#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/webapps/em/WEB-INF/perl/db/ob/ob_o.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/3 2009/09/21 11:49:51 pfgavin Exp $ # # ob_o.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # ob_o.pl - Perl script for Oracle Backup remote operations. # # DESCRIPTION # Remote execution routines for Oracle Backup. # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # pfgavin 09/17/09 - XbranchMerge pfgavin_hpux-lrgfix-4050441 from # st_emdbgc_10. # pfgavin 07/27/09 - fix 4050441 # swbalasu 02/04/09 - action required jobs to map to running # swbalasu 01/28/09 - NT perl crash bug 7848752 # swbalasu 01/06/09 - win: status check issue # swbalasu 11/14/08 - commenting sleep 20 to reduce delays # pfgavin 09/23/08 - # swbalasu 09/17/08 - # swbalasu 09/05/08 - fix command block syntax for # sksantha 02/05/08 - 6736728 bug fix # swbalasu 05/25/07 - add job params cmdblk # swbalasu 07/23/07 - switching CLEAR_STEP_OUTPUT to corr. JOB API # swbalasu 04/06/07 - streaming of transcript # pfgavin 10/14/06 - overhaul of on_o.pl for ASBR, e.g. strict prag. # pfgavin 10/07/06 - fix 5573980 # swbalasu 07/14/06 - fixed bug 5631829 # pfgavin 08/05/05 - fixed 4538635. # pfgavin 07/21/05 - fixed 4499006. # pfgavin 07/13/05 - add check for .local.bin # bseiger 03/04/05 - Fix MBCS issue # pfgavin 02/22/05 - fixed rbmapvar.sh path and parsing. # pfgavin 02/11/05 - move rbmapvar.sh to $ADE_VIEW_ROOT # pfgavin 01/31/05 - windows mods. extended wait period for obtool to timeout. # pfgavin 10/15/04 - pfgavin_text-fixups # pfgavin 10/15/04 - moved from agent side perl, ob.pl. # pfgavin 10/07/04 - rb->ob # pfgavin 05/28/04 - pfgavin_oracle-backup-init # pfgavin 03/17/04 - Creation # use FileHandle; use utf8; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX "sys_wait_h"; use vars qw/ $OS $NT $S $TEMP $CP $MV $PS $DF $DELIMITER /; if ( !defined $ENV{'EMHA_SKIP_LOCAL_IMPORTS'} ) { require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/db_common.pl"; } use strict; use vars qw/ $sd_password $ob_command $ob_result $ob_password $results $poll_command $trans_command $rbug $fpoll $jstate $frest $tmprb $rbtmpfile $orig_ob_command $ob_command_ext /; # # OBset_ob_env() # # If the perl script is run in an ade environment then # look for the env script in the temp dir. This script fille # will set the nessessary environment variables to access # the ob administrative domain running in a view. # sub OBset_ob_env { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBset_ob_env(): start"); open rbtmpfile or die "Can't find $rbtmpfile\n"; while () { my $xtra; my $varname; my $varvalue; ($xtra, $varname, $varvalue) = split / /; if ($NT) { substr($varvalue, -1) = ""; } else { substr($varvalue, 0, 1) = ""; substr($varvalue, -2) = ""; } $ENV{$varname} = $varvalue; if (rindex($varname, "OBCONFIG") != -1) { my $ldpath; my $ldconfig; ($ldpath, $ldconfig) = split /oracle/, $varvalue; $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = "$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}:$ldpath/oracle/reliaty/lib"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBset_ob_env(): path: $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}"); } } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBset_ob_env(): end"); } sub ltrim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; return $string; } # # OBset_sh_lib_path # # fix for lrg 4050441. Set the shlib path for *uix OSB shiphomes. # sub OBset_sh_lib_path { my $obconfig = "/etc/obconfig"; open obconfigpath, $obconfig or die "Can't find $obconfig: $!"; while () { my $varname; my $varvalue; ($varname, $varvalue) = split /:/; if (rindex($varname, "ob dir") != -1) { chomp($varvalue); $varvalue = ltrim($varvalue); $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = "$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}:$varvalue/lib"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBset_sh_lib_path(): 