Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apsu102.sql - migration script for upgrading olap aw component Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrade OLAP AW from 10.2.0 Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem zqiu 05/02/08 - bug 6910052, revoke DML rights Rem zqiu 02/22/08 - call 11.1 script Rem cchiappa 09/21/06 - Insert sequence into noexp$ Rem awesley 04/20/06 - Creation Rem execute sys.dbms_registry.upgrading('APS'); -- We want to insert the name of the sequence for the AW into noexp$ -- but only if that AW would have a sequence (ie, is version 10 or higher) -- and is not already mentioned in the list INSERT INTO sys.noexp$(owner, name, obj_type) (SELECT, a.awname||'_S$', 6 FROM user$ u, aw$ a WHERE a.version >= 1 AND u.user#=a.owner# AND a.awname NOT IN (SELECT SUBSTR(, 1, LENGTH( FROM noexp$ n WHERE AND n.obj_type=6 AND LIKE '%\_S$' ESCAPE '\')); Rem In 9.2 we gave too many privileges to select_catalog_role. BEGIN execute immediate 'REVOKE DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON DBA_AWS from select_catalog_role'; execute immediate 'REVOKE DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON DBA_AW_PS from select_catalog_role'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / Rem Rem Call 11.1 upgrade script Rem @@apsu111.sql execute sys.dbms_registry.upgraded('APS');