws / GRANT SELECT ON ALL_AW_AC_10g to public; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_AW_AC_10g FOR SYS.ALL_AW_AC_10g; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM DBA_AW_PROP FOR SYS.DBA_AW_PROP / GRANT SELECT ON DBA_AW_PROP to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM DBA_AW_OBJ FOR SYS.DBA_AW_OBJ / GRANT SELECT ON DBA_AW_OBJ to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM USER_AW_PROP FOR SYS.USER_AW_PROP / GRANT SELECT ON USER_AW_PROP to public / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM USER_AW_OBJ FOR SYS.USER_AW_OBJ / GRANT SELECT ON USER_AW_OBJ to public / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_AW_PROP FOR SYS.ALL_AW_PROP / GRANT SELECT ON ALL_AW_PROP to public / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_AW_OBJ FOR SYS.ALL_AW_OBJ / GRANT SELECT ON ALL_AW_OBJ to public / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_AW_PROP_NAME FOR SYS.ALL_AW_PROP_NAME / GRANT SELECT ON ALL_AW_PROP_NAME to public /