4: ($ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'})"); } } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBset_sh_lib_path(): end"); } # # OBpollJob # # Poll b/r jobs until they are completed, failed, or pended. # Return the transcript. # sub OBpollJob() { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob.OBpollJob(): start"); my @ids = split(/Info:/, $rbug); my $results = 0; my $err_msg; # If we get an error then just get out. if (rindex($rbug, "Error:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "obtool:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "Obtool:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "Obtar:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "obtar:") != -1) { my $err; if (rindex($rbug, "Error:") > -1) { $err = "Error:"; } if (rindex($rbug, "obtool:") > -1) { $err = "obtool:"; } if (rindex($rbug, "Obtool:") > -1) { $err = "Obtool:"; } if (rindex($rbug, "obtar:") > -1) { $err = "obtar:"; } if (rindex($rbug, "Obtar:") > -1) { $err = "Obtar:"; } my $lt; my $msg; ($lt, $msg) = split /$err/, $rbug; ($lt, $msg) = split /\n/, $msg; print "$rbug\n"; #api not supported in 11.2 DB #printAddJobParamsCmdBlk("-1","","$rbug"); return -1; } # Take a breath and sleep. #sleep 20; # Loop through all captured jobs and return the transcaripts. foreach (@ids) { # Get the job ID from $results. my $blah; my $jid; ($blah, $jid) = split /job id is/, $_; my $lindex = index $jid,'.'; if ($lindex != -1) { my $mpid = substr($jid, 1, $lindex - 1); # Poll OSB for job status my $temp_poll_command = "$poll_command --subjobs $mpid"; $ob_command = "$temp_poll_command"; OBrunOb(); # If the job has not finished then sleep and retry. my $len = length $mpid; while (checkForError() == 0 && checkForFailed($jstate) == 0 && $len > 0 && ( rindex($jstate, "running") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "ready to run") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "retryable") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "scheduled") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "pending resource availability") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "pending successful completion of preceding job") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "will start after specified restore delay") > -1 ) ) { my $trans_level = "3"; my $job_status = $rbug; #in emdbsa "action required" support is not available in EM job system. #so till that is available, OSB input pending jobs should be mapped to running status. Hence commenting out the section between **** ****. #************************************* #my $trans = fetchTranscript("$mpid",$trans_level); #printStepOutput("$trans","$orig_ob_command","$job_status"); #print "\n------------------\n"; #print "Operation in progress... \n"; #last if isUserActionRequired("$mpid", "$trans"); #************************************* # Sleep for 5 seconds. sleep 5; # Rerun the poll command. ob_command is a global variable and fetchTranscript needs to overwrite it with transcript command, so replacing it again here with the poll_command. $ob_command = "$temp_poll_command"; OBrunOb(); } #job is now succeeded or failed or pending user input #get the final status #sleep 20; $ob_command = "$temp_poll_command"; OBrunOb(); my $job_status = $rbug; # Set the status bit. if (checkForError() == 1 || $len == 0 || checkForFailed($jstate) == 1 ) { # mapped to failed $results = -1; $err_msg = "$jstate"; } elsif ((rindex($jstate, "completed successfully") > -1 || rindex($jstate, "completed with warnings") > -1 ) && $len > 0) { # mapped to success $results = 0; } else { # pending user input $results = 1; } # We r done, so return the transcript. my $trans_level = "3"; my $trans = fetchTranscript("$mpid",$trans_level); printStepOutput("$trans","$orig_ob_command","$job_status"); #api not supported in 11.2 DB #printAddJobParamsCmdBlk("$results","$mpid","$err_msg"); } } $fpoll = "no"; # print final status print "\n------------------\n"; my $optype = "Restore"; if ($frest == 0) { $optype = "Backup"; } print("$optype operation "); if ($results == 0) { print("successful."); } elsif ($results == -1) { print("failed."); } else { print("pending user input."); } return $results; } # # checkForError, each OBrunOb updates the $rbug variable with the output/error # so check the $rbug for different error strings and return 0 false or 1 true. # sub checkForError { my $isError = 0; if (rindex($rbug, "Error:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "obtool:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "Obtool:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "Obtar:") != -1 || rindex($rbug, "obtar:") != -1) { $isError = 1; } else { $isError = 0; } return $isError; } sub checkForFailed { my $state = $_[0]; my $isFailed = 0; if (rindex($state, "failed") > -1 || rindex($state, "cancelled") > -1 || rindex($state, "invalid") > -1 || rindex($state, "expired") > -1 || rindex($state, "exited") > -1 || rindex($state, "killed") > -1 || rindex($state, "completed partially") > -1 || rindex($state, "superseded") > -1 || rindex($state, "mixed results") > -1 ) { $isFailed = 1; } return $isFailed; } # isUserActionRequired (jobid, transcript) returns true or false # lsjob --inputrequest is one way to find if the job needs user input # however checking the transcript may cover more cases. sub isUserActionRequired { my $actionRequired = 0; my $mpid = $_[0]; my $trans = $_[1]; #sleep 20; $ob_command = "$poll_command --inputrequest --subjobs $mpid"; OBrunOb(); #rbug will have the job status if this jobid is indeed waiting for user input #else rbug says "Error: job not found or doesn't match selection criteria." if (rindex($rbug, "not found or doesn't match selection criteria") == -1) { $actionRequired = 1; } # quick way to put backup, restore job in action required status only for dev testing # uncomment the following elsif block, comment when done # for backup and restore, choose device that does not have volume loaded #elsif (rindex($trans, "A volume is needed to perform a backup") > -1 || # rindex($trans, "No volume could be found in") > -1) #{ # $actionRequired = 1; #} else { $actionRequired = 0; } return $actionRequired; } # fetchTranscript (jobid, trans_level) returns transcript sub fetchTranscript { my $mpid = $_[0]; my $trans_level = $_[1]; my $trans; my $len = length $mpid; my $temp_trans_command = $trans_command; if ($len > 0) { my $i = 1; #if transcript_level is non-empty, replace this level in the transcript command if ($trans_level) { my $indexLevel = index($trans_command, "--level"); if ($indexLevel > -1) { $temp_trans_command = substr($trans_command, 0, $indexLevel); $temp_trans_command .= "--level $trans_level"; } } # Build Job ID and get transcript. # If it was a backup then append the subjobs .x. my $lpid; if ($frest == 0) { $lpid = sprintf("$mpid.%d", $i); } else { $lpid = $mpid; } # Sleep for 20 seconds. #sleep 20; $ob_command = "$temp_trans_command $lpid"; OBrunOb(); if ($frest == 0) { # Loop unilt there are no more transcripts. my $br = 0; while (rindex($rbug, "not found or doesn't match selection criteria") == -1 && $br == 0 && $len > 0) { $i = $i + 1; # Sleep for 20 seconds. #sleep 20; # If it was a backup then append the subjobs .x. $lpid = sprintf("$mpid.%d", $i); $ob_command = "$temp_trans_command $lpid"; $trans .= $rbug; OBrunOb(); } } else { $trans .= $rbug; } } return $trans; } # # prints the step output, input: transcript, obtool command, job status # clears the previous output and prints in the order : command, status, transcript # sub printStepOutput { my $trans = $_[0]; my $command = $_[1]; my $status = $_[2]; #api not supported in 11.2 DB #printClearOutputCmdBlk(); if ($command) { print "Command\n"; print "------------------\n"; print "$command\n\n"; } if ($status) { print "Current Status\n"; print "------------------\n"; print "$status\n\n"; } print "$trans \n"; } # # prints the xml command block that is processed by the EM job system # and used to clear the previous output of the step. # sub printClearOutputCmdBlk { print "\n"; print '$$$--*$$'; print ""; print " "; print " \%job_step_id\%"; print " "; print ""; print '$$$*--$$'; print "\n"; } # # prints the xml command block to add obtool_job_status and obtool_job_id # in the job parameter table of em jobs # sub printAddJobParamsCmdBlk { my $obtool_job_status = $_[0]; my $obtool_job_id = $_[1]; my $obtool_job_errmsg = $_[2]; print "\n"; print '$$$--*$$'; print ""; print ""; print " \%job_id\%"; print " \%job_execution_id\%"; print " "; print " "; print " obtool_job_status"; print " 1"; print " $obtool_job_status"; print " null"; print " 0"; print " "; # if job has failed or succeeded end the loop on emjob side # for this set the loopVar to 0 elements by setting to null if ($obtool_job_status == "-1" || $obtool_job_status == "0") { print " "; print " loopVar"; print " 0"; print " null"; print " null"; print " 0"; print " "; } if($obtool_job_id) { print " "; print " obtool_job_id"; print " 1"; print " $obtool_job_id"; print " null"; print " 0"; print " "; } if($obtool_job_errmsg) { print " "; print " obtool_job_errmsg"; print " 1"; print " $obtool_job_errmsg"; print " null"; print " 0"; print " "; } print " "; print " "; print ""; print '$$$*--$$'; print "\n"; } # # isRestoreType (longstatus i.e. output of lsj -l ) # sub isRestoreType { my $status = $_[0]; my $ptr = index($status, "Type:"); #24 = length of Type: + number of spaces before start of type string my $type = substr($status, $ptr+24,7); if (rindex($type,"restore") > -1) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } # # runOb # # Run Oracle Backup CLI and pass output backup up to the OMS. # sub OBrunOb() { my $opid = 0; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob.runOb(): start"); $? = 0; local $SIG{PIPE}; local $SIG{CHLD}; if (!$NT) { $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; } my $rbpath; my $other; my $ack; my $rblocal; # Check for obtool in the ob_command string. ($rbpath, $other) = split /obtool/, $ob_command; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob.runOb(): obpath: $rbpath"); # Check for .local.bin. ($rblocal, $ack) = split /bin/, $ob_command; chop $rblocal; if (-e "$rblocal/.bin.local/obtool") { ($rbpath, $other) = split /obtool/, $ob_command; $ob_command = "$rblocal/.bin.local/obtool $other"; } else { if (!-e "$rbpath/obtool" && !-e "$rbpath/obtool.exe") { print "ob_o.OBrunOb(): No obtool found:($ob_command): $rbpath [$rblocal/.bin.local/obtool]"; return -1; } } $tmprb = $ob_command; if ($NT) { $rbpath = join '\\', split /\//, $rbpath; my @leaves = split /\\/, $rbpath; $ob_command = ""; my $f = 0; while (@leaves) { my $leaf = shift @leaves; if ($f == 0) { $ob_command = $leaf; $f = 1; } else { my $pos = -1; if (index($leaf, " ", $pos) > -1) { $ob_command = "$ob_command\\\"$leaf\""; } else { $ob_command = "$ob_command\\$leaf"; } } } $ob_command = "$ob_command\\obtool.exe $other"; } # original ob_command variable is replaced by lsjob and catxcr command durig polling # so keeping a copy of the original command to print in step output if (!$orig_ob_command) { $orig_ob_command = $ob_command; } # fix for long restore commands on NT if ($NT && rindex($ob_command, "; restore --tohost") != -1) { my $ob_initial; ($ob_initial, $ob_command_ext) = split /cd --host/, $ob_command; $ob_command = $ob_initial; $ob_command_ext = "cd --host $ob_command_ext"; } # Look for ADE env file. my $rest; ($rbtmpfile, $rest) = split /bin/, $tmprb; chop $rbtmpfile; $rbtmpfile = "$rbtmpfile/rbmapvars.sh"; if (-e "$rbtmpfile") { OBset_ob_env(); } else { if (!$NT) { OBset_sh_lib_path(); } } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_o.OBrunOb(): open2: command: $ob_command"); $opid = open2(\*RDRFH, \*WRITER, "$ob_command 2>&1") || ((print "ob_o.OBrunOb: Unable to open the obtool process.
") && (return -1)); # Turn on autoflush for pipe output my $old_fh = select(RDRFH); $| = 1; select($old_fh); if (!$NT) { # set RDRFH non-blocking my $flags = ''; fcntl(RDRFH, F_GETFL(), $flags) or die "Couldn't get flags for RDRFH : $!\n"; $flags |= O_NONBLOCK(); fcntl(RDRFH, F_SETFL(), $flags) or die "Couldn't set flags for RDRFH: $!\n"; } # Turn on autoflush for standard output $old_fh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1; select($old_fh); # Write the password to obtool print WRITER $ob_password; print WRITER "\n"; if ($NT && $ob_command_ext) { print WRITER $ob_command_ext; print WRITER "\n"; } if ($sd_password) { print WRITER $sd_password; if ($NT) { print WRITER "\n"; } } if ($NT && $ob_command_ext) { print WRITER "quit\n"; $ob_command_ext = ""; } close WRITER; my $MAX_OUT_SIZE = 7168; #7K my $cur_out_size = 0; my $timeout = 0; my $rin; my $rout; $rbug = ""; $jstate = ""; if (!$NT) { my $rin; # Construct the data structure for select call vec($rin, fileno(RDRFH), 1) = 1; my $bufSize = 100; my $fullBuf =""; my $buf; my $sysret; while (1) { # wait for reading event on RDRFH, or timeout after 5 seconds $a = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 5 ); if ($a > 0 && vec($rout,fileno(RDRFH),1)) { # There are something in RDRFH for read $sysret = sysread RDRFH, $buf, $bufSize; if (defined($sysret)) { if ($sysret == 0) { # RDRFH is closed by ob last; } else { my $fullBuf .= $buf; $cur_out_size += length($buf); my $f = rindex $fpoll,"yes"; if ($f < 0) { print "$buf"; } else { $rbug .= $buf; my $ptr = rindex $rbug,"Priority:"; my $ptr2 = rindex $rbug,"State:"; my $lt = length($jstate); if ($ptr > -1 && $lt == 0) { # 24 = length of State: + number of spaces before start of status string, 5 = number of spaces before Priority: $jstate = substr ($rbug, ($ptr2 + 24), $ptr-$ptr2-24-5); } if (!$frest || $frest == 0) { $frest = isRestoreType("$rbug"); } } } } } else { # select() times out or detects an error if ($timeout > 60) { # ob has exited as detected by the reaper # we do a final non-blocking reading in case there are something # in the pipe left by obtool while ($sysret = sysread RDRFH, $buf, $bufSize) { $fullBuf .= $buf; $cur_out_size += length($buf); my $f = rindex $fpoll,"yes"; if ($f < 0) { print "$buf"; } else { $rbug .= $buf; } } last; } $timeout = $timeout + 5; } } } else { # NT case my $fullBuf =""; my $buf; my $sysret; do { $sysret = sysread RDRFH, $buf, 100; if (defined($sysret)) { $cur_out_size += length($buf); my $f = rindex $fpoll,"yes"; if ($f < 0) { print "$buf"; } else { $rbug .= $buf; my $ptr = rindex $rbug,"Priority:"; my $ptr2 = rindex $rbug,"State:"; my $lt = length($jstate); if ($ptr > -1 && $lt == 0) { # 24 = length of State: + number of spaces before start of status string, 5 = number of spaces before Priority: $jstate = substr ($rbug, ($ptr2 + 24), $ptr-$ptr2-24-5); } if (!$frest || $frest == 0) { $frest = isRestoreType("$rbug"); } } $fullBuf=$fullBuf.$buf; } else { print "An error ocurred when reading from ob: $? $!\n"; $ob_result = -1; } } while (defined($sysret) && $sysret != 0); } # xun: close RDRFH after reading is done close RDRFH; if ($NT) { # On NT, there is no reaper to collect the exit status of obtool. # We'll do it here. my $wpid = waitpid $opid, 0; if ($wpid != -1) { $ob_result = $?; } # if waitpid returns -1 (in which case it's a bug for perl), # we'll have to parse the obtool output to determine whether # the operation is successful or not } else { if (rindex( $fpoll,"yes") > -1) { sleep 5; } my $kid = 0; do { $kid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); } while $kid > 0; } if ($ob_result != 0) { $ob_result = -1; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob.runOb(): end"); return("return -1;"); }